Show HOUGH OX ON IAIN lain PLASTER ulaster porous and strengthening strength enina improved the best for backache pains in ili chest or side rheumatism 2 C D Drus crusts r I 1 s t ts s 0 orui orri r I 1 i i lii ill ail w elle PILES lii III sure aire cure for blind Blee bleeding dint and piles oil unee box has cured curad the woi wor s l t ases ot 20 years standing no one gue I 1 reed iced 11 ev 11 ed stiffer five in manutes n u tes af after ter ten link nin aln williams indian pile ointment its gibso tl tin tumors nors norn illais itching abets as is poultice ice icv aives instant relief P PIP 0 pa pard ri illy aily only for tor piles itching 0 j the private part parts nothing else sold by nd mailed ou on receipt of 90 V kud lud loo for baitt s tiet tite bv Z C M I 1 drug dru dept co props Clevel cleveland kud hud ohio VA VATAn ZA M nii 1111 OF THE BLADDER htiu Sti nin uin lug ing irritation inflammation ail ali all kidney and urinary complaints cured oy 41 1 w LEGAL NOTICE GUARDIANS ACCOUNT iii in the probate court within and for salt lake county in the territory of utah hon ron elias A 1 smith judge in the matter of the estate of mary uary 31 garn andrew garn josephine garn william F garn garn phillip philli pharn garn jacob garn and fann fanny y M garn 11 minor aino heirs of tho the estate of daniel an I 1 ea garn deceased BABEL SNOW THE DULY ZERUB appointed and the duly qualified guardian of the estate 0 the above named minor heirs of the estate of daniel garn deceased having on the second day of january A dr 1883 duly filed in this court his report and account as such guardian u up to lle lie ile tiie first day of Janu january aryA A D 1885 ism by which ich it appears that the said sald mary 31 garn andrew garn josephine garn gain and phillip garn have arrived that he lie had settled with them and each of them deil dell delivered ered over to them and each of 0 them all the property pry perty erty and money belonging to them and cac each yi of th them em which came to his hands as such guch guardian and also showing the estate and its condition now in his hands belonging to garn jacob garn fanny M garn and william F garn who minors and praying foran for sor an order ot of court appointing and continuing the same it is or ordered ered b by y the court that eliat this matter be set roc tor a hearing at the court house in salt lake county in said territory on the third day of april A D at 10 a ra and that all persons interested in said estate then and there appear and show cause if any there be why said report and account should not be approved and confirmed and that this order be published i in n NR the DESERET WEEKLY NEWS s in three successive issues before the said third day 11 i Y ot of april 1885 and the clerk of this t post up notices thereof in the manner required T by law dated january rth ELIAS A SMITH probate judge territory of utah county of salt lake sa ss 1 I john C cutler clerk of the probate C court ourt in and for the county of salt lake in the Terri territory toor of utah do hereby certify i that the fore fort foregoing going is a full true and correct cop of the order appointing time and place for settlement of account eto etc in the matter of the guardianship of the estate of mary 31 garn et al as appears of record in my office in witness whereof I 1 have here unto set my hand and affixed seal sean SEAL the seni seal of said court this ith day of january jannary A D laa johs JOHN C CUTLER www probate clerk K E N N E dyve 1 I 1 L i XA mafte ate 1 TRADE reo OM aa 4 FA 49 everno eor FOR DYS adv rev s m R edn ddn om wem mom 1 ri upp epp S W 0 tan compounded WITH MINERAL W WATER AT E R tol toi aa Z 18 E wk T 4 REMEDY IM THE igl igi 1 FOR rheumatism dyspepsia constipation sedentary diseases Disease sp biliousness kidney complaint lung diseases impure blood 01 P U diio dilo C 0 N proprietors AND SOLE GOLE manufacturers OMAHA NEB SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GROCERS AND WINE MERCHANTS nema i jr fr PA R R E it V A M EJ 1 A S jr r wnm kiisk jre IRE rhe best and most economical fiur flur li ir dressing anti and froin materials that are ben fiatal to As tle hair and scalp calp parkies hair nair ha I 1 catan calan is highly esteemed ace med mod everywhere for its excellence and super loi toi cleanliness II 11 clevet ralis falls to neatom des Kes toti iori oe youthful Youth tul lul coor color and ard and lusti s corray ic kroy oreadee orf or kdee faded haigli elegantly per fumed ana is w ca remove dandruff bandru and ad a d itch hin inot of me scalp prevent ailing falling ol 01 the har ilaa ibl ECK and 41 1 I alar glar jehlen dewerd la ill drugs L kie KIR 0 1 I 1 dij h r hi T 0 hl 19 A superlative health wd Ini strength nestr rest nestos se s if f au u arca area tn if at fanner worn avorn out weh cr er 11 ik K ur r a run down by famil family or li IL usa asa lulies try IAk lak ber s b lumc ionic if you on pre ere a nver mner nv liw er cr mini miri ster stet or 01 bui bul budness nets man ex er strain rr anxious cares ds not uett ue larkers gluger tool if nl have ha e on D cheur 1 ism Y kidney d a ot IT annary n i tary iary or if you are trouble troubled 4 with e t any ard of oaths the tha lungs stomach cb bowels bowes blood or nerves yon yow cari cart by PARK ER s gingter it is the Greate greatest bt blood Pu suriller riller blid and t tia as gest gesl and surest cough cure cura ever blad if you are bastin z away from age n ge dissipation a any disease or weak weakness and reo uirt a stimulant lant rike kike cincar tn r a R to ic at once it t will invigorate and build vo ot up fron froni t til it first arst dose but will never intoxicate it has saved hundreds of lives it may save J CO william st SL X york tort zoc toe mi a on no dollar sizes at all dealers dealer in medi medicines cines cites GREAT SAYING saving BUYING dollar SIZE its rich and lasting fragrance has mad madl this delightful perfume exceedingly exceeds bigly popular 1 I there hero is nothing llo ido ild it in Insist ss upon bavm bavine of fughs toi TON cologna and anu look for signa signature t ure a of al 96 9 6 r on evey eacy r y ottie ottle any druggist ordeal or dealer er in I 1 ter dr j sizes 0 11 1 TIIE THE LIVER liyeh AND find ITS T has his a va well weil il established fact that the JT larger portion of disca ca cs to which tho human family is subject arise in the arst tirsa place placer from some sune d derangement of tha the liver I 1 his hia organ Is not t onil cull only th the larrest largest but lut at the same time ona ons of th most amt important Th the ibe venous blood on its retarn tarn to the heart basses through this organ and in its passage the impi also the secretions which are ara necessary for digestion as well as for a cathartic cath artio to assist in tho the renewal of at waste material rialto ac are eliminated erom prom this it is easily san saba that the liver liberia is liable to get out ot of order to a greater or less extent and when this occurs it la is impossible foit foe fc it to properly fulfill fulfil its office of removing nil all objectionable matter from the blood but hot allows allow s it to pass miss through anz with it the poisons of w which ich it should ic hava bata been een relieved with ith ina ira ure F ba blood edys tem te in becomes affect PRICK LYASH edana no organ cun can B BITTERS I 1 T 7 E R so properly perform its the aha result of runtti function 0 unless it Is at 0 study nars gars year exper i m nt supplied with PURE pune medical resea reses research rebe rehi BLOOD to maintain and practice of dr its strength gotho 80 tho bf F its ita liver live becomes mes all gill originator irn ira Important and its buc sue cess an ant when 0 ona a w wherever has the feeling used Is suf sut of being continually onty oaty icia tire dworn c merit out is con tool sti natives and aden lma laa lish that clasa cy to piles plies of remedies headache 8 BITTERS can bave bata beckstom but 0 one ne ef feet t that aeh neb sallow w CURES is by their violent action eruptions ions rons to de ran ranza ranze ana end ther they maybe maybo may be LIVER weer wear weaken en we taa bura rura a their system ey stem KIDNEYS oford aford erand i Prick lyAsh a ademi romey remey emedy Is 1 STOMACH litters act required to directly 7 on out assist datre AND the liver la in relieving kidneys itself of bil all B stomach accumulations Gs bowels and in lla lia nind bind ild a restore it to 65 q yet effects its original reneth strength Bt ia BY B man manner 1 er md and is 19 as aa and vigor pleasant to for au all the the ht taste as complaints a uny iny cordial of this kind and arid ie to aa as there la is no nol noi PRICE 11 easily taken medicine otas by children that equals as adults PRICKLY ASH BITTERS SITTERS is B a medicine arr orr of are rare merit and not an beverage and end beiner belner purely vega vegetable table tabie in its composite can aused at a ail all times with beneficial results it Is not claimed aa as a cure all but for derangements derange ments of the or owns ins merit mentioned toned it la Is a specific and as a B BLOOD ajo PURIFIER ranks above all other preparations pa rations ions lons ask k your druggist for it end and give it ta a lal lai fair faie triaL ial if lf has none aone on hand land aak ask that boor boon be ordered for you 20 PRICK LYASH ASH BITTERS CO BOLE SOLE isy to LOUIS louls AND KANSAS CITY MO THE BEST IS CHEAPEST ENGINES EING 1111 Herse Powen B ballera suited to ali all sect sections ec ions tiong i W and anki prices to the Atilt Auit nian taylor co ohio munn RUNN CO of the con dinue to act as solicitors for patents caveats trade wads marks copyrights for the united states anada canada eit eat england gland iland krance france germany derman Y etc nand hand book dook about P patents ants sent free thirty seven years tears experience patents obtained through MUNN munna CO are noticed in nohe anthe the sCIE scientific vie pie A american at tho the largest let jest ana and most widely circulated scientific paper iio ii o a year weekly splendid enan an ana and pager Interest inic information specimen copy of the hicl euti putt A ner mee ncr ican lean sent bent free rree address MUNN CO A mtr mir rican nicAN office broadway Cro adway new writ york |