Show mome HOME AND IX editor deseret news much has been said in reference the manufacture of iron tron sugar other stapie staple commodities to which beems teems to require the outlay of great reat amount of capital but while our speculators are flouring floering flou ring ning on larger industries the average can very profitably turn his attention lou iou to the production of other things wheat and oats which just now are a drug iu in the market the policy storing up grain has been advised by some of our best thinkers and while it is mv my belief there is too much bread raised raisel here there is decidedly too little of other necessaries ries rles wenteh we are importing by the car load every few days and which might with great reat advantage produced reproduced be right ato azo at home this has suggested a few words of council which may mav not be amiss at this time for if oui our oun farmers hut but knew the demands of the markets they would exert themselves to supply them instead of glutting the trade with wheat and oats lucern SEED it has been the disagreeable duty of the writer to answer at least nifty fifty fiat com coro from firms east cast ani and west asking for lucern seed geed eed to each of which the yep rep reply lybas has gone that the seed Is not in the country and therefore the applicants must seek other sources of supply from present prospects the trade tra c in lucern seed for the next few ye years IS will he be greater than it is now at least fifty atif ty carloads of lbs bs each can be readily d disposed is posed in the surrounding states an alq territories at an average P price rt 1 e of ten cents per poun pound sacked a and n put on the cars cara coin coln compute ute this and you will find from supplying ying this great want even at so low a estimate aa as nifty fifty alf ty carco adsit would bring to producers in hard cash comparing this with the profit on wheat we find tind that afif nifty fifty tv cars of I 1 lucern lucern seed worth more than four faur cars of wheat at ruling prices the dimille reason why more lucern seed has not been raised we think is because our farm ers have not been advised of the de mands of the market LINSEED OU FLAX FUM SEED the numerous carloads car loads of boiled and raw linseed oils annually brought into utah and consumed is actually surprising why not raise our own flax seed and manufacture our oils at home instead of hiring kansas and nebraska farmers to raise the seed manufacture the oils and pay some railroad company from 1 to f 2 per case to bring it here let some of our farmers co together it will not require any great amount of capital an and establish an oil works to be owned by a stock company to supply the oil we need without going a thousand miles mites east or west to get what we can produce better at home reference to an enterprise of this kind it is ofen afen of en the case a failure is made lor for some cause or other one of the most fruitful sources of failure is is in employing some genius from the east or somewhere else who presumes to understand all about a certain branch of business and perhaps he does at home but is unaccustomed to makeshifts of western life of course he wants a big salary and what is still worse for the enterprise he pe get silt slit not only salary but all the modem paraphernalia pher nalia nalla in III that particular branch must be sent for at great expense and in ili less time than it takes to write the fact failure is the result and ind another home industry is no more moderate salaries fewer clerks and still fewer cewe r overseers and superintendents are the best safe safeguards bards against failure A n new v w business in this way and success is the result every time CASTOR OIL in connection with the manufacture of linseed oils another profitable branch branc hof of industries is the tha production of castor oils for lubricating and many other purposes this oil in its several grades is Is imported by the carload into utah and consumed by its people without ever asking if we cannot produce the article night right at home vc we are furnishing people on ule illic east cast and west employment to produce this article while hundreds of our friends are hunting something to do charity it is said begins at home this is charity we must treat ourselves to SMALL WHITE BEANS DEAN 8 are brought into utah by the tile carload while they can be pi produced here quite ast as well weli eli eil as anywhere else on earth and a ready market for them found at good prices but bat we ive employ californians to raise them while our friends have nothing to do and after paying the railroad company 4 per hundred for fot freight we must mast come to the conclusion that our needs cost more than necessity demands HOPS this ready sale in this market and might just as well be pro deuced at home as imported f from rom afar there is no reason why hops hobs cannot be raised in utah with as in much tich ilch success as in illinois or anywhere else wont sonye of our farmers see sec what ahat can be done iu lu the matter glss GRASS SEEDS principally red clover and timothy I 1 am sorry horry to note are i spoiled I 1 i vast quantities cles cies and importation of course means sold as such goods would never be sent for if there was no demand for them wb why canut cant these and all other crass seeds needed by our population be grown thrown at home can anyone tell CHEESE when will we establish dairies throughout the territory and stop the importation of cheese and butter the pr principal capital needed is no more tha than simple organization carload atter attar carload of cheese is beins brought inand in and consumed by the inhabitants of utah while we ought to produce not only all we need but a gleat pleat portion of anat is needed elsewhere in places where grazing lands are not so p plentiful atif til will not some enterprising communities start movements of thib thil this S kind ropes in connection with the linseed or flax lor for project a branch might be established for the manufacture of rope which ia Is in great demand here there ther i e is no DO reabon reason whyde why we cannot produce it as cheaply as californians and the outlay to start a rope factory is not a tithe of what Is necessary to establish an institution ution for the manufacture of cloth and a number of such are in profitable operation SYRUPS notwithstanding the great amount of molasses produced in utah there is apparent need for importing syrups from kansas kansa or california in large quantities the principal cause causa of this appears to be that thesy produced in utah are not sufficiently refined to meet the wants of the trade A syrup refinery would woula end the importation of this article PRACTICAL silt SALT LAKE CITY march 11 |