Show j S r i v 1 o. L. L nL l jt A 1 EI t e dd y- y year B r ea-r 1 I I B Py By 11 1 Walker I I Ai Ue sot got a great grat fine finC Teddy ioddy 1 I cur l Bear lot for a birthday pres present nl n a t bear that looked so so 80 real th that t es Artie had half malf a mind 1 to run run un away tom from him fearing tearing time the fellow had come comelo cometo to lo ute life an and l that he might take lake It his bear bi-a. Pat pale lo io hU hug his young young- 1 J master to d death But Artie Ante was a t e little chap lot for his seven even years J and determined one day to never lot Jot lott f t t. t Fear conquer him again aln So taking r i r his Ted Teddy y bear beat out for a wall walk he said l to him hint as as' as they ambled along on the outskirts o of oh a great l' l at park Ted Im I'm not nol going to lo he be afraid ll of or I i v L you Ou OU nor of anything human nor antI ant ani- I I I mal again Im I'm going to tn be brave and Sic- lt I It comes to lQ the pinch Ill I'll Sight light beutte be- be beI I forc fure Ill I'll run lun fed Ted made no response n c. c but lUt from th expression In his eyes Artie Autie I ao he Ito wU not only surprised at his itis young oun masters master's words word but taut highly highl pleased i that tUat he hall hati become so 80 cour courageous A bear beam YOU you know kno Is la always brave anti and r l Ted whIle fed while he was aa but a to toy loy fellow fellow- d had the teat real l beau bear al' al Instinct In tim his malc- malc t Imp Up At it the factory where he lw wu was made a n workman d he hat had d tri tried to to bite him while he was Put pul- ing in in his teeth Awl Anti again while Ted rott was vas lying on a hi packing table I to be Je boxed to foT or shipment he hc I- I Xa t. on oil the tho point Ot hugging a pretty prett 1 little girt girl who happened to lo come conme past O him Indeed all who acquaint acquaint- i od ed with t I tl particular Teddy Bear i Bearr r V int h he lie was WM a roost most ferocious s r not i ally safe to be at al large e. t Attic Artie and Ted fell went along a th 11 fI I leading Into the time edge of or th lh the big park parl I Many n wc were It out there plaYing playIng play play- i i rl 0 Ing for or the day was fine finc for fot the time la last t f of or February j the sun silo shining and mill the thic i and roll Tod had not noti Artie AttIe I iii wind sUit sUll- UJ i gone vety far when they hey came to a at I bench thai ti stood on the warm sunn sunny side of or a ii l tong long park building Here Herc f It II was wac l 5 aJmo like summer and amid Arlle 1 r- r being u bit olt tired suggested to his Jils companion companion com con panion that they take lake a a bit ht of oC 1 test real Ht her be- be r r foit proceeding further Ted Tell wax was not j averse V t lo- lo sitting down In the warm I Co for fot all heats boars oun anti and ol old Ap V I young real lUid aati to toy love Jov th the sunshine HUI In Iii rc r are like children n. n Bo o dp T sat salon on ott the beach close I Ito to a clump cump of leafless Jeane s shrubs that thai shielded thc from the time view of oC the tho casual lai J passers Artie tic b S' S a companionable com coin fellow tello begau leau to 10 talk to hits his n nv v friend and amid possession Teddy Bear l How Ho would you y u have hao liked hiked being heln a 1 real r e live livo bear oear what can eat cat up rp h he lie- a asked askel of lof time llie silent tellow he beside him Ted Tel did iii 1 not reply in iii wor words s. s but bul Ai Aille Allie tie vowed h he saw aw him one of or his ears eats antI anil wink an cye ye showing his his' relish o of the iho l Idea ea I that he Ito might b lt be real leal and amid cat eol people peo pie up Artie Arlie felt ott a little shiver run maim I through h him at his un hn unexpected atlon from flom ruin Ted feit But he ho remembered bored his goo good g r resolve ol c not b to feel afraid an any tm more and amid taking laking hold bout of Teds Ted's offending nl ear car he said ald Now No Ted Tell dont don't try In to Set get funny with wilh i me mi-me you OU know kilO Im I'm your OUI master 1 I am M My papa bought houg-hl you for fol my t present and you ou tb anything what will liil ahem me Do you ou hear sit sir I I 1 1 heat hear friend answered Ted fed For FOI Fora FOIn a n second Artie thought he lie be he dreaming but hut looking at al Ted letl ho lie dc- dc that ho hp wa 11 was rv will n n 1 I f i. i i 1 Then c i he almost fell off IT li lie Jc J bench i ll In hum hl his mingled astonishment and shall and shall shallI I tell it Yes Yc the e expulsion 1 III hi reels Ted's e eyes t and aUll the movement mu of his bits tams ears ur and jaws jaw were enough nough to tomake make Hoke Artie Arlle tremble and feel feci afraid AIRA AFRAID ID Stop Slop top he lie commanded In him a voice he hue tried to lo make malte firm firma but which bill had hada hadt a t decided hi in h it It Stop Slop to ii have behave as HI though h. h you oU were alive II Dont Don't you yuu l know kiV ow I don't dont want you to lo lobe tobe tobe be real I 1 want you on jl t an UM you were when papa iala bought ht you u at tit time the lo toy loy shop shoJI So don't dont t o do thu that thai again or 01 Ill I'll take you oU right home Jo IJo you under under- Bland I 1 understand huHl Master In lel Attic Arlit hut but I I t nL n L know that Im I'm lit In time ihu in m od fur for em Fact Fad Is Is Im I'm no lit sissy ISM hear I Im I'm a fellah with nerve o and amid light In lit litI iiiI I me Inc Do yon OU remember I young chaI chap chali I the lie person Im I'm Hamel named for Aha lma I donL dont you OU give gi me mc au any or older dots cn I know what hat Im I'm about Now get gel on un jour yoUl mr m- m z 0 L r 1 j W 3 f S L LI I r i. i I. I 6 I i. S 11 f S t lake the lead kHI young fellah i t rl Bear Benr 1 y T I. I J T J 1 S S 5 S 7 S 'S jc u S I t t J I P- P S. pegs gs an cud and COllie Into the time woods with me Im I'm going litlS' to lo you OU time the metal mela Im I'm of Well We'll likely e have many n and 4 curdling blood encounters encounters before we WR are uie ready to return i to tu the Lime conf confines of uC the time lown AM Teddy bleat Bear mantle made this tills lon long and amid I threatening speech Artie felt fell his t lt pounding I I III inside hll his o warm ii little tic jacket jackel and his pout poor knees linCIS knocked cd tn together till they nob ached eu from time the severe e cOl con cod tact act with wilh each cuch ethel Oh lo to be lie at al home a again ln In Iii his mothers mother's alias aims the safest t place on time the earth tlc t-tlc thought hl ii now I IV I Conic Come get gt t a u move on out you fellah said hl heat Bear leaping from time the I bench to lo time the AIO ground and Ills his gleaming eyes eu on un Arlie itie Then he ho opened open open- I ed eul d hi his mouth lw ln showing two lWI- tON rows of of i white while sharp tipped lipped one for ear ward and aull winked an aim eye ere boldly Come Curno no II h hanging back hack friend Bo llo came 01 or withdraw lo to thc tite nursery cr again Itil rib felt fell a blush evil cu-evil up till over U his lils S i mind To lo thus be he mado I of ur HUll and h by a make inake bear n was t ten loo much It II hurl his pride Im Im m not tint In iii the Ito nursery now If you JI iii se C sir sil ir he td I log l lo put pul on oIl to i 1 brave e Cac face I haven't tP lucre for Cur two years Im I'm seven IWU years can old I Kill tun S VB- VB Do you oU hear Teddy feddy Hear Bena Well lIl yon ar tuio un us liS afraid of oC mu it i-it as us a a. I itt in cirl titi of or n live Tell Tod a again winking n- n that thal awful iL eye pye e I If Ir I you yeLl 1 wen get lt a t move mauve on un you ml lid cOllin u bug I Iun with nit me No Nil a sort t of girl boy time the kind that limit likes like lo to It fit in lap lall and auth hear I fait fatty lule Alma Alia I know your IIII kind d COWARDS CO OWA OH I Im Jm not nol a coward declared Arlie Itle itte l beginning to II to CI cry I r am ant a boy mamma hoy-mamma mamma says so o Piove PIU It 11 tl to said raid Ted m nip me dryly I Conie cilia O lute Into the lime woods with willi III and nad baum how tl to hid NOT NOl A AFRAID Hut Im I'm but Im I'm faltered Artie trying tr jj 1 find some for goings hl home n Suppose we c go ro home hom Ilist a and have haf some milk and aad cakes then lieu lo 11 ii woods wood woods If IF if-iF IF you JOU still want to to go gu hunting danger No o vc we go I to iii the thc woods tr first t. t thou then lII like e the of old uld after out our adVentures adventures ad ad- ventures well we'll return to our home and auth enjoy our meal as we tell teU those who gather about aboul us Uti all oil the tIme wonders wondel's of or ori f SI i our JUl hunt declared Ted emphatically Either I you rou go o with me now flow OI- OI orIll II i think you a little sissy I a SCARED D BOY noy Arlle rUl tot not down from flom the thu bench hench as asif asif asif if to accompany Ted Tell Into the lie woods 5 But a all time tho while he lie hud had It U In iii his imis mind mill to give ive the time beau bear tho the slip h am anti and run for Cot UI home as fast faJt as his legs whIch legs c which s Jo I I I cam tm-cam so could so-could could carr cairy rry hi him I iii All rl might ht Teddy feddy hear Bear he lie salt said in iii a faint voice You lead lend the time way and amid Ill I'll tJ try tr iry to tu follow Collow But r I nd d in iii u m r He tie had bind meant to lo say a t Dont lead me Limo Inlo any danger hut but ho saw the theof look of scorn COI in lit Teds Ted's uye tumid and did not complete the time sentence Go on tum ho lie commanded You take lake the loath lead young fc fellah lIah 01 ordered Teddy Bl Beai al' al In iii a H commanding voice Go Go Itral ht toward the beaten hill hili to our U. left leel Donl follow Cullow llie hut beaten Path there's theres no Ill es to lo lobe tole be le found In iii path hut but tube tale h time the mulct brush and unit dead leaves Jea Ten Teim to one well we'll fluid find a panther or ci a lion weve we've gone gon many miles Then well chi have some sumac excitement It U will ihl be best t one OIW win winI I Well We'll have to lo light with ihm all thal's that's III In us tam I A rU heard I lie lii words of Teddy Hear Bear I its as though they hey had hu been helli il it'd from flOH the hut hen l Panther Lion IIiI l He lie felt felL his huh round checks t i grow cold adol I hi us heart Mopped i 1 thumping a against lila his warm little Jack jack- ct et ci What Hat Was thiS tImIS awful hear bear going gollu lo to lead Ii him I iii into bite Oh Ohm that thai ii his is papa I hall had gi given von hi him tin a toy engine or OJ a an Hn a e ex- ex x- x pi imi PUS wagon instead of uC this heal beai J If C ChI ho lie over ever gut got sar surely safely I home a again hol hed seeto see e to lo IL it that thai this Teddy Bear should bo ho a H. H yen lI given w a-w-a- w a Nt Li in nin ii homeward now as itlo t I in tIme the direction of f the I wooded h hill hili ill Ted red had pointed out a m as their belt His Ills le legs s cramped and amid ached as us he lw dla dragged himself through tIme the weeds ICIS anti an dead death leaves tu es that hat impeded IJ his hiM Ino progress less At l er every e turn ui-tm ui he lie watched t fut for m a n. chance to eMI es- es I CH capo Ie fi om hl but bitt not hot once I laid did Jd Ted reI d Ic leivo hit his heels nor nilI turn Ului away uway h his I gleaming ml ngo- ngo eyes And Amid nd whenever cr Art Ar- Ar t j tie 10 turned t to him he lie was ivas moving 1 I that hint car cam backward and aumi forward COI und and i 0 winking an aim o U eye I OJ Oi what whal could he lie tin do hut would happen t t-j t 1 him lm I I Ju Just t at this moment a rustle rustic was UN I I heard 1 In ln the uie brush at thou their side and antI n t the direction c directIon from which I Sit It came i Artie s aw sais' to his horror a pair of SI nt g rolling e oy x glaring at him Then tVa he-boord a low 1 growl n and d could j S see sel a R long tall Lull beiling the bushes The rue Now it was wa a light fight or Ul die la 4 Maybe he both bolh At t him and auth hit lilt him In iii the time oft off eye whispered that limit Ted behind I Attic Artie If you ruu get ct time the worst of ot it It joung oun fellah eilah Ill I'll como come to your OUI rescue lies lie's not equal lit to both of or us He lie may finish oue one of oC us but bul not nol both hoth oCus of oC ofus us Artie's Arties legs begs gave wa way beneath He lie and fell felt headlong Then Theil Thena Theila a strange o fee feeling Jn crept over him hum and he lie rubbed Ii his is eyes eos and looked round There he hl lay on I the he ground beside the lie bench In iii tho the sun tiun and titling Illins there thereas as us quietly as ns you OU please in lim his Ills corner cormier of of time tIle bench bendl was Ted 01 nol Hot moving an aim car cam nor 1101 winking an aim eye ec lie seemed lo to be as lifeless as all make believe thing could be iC berlle Ai tie Am-tie lie slowly rose ose t from where ho ime had fallout fallen and sti etched PIlL out his hll Cl cramped IQ logs s. s Ono foot fool wa ia I tingling from having gone to tu sleep Asleep ASLEEP Ai ties tie's ties tie's face Cace was I I wreathed in iii a happy static smile It IL was wa a al I dream a dream bIter all hi hilIe lie had I fallen asleep on un time the bench hench had suf- suf I let let-ed 1 mu nih nightmare rind and In his distress had hUll tumbled ore omIt time the bench hench Conic Come Teddy old chappie ho hn saul fondly taking hold bolt of ur one omme of or that fellows fellow's ll paw s. Come Commie lets let's go RO i home and Jet get some ca cake c and amid milk i Im I'm Im I'm most t starved amid and and anxious I I lo tu Ct fret home m to 1113 mamma I Iguess I ue g-ue guess i wo o don't dont want any ti amot-ti tolla today do 11 we wc And although Teddy's bear hear ibid dill not reply In iii Artie Aric could tell from flom room I the thu slon of ur his hII e eyes ei that lint lm ho he was was- willing to in do titi cl his hits young oun master nuns mas ter ci wished him to tu do tb Youre a good fellow ll Teddy Bear I to 0 be he just malic I would not want you ou II to be real h be real you know Ow |