Show fews mom lon MISSOURI I 1 s nty ney R MO 1 i 4 february oth 1885 editor deseret news it is now a long time since your readers have heard anything from this place i there is hardly anything I 1 co could uld did write that could be called calle d llew news I 1 but still it might be interesting to some to hear from the land of promise where all who are enga engaged e d in the lat ter day work expect great reat things to be a accomplished in the fulfillment fulfilment fulfillment fulfilment of certain predictions uttered by various prophets but which at present look very DARK AND DOUBTFUL we have had bad an unusually long iong co cod id and stormy storms winter here doing consid crable damage to fruit trees stock etc it has been especially hard oil on t the tie tle poorer cla cia classes saes of people who Nho hive hwe suffered extreme extremely ay f not fiot only from col coi cold coid d but because of the financial condition con dlton diton of of the country both labor and credit are ruined mined the poor cannot get the necessities of life unless they have the money and the they cannot get money without labor laboy which is really hot to be had the result is hundreds of idle needy men and their families are are in g gabat want it seems wonderful bow they can manage to live at all it can almost be said d there is a FAMINE IN THE laai laal while it is f full fuli ull all of bread and an abundance of all things except labor or the means whereby the laboring classes cannot obtain relief it seems that a crisis is inevitable for foe if the capitalists monopolists railroads and gamblers I 1 continue to drain the country of all its wealth and lock it up in their banks and gra granaries narles and deprive the poor 0 r working irking classes of the means of livelihood it will certainly end in disaster sooner or later it Is expected under the new administration admi nitration however that times will improve this will doubtless be the case if it removes the causes causer that produced this state of affairs the nation needs reform badi badir badly the population population of independence has increased rapidly and the city is growing fast the majority however of the new comers collers are of the tho josephite Joseph itell faith who are becoming very obnoxious I 1 io to a great many of the citizens because of their GREAT CHEAT pretensions AND SMALL PRACTICES we often hear ot them cli cil charging arwin argin the people of utah with crime prime and lin tin imploring the govern government men t to pull I 1 out the mote from florn their eyes uil ull while here in this town we ve find men of their stamp doing the same things of which they accuse utah viz the robbing of the poor for here some of their preachers are b buying ayin lands and nd dividing them up into small smail lots and selling them to their poor brethren at enormous fronts profits been noticed and commented on by non 11 mormon formon 1 citizens we often hear of utah as the I 1 scum of so society clety 91 if that is the case it can very truthfully be said that ites are the scum of utah the constitution says congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the tile free exercise thereof Re religion lilon ll 11 webster says Is a system of mith faith falth or worship still efforts are being con to legis legislate latel ag against the religion of the mormons cormons Mor mons and the main movers in the demand for legislation against utah the most bitter spirit of persecution is harbored and hanif manifested ested arc are people calling themselves latter day saints and professing to believe in the doctrine and covenants which book advocates the befriending of that law which is the constitutional law of the land 11 we have haye been visited by 4 t GENERAL who is on a lecturing tour to make some money at the expense of the formans gei mormons Mor for lor mons 91 I 1 he lc advertised freely displaying his views inq 1 1 understand his audience consisted mostly of empty chairs thou though gh quite unexpected fori for cannot remember the time when utah was so much spoken against and the 11 mormon 11 ormon question so conspicuous as at the present if show which way the wind blows it Is evident unless things thins take a different shape soon there will RI b e P very veit little peace rest or safety for H 5 UTAH OR THE aror alor MORMONS there are thousands in the states sta tes who would wohld be glad to have a pretext to go there for the purpose of exterminating the mormons cormons Mor mons until recently there has been no unusual amount of sickness in this part of the country but now there is a litle tle tie excitement concerning the TYPHOID FEVER which is prevalent at kansas city some are looking for the cholera to come with the summer su climer ll imer 1 I inu must t tell your readers con concerning concertin cernin 9 an order organized here last NN inter called the ORDER OF or ENOCH the principle upon which they are organized is the law of equality as revealed in the doctrine and covenants They tsay isay they believe in following christs example in regard to matrimony and that men and women must live in absolute chastity audinot and not multiply until christ comes they bulle buile the he bride of christ or his church aust be a virgin in they also aiso o bellve all an and forty four thousand will be ie gathered by this doctrine and when christ comes they will be commanded to multiply and their children will arow v up and ne never verdle verdie ile lie lle but be changed they y claim that noah noa h and his sons for preached reached and practiced this doctrine or more thap thad loo ye arsand were af afterwards ter commanded to multiply in they claim enoch lived by the saine same law by which he was redeemed they are now preparing to colonize some part of ol the land of missouri and intend to buy lands and possess them according to tile the laws bip of consecration or equality receiving their inheritances by casting lots this new movement is com composed of men and women whity were formerly members of various denominations and so far the order has been quite successful E PETERSON PETERS ON |