Show i OLD YUKON YUI ON MINER KNOWS REAL COLE GUU Half of Kettle B Boils oils While Othe u Half Freezes at at 60 GO Be Be- low 10 01 k- k ICICLES or ON SAFETY VALVE P 1 Fro iii rr i Hands Yantis and flud Limbs Sa ed From Frog 1 wt 11 t Amputation in IJ by Soaking Them J 7 In ht Coal OH Man F Feb b H E 13 II I. I I J I j Parsons ll an old time flue Yukon miner l' l has has arrived here from the tho frozen frozel north and tells somo remarkable e j L stories of or happenings at Dawson City c J when hen the thel thermometer m m drops many man degrees below th the zero mark Ii Ho e said saidI I IStran Strange e manifestations appear a as m a result of the extreme cold On Ono One c Jt the Jb wa way a fire lire burns In a stove I It t roars and antI crackles like liko a a. great forged forge forg e ti and d wood In the tho stove seems to iiI dis dissolve l solve ol in the flames lames like Uke a chunk otIce of ot Ice the wood Is gone and we wo wonder r where the heat went At GO CO below ever v q stovepipe throws out a great grent white sit a cloud of or smoke anti and vapor resembling a steamboat in Its whiteness whiteness white white- n ness ss and this cloud streams away for GO CO 0 or feet mingling with the other l. l white gray mist or hn haze e that remains I permanent in the atmosphere of the town like a n dense fog o whenever It is 1 40 0 or more degrees below zero The uThe while gray fog tOJ Is not a fog tog fogas as you ou know It but a frozen mist 4 and every man woman child chilli anty ant ant- I y mal coal and anden oven even en th the Piro HIn that burns bui ns is v throwing out moisture into the tho air nil which Is immediately ly turned 1 into a n av at t v r cloud of frozen vapor apor which floats v t a away 30 and remains visibly suspended In the air F rv Expo Exposed ed hands pars ears and nose Mr fl Parsons says say freeze Jn its this temperature temperature temperature tempera tempera- ture while going a few yards unless they are well protected The breath roars like a 3 mild jet of steam while a no dipper of oC boiling nS' water thrown out Into I the the air all emits a peculiar whistling hiss hist l J v ris as Jt drops through the trost frosty air t y Prospectors In attempting to boll boil adish a dish of rice lice or beans upon a camp fire ire r unprotected from the tho weather r find that the sido side of the dish which Is inthe in inthe the fire lire will wm boil boll while the part of or the dish exposed to the weather will 1 t fr freeze eze Edged tools subjected to this temperature become as hard and as j. j p. p i. i brittle as glass and will break breal as r readily under strain t 1 i s I have seen a safety valve vahe blowing 0 off steam with the temperature GO 60 below be f low zero zelo with icicles S hanging to the I valve alve having formed from condensation condensa I h r f a t tion lion the icicles not melting with the out l steam but remaining there L F. F I or many da days das s through blow All vegetables apples fruit eggs 4 etc can be allowed to freeze until they become like bullets To make ready for use place them In cold water for tor half hair a day before using and tho the frost r m t will slowly withdraw without injury injun t. t l oJ to the article To attempt to thaw id 5 them out b by more more rapid process b by 0 fire tire or hot water spoils them for use i Z r Mr Parsons tells some remarkable emar able JI r r ott or J tha hl ll r Ch foot COO ca r r-hantl r or b by F ref nS' nS 7 n member In hl coal oil for some time time Ume- often orten for several everal hours He says This is absolutely a safe remedy and andone 1 one thus escapes the thc surgeons surgeon's knife j a as no bad r results will follow This Is j not hearsay ay for for a man from our 4 camp was found several years ears ago ngo l after r he had been out all night with Hh y r the th thermometer 50 60 degrees e below i e i 1 zero and both his hands were frozen 1 t to tho the wrists He Hc was taken Into r f. camp amp and h his Is hands soaked In coal AI oil for five hours and all the frost 1 f c came mo out of his hands without him L. L n. n even losing a finger tip t The doctors were here amazed as thc they thought amputation n would have to be resorted to His hands were as white and as hard as marble and when placed In the oil the they snapped ined and cracked as the oil on began to to act upon y th the Ice crystals This remedy Is often orten resorted to b by those who live In col cold climates climates and saves roves many a ri limb Tho The temperature of of or the tho oil all should be about the tho same as that of the liv liv- living t- t ing room Great caution must be exercised exorcised ex ex- ex- ex during the extremely cold weather not to freeze ze the tho lungs which I one orto will quickly do if it he hustles about bout at the ordinary pace Quick an and fatal fata pneumonia can be contracted In a few moments moment Ian 1 Many a fine team of or horses has been lost In this wa way u up In the Yukon One has to be bo careful cardul abo about t touching touchIng touch touch- ing things with u unprotected hands ItIs It is dangerous us to take hold of ot a doorknob door door- knob when It Is CO GO below or thereabouts there there- t r with the unprotected hands hand unless you ou are careful to release your hand Instantly for If you OU do n not t i It ItI 1 I will freeze your our inner palm In five m seconds e con be he very cry painful thereafter c. c l nn and the result Is 18 the same as from 4 touching a n. stove Ii I |