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Show ySv WEEKDAYS 9 tO 7 Thursday. May 2i. 1981 Vernal ExpreMfldvertlser 15 ( SATURDAY 9 to 7 flyK yyii VDI fiiliiW FflflMKMWW 14'FIBERGLASS SSt VW'tW msfkxwmM kKa FRONTIER jqsyhk irM , VJL Ml XHliAl - , JTT ' canity R7iTfhf t63'bS" l0ad)QQ98 "m speafcanon alum.num Reg. 1 ,anV'Oi- WUI 'LJUftll f 1 f- 1111 puncture, mi" centerhne length: lour $899.99 1 1 Ue ciaV JOHNSON W J "2030" Vinyl Coast Guard Sevylor Model 150 1-Person 79995 MWlllLllfil 3-BeltVest Approved Foam Inflatable Boat H4'i'J.:l i UGOLDEN EAGLE" CABIN TENTS Reg.$29.99 Life Jackets 60"x44" inflatable boat. Heavy Our Reg. $17.98 "C200" 2-Person Inflatable Boat 1 CABIN TENTS 8' X 10' d.3 Reg. $5.95 - duty 18-gaugePVC Construe - Q Heavy-duty 20gauge PVC obstruct wh 1 p., 10' 9'xl2' , I tl0n- ln,lates ln lust minutes. JOO lour separate air chambers. 4 push-m Reg QO I 8X1 D .,-c lmPaCt tested tO 55 Capacity: 180 lbs. I valves. 2 oarlocks: grab hne and 9R89I Our Reg. $159.95 mph constructed of maintenance mt. $34.95 5 ? 109" I291'5 1495 SaSS"""" List!3!98 swpperb : mes' foam.AKi. All around din safety chamber. L,slJo ao 600-lb. Capacity Boat Trailer I ' A lHrlif rfl3 mlyHCabin te?,S-Wih Self-SUpporting exterior frame, I ...';., 1 ,2-gauge PVC COn- O O 8 9 S- trter has baed-on ename, Rpe B cotton drill roofs, mildew-proof sewn-m 3-way ventilation, 4'6" sidewalls for head 009 vllllQ struction, with four separate air S f imish and a eoo-pound carry.ng capacity Reg' 9 floor-windows for ample cross- room and storage space White toD Dro L A i5 UUO UllllU chambers. Capacity: 360 lbs. In- "W ideal lor boats 12 to 14 leet ,n length: t,re $299.95 J-Q99H ventilation. vides greater weather resistance. " uf or nia eludes maintenance kit. s,ze48o,i2B. Oi Wi 1 mfn) ss I in,iatat" Boats 3ii If U IT F l yl WvA-H Reg. $28.88 442 2-Person Inflatable Boat Kn 'BPriV:..--. . KL I 11 ' ' 11 OTr? y- Retail $79.95 CQ99 tej-- i STAG f W I I 2295 69 lllPsifel! .hi Ik ? ' 444 4-Person 4466-Person NSil-4- Ji?.- - - -r'-N ; Vl ijy P.'. r u, Inflatable Boat Boat N,to - ! "OAKWOOD" 4J-J L-iV jiT,rtv P-Vr-J- Gas-blown neoprene wet ftgtaj, ?fSl'' - T IEiailte Vii suit with double-stitched "f"1' $169.95 fe ""TPV;- 8'10' WC!! - SeamS' $119-95Q998 14495 P5Cj?' W 1 $179,95 ' $19995 iSiiVI j Constructed of 210 denier material (nylonneoprene) with two s5fV;'.;j MJfig ' CvW'ajPI J 1 separate infiable chambers 1" brass valves, swivel oar gVnniai&gZ 1 Ull95 irQ lAVSr "1 locks' rP riggings. Inflated sizes: 442:2"x88"; 444: A 07 19 IM? 60"xl20"; 446:70"xl44". ! A deluxe cabin tent with that famous White Stag quality. Double-stitched seams, jWHi I t 11 f60? 460 6-Person 453 14-Person large nylon net door and two windows for cool, airy camping. All come complete (O I t Inflatable Boat Inflatable Boat Inflatable Boat with frame and tent bag, stakes, and easy instructions. VC! f ' ' Retail Retail : Retail - I 'M8 'n'"-'::VV' "8950 349" "7950 23998 599.50 : : gjg98 fMMK. r ClS l Professionally designed river runners-with 6 inflatable air 1512 ' length, 12" bow 1-inch B SXAWSs. f wv paJ,'.-- Aft chambers, 1-inch brass valves, and engine mounting brackets In- brass valves, six inflatable air ' jV BiisSS. j''f V lp dated sizes: 448: 68"xl67"; 460: 62"xl32". chambers. Inflated size: tfSS fT fWY SSV-114Fish Oufj!oardMotor WATER SKIS! B frHt'" NX -SStT Power Loop- fuel- g$ 1 WaterSkis Reg.$195.00 S- -23s A combination fishing scavanging engine 5ip I Reg-$109.95 1 QQ95 vC-vri DAPI TrMTC and flotation vest. Great design for performance, A Q M 00 100 -JXX"- I Mwi I LIM I U idea for the boat fisher- efficiency, and fuel Mi ? H 9Q88 Designed with a medium flex EiIMa1"9 1.1 I W economy. Hfl I S I I Fnr ,hn h h , sPeci,iHy for the in- klirOKS! - . H For those who demand the termediate skier. Features I 'TIMRFRMrJ?'? Person 1HA95 ' , , Pl Uj l,best-.,n auversatle ski. A open cell aluminum 3 TIMBERLINE Z-ferson iUt 5-- sif. fc7&J hZ Z favorite with its beautiful and honeycomb and structural 1 PACK TENTS List$135.00 W SScp OaaeaAe. TPi S solid construction. urethanefoam StrUCtUral 1 Ripstop nylon tent with rainfly, self-supporting aluminum frame, plus stakes, poles, k L' feS ixn wwiMrm H ropes and carrying case. 1 y 2 I , ( JOBE 'UltlTll g CADDIS STYLE 2-Person 0ur Reg. $94.50 t- "SIGMA" 28-lb. J. I 1 h I fWf "SHORTCUT" "KNEE SKI" 1 iA PACK TENT tlonarU Thrust Electrici X r'TTl 1 M'l Slalom Ski Reg. $99.98 f6b,fii Durable ripstop nylon caddis-style pack O I Q "5 wrMR& Motor Jtf 1l I I i-XUVd Ree $139 99 I jktftjUufltent 's lightweight and convenient for 11 "Q4 LM ICll Reg'"39-99 89" S ShSS backpacking. With rainfly. 563. SJT Wi? Jl V JW 'jmaiH" 1 OQ88 1 TrTnMii o D.. . ' t MA JlIiPX Ml III' 15 5) 'iTer -C-s The lightest knee board on the jrZ, ItlUIN :-rerson Our Reg $29 95 Im " IrtfeJfT j il ,W Em Solid wood core slalom ski with market! Fiberglass construc- fk MOUNTAIN TENT JT Reg 1 L ' J f, ill k If adjustable binding and slalom tion, improved round nose liArtiriil Ripstop nylon tent features sewn-in nylon O VI 9 9 k 7.5 HP II nrU U 1 IU 11;- toe- design for easier turning. litlail:l floor. 3-way zippered screen door, storm S A. r zu4.aD ftWifl 1 S-SSS'flaps, stakes poles and ropes. 552. W Outboard 1QQ88 M& j jlf O'BRIEN JOBE iv "ARCTIC" 2-Person Our Reg $69 95 tQqno Motor XZ70 Till iJ 1 ',"1 "FREESTYLE II" DOME TENT WITH RAINFLY "rReg J6"5 5599 00 ' " X W J WMft F I Pi Slalom Ski "HONEYCOMB" ftl'LJr. Free-standing nylon dome tent features in- RQ95 fOQ99 New transom ' and tPh L if j III i Reg. $185.00 1 7Q98 MJ,0m Skl jlSUOj1 ternal frame, breathable roof and plenty of bow mount. Unique Rl I ILI II : J Reg. $235.00 mmmnTmm interior space. 562. Power Lood f I cooling system uses IIJtJI Is ll il Offers responsive ride that has 1 QQ98 1 "SUNDANCE" 3-Person HEX TENT WITH RAINFLY scavanging engine fewer valuable amps Ij I f j made it the popular choice of B HexagonTee-stinding nylon tent gives -ftE designed for pernor Per burst of power "J " i Ij freestylers across the nation. Advanced ski with unique S I'fTSr VO" all the space you'll need to sleep three Q 9 5 mance, efficiency SMfl V 1 fl fh ?? ?,P B'VS. I f none;comboe for stiffness comfortably! Urethane-coated walls and 0ur Reg- and fuel econo , WSpOL M 1 M and strength. g rainfly. Flame retardant. 564. $8995 my.. .and it weighs jLr1, ,,,n rArW rrQEMUi-'-' IIIIBW ,jr only 40 pounds! MMMBailBI J T 1 riAi l ON PIPNIC JUG HANDYTABLE BARCO WHITE GAS , -j II - II B o:rrpicNlcjuG o: 0rR,sfrFuEL Snss -8 w-kc- K88 5488 -ig 0.R, sSSBSe SEES? 1888 Urethane insulat.on keeps Aurn,num table seats four. Folds O gal. O I 8 8 Our Reg. $37.95 16187 OurReg. $39.9516188 beverages cold. Fast flow faucet up easily and compactly for 'th tough double-wall high im- for easy pouring, rustproof con- st0rage and transportation. Burns cleanly in lanterns, stoves. Rectangular bag features nylon OJJ P ,7" extenor. Includes deep food struction. catalytic heaters, & all gasoline cover and cotton liner with 1 and high density insulation. K CamPaPP''anCeS Hollofill II for warmth. 11 .......jy 33H r 872 West Main 789-0536 eicaxpttssCa |