Show SPANISH FOULE casualties i S FORK march ak isso 5 editor D e seret eurs news 1 T brother matthew simmons wiio wilo who had his f feet beet so badly frozen some time ago apo ago has hasi bince nince I 1 last list wrote had his toes amputated three toes were taken jaken off the right foot and all the toes and a portion of the balance of the left foot toot were severed the operation was performed by dr N FH H simmons Simi of provo the patient was put under the influence of ether the operation taking twenty minutes the feet were the then dressed by mrs urs W B jones under whose care he Is getting along albang nicely about a month ago a little child ut of brother parley S darger was severely scalded by falling into a tub of hot water which hat had just been taken off I 1 the thic stove t the he mother hiving having just left it to 10 get at a bucket of cold water the litt little 11 one wao had just turned two years tears old was running aro around und the koom room at the ti methe accident occurred it lingered in great agony until last tuesday when death relieved it of all pain anit and suffering i last wednesday morning mrs bjernson an icelander leei leel guder duder who resided here was found dead in her bed uhe ahe he had nen uen been unwell for tor some milne but went to bed on tuesday night feeling aswell as well weli as usual she was attacked with a heavy tit of coughing and is supposed to have broken a blood vessel E S P |