Show aricie rR iCIE couil COUNTY Y ITEMS 81 1 I I 1 I 1 n t march ach editor deseret news nees james H hart of the stake presidency denar accompanied by elder hugh hush eind find findlay ay met inet with the priesthood of this ward on saturday evening the uit and with the saints generally on sunday forenoon and afternoon at the afternoon meeting 1 there were 52 r 2 name names submitted as candidates for ordination di dinati nation onto to offices of the priesthood as follows follow si one elder 16 teachers and 20 deacons the vote for tor their acceptance being unanimous the elder priests an and of teachers were then ordained tile the teachers were or organized into a quorum with jacob benzley as president and john K peter reter mckinnon his counselors two quorums of deacons were nvere organized and the officers rd ordained and set apart but the ordal ordaining nin of the ohp members was lef left t to the warb wara ward bish bishopric ric of the young men ordained priests and teachers have held the office of deacon deac oil in this ward and faithful in the discharge of their duties 1 9 atthe at jhb close of the meeting elders Hart ardd marld arid findlay accompanied by bishop calder caider of garden cit city bishop kimball of meadowville Meadow ville and bishop bishov mckinnon pi of this ward drove to woodruff ami aw met with the saints there in the evening evenin gift T elder hart in his remarks reminded them of president press ident taylors counsel to those brethren living on ranches to move hulid build ulla up the town the TIM speaker hoped they would obey this counsel and build up a city worthy the illustrious name it bears the stock growers association of this meeting here on the 1 aub the calling of tiie the tile roll showed that nearly all the members were present twenty members were presenta presen td for membership and received among whom are arc some of the extensive stock growers of eastern wyoming considerable time was consumed in discussing whether they should identify with the utah or utah and idaho stock growers associations s finally the meeting elected the following named gentlemen to attend the coming conventions at salt lake city and 0 ogden represent this association and aud link tronto eithe elthe rot these territorial organizations or keep aloof and await developments ira W R walton and A AC C call the meeting lilg 1139 then adjourned to convene in the county court house at at it this meeting three alternates were elected joseph kimball byron 11 sessions and aquilla it was also decided to keep bulls bulis ii up P until the first of july and that only those breeds that are luos inos most profitable for beef should be turn turned d oil on the range 0 MCKINNON 0 HM 3 ii aw i |