Show LOCAL NEWS FROM erom MONDAYS iio ilo DAILY MARCH ig lg 16 sentence der def deferred erred errea the des def defendants end in ili tiie the tidwell Tich vell veil murder case at provo who were wert found guilty last week were to havela have been een sentenced today ac 2 but at the request est of the counsel for the defense sentence was deferred deterred until april ath to allow them time to move for fur a new trial sudden death brothern S larsen ot of this city received a telegram from his brother hanhi haus Hans Hansi Lars enof brigham city this morning announcing announcing the sudden death of the batters lat wife sophronia who is the daughter of brother anderson andersson of brigham city and was much respected she leaves two children death of 13 brother rother W N goodman president joseph E taylor writes us that his brother in law william N Good goodman mant whose serious illness we chronicled last week died at his residence in st david arigona arizona on the esth dinst and was burled on the following day we efte extend nd our sympathy to the thi bereaved family I 1 the embezzlement case the examination of mr edward austin charged with embezzlement of funds belonging to miss bliss williams which was set for lu am today to day before commissioner mckay I 1 has bl been een postponed until 10 am on wednesday as counsel for the defendant were not ready on account of other business which required their attention davis sent back bade joseph davis the inmate of the penitentiary who with three others overpowered the guard some time ago took away his gun run and escaped was sentenced saturday tor lor the part that he played in the littia episode the charge at against aint him as arwe we have stated before was larceny and the evidence of his guilt conclusive flexas he was sentenced by jud juo judge e za zane to two years imprisonment ail and d was a s taken back to his old oid place of confinement the surplus canal at a meeting of the directors of the salt lake and jordan surplus water canal company on saturday afternoon it was decided to increase the width of the canal from thirty to forty feet the contracts for the work are to be let out dimmed lately preference being given to st locki holders who are to be allowed contracts to the full amount ot the stock subscribed for the right of way 1 is s assured except in probably two instances in which the land will be purchased A feminine sneak we have heard of a tall slim respectably aabey dress dressed ed woman going about to peoples houses ostensibly for the purpose of recommending a certain ki kind acl of baking powder packages of which she occasionally sio nally gives away but whose real object is to pry into the domestic affairs of the partied so visited at least such is only a fair inference from the impertinent questions she has jias been known to ask the advice so frequently given to our aurl readers to ofner offer no encouragement coura gement to strange and suspicious itinerants Is especially applicable when such as she present themselves district court proceedings dings the case of the united states vs john T lufkin for perjury was dismissed as was also the civil case of wyman vs jack the motion for tor judgment in the case of the london bank of utah vs chas tyl gilberson was argued the defendant asked leave leaves to amend the answer tile the motion for judgment was allowed and the case referred to the clerk to compute in the case of H lien henrichson vs J W myrick a judgment of 30 and costs was given but interest was waived edward P ferry vs sam lee trial before the court iu in progress simpson sentenced saturday afternoon simpson was arraigned in tile the district court for sentence hislaw his lawyer mr whittemore moved for a new trial triai on the ground brouna that the judge erred in instructing the jury A AL somewhat lengthy argument followed in which the defense claimed that the evidence should have been shown positively griat the alleged marriage in england was le legal legai al and that ills his honors instruct instructions ons to the effect that the defendants admission of the mar dae aae lag ewas was insufficient for conviction vere ve re not in accordance with law jaw lie hu sited several authorities to sustain his position ion iou but tile the motion was over ml aled ed and the convicted man was sen encee to two years imprisonment in he be penitentiary ile he asked for time 0 get some home additional evidence from inland but the request was denied L md 11 d he was N v ds remanded to the custody A f the marshal and safely lodged in lis AS quarters at the pen saturday eveling ill lii the tile work in lit alabama elder ohn folin C Dc DeL delamare LaMare allare writing from slim siim one clay county Alati alabama lma ama under tinder late ot ol march ath states slates that the prospect iro before the missionaries in hat section of the country is very favorable avo rable rabie quite a number are hinves gating lighting Li i T tho the principles of the gospel ind the tha elders have many opportunities of explaining tiie the doctrine of the gospel to 10 the people privately triva ariva tely but little preaching is s done as s tile the churches and public buildings building sare are closed against the mor muns muus and persecution ra rages s still the elders find plenty of f friends rii and ami have great pleasure in their labors brother DeLa De delamare LaMarc marme Maile is enjoying himself iu in the performance of his duties as a servant of the lord he wishes to remind those of the elders who promised sed to write to various persons when in their fields of labor that they should do ao so and not disappoint those who expect to hear f from rom them and thereby cause camie the brethren there to be u unkindly treated disgraceful conduct many it not all of the worshipers who attended the thu meeting in the tabernacle last evenin evening annoyed almost past endurance endur endurance alce by the shameless actions ot a number of ycama people of both sexes who occupied seats in the gallery al and who persisted in talking in a tone loud enough to be heard throughout a great portion of the bumm buff iding the acoustic properties of the tabernacle are such as to require the utmost silence on the part of the tile audience for the speaker especially if his articulation be not good to fo make himself heard by all present I possibly v the young people who rendered themi themselves elves so oNeus offensive ive lve last evening were unable to hear the speakers distinctly where they sat and inferred from flom that fact that their conversation would not be heard by others beyond their immediate circle this is the most charitable construction we cun can place upon their conduct which to say bay the least is deserving of severe censure for under no circumstances is such conduct as theirs in a place of worship and during divine service excusable the action of many persons in leavi leaving ng the body of the hall and rushing up into the gallery at the time when the doors were opened leading into the latter was also reprehensible the ordinary rules of good breeding to say nothing of reverence for sacred thin thins things 9 require that when a person attends divine service in a place set apart for that pur sebe retain his seat and observe order until the heni seni ceis cels concluded if a repetition of the offense is ever committed in that house we hope there will be an usher at hand to promptly show the thoughtless or irreverent parties to the tte door |