Show STILL NO CURE FOR CANCER iLc Widely mit it Plot First All Pre Premature mu t U re a advertising d ier I I s I ii g o of t ni medical ed theories les which havi- havi not gone beyond the time stage singe of experiment la Is not without Its dangers TIme The ray X-ray was ivas hailed on nil all Hides as time the sought long panacea Within u a year yeni after its discovery ll it had been tried on all sorts of maladies and andI I time the papers were reporting results noth lug ing short of miracles Conservative medical men muon asked In Iii vain for time lime to observe results But what now Is the lie attitude of time the profession Xray X- X ray ruy therapeutics It has replaced none of time the older methods certainly no surgical surgical sur sur- operations ions amid ami ivi with tim cancer I It t 14 hi used only when every surgical measure meas macas- mire ure has failed and then only to decrease de do- crease time the rapidity of tho timo tumors tumor's growth Time The alleged euro cure for cancer has been similarly trumpeted more loudly than time the scientific tests yot war war- rant rime Tho results of Dr experiments ex ox- ats on mice he lie considers aging hilt but In cases of human cancer It ItIs ItIs Is yet years too soon to make any posh posh- positive live tive claim whatsoever Of cancer hero are aro ninny many types sonic somo grow quickly timid and without removal are aro rapidly fatal some again are aie M so slow In their growth that years may pass before their pros pros- once enco Is over recognized It Is not easy to decide evon when Lime tho result appears most conclusive whether a cure of cancer can cun has been effected Formerly surgeons believed that u if i cancer did not recur In Its first sue site within one year time tho patient free of danger That time observation time ns is surgeons call It has henri in increased iii- iii creased first to three then hei to live five years and auth nt at present ono one of the most ex- ex surgeons In this country believes be be- hieves thai cancer may recur even after ten years Thus it is evident that lint time Iho factors which enter euler Into nfl any adequate 1 deter deter- of the he value aloe of as s a mm Remedy for rancor arc aro not miot s simple P nor nordo r rdo do they quickly become even to the conscientious and phys physician ici an |