Show ehe THE SIMPSON POLYGAMY CASE V the THE TESTIMONY ALL IN the work securing of ns a jury in the above case was continued in the pis brict court yesterday afternoon james dwyer was excused because he could not show that he was a citizen 4 seven more names were drawn from the jury box of these win wm being prejudiced against all mists was challenged by the defense geo il HS refused to answer the question as to his bis religious bell beil belief f and anil was excused R RC CAlcE wan had formed an opinion in the case excused adolph anderson filled tilled ail au requirements quire ments and was passed this completing the panel which is as follows james E baine Ea raine paine ine lne G D schell edward bird 1 I A brim J R nichols E edward idward rotch geo L lee ce G W walton W AV knox J W meacham I 1 jennings adolph anderson the clerk read the ind in ing thomas simpson with having coin coln committed m bitted the crime of polygamy by marrying emma everett when be had bad abile a wite wife rannah hannah powell amy smith the first witness testified fied nied to having been a witness to the marriage of thomas simpson and miss everett by judge E smith in july 1883 john simpson Sl nephew of the thil defendant fen dant testified that he knew the latter in hull england I 1 was present when he married emma everett knew hannah powell in hull believed she bhe vas was acquainted with defendant defend ailt alit there knew nothing of their marriage there warned him when he be went to judge smith that he had better look out oui trat he would cat ii it for going into poly poy amy gamy and he denied going goin into futo it had testified to this before ae I 1 ahe equils comila ss loner ioner got the idea that ills bis uncle had married airs powell from bib bit havica having followed her to london remembered his bis arrest did lid iid ild say that he must let defendants wife know and referred to Mrs airs powell merely had all an idea that she was his w wife fe had no particular reason for hav having ilg that idea thomas dav davis S the next witness had worked with S simpson lupson at tile the utah central he and 11 hannah a guati powell had visited witness hoube house in company had always addressed heras mrs simpson Sini pion defendant made no protest to this knew new nothing of a subscription to bring his fils wife from the old country had visited simpsons Simp sons house hoube once ile ilu ile lie and hannah powell nad had always I 1 left leit witness house in company mrs thomas las davis testified that simpson and mrs airs powell had visited 1 at her house frequently they always left tos together gether she sue had haw had called MM mrs powell mrs simpson as she thought she was joseph westwood ivas was called he had headed a subscription list started for the purpose of brin bringing glug mr air simp sons wife irom the old country and handed the money obtained together with the list to simpson impson Si george everett testified testified emma everett was his sister she died feb ath had heard simpson speak of lils his wife Il annall hannah both before and after be ile marrie married emma dEmma after the subscription was raised simpson said be he had sent foghis for his wife three times and would do so no more cross crosh ex examination ami nation was a mormon knew nothing about polygamy had nu no hard feelings against simpson told the Commissi commissioner oner oper that simpson had married miss everett on july 12 izi had bad sworn out the complaint against him a marshal went with him before the commissioner had bad told no one before that witness sister aster and simpson were married about two months mouths before they separated she baid bald she left him because the other woman was coming coining out witness had put down something on the subscription list to bring ti her hen r out ite lie direct had never seen the district attorney before making the complaint to commissioner mckay the court adjourned until 10 am today TO days bays days bays proceedings mrs george everett a sister in law of defendants defendant defenda nl s wife emma everett was the first witness sv avorn orn and testified that previous to defendants marriage ria e witti with emma everett she heard M him say he had bad a wife in england and inlew intended ed to send her money to come here she knew of his writing to her she did not know anything of their marriage in june 1883 defendant said ber bev devould he would ouid send for her fier to come once more and if she did not come then he would never send again he married emma everett in july heber AV west testified to having seen seena a subscription purporting tobe to be fo for fon r til the e purpose of bringing defendants wife w i I 1 from f r m england en fand land mr A barker said he had contributed to a subscription subs subi which he understood was to bring defendants wife fro he did not lead read the headin of the subscription list john loumell rumell liu mell meil testified ile he was acquainted quain ted with thos simpson but could not tell when they first met they both nad had worked in the freight department at the U C depot he did not remember whether defendant got a pass from froin him to go to ogden to meet his the fall of ISM 1883 or not he ne had given iven defendant several passes william cunnan night watchman at the depot testified that about a year 5 ear and a half hall ago defendant came to him filin one evening in his shirtsleeves shirt sleeves and said everett had turned him out of liis his I 1 house where he was boarding he asked simpson why he had been served in that way and he said they had found out that he had a wife in england and had bad now turned a cold shoulder tier to him and would not let him go into the house on this occasion defendant said he ex expected acted his wife here in the fall atness witness saw sav her baggage when it arrived and it was marked urs mrs airs simpson 11 george everett remembered Ke having b been een shown the tile divorce granted to the defendant john simpson showed it I 1 t to him ile he denied having told john that if his brother the defendant had bad paid 5 or 10 a month for the support of emma there would have been no trouble in the matter here the evidence lor the prosecution rested and mr whittemore after making a short address to the jury stating what he proposed to show introduced trod witnesses for the defense mrs hannah powell testified she had known defendant for 12 years in hull england she arrived here nov nor 14 1883 and commenced living with A mrs ir IS simpson i in apson defendants mother she was married to samuel powell 25 years aeo ago and had bad two children by b him im a son aged 24 and a daughter 1 20 10 2 1 0 mr air powell died in london about four years agosh ewas defendant marriage with him was wag talked of before he left england but it never neter took toot place ce he left soon after lier her husband died d and nd came to america with the understanding d n banding that it the country suited him he would send for her and they would be married here homr to mr dickson her husband was wag sick in a hospital at london several rears years ears eans before lie he died he died before defendant J enfant left england she corresponded with defendant after he came here he had frequently visited her before li he left england both before and after the death of 61 her husband he sent her money three times to come here but she did not get it the firs first nor second time her ba daae baggage a e was marked mrs simpson as sue U expected to be his wife as soon as she arrived she admitted that she had been addressed as mrs birs simpson by the neighbors but denied having ever been married to him she told deputy ferguson that she was mrs simpson when he called to subpoena her but denied having told him that th thoy r were married 12 years ago ili in hull huil england she also denied avin hiving iving h te testified testicle to that statement before t the he commissioner simpson was divorced from emma everett about a year after she came here john joha simpson tes testified titled that G george eorge everett told him that if defendant had paid 1 15 5 or 10 a month for emmas support ort there thera would have been no trouble tie ele about the matter defendant thomas simpson testified that he had been here about three years had known hannah powell for eleven years had proposed marriage marriage 1 1 to her nine years ago but was informed by her that she had a husband after his death he renewed the suit and left en england giand gland with the understanding that if this country suited him be would send bend for her and marry many her he was married to emma everett july lath 1883 and lived with her until the following september lie he applied for a divorce in december 1883 and got it on december lith 1884 nine days after being divorced div divorced be was arrested on this charge lie he intended to marry hannah powell as soon as everything was settled ferg ferguson testified two days after simpson was arrested he visited hannah powell to subpoena her as a witness she told him then that she was defendants wife and that they were married 12 years previous in hull england this closed the evidence and mr dickson made a brief opening argument after which court adjourned until 2 p m |