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Show ees. os . Mysterious Land Can ne the nay aU ago, turies -_-- jE Same years 4 ¥ Notice | previously. | tfardman raving the tha admienion toleor. ata : Action of an : ert. f or Queer °@ Work. . , z es . me a ‘08 ; uw Saurday aesthe ~~ ie coud pocee ucnes, will be held at the) Jonn MeArthur' 5 1,000 cross -To Feb Norfolk, | Va., the ocean following a weil-defined and nae steamin a palatial lane conventional go To thing. one is called, so er, ; . the eu mysteoccan-vague, e. pon 2 treacherous-in and fascinating rious, Cannon to be diamond- | Jonna said ure there ae several over. ee eee ee admit of deep shaft| would areas, which aa il THE IN under| mining systematic aud sinking . a carried = on; Peyetiledee being control competent poe : an of search nr drifting no one F d emotions. telephone the Captain W.r S.. i ager of ies & Washington, when found wrecking . at half cr have in dock glad 7 to I threw of § an res w~ | executor, valso for @bpointmeht aan BUM. we = shall hour go ; alongerage in: Salt Clty u Tanner, M. J. ape ' CERME ‘vecekRun AM here I ‘ke Attorney r towit: deceased, sald extension so utherst Tho. the into guests two his called (Seal.) Swan on dy " F " re} unwritten go She the of half law, finding anyone to would tic towing her into port "The vessel is a menace was bound abandoned her and she was Utah. In Oberndorfer Sill, of7 54, plat block Lorne 6, lot running thence cast 1 feet. See U., J. By W. H. Gecorse N. feet, \ tition ér. 40 ELDREDGE . aoiion « \ vA ate ‘ be Twonty west to com- rods, rods 2 10 north | ss uid lot 5, thence rods, south 2 rods, east 8 ol f lot ysneneemen in the coincidence a singular of the sea that we should now) sechoonel "1 abi sch seeking the abandoned is Tt romance lat "B,"| k ra be e a }* ca |jing » hea . life ip‘ ike ote thebefore the danger comes. sci treacherous "The and tracks only and can sei ae ec ae. oa ee malhavede ‘ ee and hecls Captain Ransom sas { aCar straight compass ae dlans. and aby on and rain stale tt under full steam. wouth Bours : lay day hours Thirty-six a cause Bbly th. hot Wal wind aaey miles twentyand say.| c a her, a . cad forty-cignt Writ, ; say, me 2notth Pb pe oe ~ ohifted ' VC ‘ yonuo be ce southward from und light was she} Consequently miles) ten about to miles twelve wind the 13 ber southwest the drifted probably Northea:t = tO} vessel 2waterlogged loc} Lake Salt In. court, the in house. court Sa a@ o'clocK 10 at ony, prob-} would tnis of | 1993 ‘ court 1.00} verted - sterw eo ) TOG no to at degree iid AO BEDS tains can es of wall dense A it sel { strete ec areas Carefully of from which chart the could vessel Jost the ae #0n . ei above. given « out es 1rd ae Sears that) it notappeared escap fou sea turnings southern luctantly the set t een day | ard the. i act oss mapping We scoured nm va! day of een slate-colerednortaert port While at for sea "nel 5 aes a ate Bae ts the clerk Witness ae thereof seal the ms February, of abs iM Be in ) ° J. U. 7. H- hn ELDRE eerie warnswoxtrorney fe ° ~s e io tloner. . = en C oe 7 INOTICE Salt o~: le et eR eee AE ULE IPAS Utah.) i ye city, Salt Lake of county, eel ot sale hi weal! |B E ¥ s the ‘an2 alr . wa 1 cape crutce &' was f absolutely perfect,ae no yaenting ca for of Ee the count) , at ¢ of said court, court" errs poles (Seal the rea aa k. | Peti.| ? Ty ER eee, 3 ASSESSME BUTLER-LIBERAL) is hereby Notice a o ing iday ppl filed and -t stating be must this in et Y ea Madd A ALIEB h given cent «(bald ts meeting r : he to county, ax-| Lake Ja - | "Witness the Ut « jerk ; of sald court, : 306 with) Utah. ; per cent) (1 the ofshare I stock capit eet Bldg., Salt . So. . St. t alevva corpora- claims, mining ise ian See owned by an sald Lake City, Acting H. W. CRAM, of Galena tment. tré per dollar one ry any for ate t St reet.t ONL Y- --$1. 00 FEBRUARY deatincluding dise ase, catarrhal treat all low fee Vebruary for the troubles during lung of $15 or for from suffer a meane mild to cure many cases chronte and you when By oda ine Saat cure, catarrh Consultation training. or Call disease. SPECL A can be cur red fer Advice and write PAR' DE AL, and Free ~~ M EN, FOR r PMN' an treatmeon the for exclusively Department a Special have Shores I of Men, whether caused by |ghorance, oxcessea diseases of all private cure or delicate most the about Shores Drs. consult may You or contagion. a eat Beane e that Oe wT EIerLY with troubles, private embarri seins be will everything and skillful treatment, honest advice led astray by have been who men yung rn Al 1D CONFIDENTIAL. PRIVA bad companions-middle-a victim the RES ae A. J BY CURES die-¢ pe y " their fiad g DR, HOME sexual of vigor ead I ged MAIL ' enne nen rone-unfor unates poison-and » 11 others kind)vy phvsicians, and of experienced advised be ent c seand ARGE. PEE A ‘or a lepartr are need who for eh contracted the counsel invited to srs : Cure DERN ac o ro. Ss disin all private TTHODS. arrange may you that cases in for a Cure fee the pay to inmonthly or weekly | small as st aliments, is merein men Boe called "Weakness" Inflammation) = af chranic mntom ' by on brought gl and. prostate the 7 {mproper the by or dissipation early A complete fore, some of treatment and = an pe noe to tate gland we accomplish LS tirely. GIRBAaa, contracted radical of cure is, there- remtaring: ie Penta its normé cesar 08 pronipely oPe a nternal se "en onereme-~ doen riot It 1s original and scientific. and has been proved absolutely. effective by | e convinced | a of tests. thousands and; ca by no other methoas that Saerianent in| vigor : | be restoration accomplished. of strength and the pro- cure PAY may you ; matter No CUR AD. Ww HE N trouble al is, ley or who = your what rene aie linee, ors cure ay falled has faster § ueele alinte, these sult ste en WRITE. & Sh SI D noon er ire ki eee 249 Block, cae ate ores, a eae. opposite Kelth- O'Brien's |Store. _ottice m. a. ©p a. m. m.. ee uv p- o> Bee to pos noon aT te holidays, rs DR. Sah G. i excessea-o ta have who cordially ae TOWN OF LIVE OUT Drs, Shores & Shores 86y ROBERT new mee nd get their advice YOU IF sce toole Mine t they are enabled Treatment Now old the few treatments-even Why 27 years' Eye of at the dential ats a Galenal teat Secrotary S Knutsford, Hotel j Onpasite } Priand Chronte Nervous, cure all eurable and treat also Shores Irs. nn nature. of every name Picea and Children Women of Me Diseases ote or D seascs anc Kye of aif DE PARMEN' Y for the quis k cure iy Shores' Is unexce sled, being In char ree of a Spectaliat glasses of fitting proper the Se situated distr ct, « ‘and' tt 16 machinery, ane ge | 134% Ind. nay. be cured for $15. $l a treatment the Galena whereby 19%, September, of|of place the| mine said Utah to the sranted Lake | mine salt and| Ruby the purchasing | pler whichft 2a telegram handed to proceed once < deeat ay haar him mos i é Srd re Kast = 74 | ITH . , || & REPAIRING. Wonderti Shores' Drs. or recent cases ina CONSOLIDATED | half with the Utal mine, on the sil day 11th the on assessment! on : anywhere: duplicated' be prices ans stat: : $1 .00---DURING will Shores & Shores Drs. and asthma fever, hay ness, of that at a meet: | . makeane you. 7 will : | ee of Balmy and which Utah, county, Millard Oasis, M.iand Tf. to imm« diately payable PRO-} tion, COURT, DISTRICT THE IN connec1 | in oN used been exhilarating heretofore more the|have been of } Nave office the at secreta Lake}! Orem, Salt for and in division, el ate Rescue the on man Every ; lightiul. of said! the mining operations with B ic ‘Salt Lake/|tion of company, 506 Anerhaak In Ce eae state of Utah. Tine | county property,| mining himself ssid in at mine study Galena ‘} interesting e PON city, Ut de-) Fowlks. W. John of estate 1e be ings steamer ocean jc ai P boat itself set and conditions terms » the subject assess-; this whk cs upon era Any . i sea-going | owerful l Be to authorize | and enld: contract in forth on Thursday rem ifn unpaid may lient WwW John of ceasec powerl most the of Ne avgest in) j -The petition | prop-| of sald conveyance snle and he and the delinquent be will 1907, and 1, March Issuance) the for praying existence | 'Notlce- ° in the| upon see nine Galena _ tugs said by erty auction, public at sale for | SUE AS | meee nase the United State: let ters of aS ae said) in himself forth ns to and: conditions terms Through the starlight we returned | before, made is payment other| unless such transaet de-|and to ind Fowlks, l contract W, at John 1. 1907, of April state Monday. oe in on! will be 6old on has Ay ring for set been properly as may as { out f ce threaded capuite r business and and Roads Hampton the delinquent to || 1:3) o'clock p..m,, to pay February, 2h day meeting. 2rd the the before iy, come east Saturde of | oF eee cost lights oe geen erful with cis wonde the and ther | meeeperough he) assessment H. S. JOSEPH, at Salt OREM, 0 Secretary.» m., o'clockLake 10 salt (Signed) at ile, 1907; D.City ! = the | lor and M.expense in court, At up4 ofclock room| | advertising harbor. xJn Tati . satel in the court perfolk house, we tle "do ‘ty court ‘ieee of) ¢ ania ined 2919, Bell Cu purpose forthe: called and enn . NOTICE. such Fai business i our Book UTAH 5 SM DYEING CLEANING,PAUL NG ITC cI State 16 February publication, of first Date 2 50 | ot completion of publication, "Mare h 11) date 1% an | 18, and ~ - - WADE | ' ea = we +0} 107, of ' that cannot Books Rare or -- aoTHE z PLACE- ms » REMEMBER Old New, out care away, | them giving we| new-looking and Ua CoS eats ee Ene NER We j om! Y IN STOCK and ate within office clos closing tare are Se ran rensons atid bs; qade. i e ‘Hesaorthe Crom 89 feet west Select Fr {0 Volumes HHT 30 LARGEST re- be YOUR } the upon passing and considering a approving and ratifying of uéstion _ , ar .eaeares by a { ‘ | ce 2m NU . ORY f po ae NUMBER, \ eee Btn Nr held sors BE are an OT. yruary u there 31, In water - will ® PRICE! ! OWN appear | thatAnd now garments the cost is shabby. make Sout! and fect December © the "use d, pate 7. Nore ee tne DUBNCAtoOn' Sey he 1.4 Bectetary. Prineipal company. Mining Bldg., 306 Auerbach business, Utah Gity, : one lof att Sora OF - nit | | | uel would | we Soleeuine , that s¢ riously . be- |} it*over: think ee ROE sca. pep the ag motto: iz < ave WK : And thet dyee it Caves worthles sedly eee of clothing, ane sue cur. way the ‘worth athers, ete., that are or throwing nice see how fore and vid. an, ie diet Goa ® ¢ to 3 ea you osk era . in ane | many. shares of each PRO:| & COURT, THAT DISTRICT. GIVEN THE) «yy HEREBY IS NOTICRdid the thougatfall sold] oar will be be necessary may as stock Lake| Salt for und in divi: oni a haat holders the the MYS-)p aie 1 unravel peci Ta nt ¢ tine of oe acta the) st o% offies the at auction public matter}at the In Utah : Utah corporation of he ee Bt: unty or the Galena é Salt) ffered ber at 306 Auerbach"ic, building. ant company , de‘ Fowler, +f James. of i e ere i ti | or was de volict A rew ard 7 . | ce at the office of said com held be first) win the AS sone | tal City." Lake Tow: 4. Sal block, all} .ceas McCornick Iry 54, = room sigs nany, man p. UL.) first erence 2 o'clock at 197, March, of duy J t Le elt Utah, on the 2th day ol petition of Saran Notice. -The the eb AaNpAR MATE BITE re-| Fake City, vive friendly in and Setipomer the eevee a fn elt |'to pay the de Uae p. ra at four o'clock 187. couring hile ler, praying foradministra webruary, inS| instructivels ad i a @ves were wi torether on, eras 9 of letters of wh to 8 suthward, All was clear ea, ‘thi In tery A le a shane: natural Ie. south bears which point a application, therefor, 2 Wl duplicate ae ¢ lawson |1%-Spencer with court of said clerk Se county, SOM) Bauer FO 182-J. . OR ; aed, ee Clawson 1$4-Spencer Witness day this reg Sth othe por epatCREE ear se: ub the' ih & M American "4-The a se % Pte fae ) 4 February, 129) ae a Co i oe, f Jn. ELDREDGE U. ) ree oft ; Marioneaux L25-Thos. Cl te Deputy arn: ww H. Ry bd law with accordance in And ety F and B5t¢ phe ae 3. Jones eh directo of. beard the of order Pt EIpOneres for sys 4 and ‘Porte Tr January, of day llth: the on z r Te SS parcel | 1.73) 867 1000! Bourgard Lake}. yo pome Salt und turned stream: 2.04151 ald Cr "Publ relies 17 ics OEE City, [dees - ito I ‘ me and conveyed base Luke be it will Salt 1-cast, where front A -_-= 1T, TOO.' township 12, section -of commer 245) west und base Luke Salt: L east, south. vange 506] Is designated This uppilention | meridian. » No as #ifice: enginecrs state the 2.)in WO) 1123 of granting the against protests Al 945! terad Oe ee re wala range idfan, 2) 144) Whitehouse Corn- oF power to develop year, lusive, of each oe purpose of electric igh rate the yA | for ane Luke In Sx machinery. 1.) rronpelling so WU been fter having tah counties 20 O11 100) ro? , JoB 1007 13. the that of 200] for f° distance 0.00) used from Ti muary 2000) ; Berger Ss.Marjonenux CLEAN er ".00) 10000 i) JUKHN) Butler A 2.0}0} 2 10000 oe Wilson Vilson Butler er 1x) 100) 1000 1000) 20) ..... Raybould Vilson Se aie ae ay n Web. <n Us.". e |} mW) 2 Dannet Mack: - "Bawarum panes Straup Independen Thompson Saturon hearing t for tis j d e tg for of Neal' D.| te1 7 _F : ank St ndcine . EeuRay day comp ca Was thebeen"rd set day, on] ee northeast. 1. I GaSe r f Mining HI z Mining pro Utah the of Paes 67S (2-14 Mining Daly the of nares North 131% the} this MinMin Mining} yo | ; | Mining » Hill 2 E Butler Butle ‘Vi 6 ini ree a atte Oe ee e ie pir dyeing. a have worthaGyiess pee ad-a It > Ret pees ines M.is Cannon, several tid OT whosets postotfice of the | Angus the : names ade has ite ' wa ke uy dtes follows us ers ae ath TOs: tn Me ‘ Panties atl Pea Arut : ithe 5 oy Meaty Stee Bede RES nag tel Neha ee ¢ 5 001, : ae : in chapter quirements-of6-9) 9. aes he (ot) 2 eno thirty appropriate to 1905, Utah, of ae ALGO GEE PS iston ae Reon 100 Ol ee wi; ann ss ieiay Lake "Salt. "creck, Cottonwood 2001 Little. } Butler ibe will rater ri; _ co © O01 1000) ; ; 7 Borin Di ara Cet tht i erted at 00 | 1000 Bay = sation trom fect west<520-. Osminutes OO} degre 10%) . Guernscy southeast the ofcorner ist iprtin thie 4.00) 200) Butler south 1ip ton 12, ection f } qu Butler | a DYE: c Ouse SA Ngee , i opposite setJanus an ak? x ante i Murray the of compuny shares Miliin "8 Sea the ; ; ; studied ie as Ransom, Capiain after something as ned shee a sichted was Mitchell " f i "] Bes" =a a 2 the ; BC morning 11 h of the the Gold Gold ae. and of Mistery 5 Eldorado eat Zen ene kee meen eel ( company Chance Last of the sh ares 2 | sout i due Milling company 2,000 shi ey of the by]* COE ena derelict surnful . Mini ning | the Siglited. hi ud: Arcturus the where lingerwe Here |} schoonel ‘ the began we ee when ae ‘ ena: uy 4 2 ee steering ic } Electric ing oc Can the comps ane of shed shares 245001 ‘uel USERS. OFFICE Utab is te ep ve Utb the om levied LX WATER City, OMY 2 General Manager. =o - " - G , Don't Like People "Some of 1907 ENGINEER'S i Salt LUKE, - | Ni , G merican ew c . of ; shares Inigh! micnie At on spot exact the al wore ve e . uN ao, : E STA' | of TO NOTICE the | G. FRANCIS ‘ LAKE } Tatanay j 7 at ae S SALUT | | : amount Secretary. Attorneys Lee, Debts Bldg. dg, r - Svery January, of McCONAUGHY, aay Honest Bank a National Commercial Floor Fifth j of amend nee of Collectors Scientific c \ corpora purpose day ‘1st ‘this R. Booth | (1-5).-0f4) EER SE share, ) ai younts account on stock ‘of (0G Min-) Clty Mercur the upon. delinquent are be *¢: ® i auction publici ion } | toé i ‘s ) Sense No meetin Date | co. "ake Salt may ene PL als eee ee eee » suc said before brought aiion | Ing ansactic 9 s isas Dae be may oe for ‘Pett. on ° this secretary the to 7 slivered Le |sucd and delivered. And for the further ' A ee ee 3 business, deseribed follow ing ea of pevelopment shares 7,000 Gas ae ba cast Nave foe course ST sce Notice-There sine: Silver Montreal Ut oat SA interest and $200 af "the - NOTICE. NO. of place ips ul 0 - sara New the of anges s an Smelting Mining, rn West oe c company. Sar ai Tee A Gas| aoe sient anc h pale 52,000 cre: at Rescue the put : DELINQUENT BUTLER BEN Priixe and M Min-} a shares of the Bannock Gold 49 eee, « € ee compan Siland Gold Terriscompany of theMilling shares ang ver100 Mining MinLogan General the 1,000 § share GO : os : . : } compas ie aout Roe done x0 anes most } ease mer in its ic s sseul . » { etoep- | me Wale ea so great t su his META skippel arOates 1 kind-hearted , the that : an oa to pe rt to pul te return mined mee. have de we Otherwise to them. | searcn to the month week ora Ja V the} here Henry. ing Cape na Arte: 1 landed first of Jamestown founders Inthe by off driven were and 1607 but shi nae 4,000 taal Mitehes the found would Milling company Mining | : ay c as Mining | Mining reese for ni Xo 25, "dune shares from S300 ih eh: eld's: Max hands| ait y inn compa Deputy Attorneys Moyle, and company a Mi chart.) the sand Wiite eee ansom."' ees are TCE nay never ecire aoe. be the Pe ieee she ae s a PB Improvement and' cunning its of evidences young tione!: -_-==_ € JR. E (Seary hou caeeere Personal the + ee oda of shares 193.234 company 2) shares of the C penet ea olas i ene1a 1 coll Che Wee "rt obliterate: ‘ ne > > jnevitable . 1m Webruary i LDRE DG I. 1 Ry W, H. Farnsworth, and|of brick old an with ne Oru an at Dp. - te a. ¥ if] 9 Ree ene OLE Be MN eeaae ogether| with the costs of. ndvortising and ex| sale. pense of D. R. THOMPSON, 1907. February Secretary. iret jublication, : : eK : : at-10 Rat. iz, 27, pla ock ot Aa ea years ago she was wrecked On]| outh halt "a ted ant he'compafly room } in the: court count corner| o) sriificate "Commienci ‘ ing aes the: southeast ging sue teh - ns any ae ase bos rescucd SRG was and y court house. C island Fisher's to thet cana 5 Salt | eave City, Lake ins. Salt eon. said Lake|of alt plat "A,' 24, block of lot 3 by ¢ mas + ( : pie Eee taken to New of . 11directors board aiden tt -ereti ay thea Uta county, Lake> north! eatin running City 3 survey, aa 8and « ; dicdwho ; recen sérvice, our of = "uponE ‘conditions he re ie F . 4 |[aeceat court, of sald the clerk u Witness south eee coh hich | jo rods, thence west 4 rods, thence 7th w day}. Farwell this steamship Se the REC board thereof seal Is the be place| shall the to certificate rods, new 4 said east jwhich thence |40 rods, Twenty Henry shore éat Cape vel J ashore went years luter we are trylg to rescue her | of See life of ships|adobe "'Phe time the sesecond for | i as : e ° SOocia in must the| at m. w o'clock stock; rid rey ° st er, the office, Of; the. secretary Utah, | Pebruary. L akeof City, Salt day building, the 25th Federal Monday, {on fe a te ae et ea eee aia: ea oe Ena ieaucd i ncatee oe ci : mabe ef such. stockholder the name " on at sold be will iene re . aegis of cach parcel of such each tion held by for said stockholder tock as wamende ode | wy ‘oe reviced. and in lieu thereof; In the matter of Utah. Sharp, deceased of rae petition for approv: il ang, yours o ard' lone at said of of : stock as a S - can if for - 32.) ane | Ter Was everypo or LASS 1,000 1800 ee \t We day, ; old, some & you | I you SOTE A, aAlay re Prt Red claims, your iN turn ‘ ' a ofr s In exist ho | iesty\ |of ¢ v streaks Ee ik ' ' nones ei | uilmel C F t | fift ity G for collect 6 230 7 be eee other the Bro, ‘ 5 12 years [22 D woes a -of ' and in the number 5 5 2 lieu | Bdwina shares cert LS 6 aeltyernd shares fourfa of Take 4 bd Salt Si one ‘aunne il account of the Sharp. of John of the estate has Februaryon day forof hearing 2rd set the been executors eceased, Saturday, for and 2.00 oy 1,000 EE collected dollars MUTI 2.0 ae! 2.10} held now share 4 the:board one cach icholdar and F {stockholder sno. COUR and in - ED AOU = w: she Part of lot 5, » block #, I plat ‘B,". Salt] county, Le state er rammed her : and as she was‘ appal I) of the evar Commencing survey City enuy in a sinking condition a pa ssi Np ake Notice.-The rods north of the southeast corner 5f| steamer took off the crew 10 | sections nt of lumbet with Zoston ~ Clerk. Jm., Farnsworth, Dep uly Clerk'| such stockholder, an Lawrence, Attorney for Pe- | Tectors pre cause ee HISTRICT so = ect of be- Tee . ince FEe a, -tacitiy . (Seal) Salt; 1% rods} of said!) thence south tia yelie ginnings een, "A," 0: north thence 5 2 . 5 2.1 OD shares | necessary.x a stockholders 2. os 1,000 . 5 Sh0e of four among in a ratio uted day | corporation 11th this seal thereof D. atfixed, the February. ot be hall; "the: ph nar snnito ited Uta county, Lake Salt City, Lake the cierk of said court. Meith Witness anne pla ae 1,000 2,000 by Voss 1,385 1,000 Ee We hat aceD °..-..% =>, OY ei Soe thousand LF Capon Two hundred oars 2 oF 2,6 2,500 30 330 as os) cen | Ors 2 . 1,000 1.000 1,000 BEBUS gail e XVL ‘Ae Joseph of the for deceased, foltoyr hea. { coke ae iinconfirmatio the of 2.50} 2.5 fn Becbe Beebe ee ; apeppracion non-assessable Wicks; B, .E. kd arfleleaes, thereot matter deceased. in substituting and mpany sald Lake the the: estate of B > Edwina | Bdwina wenty i ee at ae a etgieyon twenty-two)of incorporation 20), Pr. twenty-one the articles (21)of and (2) PRO- z ate L. Doyle |J.Edwina Bee ) zs 23 AMD 1,000 1,000 » 00K) ....25 J. sixteen (15), b of articles (17), all seventeen out striking (16), and ealing fifteen this corporation of corporation cieee Pc- Salt of netitio The Notice-- Sill, ae May the for soeart of estate the saministretor of estate of state county, of much] and in division, bate following 64, 2"i were SIT Bucher If. H. Young T1 Oberndorfer Sbecudorfes Oberndorie: Oberndorfer Oberndorfer for COURT, DISTRICE THE IN ore nae x4 : McArthur fol-|W_ the "also article said in Utah" Sea ES PER 4,920 * on oon sor Schauttelber 2, not patented; in full pay- | J. Pee {ment of the capital stock-of this cor-|J. j and: pas aan tatlom an ‘a enomination tho. oeares pai 1e © Ares Oho J. each." dollar ($1.00) of one ‘| value the-articles of {n-|J,. amending Purther tition ttt ordtr| Beginning City survey. of the nor thwest corner and lot fo Savannah from Part Lake naviga-|south to time the at' to commencement. 11, block lots 9 and rods All of |10 e salvage -jand6tsGourley's city ya's City 3%rraecoved. 32 dnd " ear and|John eee Is corpora: : AIL" 6£) 04 the capital . stock estate of the aanadeat k towit: same! and the corporashale) toae safd as amended, contributed ce ctaet and sIx-|¢.°tion,hereby chart room of lots fourteen (14), fifteen (15), w ith a twinkle @ C 3), Ontarlo (%), three block (16), 2 in teen min Cottonwood Little in. claims quiet way fod ee ee and for a working a Utah, county, Salt. Lake subdivision, Rene kta rag Gispoged "ureasury aula ‘The three- -masted schooner Charles] district the upon. And $1,500. of sum the for ae a a 2 Lots 43 and 44, block sea,| at adrift is Mitche r "ash | UPOD | oF fram time to. time by the board of| towlt: e| following terme, wC, ors ck 62, plat A pri- Sen owen, and abandoned. Cher re-| directors of said corporation at such the has confirmation, in thisfromcourt, turn of sale, asfiledappears vate message from 3 New York inform-~_|_ Part pepe of lot 1, block ¥ tt, »Hlag teh A." vs Salt] been sect for hearing on Saturday, the price or prices as may be fixed by sald a four-room| with Areturus re-|Lake City survey, ed us that the steamer XVIL of ep ports passing Mitchell the 11th instant, }adobe house, Moraiehalur at the north-| 23rd day of February, A. D. 1997, at 10 board of the shares d avod-th Rirht} house, o'clock a. m., at the county court south] of said Jot 1, thence corner east ag 74:04 SRA nottiOn2 ee latitude 36:47, longitude ay anae eof court reom of said court, In Salt! distrib"Acting on this Up, we concluded to!4 rods. west 10 rods, north 4 rods, cast} In the eKicdo ana indulge in a little nautical speculation. the by a derelict being Mitchell, he < Dawtt 3 / 5,000 5 00 "a 29; ccpaseceaee ON2 +. Cla he pe lode mining clainy i in Park ain‘ City.| and Fortune , Slivercord Belle The the powerful tug and/ h in his]. eye said said in hiss eye . 2% 0. ° H. J. SMITH, Sec, and Treas * C. E. DAVEY, Manager. 307 0., ure urnl a ras e 246 1,000 1,000 < ‘I. denomina- | J. eo eectoing amM6 ...270 .... : ere ee SORE TTL e ee, «..c-.csath BIAgbY « ere Clasby : Tv. of|J. Laxe Salt vy "123 ee ‘enc 276 | AINS IR @ in house any than lower are prices Our AND RUGS 5; ARP} en 500) 7,195 352 .D. claims, mining named lowing ; Aer auteita! aie No. oe ate : aauinn , , ages aera a 357 ... 358 Short. ‘Al-|Thomas in: the interest ae one fans .-Hiales Alma ce. one-ee a sor ed Py ne jp 2 = a a et pes the Se in Ene pale ~ se f Hudson I. the|C. also claims; mining lode patented Cle SREDG © tpt JELDREDG ai Attorneys Moyle, anit m8 W Young said] so of bs the of shares stockholders' annual of day 9th this affixed, Sheree' ei H.| the bef need snow. age be granted to sell not plowing|Should were roads and Hainpton sty eat ceenarad fs port as sonie watel ocean blue the fhiough r red real and personal Captain Henry, of Cape miles east Tooker oe de Charles before appear Interested alt marvelous of out passed had we Laks matter Daft, and Eva Fleming J. D. Lyon Jenkins, executors of the estate of Sarah for an! praying Daft, deceased; Ann of real andpeek personal sale Gebadent: order otof eald in ait ee: = Cre? after}sons and , tr iy 13 fol- as stock given ‘of ape fal stotxholders'mestings | Harri- H. F. of petition 216 26 Sek ......264 Humes Gardner ca ' 5,00) 5,000 5 pea ewe esc ncss ant BO olders' ineetings e P ‘articl Amendi unty Schau felber: 8 1. of the ar-|H fourteen e Of lea oak I icles ay. oees i)8 of sald.corpors: ‘Bucher igorpyxation ‘Rooks words "State| W.BOREH Sonne after tho tees, /tlon by adding atthe county Roane Poteet ES ie ape Sa : SA ‘ ot 8clark a eeean enone soon the: ae orl tT et Witness O- COURT, Salt for tho In: of (1,000,000) the Petitionér.| for r an in Notice-The Lake} Salt | Marks, Ship. went, we then, sea, To eare- Ran-) BoCaptain N. by read to amended as article er eae m., petition Notice.-The : e e by Captain lily welcomed and skipper, the som, Tooker. antes are for Wrecked Sa Search million!ieW. a ‘I'. one mil- |} Henry one into to divided dollars, ia = casicae aceasta 1,000 1,000 Thompson, .2 Thompson..! Tho sc : hund Pini from 004 $200. ($200. Sa Mt IN THE BE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT court, on/ hearing Ann by eer ee See Tope Thompson | Wim. Ball... depomina: aVarme ae1e@ s of of onethe dollar Clagby T. each lion count Salt the admission to ‘profor son, praying ee Utah. |county, one that day every not is It wind. purporting bate of a certain ‘Aue ument, with| court, er ee nar SE ih @& mysto se ' on to mide gets a wo ill: tra 1 to ltl this affixe iereof e. sca courtys é ssion, arious Aer eatca: ana Roca Doty at tretecicot no A. D. 1907 am | 0f February, ane nee Be Stine letters-testamen- | of. a "Gertain granting the for. JM,. Clerk _E SLDREDGI (Seal) - om of not when mystery to -averse iiot set] been has Harrison, H. I'. to tary Clerk.! Deputy wrth, Farns Bradley. was There persuasion fominine ‘ha: av a0 ay Sz ari "Ie. Pys tt *ischel, ant ac . . A ie oe ne uae a Pe eae oe but | petitioner rig, sea a into get to time no to piek up I stopped for a moment DISTRICT IN THE a friend, a famous art connoisseur as} and bate. division, of in' Utah,. state dock | county, I knewthe would who reached Wa aa aS as myself, reckless Jar: estate of Sarah the estate Pot rea. ne ~ great oe ano pieapy ft Ar tus eee ae 1.D.R. ae q ft aE r the clerk of said court, with sta, eee ap of kerrsa ee sorpore Miers oe oe ace porous »y stockholders ! each von year Short. thereof affixed, this 9th day|the third Monday In August MEE cick ttThomas si . t » aac of February, A, D. 1907 (Seal) J. U. ELDRE DGE JR, Clerk. Ee ee hee ae _ 1. ‘Bucher said |W. en in cet providing year, andthatby no further an Ru By Wars W, H. Farnsworth, DepuLy Clerk.|article notice need be given of | W.. II. Buc ber - de-| Brown, City, Lake Salt in' the/court, | ($1,000,000) the!safd in Foon, court the; E.D.R, changing | DR. ed) "The amount of capital de- lows LcEget Cone se aring ons : she OlenC Gite Mlotiaed , ars, day of rapeugrex A re ' 000,000; Lake in marian ata naee t - seal Brown,|/the ' ) eat »xec tee for set corporation Ee Pena WITHOUT 1,123 1,000 =H) 5 pa Ll =o = of *Congor Gold and Copper Mining oa Thompson.. IrNGH- AM-CON- | F.D.R. y' Millin .253 Thompson. E.D.R, eae COPPER oF |GOR faylor.254 D. Harrict Amending article six, thereby increasPRO-; o N. Lawrence of capital stock of said!Geo, the amount Lakejing Leggett sake No, Dep hemp Utah. of A.|state of February, the 23rd day Satumiay, be of David the matter of the estate county) the of a. m., atroom at 10 o'clock 1%7, house, 21Dcourt said | deceased. in the:court to plans a9 disch: eee been has our | Cees an other court, ‘5 pS é nk Cameron Cameron Isabel of estate days two reach ean you you county, mate of tan the estate of Isabel . the/of If my 4 Dein divi -COURT, - PRO-| . _ ee house court - DISTRICT ecease Notice.-The petition for approval and] thirty | sete tulement of ; the firstpote account of e the} in gone be ae ate Merrit of prs 7 Information.) Further for gners hae said song & Go. Little W. W. John. McArthur. the) Pe- on are ee tine = fen administration of Gre yc ae caa sed, rae en Clerk or Respective | Saturday, the 2rd aS, " 5 oan ee man- end sea to 5 on go may We month a firm other ggoes ro we elayetee. : the Rescue mission. Sa an : the Chapman, wire "The or for I and rang bell . . Tooker, Norfolk to depart about r of ise : GUARDIANSHIP AND PROBATE of following particulars one oe ee 2 matter{corporation dollars sr ,) SandF the In Utah. ' a lor Me rik prviie é ' was T attire, best COURT, Salt aE T ey William of estate the of eee d. i NOTICES "2 | ineorporation for Attorney' of state punty, LEGAL of set different a my in ‘Arrayed i Is brings slship whither knows ably. . that be - : abandoned eadgiat 2 quite aetion into : with day TR.,' Clerk Deputy Clerk x trus- | Harriet for & C ..2 McArthur the|John upon articles of; E.D.R. Thompson.245 voting and amending the Considering question of 1.000 300 1,000 a'r Sho Sons or directora five and treasurer, and said corporation, ees of foltowing purposes, to-wit: 3 131 prea-|'Thomas and!Hud . - ee aH 169 64 Antoni 427 ao R. Thompson Ti lin' D. 1%\, sald! electing a secretary of purpose president, aie ‘ 2,5 in) eek dus bade Sie Ws South February, of day 23rd of two o'clock p. m, of tha hour aay the the sey; ent, for vice Salt inTran, court, of saidGoll Mace unty,. J U 7 One containing the! (Seal.) th, . He hanes ¥ W.. ao Mas Sea o Orn ecologic: ys strata that the ee‘ Pea ac 5 a at ‘on of sald thiscourt: the clerkaffixed, treatment, ; pune ine i: eRom adel have been folin|theWitness seal thereof 9th centuries, with the probable | of February. A. 1907, th lowin ees Sea Annie he iring& Mos neAiie 5 tofor Sauce yooe in the City SouthIn Africa. yield of now thehowever, with methods, vogue|Take Salt ne : tak oot * do the stones | 6°yack nor price neither in luster Ready Held Vessel-Many ing set been them that Aclds-and: ort in though Bethy said Is work. it ematically, KE Stray- .to Find ae eee Ht james f Atracad ee granting of rent for from | | 20a value, be‘but take me it or should giver entary® to take syndicate a sujatl lio ere account Lb re while of a peat seaod teeta 4 uilding, 08 _| : , a Z pro- $-Stone- ar teln (ear © Van isieied-6/eiiete SO IROGLTIN ABSOLUTELY EXTRACTED TEETH ant : ‘per Work, Bridge 1 Filli nges..Siandup ral 9" te Cleaned.....$1.00 ite a hair OO Creag «..).+~.-$1.00.. Fillings Gold ¢ ee 21,000 2 . Ra ras IN eee Sat ee eer ms Shi Ep 5<<. ap mnieen * rs a of | Wm, stockholders the of meeting special phone | LE Bell Store.) Shoe MODERN ; APPLIANCES rU OPERATORS, FUL Good Set of Teeth, .$5.00 the 4th on le vled ia, -sastine Mh ae held] be meeting a _ 3 § : nniaeet that desirous and|}ow D: of of sueh election the transaction munit seein Other officers ioe In/for oor R: 1. No. James fea deceased, is comatye | a Lake 6s or on lee dat- diamonds earliest the twenty-five count Gar.ciie \disduvitnr rea tee DG: share, Lat heh cit re Davis' (Over Pecadkl aifvin- rain ae MOST NOES PERFECT RECT service the at your have pt vouhid PLUS SKIL OF CHARGE ot che yee There ure delinguent bn ee hereby given. to the ‘stockholders No. 7 of one-fourth of assessment Mining Copper and that, a Congor. the, Clerk. | ae company Milling The A Deputy the holding for time Whereas, for| ttorneya stockhold of meeting annual réguinr oe Ane, [age N Lawrence | cots 28t© Xexrs, India nas auite retired] propate ‘of a' ceftain ‘document, mur: | Pilg Of,,S8d Sorparaston, TUG TAKES UP VAIN SEARCH DI ris s street, Salt Lake City, Utah, on Sat e CF \N place on eald date: andl smnctve :abareholders'.as follows: IN THE ‘THIRD JUDICIAL-DISTRICT | oe een CO DOT en- | i t Is) J. U ELDREDGE JR., Cle opertment Jtan. the.estate 3... waélenc: of matter:of tlie: con famous nich ohinoer nuit a tian PARLORS DR.R Ji B. KEYSOR, 240DENTAL STREET. MAIN COMPANY. ! ten of business, Salt Lake Gs mines, Tintic ee OU CHIE isi Notice ens Sicha ere. are . » 3 this 6th day Mining mectingof the Congor Gold and Copper| and Milling Company-Notice ebruary, (Ses aly su tis the from tr ° NOTIC NOTICE en LD |. Principat DERS COL aa, = __--LEGALNOTICES, | eomiee OF STOCKHOLDERS' MERT-| as Tatiriaateme) for wurtier Bigners | Renjective Farnsworth, H. V an Cott, Mo le . and geological Interesting \ paticoner. eel elne ofis the an s - GUARDIANSHIP ICES. ithe seal thereof affixed, Kohinoor. and diamond, jthe AND Sheen FIELDS aay Which the that oatte: posed |}| sktracted s p India PROBATE rulns DIAMOND OF the { ren jis believed to be the ‘original home of Lost S Shi ports re port In a recent there survey of India Peenttg account 0 ct he | to Out Steal Crafts Seeking Sea other FIRST BOSOM 5 OCEAN AN and saute eer gi ' | = LEGAL NOTICES, LEGAL NOTICES maton, made significant by tne ve~ HH 11 17, 1907. FEBRUARY CITY, UTAH, SUNDAY, REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE ‘THE INTER-MOUNTAIN Beare W. ae SHORES. mon Ww ho diseases- and consult ald thia |