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Show lies home - fforemosi in old folk's mind ne doubting the need for a rest W . Vernal need only to ask a !le Citizen about the importance of, a 'oine to get an overwhelming 1 live answer. ; vens sakes, yes, and hurry!" TrH Stringham, 92 year resident i "They're going to have to ' To catch me before I go." cthe biggest disgrace in Vernal," i Lham added, "to have to go to a , 5 place for a nursing home." annBham said that other activities i .community are excellent for :, '.r citizens, except for a rest home. 'Lntly the Uintah County Com-" Com-" ' ,,; have purchased three acres "Irty for $90,000 which wUl be k 1 10 build a rest home at 530 South West Many senior citizens in- ! -edthis week had mixed feelings purchase. Pearl Shaffer who said she was 100 'tent behind a rest home in Vernal, j she was disappointed in the .jion. I It s location takes them away from the central activity of the community Old people like to see life and activity " she said. "One of the most pleasant times for older people is when small children come to visit." Strigham said he thought the location was excellent, but said they should have purchased more land for future development. "If they build less than a 50-bed rest home, I'll be disappointed," Stringham said. Jack Turner, 37-year resident of Vernal, said he didn't see why the old hospital couldn't be turned into a rest home. Another senior citizen, Maybell Chivers, said she thought it is awful to have to ship a relative out of town for proper rest home care. "I've worked 18 years in the kitchen at the hospital," Mrs. Olivers said," and I don't see why it couldn't be used as a rest home." J ( T I : ' ! ' V A - ' M ' "J I I f ; ' I f 'ft : ' K :. '(!: ; ' ;. 1 'f i "' if y. JZZ !l ' i c i ' ' : ' i 4 HAVING TO TRANSPORT relatives out of town to a rest home is one of the reasons senior llEAR RESIDENT of Vernal feels that the "Action of a rest home couldn't begin any Mrs. Shaffer said she though the decision-making people are being very "wishy-washy" about a rest home. "They should plan and be more definite that's what bothers people more than anything else," she said. Ralph Siddoway, director of the Golden Age Center, said he felt a rest home should be foremost in the community. com-munity. "It's difficult enough to move people even for a few blocks, it is worse out of town," Siddoway said. Under the circumstances, the location of the land to build a rest home is a good one, said Siddoway, but he added that a location closer to town would have been better. "The need for a rest home isn't a question of providing a place to get rid of the old peoplebut to provide a place for those to go who can't be cared for by their family," Siddoway said. citizens feel a rest home should receive top priority in the community. " iLiiiiniii mnniww'W in ? .. ... .. . ... - .'. .; ...... . ,. ' f y 'X '''''' v ; ' . ) . y-. x . , l ' T) ; , too soon. This attitude echoes of the elderly's concern for construction of a rest home. y - f v. ' x y V f . -' - .-, ! - .'".''' 1 i v ' "-,.i I r- . ""..'.. i Li" wrw - . JACK TURNER sees a rest home in Vernal as a must, but can't understand why the old hospital couldn't be converted into such a facility. |