Show I I Rih Rich Society Girls Girs of New York City I I Form CM Club to Get Their Husbands at Home There has been formed In Now New ew Yoi k City YOe a 1 girls girls' club li which is secret exclusive Ie and original in Iii Us Its purpose We o c formed this his club said sll the iho president to each rich girls how Iio to lo catch good hut husbands s. s As 8 things ac are arc now such girls have truble in getting Betting husbands of or the thc right kind The They aro compelled to go to Europe and arni pick up a title Or the they man marry tile someone in their own c count countr y who wh Isn't n to Hn This up their dreams club teaches that one cause of oC this state of oC affairs affair Is that rich girls arc are not trained to make malec the I mo mot most t of or their looks their dress and anti their ther manners mannel's I Then hen there Is another trouble with I the rich girl gIrl She doesn't know wih how to lo work That cau causes es h her hei I suitor to tremble I for her and to hesitate about pro pro- posing hOsing Suppose she should ever e be reduced in fortune What hat would she tb do to earn her dally daily bread brod woul How would she dress Who ho would make her clothes clothe 7 And where would the mone money come from Poor loor or Girls Girl's Girls Advantage e. e Xo 0 wonder a man is uneas uneasy about marrying a rich girl I In marrying a poor girl hl it is lit dif ferent forent She Sho Is accustomed accustom cd lo 10 shift for Cor herself She hlf can go out and anc buy lUy material ma ma- tonal and make her herself elC a a gown own She does doer not hot need flOOd a a maid She Sho can get along along with wih a dollar dolar where another set Il 11 h Uh 0 0 UJ H CU a neel birds R ai ate arc c all an right for her If IC she can cn get et them But limit if ir not she he can munch contentedly on pork chops and sauerkraut The argument men mont ment I is Js all in favor of the al poor l I from oni a matrimonial standpoint The rich girls girl's irl's club is formed to teach rich girls to be both useful ant and o ornamental am C tal It I Is Js formed forme to teach girls to face tho worst worst The Tho girl who be belongs to this club docs not need neeti a maid maW She knows how to do 10 her own hair balm hal she can make maJe up her hel own face she can do 10 h her hr r own manicuring and she can fit her hel own gowns And she he Is cu also ft 1 taught to sew ew ewhen When hen a young oung man calls cals upon a member of oC our club of oC an afternoon he lie does 1003 Ioe not find her munching hon bon bons boos or 0 doing an impossible thing in worsted work worl he lInda finds her thinS darning y her stockings She has learned the art In our OU club We Vc Yc teach our OUI members member how to sew e without getting wrinkles We e make male them thorn sit upright as they pl ply the needle We Ye make them protect the fingers s with wih a leather shield We Ve e teach leach them how to sew gracefully which Is half the batte battle The Time rules for girls Sils who want to darn stockings picturesquely are me these Choose a becoming beco chair one with wih arms if possible so O that you ou can rest your OUI elbows upon the sl sides es of the chair r Study a pretty position Sit with the head inclined a little litle to one Si side wih ei i In birdlike fashion fashIonS if Ir you ou can Dont Don't stoop Stool over o To sew sev se healthfully either eith eith- er em- emlean lean back or sit i erect Dont Don't stoop e I 1 01 or bend benl I IThen Then wo o give ghe our members lessons I 1 in dIsh ashIng This Is important from om the poor pOOl mans man's standpoint If II i j a c girl can cun not wash she sher I We se r teach tach rich feb gIrls how to take tala care of oC theIr hands hands 8 There al are sum sum- mor mei rules tiles and winter rules Iules The I rule lul nl for or taking care efe of or the hands in winter winter- time is to keep h-ceJ them soft und anti white Tho hands do not nee need bleaching in hr L WI winter a The hands should be washed Ire fre quent in winter tot for the hot air all of ot the time house dries them and makes them I look withered After fer each washing the they should be dipped in very hot water to 0 soften them Then rhen some cold coll cream should be rubbed Into the skin The Tho best winter soaps are t that can bo be made Into a soap jelly Th This 8 soap Jelly jell which Is really a Jely soft Ical soap is used to lather the hands n Then of the hands hand are nr rinsed and the lie cream Is rubbed In III This cl J keeps the lie hands alls young ol Girls is who h try to cook on the chat chat- ing Ins dish lish and those who do housework even in the tiniest flat or 01 studio fat areaIL are arc apt aIL to have old looking hands This Is because they do ho not know how to keep the skin young OUI and amid pink In our OU club we wo teach all al this An And l we give the girls a few lessons lessons les les- les- les sons soils in scrubbing though we wc hope that the they hey will wi never nevel havo have to scrub But it is all al JI right ht to know leow how Am Aiu AmIt It makes maks a good Gool impression slon upon A Ayoung young oung man man for for young ounG men arc are more mOe 1 1 practical than most girls think to think to think that hut the girl iJ he Is a practical hou housekeeper i I Looking Pretty I II I We e e also teach girls how to look hook prel pretty In the morning This Is one of oC the lie finest of oC all al arts The girl Irl who docs not know how to appear well wel groomed at S 8 a. a m will wi never nevel get a good husband To To be well groomed gloomed at nt S a a. a in m means that one must mut be fairly well groomed al niL all the time When the lie pretty pret t ty girl go goes gos to bed at nl night ht her hair should be shaken en out until It Is 15 light and fluffy an and It should be tied led loosely on top or of the head heal The way to do 10 It I Is 15 to take a big bg bb top lock and tie tic te a black ribbon around it it- It This holds the hair hai up and looks pretty If IC I one is cr very esthetic one can use a satin ribbon the color of or ones one's other ribbons those ribbons those that Hint decorate decorate decorate decor decor- ate ones one's lingerie But Dut black Is becoming for foi fol It Il throws a u lOch deep anti and interesting shadow over o er the face The ribbon bow should be he soft and bi big 11 It I should be ti tied d loosely to avoid old a straIn dran upon the roots of or the hai hair Most rost girls when the they tie lie tc the hair hairup hairup hall up In a big hh bow at night arc are apt to null pul the ribbon too When hen the scalp relaxes there is 0 a pull pul upon tho the lOOts roots and this makes the hair hall fall fal out out A big soft loose handsome bow bowIs bowa Is a the thc thing The girl who is going to look prel pretty in iii the morning must have a anice anice nice ilce skin when she fhe says S 'S good night to o the world HOI Her face must be brushed with lh a scrubbing brush and n must 1 bp he washed clean afterward arl un and pointed with wih cold coid coll cream Then In he morning it i needs nothing but a alash alash lash ash of ot cold water water thc the cooler the etter-aul etter and eter anda a very little lite powder We Ve e t teach girls how to tu dress ress them them- I I L f selves There Thero Is a n real talent In putting putting put Jut ting tn on ones one's clothing as ns it Jt should be put iut on 1 Tho fijo French woman will wi tell tel you ou that a full rul length mirror I Is absolutely necessary In iii o order 1 el that one may observe oh- oh ob ob- serve progress at ul ever every step of uC the time way Not a hook Is Is hooked wrong ong I nor nOI a button buton put on amiss To TI 10 dress Iress s right means three-fourths three of tho ho batte battie bat bat- tie tle te for the day lay There I Is chorus a girl ghI who serves es as teacher to the club cub She Sho gave a aleson alesson alesson lesson leson the other 1 lay day a In looking trim and her Wa way of oC dref dressing was waH a 1 tion 0 fl ton Throwing aside ashle all ul the ho tiny limy little I antique dressing tables she sue cio chose a hl big full ful length mirror and placing a plain table h by the sido of oC It not It-not not in lii vomit front of or the time mirror hut but alongside she gave Q 1 an aim object lesson on In careful and anti trim dl dressing I I You begin wrong Tons said sull she for CO you leave lea e your shoes until the las la last t. t Th y ric should be among the first things 1 put pul on It I spoils your YOU clothes to bend benl over O Cl after you ou have put them on The majority of or women do not know leow any anything thins at all al about arranging the back of ot tho the gown Wo We 0 chorus girls must look nice on oner er very l little le And Ane this means that we ve mu must t understand under under- stand our belt lines Should Their Ti Time Flume 1 C I 1 put on lii my shirtwaist and I pull pul It I down own In Iu the tho lie front and amid down In Inthe Inthe inthe the back bace The I arrange with wih m my hands to make a big hat flat fat bu box plait This I secure with wih pins Each Jach day I arrange this waist putting it I on as carefully as ns though I were dressing a I lay figure p I. I Then I fa fasten ten an elastic around my lay waist This elastic belt is used b by all aH window dressers It I bel Is a bit of or white silk fik elastic half an inch Imich wide On one end there Is hook I a on the theother theother theother other cud end enl an eye eyo My bit of oC elastic elastic Is Js half bait a yard long bug This I hook around my waist waist arl It I holds m my may shirtwaist as accurately In n place as though I had put In a dozen safety pins and anti It I gives me a figure Then I pull pul up Ull m my belt bel In the time back and ane I pull pul It I down In I the thE front I give myself twist and gie a a turn tm S andS and I there I am What a flur figure the they sa say Women dross dress dres too quickly A girl will wi pay Jay for a gown own and amid anc will wi I spoil It I b by taking only jive five e 1 minutes to put It on She puts It on so dreadfully dreadfully dread dren fully Culy that the effect erect 1 Is utterly lo lost t I It I Is better to bu buy cheap clothes and put them on carefully j In Iii the club cub other things timings are taught One of oC these Is gOO good temper The rich girl sill Is often oren very cry uncertain In her temper Time The poor POOl girl must keep tempered sweet or lose her Job So she is taught the time art nit of oC keeping quiet Three eo thin timings things s we teach the tho rich girl girl One Ono Is silence the lie second I H Is to preserve u a sweet swee temper tempel the tho third Is the art of or saying in very little The TIme girl Irl who talks tales you ou to death deth who vho is Ig too wit witty who has learned all al sorts of or smart sayings Is a bore The Tho hoyoun young youn man mutt who Is forced forcell to listen to tn her longs to 0 get et into the little homemade homo homo- made parlor of or the girl Irl w who o Isn't to so IO sharp with wih her hel tongue or who Isn't so rest rest well wel up on every tiling In It I Is a a. arest We Ve are making great progress with out our class clas clas' clas Our members are ae getting the kind of or husbands the they hey want Of OC course com e our matches are arc I all al love matches matche That goes goos without II any aimy alY further urthel saying But It It Is easier Insler 10 to love a girl Sir who can work New New NewYork York Sun SUI |