Show lJ TO 10 1 I 1 STATE SATE ENGINEERS ENGINEER'S nS OFFICE Stilt Salt Lake iLke City Utah Feb Ich 13 1307 2907 Notice IH Is 11 hereby given that time the tle South Jordan Canal company b by Us its president t. t ollan whose address ad ad- nu Angus M. M r. r Cannon whose ae- ae dress dres Is 18 11 Salt Lake CR CJ City Utah liah has made mad Hal with time the le- le application In re of or f Lawt of nr r Utah 11 I to appropriate thit thirty 30 5 I I cubic I foot fool Yr ct 11 per nor s second of water from fromI frol I Little creek Salt HI Lake Ial e county t Utah Ulah ii maim Said Wi will I I he bo dl- dl I- I i IT Ii lit at lL n a point which boars lull degrees 20 21 minutes west SI feet eel frOn of- of the time Southeast time the northeast t corner cornet ot 3 south quarter of or section I 12 township clon range 1 east a 1 Sa ll it Lake Lako Jalc base hC and amid meridian mer mcl- mcl idian Ian from fm whelo It ii will wi bo be conveyed il for n it distance of oC foot feet et and amid anI I hero herou rOt 31 21 In Iii Iii- u od from U. JIU January 1 to tItu elusive WIt of ot each y year nr lo to develop power for foi- the limo t purpose or 01 l lighting mm aI und 1 I r rj machinery in Salt ut italic anal ami il Utah Ulah After u bo un bemm n HO so u li im and I used lined MC the wat v r will wil J be re returned 1 mu turned to tu I he the mc natural channel of said stream at t a point bears beams hels hel's south ull 31 i degrees degree rc west SS' SS S feet eel from rent rm the time northwest north tc 1 12 township 3 we west l coiner of section south cOHer range 1 ea l Salt Luke Lithe base bac und anal filial This hll application I hit x designated el No In th the state slate engineers engineer's as aM n 1125 AH 1 a against the time granting of or mum wild ti a application ppl slut I th tho im for tt must mUNt be 1 made de h by affidavit in hum duplicate and In tilts this olden within tn after time the completion ol oi thirty O C 73 days iS i'S on the time publication lon of ur t this his er CALEB l TU TANNER State r. Date of first publication lon February If 10 lute dale of or of publication March Murch I IS ic 1 7 |