Show A UNIQUE communication CATION catlon WHICH PLACES A FEW THINGS IN A CLEAR LIGHT FRANKLIN lin idaho february and 2nd 1885 editor deseret meus news while in maine on a mission I 1 obtained a copy of the enclosed letter from a relative of mine who has been teaching a law school at washington the prof prot professor protessor assor who ano wrote it did not wish it published at the time it was written in case it might be detrimental to his bis political interests you have the privilege privilege of publishing 11 it if you ni withhold atti old oid his name yours truly JOSHUA josnua HAWKES EAST parsonsfield PARSONS FIELD me BIC may 1884 president chester A arthur DEAR DEAK sini have chave been spending a few weeks in new england En fland since I 1 left washington I 1 came here to my native town and went to bangor as a delegate to the state convention I 1 was anxious to secure the election of mr nir drummond as a delegate at large to the national convention the delegates will vote but they will not shed any tears if it be he is defeated there Is a stron strong under current ag against him arising frim from two causes the merchants look upon him as rash and in his foreign policy and the protestants dislike his bis intimacy with catholicism I 1 lind find an all almost universal espre expression assion of approval ap roval and respect for your statesmanship and fidelity in conducting your administration the only fault or mistake I 1 have heard mentioned is that you listened to the advice of governor murray and recommended the repeal of the organic law establishing a government for utah depriving the people of their legislative power a power of inestimable value to them and formidable to tyrants only and substituting a legislative g isla tive body of your own appointment the people here do not blame you so much as they denounce the bourbon element in the government the col lumas luras the cassidyy Cass idys and murrays Mur rays hoar roar and edmunds coing come in for fora a share shareef of deep felt indignation for attempting to have arrested without warran warrant ibor or previous subpoena women dragging them thain into court and coin polling 1 them to testify against their own lius ilus husbands bands no crime less than high treason would justify such a law this is cruel and unusual punishment without due process of law polygamy is an all evil everywhere among the GW of the people of the globe who practice it it is noto nela nala in se but mala ta we have prohibited it and made it a felony ail all we now need is patience it will soon die out persecution alone can keep it alive I 1 heard a young clergyman cler cier syman relating a dream to his congregation ile he said in his dream he was walking near the golden gate of heaven when he saw the congress come to the gate and ring the bell he heard some onh one inside say 1 I hear a lion in the roar shall we let him in st peter opened the gate and asked are there and what is wanted we are members of the congress of the U S A of the called earth we want to sit with abraham and isaac and jacob in the kingdom of Heave heaven ii we want to see the 12 sons of jacob the tile founders of the twelve tribes of israel we want to see seethe the great legislator moses and the great poet and musician david and the great king solomon the wisest of them all we want cant to settle in their territory and enjoy their happy society forever I 1 Is this the congress that expelled our f friend geo Q can cannon non because he practised practiced plural marriage asked st peter gelt it is I 1 was the reply all you yon have mentioned boned are poly ga mists said st peter and thiv have felt grossly insulted by your actions and there would he be war in heaven in five minutes if you were allowed to enter you cannot settle in this territory and you can call forthwith return to washington or go to hell just which you prefer the clergy mans audience were highly amused at the dream allow me to express to you my hope and well founded belief that you will be nominated in june and elected in november yours truly W |