Show THE COM coli PANY the following appeared in the san francisco post of feb am t the mormon church chure h organ la in salt lake made a vicious attempt to boycott mckee rankin who was billed to appear at the mormon theatre recently I 1 in notice to quit and still N waters eters run ran deep his offense was the production in this country and great britain of the Da daniles niles which tile deseret neuss calls an infamous piece whose gross and inexcusable misrepresentations are calculated to inflame popular prejudices against the Latt latter erDay day saints E D price agent for the rankin compan company yi was ivas seen yesterday he had just rec received ved the salt lake papers pa ers which were f full suli ull uil of the matter gli ily 1 am surprised at ane attack said mr price when I 1 was in salt lake last week there was not a word uttered against mr air rankin we were booked at the murmon mormon theatre and my business brought lue me in intimate coutaa coutan contact with person high in the church of 0 latter day saints they were cices hively polite and some ot them even expressed regret that the canites Da was not to be 1 given I e n I 1 expressed the belief that its production r 0 d u action might excite bad feeling P nol not at all said the mormon lmh with whom I 1 vas conversing ahree three or four levs ago it would have been hazardous fazardo us b but ut I 1 it L co could uld be played now without exciting even a hi hiss ss or a groan of disapproval our people probably dab bab y like it but they are an klous anxious to see it the row began with a card signed joseph bull and david james in the of last monday they appealed to mormons cormons to stay away from the theatre durin during g the rankin engagement and their card concluded rankins course has been such buch as to endanger the lives of ikuo innocent persons and so far as we are concerned we would not on any account enter the theatre during his engagement ga the church payer andors ed this card editorially and scored rankin as a man maa who had been the means of creati creating dig fig bitker bitter animosity by a scandalous drama the latter day saints it it ot of course the anti mormon press came to the rescue oh of course the tribune sug L vests tests ests that players are not reformers but seize upon any topic of interest ii terest or prominence and alid urge that aside from any sectarian question it is the duty of every good citizen to strive to banish such petty provincialism from public sentiment and to cultivate a mare cosmopolitan spirit what was the result unfortunately the com company a 0 was wrecked storm bound huud for or three e days on the union pacing and lost their salt lake opening whether ghether whether they got there in time to play lay last night I 1 have not been advised advised on wednesday they were storm bound at rawlins wyoming and ive heard nothing from them since of course they will get here all right night rl Mondays for opening attaie at the bush street you can play salt lake going b back ack 11 oh yes we are re booked there A april r I 1 it ath h ath ath aej and und ath the time of the big I 1 mormon conference when delegates come from all over the territory an actor said to me today to dav day that he had played toms cabin cabla through all texa but he would not do the dan ites in salt lake for footo ile he is evidently afraid of destroying angels augel la in my opinion the production of the canites Da in the mormon theatre would be simply a question of good taste and not one of personal safety in addition joithe foregoing it is appropriate prop to state that the company compano were billed to appear to tonight nie nig night wiit glit march mio RIO ath at the bash bush street theatre in the daniles Da ultes 11 the amount of patronage that should be given the company by latter day saints on their appearance pe arance here duriez conference should now be more definitely determined than ever by the people who are foully slandered by the infamous drama referred to |