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Show N Jones E-3oSe hcafchery to hold open hosjoe !tf Hole National Fish Hatchery i have an Open House ceremony, J y 30 l81 t0 wnicn e PUDlic is n- k. tther divisions of the U.S. Fish & life Service will be represented in-Jin in-Jin the Ouray and Browns Park Si Wildlife Refuges and the Sery Assistance program. Some of vf ents being scheduled include hat-L hat-L personnel explaining various rations of the Fish & Wildlife Ser-t Ser-t projects by way of tours of the hat-. hat-. I feeding of fish and loading of fish the distribution trucks. Other Lonstrations will include cannon net Sonstrations at various times during fjjay by refuge personnel and equip-alused equip-alused in sampling wild fish popula-L popula-L by the Fishery Assistance Office Lonnel Tour guides will explain the functions of the Fish & Wildlife L,ice with special emphasis on how k ly serve this area. Special momentos ? vjiK visit to the hatchery will be V Itailable for distribution. J pireshments, but not lunch, will be Lrf with the help of the Vernal Camber of Commmerce, Vernal ah-Mites and the hatchery wives. : the hatchery's history demonstrates jflation of Federal lands to maintain ih population. Section 8 of the Colorado River wage Project Act (April 11, 1956) jjected the Secretary of the Interior to instigate, plan, construct, operate 'd maintain facilities to mitigate tsses of, and improve conditions of, and wildlife in connection with the kvelopment of Colorado River Storage wts and participating projects. In view of Section 8, a study was convicted con-victed and the Jones Hole site was elected on lands administered by the fcireau of Land Management. The dies Hole site is located 42 miles nor-teast nor-teast of Vernal joining the northerly Hindary of Dinosaur National Monu-leat. Monu-leat. The site was chosen mainly lecause of the 34 ft. 3 sec. of 52 degrees excellent quality spring water which sold be ideal for rearing trout. This mount of water could rear up to 5 , lion fish, weighing 300,000 pounds diually. Over the years this has pro-J pro-J a to be an ideal location for the pro-j pro-j fcction of large numbers of Rainbow, i iraok, Brown & Cutthroat trout. I Some of the problems associated with operation of the hatchery have been , ii remote location and blowing and citing snow on poor quality roads in h winter. As an example, there is no :lool bus or mail service to the nat-u.ery nat-u.ery location. At times during the aief the road can be blocked for feral days. Due-tehe-cons traction of :ew section of road by Uintah County - si the Water & Power Resources Ser-tt, Ser-tt, much of the problem of winter E avel to Jones Hole has been taken ire of. Due to foresight in planning for the ones Hole Hatchery, it will also fit well itn the future as an energy efficient c!tion. The water used for fish illure at Jones Hole does not have to (pumped or heated because the water We arises from springs and the ways are arranged in series so that jl k gravity flow will feed water to ' b.The heat from the water flowing I indoor tanks in the hatchery ng supplies most of the heat need-i need-i to keep the building at a workable ,t -r- &r.;-S . . "... ; - - . ..,.-'- ' r y;jr Hi ;. V ' 5 '-ft- ' 1 U?im i4" . -- - - ' " 51 raperature in the winter. Almost com- is a more efficient fish distribu- wrig that will transport six times the "nber and pounds of fish of the pre-x pre-x trucks. THE FISHING OPENER will be busy at the Jones Hole Fish Hatchery as they will hold' an open house for their facility. |