Show expressions IS drom FROM THE PEOPLE A PLEA F FOR TIIE THE PEOPLES RIGHTS RIGHTS IN T j i THE territories i themo the government of the people is a has occupied the attention of statesmen and philosophers in all ag ages es and dinall in ait alt climes wherever organized led iced government has existed and it became necessary to legislate for and in behalf of the people comprising said governments still the subject ignot is not exhausted I 1 the condition and circumstances of today to day vary wary from those of esterday yesterday even in the same countries involving the necessity oi 01 fresh ler lel legislation A to meet the ever occurring wants of the masses further the wise statesman does not stop to have forced upon his notice thu the immediate wants of the people but will seek to penetrate the f future u and foresee if possible what will be forthe fortne best and provide for these emergencies for are not these men the fathers of their country as much as the head of a household is the father of the family and should he not feel as much interest in providing not only for their immediate but their future wants a as does a wise and prudent father provide for his family and when he dies should he not leave to them an unencumbered inheritance that is worthy of his name it is not often however that we tind end patriotism or love of country EQUAL TO PARENTAL AFFECTION A few such examples have been handed down to our time and never do we mention these names but with the greatest reverence mankind no matter how low and debased they may become intuitively reverence to virtue manifest manifesting ing inq itself as it does not only in the physical being but in all the walks and acts of life and as the man nan who occupies the loftiest loft iest position isse Jsse is seen enand and criticized by the greatest number his virtues are in proportion to his prominence the conditions and wants of the people are determined largely by physical causes and no matter how desirable it might appear at times to remove some of these yet it is impossible and we ve ara ar compelled to accept the theair circumstances circum cum stances as they exist for we did not make the earth neither can we change the face thereof hence legislation looked looking to the best good of the people must be in harmony with and ino not opposed to any of these self seit exist ant w facts IT the he wisdom of a aL lycurgus curgus a socrates and their icon contemporaries te in por arles aries shines out oat ut brilliantly upon the pages of history but the legislation of their day except in a few particulars bould ulli be unfitted to this age the Islat lor lon necessary in great britain would be very unshed unsuited to capt in the matter of inter commerce and other international questions in which each party is equally interested he the OBJECT OF ALL WISE LEGI legislation LATION latron is the well being of the people arnd arid the perpetuity 1 of the government all acts ter having v ing this tendency are to td be applauded piau plau plau piau ded while the opposite can only be e viewed with sorrow communities as well as have each their individual Interest sand the well being and prosperity of a community simply means the thecae sae sape to the state hence the necessity of wise legislation as pertaining to communities then agthe the people of the commonwealth have their individual rights which must not be ignored the anomalous condition of the re veople PEOPLE ople OF THE TITE territories in these United States is a subject of great interest no not nol tonly toniy only to the people therein but butto butlo tto the th nation at large large ifasi ifasi believe unjustly claimed the deop people le of a Terri territory tor y are to be treated as c children hildren either in I 1 swaddling clothes or at the best as youths under ulder age and responsible to the parent government for all their acts would it not be wise for that parent to treat these children in a manner so as to secure to himself their confidence and esteem instead of taking a course to produce estrangement raould should not the greatest grea tent wisdom be exercised in the selection of guardians and tutors f for or these infant sons who will by and b by grow to manhood and assert their nights rights as men A child will not always remain a child hence our treatment of him should be with a view to his coming manhood in fact it should be of a character to develop that man manh 1 hood and not to stunt or dwarf his growth for there Is no nation but needs and has hits use for every well developed son that has be been enborn born to it never should any of her sons be permitted to chafe and fret under restraint or bondage that is the very opposite to the spirit and genius of american amerlean government but should be early made to feel that liber ilber liberty tyis is life ilfe itself THE WRONG THAT HAS BEEN DONE to the territories in the years that are past is too palpably evident to admit of question strangers have been their guardians and tutors whose oni only y I 1 interest has been the salaries t they r received they have not only shia shamefully haf ll 11 neglected but antoo in too many instances grossly abused their trust and thou though E the parent government has been en petitioned again and again to change the regime it has tod of often ten turned a deaf ear tu to our prayers and has virtually declared the treatment was good enough for us landwere and aud sere vere were it not kr lor the filial affection that is so strongly implanted within us oswe we should have rebelled long iong ago despite the mortifying ordeals through which we have passed and the cruel treatment we have received many of us have grown to be men with manly instincts feelings and desires and shall we not make bold to assert our rights al such many of our brethren who who have attained their majority and received their inheritance are like pharaohs Phara chief butler who having received favors from joseph while in bondage forgot all about him and his bis promise to intercede for him when he should obtain his and only remembered bim him when joseph became necessary to the state then when his services were all important and could not be dispensed with he could be shown favor and regard and how quickly did lie lle ste lAnto the position for which he was so admirably fitted lifted both j by nature and endows endowment ent t the tutelage to which the people of i the territories are subjected pd and the wrongs inflicted upon them in many ways reflect strongly upon the parent government and should oe be changed there Is another point in this connection that should not be overlooked which is a great drawback to the people of the ter territories Tarri r tonies tories and also an evil of no small moin moment enu I 1 unless checked it will result in disaster to the nation leta let a territory through its duleau duly authorized zed representatives SEEK ADMISSION INTO THE UNION and ad prove satisfactorily that it possesses all the qualifications necessary under the constitution it is then subjected to a very critical examination as to what political party it belongs and th the c chances of admission depend 1 largely r g e ay if not entirely upon the astren strength th of the party in congress assembled whose side you are on thus are the legal and constitutional rights of the people ignored and sacrificed at the shrine of party feeling and for party purposes nor is this all RELIGIOUS TESTS we are ibold are to be tie applied in the case of the territory of utah and unless some of the principles of their faith are abandoned and cease to be practiced practiced by them they must remain forever forever in their present condition of territorial vassalage what an anomaly in this free republic an assembly of brothers of your own blood and kiu kin plainly telling him who has attained his manhood we will not grant you your rights unless you yon make mabe your bourre religion accord with our views it is in vain that he protests and points them to the time when each in turn received an inheritance without any such stipulations requirements or sacrifices shades of washington jefferson adams and your cola coia co la laborers b 0 aers in establishing this glorious republic who yielded every party and religious feeling when individual ual and constitutional rights were concerned look down from your heights and tell us what you sou think of the change in so short a time the question now arises WHAT WILL THE PEOPLE OF oil UTAH db DO I 1 am but one individual and can only answer for myself yet being acquainted quain ted with the feelings of the majority I 1 am assured that no such concessions ces will be made we could not afford it the very men who ate so clamorous that we should yield just one cardinal point in our faith would be the first to orand us as cowards we should be ashamed of ourselves and god would cast us off as unworthy of himself again were we to yield one point we should then be asked to make other concessions until not a solitary vestige of our religion would remain no we will bide our time and rather remain in bondage aa as joseph aljoseph did of nation can no lon fon iong fong er do without us we shall then re like ilke him step to our place therein and fill it as completely as ho he did did and perchance become its savior may we lye not hope la in view viany ol 01 0 thein thoin coming administration which professes the greatest reverence for all constitutional provisions and guarantees that the wrongs done to the territories during the pat past twenty f four our oun years year swill will not be repeated hereafter although the nation may und find itself brought face tt tp face with national questions question of the most vital importance requiring not only much time to consider but the very III ill highest chest ability to determine wisely thereon marwe may max we not f further urther hope that the distant territories will not be forgotten and when they shall knock for admittance the door will de be thrown wide opeland op enand no party feeling oppose gur gun brothers entrance and that neith rr er shall any religious test deprive him of the possession of his lightf rightful ul inheritance EQUAL RIGHTS EIGHTS |