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Show Country music star Larry Gatlin is joined by his guests Johnny Cash, : Roger Miller, and Dotlie West. (60 mins.) 0 SPFX: THE EMPIRE ' STRIKES BACK Special effects, the technology that freesan audience's imagination for full flight and can turn a cinema dream into instant in-stant reality, will be saluted and some of its magic will be revealed. The special will feature film clips from 'The Em-1 pire Strikes Back and ' other films which have 1 utilized special effects. (60min3.) O MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT 63 ONCE UPON A CLASSICCarrie'sWar' Carrie and Nick visit Mr. Evans' sister. (Closed-Captioned; (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) SD MOVIE -(ADVENTURE) ".Golden Voyage Of Sinbad" 1973 John Phillip Law. Caroline Munro. Captain Sinbad battles an evil prince who seeks to steal an amulet which is part of a medallion which will lead to a fabulous treasure. trea-sure. (2 hrs.) 7:30 O SUPERSTAR PROFILE: SYLVESTER STALLONE CD LILLIAN HELLMAN: A PROrlLfc 8:00 O MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE 'The Jericho Mile' 1979 Stars: Peter Strauss, Roger E. Mos-ley. Mos-ley. A man, serving a life senlence at Folson Prison, Pri-son, works at becoming the world's fastest miler and wins a chance to compete for a place on the Olympic team; a chance that could be his first lap in a race for freedom. (Repeat; 2 hrs.) O M.A.S.H. Hawkeye tries to break out of his batting slump with the 4077th nurses by going to bat with a bottle of vintage vin-tage French wine. (Repeat) O GREAT PERFORMANCES: PERFOR-MANCES: DANCE IN AMERICA L'Enfant et les Sortileges' This lyrical fantasy conceived con-ceived by Balanchine and performed by the New York City Ballet, and featuring Karin von Aroldingen and Christopher Chris-topher Byars, combines ballet with opera and puppetry to the music of Ravel's 'Fantaisie Lyrique. (60 mins.) CD LIVE FROM THE GRAND OLE OPRY 8:30 O HOUSE CALLS Dr. Michaels .and Ann Anderson An-derson smuggle a man wantedbythepoliceinto the hospital to visit his gravely ill father. (Repeat) 9:00 O WOMEN WHORATE A 10 Erik Estrada. Mor gan Fairchild and Howard Hesseman co-host co-host this special that looks at women who are considered tops in terms of beauty. popularity, tame, sex appeal and achievement. Film clips and guest appearances by Victoria Principal, Lynda Carter, Raquel Welch. Marilyn Monroe. Jayne Mansfield. Britl Ekland. Miss Piggy, and Phyllis Diller. (Repeat; 60 mins.) O LOU GRANT Billie can't believe it when she goes out on a story and la II sin love with her news source, a professional baseball player who's having a bad season. (Repeat; 60 mins ) O THE ARTIST WAS A WOMAN Jane Alexander Alex-ander narrates this documentary on American Amer-ican and European women painters from fate Renaissance to the early 20fhcentury. Such well-known figures as Rosa Bonheur, Mary Cassatt and Georgia O'-Keeffe, O'-Keeffe, plus many lesser-known artists, are included in the survey. sur-vey. (60 mins.) SD INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS 9:30 SD ODD COUPLE 10:00 OOO NEWS O UNCLE DAVE MACON This program offers a free-wheeling biography of early country music's most popular performer, Uncle Oave Macon (1870-1952). Twoofthe featured performers are Roy Acuff and Pete Seeger. (60 mins.) SD WAYNE AND SHUSTER .10:30 0 THE TONIGHT SHOW 'The Best Of Carson' Car-son' Guests: Tony Randall, Ran-dall, David Letterman. (Repeat; 60 mins.) O ABC NEWS NIGHT-LINE NIGHT-LINE Anchored by Ted Koppel. SD CBS LATE MOVIE 'QUINCY:HouseofNo Return' Stars: Jack Klugman, Robert Ito. Quincy performs an autopsy au-topsy on the body of an inmate from an institution institu-tion for the criminally insane, in-sane, who's body was battered severely. sever-ely. (Repeat) 'HARRY O: Mister Five and Dime' Stars: David Jansen, Anthony Zerbe. Glynnis O'Connor guest starsas a young college student who is arrested for passing pass-ing counterfeit money. (Repeat) 10:40 0 M.A.S.H. 11:00 OFANTASYISLANDA meek 25 year old clerk who dreams of becoming becom-ing a best-selling author finds himself 'kidnapped' 'kid-napped' by sex starved females; and an archaeologist ar-chaeologist who wants to make a great find gets the opportunity to investigate inves-tigate the tomb of King Tut 's twin brother, which issaidtobeplaugedbya deadly curse. (Repeat; 70 mins.) O DICK CAVETT SHOW Guest: Louis Au- chincloss, writer. CD EVENING AT POPS 11:10 O STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO 11:30 O NEWS O FESTIVAL OF HANDS: THE SILKEN TENT This unique collaboration col-laboration between acclaimed ac-claimed actor Jason Robards, Jr. and the Theatre of the Deaf createsa moving performance perfor-mance based on a Robert Frost poem. This program will introduce hearing audiences to the expressive powerof sign language. 12:00 O TOMORROW COAST-TO-COAST Guests: Sally Struthers, Bob Boone. (90 mins.) 12:10 O VIRGINIAN 0 MERV GRIFFIN 1:10 O FACES 1:15 O NEWS ((tuesdayj MAY 26, 1981 EVENING 6:00 0 ONE WS O JOKER'S WILD OGETTINGT0KN0W ME CD OVEREASYGuests: Vocalists Jackie Cain and Roy Krai. Hosts: Hugh Downs and Frank Blair. (Closed-Caplioned; (Closed-Caplioned; U S A.) SD BEVERLY HILLBILLIES 6:30 O PM MAGAZINE O FAMILY FEUD V ii c h 1 1 s f a jtMcHio Cain and Roy Krai, hobib: Hugh Downs and Frank Blair. (Closed-Captioned; (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) CD WEEKNIGHT QD ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW 7:00 0 LOBO Sheriff Lobo and Birdie are assigned toaccompanyaconvict-edmobstertoSanQuen-tin on a jumbo jet and it's anything but a smooth flight when they discover dis-cover a time bomb, a hit man and a hijacker aboard. (Repeat; 60 mins.) O HAPPY DAYS In a romantic musical fantasy, fan-tasy, 'Happy Days' pays tuneful tribute to the American immigrant with a magical melting pot of song and dance. 0 RACE FOR YOUR LIFE CHARLIE BROWN vacation at a wilderness wilder-ness camp in the West turns into an adventure they had not anticipated when they run intoa band of bullies. (Repeat; 90 mins.) O MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT CD MYSTERY! 'She Fell Among Thieves' Adapted Adapt-ed from a Dornford Yates novel, this thriller stars Eileen Atkins as the leader of a 1920's criminal gang whose hideout is a castle in the rrencn ryrenees. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) U.-S.A.) (90 mins.) SD MOVIE -(DRAMA) Vi "Stowaway tothe Moon" 1974 Lloyd Bridges, Michael Link. The story of an 1 1 year old boy ' s adventure on a manned space flight. (2 hrs.) 7:30 O LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley prove that the show must go on when they suddenly findthem-selves findthem-selves playing all the parts in a play written by Shirley. O HERE'S TO YOUR HEALTH 'Breast Cancer' (Closed-Captioned; (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) 8:00 O HILL STREET BLUES Detective Washington Wa-shington continues his crusade to clear a bigoted bigot-ed narcotics officer under investigation for what may have been racially motivated shootings, and his alcoholic al-coholic partner, LaRue, suffers an emotional breakdown in the station. sta-tion. (2 hrs.) O THREE'S COMPANY COM-PANY Jack displays his fanciest footwork when, on his first night as bus-boy bus-boy at a posh French restaurant, the gang comes to dinner expecting expect-ing him to be the head chef. (Repeat) (Closed-Captioned) O NOVA 'A Touch of Sensitivity' Our skin contains five million touch cells. What are they for and how important impor-tant are they tous?From electrodes reading our messages of individual touchcellstobehavioral experiments with peo ple, this investigation ) explores our sense of touch. (Closed-Captioned; (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 mins.) 8:30 O TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT A tormented Henry is faced with a midlife fling when a stunning stun-ning lady friend of Muriel's Mur-iel's arrives in town to celebrate her newfound freedom, and he wages a battle against temptation. tempta-tion. (Repeat) O NATIONAL COLLEGIATE COL-LEGIATE CHEER-LEADING CHEER-LEADING CHAMPIONSHIPS CHAMPION-SHIPS John Davidson and Victoria Principal will host the competition among the nation's six top college cheerlead- Benton. Debbie Boone. Marilyn Michaels and Juliet Prowse. (SO mins.) CD BYU FORUM 9:00 OHARTTOHARTAfor- gotten fortune in stocks and bonds stashed in a hidden chamber in the Harts' home send Jonathan Jon-athan and Jennifer reeling reel-ing when their house is ransacked by a stockbroker stock-broker bullish on making akillingattheirexpense. (60 mins.) O MYSTERYl'SheFell Among Thieves' Adapted Adapt-ed from a Dornford Yates novel, this thriller stars Eileen Atkins as the leader of a 1920's criminal gang whose hideout is a castle in the French Pyrenees. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) U.-S.A.) (90 mins.) CD AMERICA SINGS SD INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS 9:30 SD ODD COUPLE 10:00 0O0 NEWS O WILLEMDE KOONING KOON-ING AND THE UNEXPECTED UNEX-PECTED For the first timeonfilm. artist Willem De Kooning talks about his work in terms of periods, per-iods, and allows the camera to observe him painting and drawing. CD DICK CAVETT SHOW SD WAYNE AND SHUSTER 10:30 O THE TONIGHT SHOW Guests: Liza Min-nelli, Min-nelli, Dr. Paul Ehrlich. (60 mins.) O ABC NEWS NIGHT- I ' ' vi'l C: CAPTIONED NEWS S3 CBS LATE MOVIE COLUMBO: Any Old Port in theStorm" Donald Pleasence guest stars as a winemaker who murders his brother who had planned to sell the family business. (Repeat) 10:40 0 M.A.S.H. 11:00 O TUESDAY MOVIE OF THE WEEK Crash' 1978 Stars: William Shatner, Eddie Albert. A jetliner crashes in the Florida Everglades and the 73 passengers aboard fight for their survival. O DICK CAVETT SHOW CD MASTERPIECE THEATRE'The Golden Bowl' Episode III. Amerigo Amer-igo and Charlotte begin to appreciate the freedom her marriage to Verver gives them, and they refuse to listen when Fanny tries to warn Ihem that the arrangement arran-gement seems strange. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) U.-S.A.) (60 mins.) 11:10 0 STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO 11:30 O NEWS O ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 12:00 0 TOMORROW COAST-TO-COAST 'The Second Annual NBC and Only NBC Employees Em-ployees Talent Showcase.' Show-case.' (90 mins.) 12:10 0 MERV GRIFFIN 1:10 0 FACES 1:15 0 NEWS ((Wednesday)) MAY 27, 1981 EVENING 6:00 0 0 NEWS O JOKER'S WILD O GETTING TO KNOW ME CD OVER EASY Guest: Ruth Gordon. Hosts: Hugh Downs and Frank Blair. (Closed-Captioned; (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) SD BEVERLY HILLBILLIES 6:30 0 PM MAGAZINE O FAMILY FEUD O TIC TAC DOUGH O OVER EASY Guest: Ruth Gordon. Hosts: Hugh Downs and Frank Blair. (Closed-Captioned; (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) CD WEEKNIGHT SD ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW 7:00 0 REAL PEOPLE John Barbour visits Prince Mongo, who claims that he came from the planet Zambodia, a trip to the Arizona Sheep Dog Show in Phoenix, a 7 1 year old woman who makes art out of junk, and Sarah Purcell reports on Terry Fox, a young Canadian who lost a leg to cancer and ran a marathon across Canada to raise money for cancer research. (Repeat; 60 mins.) O THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO Ralph and Maxwell's desperate search for a top secret U.S. gunsight hijacked by mercenaries mercenar-ies becomes astound-ingly astound-ingly complicated when Ralph's suit makes him unpredictably invisible, a vanishing act that also throws his introduction toPam'svisitingparents into chaos. (Repeat; 60 mins.) 0 GUYANA TRAGEDY:THE STORY OF JIM JONES The events that transformed the Reverend Jim Jones from the concerned leader of a movement for social justice to the charismatic personality who led the settlers of Jonestown, Guyana, into death are examined in this tragic account of the Guyana massacre. Stars: Powers Boothe, Ned Beatty. (Repeat; 3 hrs.) O MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT CD MOVIE -(MUSICAL-DRAMA) 'A "Rose of Washington Wa-shington Square" 1939 Alice Faye, Tyrone Power. The story based on Fannie Brice's rise to stardom and her unfortunate marriage to a good-for-nothing. (90 mins.) SD MOVIE -(DRAMA) 'A "Hero" 1972 Richard Harris, Romy Schneider. A forty year old soccer player faces his last game asa superstar. super-star. (2 hrs.) 7:30 O THE LAWMAKERS 8:00 0 DIFF'RENT STROKES Drummond buys uniforms for a Pee Weefootballteamtoget Arnold on the squad, but thecoach still refusesto let the youngster play. (Repeat) (Closed-Captioned) O AMERICAN DREAM O WORLD 'Against Wind and Tide: A Cuban Odyssey' This story of four people who fled from Cuba in 1980, tells of their resettlement difficulties, dif-ficulties, and the attitudes atti-tudes of Americans towards them. (60 mins.) 8:30 THEFACTSOFLIFE Jo's boyfriend, Eddie, arrives at Eastland School and convinces her to run away with him and get married. (Conclusion) CD AGAM AND... The work of Israeli artist YaakovAgam is the subject sub-ject of this documentary. 9:00 0OUINCYQuincyfalls hard for a beautiful young widow whose husband died in a nightclub night-club fire, though a persistent per-sistent insurance investigator inves-tigator accuses her of murder. (Repeat; 60 beautiful psychic lo follow fol-low the dangerous trail of a kidnapped heiress, despite the knowledge that the seer has witnessed wit-nessed Dan's death in a nightmare vision. (60 mins.) O FABULOUS PHILADELPHIANS: FROM ORMANDY TO MUTI 'Ormandy and Dylana Jenson' Nineteen Nine-teen year old award winning win-ning violinist Dylana Jen-son Jen-son makes her debut through the Philadelphia Philadel-phia Orchestra's tradition tradi-tion of promoting young talent. Prior to the performance per-formance Eugene Ormandy Or-mandy is seen working with the young soloist. (60 mins.) CD MASTERPIECE THEATRE The Golden Bowl' Episode IV. Fanny actsaschaperonewhen Charlotte and Amerigo go to a house party, but they manage to slip "away to a village inn. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) U.-S.A.) (60 mins.) SD INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS 9:30 SD ODD COUPLE 10:00 0O0 NEWS OSEARCHFORALEX-ANDER OSEARCHFORALEX-ANDER THE GREAT 'The Last Month' Alexander Alex-ander tries to create a united Greek and Persian Per-sian empire, but his irrational irra-tional behavior causes the death of his best friend, and he dies of grief. (60 mins.) CD DICK CAVETT SHOW Guest: Gunther Gebel-Williams, circus star. SD WAYNE AND SHUSTER 10:30 0 THE TONIGHT cunuj n..nr,tr,- CKniin, Winters, Alan and Joan Root. (60 mins.) O ABC NEWS NIGHT-LINE NIGHT-LINE Anchored by Ted Koppel. CD ABC CAPTIONED NEWS SD CBS LATE MOVIE 'THE PSYCHIC 1979 Stars: JenniferO'Neill, Marc Porel. A young woman, whocanseeinto the future, is horrified when she sees the circumstances cir-cumstances surrounding surround-ing hewr own death. She manages to convince a friend of the veracity of her visions, and together they try to preventwhat appearsto be inevitable. 10:40 0 M.A.S.H. 11:00 O LOVE BOAT Gopher is concerned when his widowed mother takes another cruise and seemstobeoverdoingit with a fun loving bachelor; ba-chelor; a wealthy jet setter set-ter falls in love with a dashing young man but doesn't realize he is a waiter at a restaurant she frequents; and a woman reporter learns a lesson about humor when she interviews a Korean comic. (Repeat; 70 mins.) O DICK CAVETT SHOW Guest: Gunther Gebel-Williams. circus star. CD MEETING OF MINDS During a discussion discus-sion with William Shakespeare, Shake-speare, Hamlet, Romeo, and Othello, Jayne Meadows, as Woman, assumes the roles of Desdemona, Juliet and (60 mins.) 11:10 O STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO 11:30 0 NEWS O ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 12:00 O TOMORROW COAST-TO-COAST Guests: James Mi-chener. Mi-chener. The Jam. (90 mins.) 12:10 O VIRGINIAN 0 MERV GRIFFIN 1:10 0 FACES 1:15 0 NEWS |