Show I 1 r T j cl I I I I J c It t f i is Impossible l to realize tlC the standing onnel of an organization organ organ- t t I tion like the thi Ladles Ladies Literary club Iu 7 r in In Iq a community except upon an nn oc- oc Ion cadion su sueh h a 3 as the annual club break brcak- 4 fat last Jast Friday Y which proved to be besuch su such u h a mall marked e To see en more mol IF than a hundred cultured intellectual i fj 1 women elegantly gowned enthusiastically C cally appreciating the scholarly an ant and t i W Vitty toasts and response an and to view Iw J. J tho the beautifully appointed tables and andi i t to partake of the delicious menu ma made e 1 j 1 gl e IO feel eel that it IL was Rood good to bo be o there r- r oI d then to realize that this club cluba a ar-an ar an organisation ha had been In L nce for thirty Y IJ the first wo wo- l club west of oC the Missouri river Ana AnU tl to think of or tho the system and of or the tho i c vork accomplished And the con con- coni tinned research and study going on in l er to tb I keep eap up UI with the topics an and W work rk mapped mappe out In the tho years year's broad 11 and comprehensive program All AJl must st feel that It Is a distinct ble ln r l I Ini tho the community t and one which all oil S should Uld bo be delighted to honor q 1 I 0 Tho coming w week ek will vill witness and another another an an- d other gathering which from an exclusive kr- kr sive 81 standpoint holds tt It II own with wit n in in the tho country wh n Spirit of or f Liberty chapter chapterS D. D A A. R n. gives Its annual luncheon on Washington's As in the past It Is s safe fe to to pr predict that It will bo be c one ono of oC the ola elaborate or orate orMo to events of or tho the year car and carried J o out l in all an of or its Us d details in a befitting the arist Daughters wHo comprise tho the patriotic p both oth local locally and throughout t th the country Mrs Sirs Frank B. B Stephens and andI I Mrs Mis Russell L L. Trac Tracy are arc the enter- enter i til committee The toasts toast's will willbo bo ho responded to as follows with Mrs 1 L Ld Le e e Charles Miller l as toastmistress Our bur Emblem Emblem Mrs Thomas Weir cir The rhe Wheel s. Mm Mrs Clesson S. S Kinney The Tho Spokes Spokes 1 airs II IL C C. Clement The hc Stars Stars Sirs Margaret l Zane Zone Wi Witcher Wilcher ichor v L ij g. g Tho rho Flax Miss Flax Miss Margaret j Thc Unlucky Thirteen Mrs Henry tf 7 C. C Cl Wai lace k The nIsin Rising Toast Toast Our Our Country Countr I C Aside from nom the toe balm balmy sprIng like weather of the past week there are arc ot other er signs of or spring in tho timo air air air- v- v girls jumping ropo rope and boys hos fighting lighting over O marbles One woman whose veracity ver cr ver- ver i Is 18 a above ove reproach asserts assert that she both saw raw and heard a robin The fhe f beautiful f spring fa fabrics displayed in windows makes akes the average wo- wo j long to arm array arm herself In the t ty material By the way judging from om tho beautiful creations shadowed forth In fn tho white summer waists one wonders when the perfection of art artin in iri that direction will vIll m havo have been reached r 1 The The Thc week started out In Iii an unusually unusual unusual- ly J gay manner on Monda Monday The he beautiful luncheon at the University club given Shen b by Mrs s. Grant Grant- Hampton the artistic decorations ivero c carried l out in the valentine effect bars bIs s of yellow ellow daffodils In the shape J hearts with cut glass vases of ot the thc same me spring flower lower combined with sha shaded ed candelabra gracing the ther r S S St t Tho Colonial ball at the Ladies Ladies' Literary y club on l Monday was one one of the delightful affairs of or t the tho week and aud was managed by y some of society matrons The f mill v in the national calI col cal ors ois Many l of ot tho the guests Appeared 7 which added to I the pleasing effect Tho The dining lining room below was In effective e contrast bright yellow daffodils and candles candies sha shaded cd in the same cherry chelTY color S S S Tuesday was was marked marle by two elaborate ebb ebb- orate teas tens when Mrs 1 William II It Cunningham CinnIngham m entertained lne for 01 Mrs J.E. J. J I B. B Huntoon Red and yellow tulips In In profusion were the flowers Jowers used A Abrass Abrass brass basket filled with them suspended suspend suspend- J C. C ed cd from the chan chandelier o over or r the beautifully beau beau- r appointed dining table brass bowls ow filled with tho the same and arid brass candlesticks with yellow ellow shaded shade candles combined with bows and streamers of or nib green grcen tulle formed I th the pretty decoration scheme About GO 50 gue Lc entertained 3 t Mrs Mra tr William and Mrs I Joel l Priest worn yoro the tha at a series selles of or afternoon teas on n TUesday Tuesday Tuest Tues TUes- t day an and Thursday A hundred women wo Wl- men attended both days daYE The valentine vati val vat i entine Idea Idoa was gracefully carried out f 1 In tho the pretty prellY decorations I S S S A A. very er pleasant affair of oC the week weel I In the young set bet was the Valentine dance at the th the Ladles Ladies Literary club on Thursday night when a number of the boys successful hosts The Th decorations were of or an unu unusually elaborate dab dab- orate om-ato character I thousands of red h hearts arts being used Indian and Oriental Oriental Orien Orion tal tat corners were luxuriously fitted up for fot tho the convenience of tho the young young youn g guests ests of ot whom about ninety were wera JU present A 4 A l buffet supper way was served at 11 Among Amon the tho elaborate functions of the week eel eok was the dinner g given En by Mrs E. E Bonnemort on Friday evening even and Mrs 1 I ing In honor of Governor Go John C C. Cutler cutter The rooms e at attractive ut- ut t- t with the national r col everywhere in evidence with II J I Joses In Iii u cut glass vases and nid bowls bowls- An All ll unusually effective feature was the American flag f fo formed mcd by electric lights in the tho hall hail s or orchestra orchestra or- or chestra played during tho to dinner dinner- l laco cards eard of American flag 1 w were c claid laid for twelve ti S S S p An announcement that will come as asa Salt Lako friends a a. to many r is IJ that of or Uio UlO engagement of or Roscoe 1 M l len to Miss Mobile S Stark ark of oft t Los Angeles Th The Tho wedding wedding- will wm lake talce place soon boon 5 N jor and arid Mrs MIs E. E P. P Pendleton and Captain and Mrs A. A S. S Brooks Brool en entertained in a a. delightfully Informal manner last evening at Fort Douglas I In the tho post hall hail for Cor the officers and ancl 4 women of tho the garrison an and 1 a few f. q friends from town Car Cards R w ro the feature o of the o. o evening until 10 o o'clock clock p when whon an Informal dance auco was olt- olt 1 joy d. d S S SS S Miss 1158 Gertrudo Campbell entertained at a a. ho box party at tho tio Orpheum yesterday afternoon In Irk honor of ot Miss Mildred Ott The Tho The following fol lowing girl friends of or the elect bride wore vero of or the tho party Miss Mise Lucy Gaby Je Jessie e Home Miss lIss Maud Jacobs Miss Irma Walker Valker MISs Marjorie Hig- Hig p gins Miss Florence Lanning Miss MissI I Margie Loda an and Miss Helen Helon S S S The marriage of Miss Mildred Ott and Thomas rhomas E E. Anderson of 0 Blair mar Nev Ne' will viIi Wednesday even ing Fob Feb 20 O at nt o'clock ll Ray v Elmer I. I Goshen The wed etl 0 T 1 tf p r t ding vill be at the homo home of tho the brides bride's parents parent nt Mr and Mrs l Q G K Ott Ea East t Second South street The bride will wUl be attended by hy Miss Pansy Anderson Ander Andel sop son as bridesmaid The b best st man manwill manIli will Ili be James JameR H H. Tho The newly married couple will leave at once for tor BIar t Nev e where Air r. r An Anderson Is in I business and where they will vill make their home S S S Mrs W. W II If Waldron aldron was tho the hostess hostess hostess hos hos- tess at a pleasant ant bridge affa affair yesterday yesterday yester yester- Ila day given quarters at atthe atthe atthe the S S 5 A party palt was wat a pleasant feature lea fea ture tare yesterday noon afternoon when when en Miss 1 Marguerite Ito Richmond entertained a about out two dozen of or her friends Hearts i I were carried carlle out In tn tho the decorations and In the refreshments as wen well Six tables at play pla at which pretty prizes were given S Mrs MIs W. W W. W Cluff duff and Mrs W. W W. W Cluff jr jl delightfully entertained 40 of oX their Coalville oal j friends Thursday oven even ing all of ot whom are arc now residents of or Salt Lake Lalu The Tho rooms were ero bright with cut flowers and valentine effects S S-S S A pleasant afternoon was spent at the Iho homo home of Mrs Irs Charles G G. Plummer Wednesday when she entertained tho timo Bakers Baker's Dozen in honor of at Mrs G Grif JC II Roberts of Denver who is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs 1 T. 1 B. B Quaint valentines formed forme an original and amusing feature e of the afternoon S S S SOne One of the thc enjoyable le events of the week was tho the party part yesterday afternoon after after- noon given b by Miss Ruth nuth Cain at her home noine Tho TIme guests en on- on were 1 Bruere Miss LIz LIz- do Coats Miss Dora Miss Mis U Nora Nom Walker Miss l lam Marlon m White and Miss 1 Josephine Wallace S Robert nobert Preston m the the en engagement en- en Rag of ot Ills daughter L Laura ura to fo C o g S s. s ott tho tile marriage to take place next Thursday S S 5 Mrs s. J. J E. E Huntoon will wm be the guest of or honor at s several cral afternoon affairs this week The Time first will he be heven given gren ven tomorrow b by Mrs airs Juno June une Sadler Donnell and MISS Minnie Sadler In the form of a a. bridge tea Miss l Edith Shearman entertains at bridge on Tuesday at afternoon On Wednesday Mrs H. H A. A Whitney an and Mrs 1 Tiernan Tiernan Tier Tier- i nan lUlU have invited Hell a num number er of or hOI her friends to meet her And Ancl on Thursa Thurs Thurs- day a Mrs 1 T. G G. Griffin entertains for tOl her as well as Mrs A. A C C. Ewing on ou Friday S 0 S S. S Mrs s. Ferdinand T J. J Fabian will bo be the hostess at a a. bridge party Friday a afternoon S S S Mrs James V. V Sa Sadler Ile and Miss Daisy will give an box party part on Tuesday afternoon for Miss Edna Bailey Baile who has lately returned from a several years years' sta stay in New York S S S Mrs 1 W. W W. W P Anness will entertain the Bakers Baker's Dozen and a i few v friends friendson on Tuesday afternoon for Mrs s. Griffith Grif Grit H. H Roberts of or Denver Denvel An In Informal Iii In- formal IH program gram will bo be bOL enjoyed Mrs h WlllIam Cron will SaM i-SaM fI a t. t 1 Salmon ics Fisheries which will bu be u fol followed fol- fol ol- ol lowed lowe by a n fish h gal game c. c 1 I J I Ono One of ot tilo tho elaborate events cents of time the we 1 for tot which arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- ments are being made mado is the Banquet of or States to be given on the conIng even on ing lug of Washington's birthday at the First Methodist church Tho The Idea Is quito quite an aim original one ono and promises es to be very cry enjoyable A table Is supposed supposed sup sup- posed to be bo arranged for the residents of each state though some of tho the smaller states may bo be grouped to to- to gether Effective decorations will b be bd in the national colors and pennants with the names of oC tho state will wm be bc hung over each table Hatchets and cherries will wm be In evidence The hour set for fot the banquet is p. p m. m A fine menu has been arranged Toasts will be responded to by the following speakers C. C C C. Goodwin R. R W. W V. V Sloan P. P A. A DiX Rev nev Benjamin Young Hon lion S. S II H. Love and Herbert bert McMillan Mc Fisher Harris will act as us toastmaster Special l musical features be he given and the occasion will boan boan bo boan an ideal one ono for Cor old and new friends to o revive o memories of Auld Aul Lang Sync Syne S a S S The Colonial party to bo 10 given 1 by Lynds chapter No 1 and l chapter No G fi Order of tho the Eastern Star will occur February 22 2 at Masonic Masonic Masonic Ma Ma- sonic temple Dancing Dal will be bo en enjoyed en- en joyed In th banquet hall hail Light re refreshments re- re will be he served S S S The Browning Drowning section of or the Ladles Ladles' literary club climb will bu ho u at I tho time Manitou next Saturday S S S I Mrs Clarence Ciarence T. T Brown Drown i is expected to arrive m In SalL It Lake from flom Chicago about Wednesday She will bo ho o tho the thoua guest ua t pf f- f Mrs W V W. W Yo and will also alao receive much social attention ll While a su guest st in III tho the city S S S Mrs s. Georgo George W. W Rose Roso and amt her little daughter Gertrude who been heen with with Mrs Roso's Rosos mother Mrs 1 William McGrath th the past past- year loft left last night to join Mr l Roso Rose in lii lo to Mox- Mox ip X Xi I i S S Miss Lena Welby Is visiting Miss Bessie Dessle Chandler in BIngham for fOl a arow afew a afew few row days S S Miss 1 Josephine Devereaux left last las night for St. St Louis for a visit of siv cral weeke- weeke r S S S Mrs C. C C. C Slade and little laughter daughter I Katherine aro spending ng a few we weeks week ks in Los Angeles Angelos S S S Mr and Mrs Thomas W. W Partridge e will leave leavo next week for Los Angeles I S S Mrs 1 David Keith and son David havo have gone gone- to California S S S Mrs M. M II if Korvin Kervin has bias returned from Reno Hone Nov where sho she has been bce for COl tho the winter s S S S Mr 11 and Mrs J. J A A. Tupper of or Pocatello Poca Poca- tollo tello I Idaho aho are arc the guests of or Mrs l T T. R. R S S S Mrs Irs Ray F F. Brandon Is visiting he her mother Mrs M. M R R. Alford for a fo few fow weeks Mr 11 Brandon Is the tha beading man In th the plo pla Tile Tho Texas Ranger Banger at tho the Grand S Co S S Mr ir and Mrs Mra J. J Louis o oCaro ot of Caro Mich arrived m In S Salt lt Lake Lako City Thursday r l JW are aro l te V vItt lil with Sirs Freeman i Y J f I i i of or First gt street who J is Mrs sister S S I IOne One of or the most delightful Informal receptions ever over given at the s state slate Hal Hal- ity ei wan waw Ik that given by y the young youn ladles ladies of or tho time 07 OJ and ond O 08 Ol kindergarten I pal department last evening Ir In Iii the kindergarten kinder kinder- sa garten rooms looms In the Normal building The h. decorations were welo unique and Iah h. characteristic c of this department arts Hi-arts were strung In almost countless count- count less leas numbers from one end o of the lar large e hall hail to the other Between tho timo strings s sor of or hearts were small card board banners banners ban ban- ners imers with the Inscription In Kindergarten ten 07 07 OS The he walls were draped with streamers of alternating red and white bunting mUn In one omme of the rooms at nt the end n of the hall with decorations decora decora- tUrns to correspond with the hall hail decorations pa In light buffet luncheon was served during the tho evening Punch was served send from a uniquely arranged booth Just out outside ido the buffet room The early part of or the evening c was given gIen over o to Instrumental and vocal selections b by m members s of the classes while the latter part was sp spent nt in cJ The evening was enjoyed by of or the young yoting ro nl ladies ladles and anti their friends Tho The patrons and patronesses were ere Professor or and Mrs William Stewart h an and Mrs Mis McKnight Miss Fox Mrs Mrs- Edward chard Jones Mrs Souther- Souther land and Dr and amid Mrs J J. T. T 1 KIngs KIngs- bury |