Show ninon THE soy SOl tir HUNTING huy hun ring TING CREEK CHEEK wilkes county N NC C F february 1885 IM editor deseret news As my companion and I 1 have many acquaintances who peruse your valuable paper I 1 take the liberty to address you a fe few w lines to inform them concerning our whereabouts and how we are getting eting along in the sunny south I 1 since I 1 wrote yo you yon a last july in connection with john E roueche itou Ilou eche 1 i have labored continuously in this field and can say I 1 have enjoyed my labors and good health with the exception of twenty days in the latter part of october and arid beginning of november when I 1 suffered a severe attack of sickness sic knees on november elder chas P my companion at that tibebe inz in released to return home bade me adieu on the I 1 was joined by president amos cook and win wm 11 II gibbs the latter remaining with dle die me elder cook journeyed on to mitchell heil bell county our aur labors have been somewhat successful having baking baptized six and blessed four children since july A number of others are arc earnestly investigating vesti gating tim g but while this is the case we have realized as a natural consequence with our pi elders eiders ders the truth of the words of the apostle paul yea and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution on the of october a day we had appointed id n tied to baptize a young lady after E 0 holding I 1 meeting we proceeded 0 tithe the stream but were interrupted by a crowd of drunken men who had llad previously tilled our pond with brush and threatened to stone those who even attempted to pull it out As they were evidently well provided both with apple brandy and stones we thought it advisable to leave the grounds to them for the time being so we performed the ordinance the next day without bei bel being ug disturbed and the result resul was we baptized two instead of one on december esth we took a stroll out into a neighborhood that we had never before visited and calling on a citizen were made welcome but no sooner hooner had we taken seats and opened up a conversation than the gentleman of the house was called out by one of his hirelings who insisted on him ordering us off which request was ignored still insisting he was order edoff the tile plantation and threatened with a genuine whip whipping pIn if he failed to comply ile he put pat hir his nis foot la lh the road and aad moved on the next morning we came in for a share of spite created by tae toe proceedings just mentioned As wo we were on our way to the postoffice post office we passed parsed a baptist church house that was being repaired by ten men when we had passed on about IW yards five of them the leader being a deacon followed in haste and be beean besan gan zan throw throwing ln stones at ns us which chev continued while wu we traveled half a tolfe one of the missies hit bit elder gibbs in the side but dirt did not hurt him badly as it struck a book that was in his pocket which warded off the farce force of the th stone estone since then we have traveled the country without being molested of late the gentler sex seem to be interest interesting themselves i about us as we learned tsy they were organizing a club to banish us from their midst anthe on the leist irist we wended bended our way to fishing creek to attend chas C wrights school exhibition the exercises commenced with music followed by stump speeches dialogues declamations and recitations the te morning exercises closed with a dialogue entitled trouble in a mormon fae faY family nily better known as cariuda Mar ioda iuda slicker from squash hollow out among the Mor 11 characters Char actors amaziah Amazi all ali heep hee pal with ten wives and marinda a fair gentile lady out at salt lake city on a flying visit mrs slicker was accosted on the street by N mr ir heep wh who 0 wanted her to become his eleventh wife she accepted the offer just to be a funnon 1 belna being beina approached pro ached by amaziah for ach a kirs sti to bild blid bind the bargain she immediately knocked him down with her carpetbag ba g A flight ensued participated in b by y a all ail II 11 his wives resulting lag tag in the lady fro from squash holler giving Ama amo amaziah ziah ziab vives wives and all a serious thrashing after which she was left to pursue her way back to boston unmolested this piece was evidently performed perl ormed to stir up strife and excite prejudice and a asu ast the characters were mostly females I 1 think I 1 am right in saying they are doing the most against us at the present time having I 1 written more than I 1 expected to I 1 will say we are enjoying ourselves and feel thankful thanks u I 1 to our heavenly eather father 1 for shielding us when pursued py enemies ever praying for tor the spread of truth I 1 remain yours youra truly ERASTUS G earmer FARMER |