Show J Salt Lake Building Building Building Build Build- ing and Mfg Co LUMBER And Building Material anil amI Store I 1 Phones 40 30 II West V V. V ESTABLISHED la 1864 54 1 NEVER UNDERSOLD Big Savings on the Newest and Most Desirable White nd Colored Wash Vash Fabrics This his selection is famous for early and anti generous showings showings showings show show- ings of the choicest products in these I Important lines but hut we can truthfully say of this advance Spring stock It is the Most Artistic beautiful and Extensive in the Auerbach History In addition to the largest and best selected stock from which to choose we offer you the following econ economy my prices 20 o PIECES CHECKED ED I SOOK- SOOK Q-j Q I Value 12 l- l l lc c O 8 81 C This week eel per yard 3 Ion PIECES XE NEW TEAS In Tn plain paIn colors coors stripes checks and anil figures light colors specially nice for childrens children's wear wear wear- 15 C Values s here per yard TIlE THE NEW XE SWISS CHECK ChECK- In In colors and anti white hite a beautiful fabric and specially low I C priced per yard MERCERIZED WHITE lUTE POPLINS I The rue popular new I specially 1 low priced I C per 1 yard nc IC l. l r 1 2 THE run NE NEW E SWISS The rhe newest daintiest anti and prettiest line of or wash fabrics over ever shown shown shown-In In light lIht and dark colors colors all all size dots specially spec spec- 2 9 C ally priced per yard yar IIA II LINE OF OP WHITE MADRAS S For or waists and Mens Men's Shirts striped and figured 31 3 5 designs specially low C priced a yard Study these prices on Dress Goods for Spring 1907 And co liow en cany ay It 1 Is to Pavo aYo on ou the tho newest t of or Spring Dress l Fabrics h by Ily l h illg them here hele this week weel and anil only hero here can you jou ou hilt such Mich rallies nInes as ris e. c. NEW DRESS GOODS Consisting of or Inch 38 all wool Henrietta Panamas Nuns' Nuns Veiling etc In Iii a a. complete completo assortment of or 9 11 all II colors and black back 5 9 Placed Including on cream sulo salo this lilt cel eck at nt per yard arll C NEW DRESS GOODS Consisting of ot 38 to 4 G Inch all nU wool Silk finished Panamas Pan Pan- amas arnas Wool Taffetas Nuns' Nuns Veiling etc In shadow H of Tied fled TIe Plum Cream Black Etc 9 0 Dine Blue Brown Tan ran Green Greca Gray C Jl on sole Milo this nt ac per pcr yard yarI 1 NEW NOVELTIES 38 to CO jG Inch all alt Wool V ul an and Mohair The rhe newest effects In Black antI and White Grey an and Mixtures l and und now new color com combinations hi nations a n. big assortment Tho The latest ideas In Incheck incheck f l check plaids and striped novelties to 2 I I n ii I gil till i i-i i irl I GLOVE CONTEST Excursion to Bingham February 1000 1000 Round Trip FROM PROM Salt Lake Murray Bingham Junction Special Train Leaves Salt Lake at p. p pm p.m. m. m Return Special After Exhibition U. U S. S DEPOSITORY I Deseret National Bank Salt Lake City Utah Capital Surplus Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent L. L S S. S Hills President Moses Thatcher ent H. H S. S Young Cashier Edgar S. S Hill Cashier R. R G. G DUN CO GEORGE HUST General Manager anti and U No Nevada A. A Utah Idaho Wyoming Offices In Progress l Building SAW LAKE CITY The Oldest dna ana na Largest DRUNKENNESS CURED A positive and permanent permanent per per- manent curt curl for tor drunkenness nn and drug addictions Branch par Parent e 1 t House Dwight Ill Correspondence Corro con con- IY IN 34 W. W S. S l Tern Tein m. m St. St Salt Lako City Utah i I McCornick Co BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY Established Transact a n. General Banking J. J E. E Cosgriff y v- H. H P. P Clark President Cashier OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH Commercial National Bank J. J J. J Daly W. W P. P Noble Vice A A. IL Peabody THE LAGOON ROAD Salt Bait Lako S Ogden Hallway Simon Bamberger President and General Manner Time Table In Effect Sept 4 1901 liO Leave Salt I Lake 0 and a. a m. m 1 30 30 and 6 30 p. p m. m and lO n Lake Salt SnIt for tor Leave e Lay Layton ton 1016 1015 IL L m. m 24 c C 00 OO and nd p. p pm p.m. m. m CLAYTON GLAYTON MUSIC CO aJ 7 13 11 South Main T SAI LAKE LK CITY 0 I |