Show EARLY TIDE WAS FAST Wins Feature at Ascot by a aHead aI I Head After Driving Finish With Los IUM Angeles Feb Fei Three favorites s came over o today the other oilier events go- go 0 lo to well played second 1 choices arid and art 1 medium priced price outsiders The feature of the day waa 8 t the tiit Woodland stakes for two year olds at ut four our furlongs and worth r 3 30 to tIme the winner Early Tide TItle at 0 Li I to 1 I. In a driving driy- driy finish beat bent Carvela a L en 1 Head with lag ing always always al ul- al- al was 1 third a u close favorite but bul finished fifth ranh ways J. J R. R at S t tb lb I 1 won tho time Free lec handicap event at a n. mile j A lime Die favorite finished third mlle mile 3 to 1 I. won von Lord nos Ono One ton second 1 titled third Time 1 1 miU One miLr Christian Uan 8 S to tn 5 won on Gold Gol lI Time 1 hue lu second 1 1 IM r to furlongs seven cven Sadie SalIe second Time The 5 6 won third TimO 1 n J Four furlong furlongs ely Early fl Tide c. c G to 1 won Time Nine third Balbus Baibus second IS One J. mile It 11 S 8 to 1 I 1 won v second third Tune Time 1 IU Futurity course course La La a Gloria even n. won third 1 Jack Maden second Time 11 1 s I I |