Show I k I j I I II B fly lly William Allen Cur Copyright I Ii 1907 S. S S. S Co Cu Tho Thu sr great at campaign 11 of or 1 1906 OG vat wab m fought and amI won on the Issue of oC pros 1108 r patty Prosperity was the tho end which fit bulb both parties sought It was twos nowhere regarded as merely a n means to the ends o of Just and equitable living Men it were told not that the they would get el justice not nol that they ther would have c an nn I equitable share sharo in the of uC the i. i country but hut that thai thc they would have havo full dinner palls pulls and told being hungry r thC they reached for 01 the mo most l t substantial meal i in sight So Ho and l I rose and became national figures n ules i 1 McKinley tool took cure care of th the tho politics of it time the prosperity propaganda and Hanna Ha took look cure care of the business bu end Humm represented the Ow I of upon all Vall street tlC t i i cd it among the tho people l j saw raw lit to It that thal the Hie dinner Halls wore were kept full lull and Hanna saw to u 11 Il that thai YI no special privilege was wa disturbed t The end of was prosperity prosper t ity the cm end end of uC the citizen was III pios- pios Ul- Ul FE pally lint Hut the he cash register was as not in intended ill iu- tended to be bl the conscience of fir the Ihu American people And tin the pendulum began to fall all awu away from pro IHO a asan as asan an end ju justifying any mea mentis mean II und HUll began be be- gan II to 10 swing toward prosperity as merely a means lU an all end o ut righteousness e S on the tin tIll day when h- h dent lcJ declared for fOl tariff revision ic- ic vision and reciprocal Il treaties in hl his famous Buffalo address Hut But the hc work l i of oC cooling off ore the nation would h have been hn a h hinder harder task for foi Ire President Mc Me- e KInley Inley than it as A for fOl Pre President eH for Ilauna had given bond bom to 10 Vall Wall street that would uld I keep the tile pence peace McKinley have hav I bel eA 1 n Compelled Nl l to o forfeit his bond hontI No roo one doubts doubt that ho he would h have lf l f forfeited it but bul no IW one lad hud thou thought though ht I to In give I e bond for Theodore Roosevelt elt No Ao fat at hUll hall been lleen fried to 10 grease the wheels of the machinery that made his hs calling and election sure s He lie was put on the thc ticket lId partly to t strengthen 1 It in the tho West ct but hut to pre pre- prevent pre vent tent him hits a as governor Jo of If New Now Y ol from ruin rom becoming a dangerous I tint candidate in 1904 Hou Roosevelt f elt came to lo the presidency i after nearly twenty yea year eal is In III public life during which ho had been elected to tl office otT CI by b. b the people but three times limes when he was elected to the tho legislature Ics I when he hc was wu elected governor and when then hell he ho was wa elected vice president u In III Mr fJ Roosevelt's t election he Ill was a youth and he lie 11 slipped into of- of nee lloc without all any hl promises l' l such hush as many men make who go IJ to the lie legis legis- legislature lature lathre in these dine days Ills HIM second 1 elec elec- election elect t 1 tf tion n made him Hin governor O and In III that thal campaign lie her ran to 0 Iliac hl party fp f o no nn c cam cam- im- im butt of that inn Iii hi Sits i election he was kid t ap urian hn cn c tutu o 1 WL a h Wh r. FoJ tame Conte ll i ii mio ono could J Q t up tip the th bacU stalls stall's Ii of limo tho While House Un to culled collect a- a abill bin bill for lor services reI reel reel- ed IL Ih Therefore 1 Wall alt was vas caught f short on un Root stud when heli he hl carne came Into and a panic panle wan threatened c For Wall aB el knew Theodore Roosevelt Huo only a all as a I rash h young oun man mut who why had dared to Lute a campaign li a against l encroaching cJ corporate wealth while governor 0 of o 1 New York and because with his hit rashness rash rash- ness Hess J S he hc had combined political cunning cun cum f ning amid a tire sure l knowledge led no e of tin till r f game ame of oC politics politic Wall Vall street cared h n. n him trim They feared him not for fOI what wha whai r-i r but hut for fOI what wha I i he Ito said about them 1 he lac hud had done don to to them He lIe had Pushed s a a- a law through the thc N New w York 1 1 lature ture which Wall Vall street thought ha had been bought bOIl ht and paid II for compelling tt to lla pay hay lh their h- h share o of t Ills His had made mad him bin dangerous In Albany and aud those win who c UnC uneasy while Roosevelt was waK gov gO were appalled at the thoUght though 1 ti tl of what whal he lie might do du in ht Washing ton brit And nd coming coining events cast theft tickers in Vall Wall shadows before on the ll the day that thai Roosevelt ll tool took the oath of For Wall all street gree 1 knew w then what whal the world has since learned how crooked were the walls wull of ur high finance Wall all knew then thell what would happen to Depew and aul Platt and nud McCall and to lu Alexander Alex Alex- ander and to 10 ll Hyde and aull to lu tl Morgan If IC the mask ma lc of respectability once were rc broken I Roosevelt had not Hot been ell President nl a month before he hf fell ell afoul of the com combination between B bu business and aril politics pot pol as us he found It ll In what seemed of the beet sugar HUg trust rust to be lie the tutu plan The to prevent n reciprocity light that followed lasted the thu better heller part of or the thc year cal and It proved to tu the i country and to his his- opponents that Theodore n Roosevelt o v lt wa was consid He lip hud Hall a moral Issue the rif a of-a a man r. r duty of this nation Hatton to tn the Cubans Cullan and andL of President McKinley to L the promise fulfil that dut duly a and 1111 never I for one i minute In III the rough and amI tumble of the political scrimmage did dill h he allow t tho Ito people to tu forget or t that tho iho contest conlest lh time of Theodore h odoro WI not lIot for 01 victory Hoot Roo but hut for a principle f r That Thai l light wax was typical a I of or allt all that thal have followed with contests contexts t his anti and crooked i. i crooked hm business I td to tn He asked more than he expected hIs hilt hi opponent ex tX expected r than get gel et got hol more on hi his guns gun gunson s and planted I to Sl give and anti fought f u g hi hion on the vanquished hell v In Inn until he lie got gal fu substantial vIct victory o oat 1 on instance has lint Pi President a a single n not t with ji Into a H contest conteNt ROOM veil gone 1 tend and lie e that limit ho not won all II II time lIw Varied started more inure lights halt tha than n a tau haM I since Grant combined presidents because he hut has taken taken taken tak tak- And he lie has ha woo won hasp that thata of oC a i simple issue side ld the eight en and anal a always always al- al could stand tand underhand a the people has kept the tho sterol moral 1 side of that thai I ways Politicians do nut issue J thorn them understand c understand why t. cl gun can politicians lI because cau c e them its beats always are the people n t see eo C e t that t ot on the lie lights with will limo tho han 1 it ft dom clues nut nol elu ire ur of nn au itsue and vy with hIs audo tuo do tI desire for p Always the tho p politicians t tul ul HI triumph noo s p- p pI I hut Next year arc predicting They lluy hello believe tint crumble yell t wIll huts hIm out and bochis boc time the ambition for pow pow- Iel I hIs that what F truth lrUth Is el Cr nut But Hoo grapples Up to those whom p bo be un with stIth to lo masterful faith In lion the mans belle bell passionate f the right and his will tee HC it And AmI so o that the people the tho Lords Lord's side c Is on Saml Samson on lung long 15 s ho he will smite smile the Iho reel reel- 1 for Cuban y the Aftel he of lIC t e the 5 1 came tor COl sheer coal a strike victory th the nl- nl I our unarmed Then canto and andt Great the LUCK lack upon t Northern Pa cilie in ml merger Cl and ami them thell fine the contest for ti tin the ii fate bill 1111 In ht the last M session lon of tin the him congress of 1 1002 1009 O and 1003 1913 In n thai thal ha congress the ground work worl Was laud laid for foi forthe the tho great contest that wan wail ender ended when the thc recently enacted rat rato hit hill became a law v. And Ind this groundwork ground groundwork work wa vas not nul legislative hut hum The passage pass laM nJ of tho rho law Creating th the of If Commerce fUll and 1 Labor LabUl made inside It plain to the people that lint the government had hat rl rights in to the time private affairs h of men and the venal affairs s of of corporations a fact act which before that time firm as a n nut nation wc ve had Ind hadt t recognised ed only vaguely lint Hut th the clause in III the ale law which gave n the department de Ile- the lime ll right hl to III examine the books book of lC un any business g concern virtually virtu virtu- ally made It II dear clear to lu men who think that there Is 13 no nu Private business luthis In lu Inthis Inthis this country that thul we W are UC all partners in 11 our nut civilization and that Iha We wo a No o Indeed tl our om brother Flit ElkIns Elk Elk- Ins Ills law lair Ia passed ed by Its th Hi i vest Ion 1 of congress con cnn gress geas Il 4 I that lint d the la law laV V creating clea till the lie of or Commerce and amid Labor revived le national hope that th the railroad might be hc bio tight federal federal fed fed- eral Tal control That law lacy lawas wax as H a R wI wedge JUit as us Ih the suit brought ought against th the Tru trust l 1 was WaN a w wedge and III the th discussion dis CUs of the trusts rusts h by the tho evident Pi HI and HI his cabinet in a score of public addresses won were It wedges In ht the Umber timber of tf t dualism sm lint encroach encroach- encroaching ing lug capital hid hall be ben eer n putting pulling across thc he door dam of If progressive I e thought aad awl progressive rivo p h legislation n in lm this his country for tl or a generation I Iet Perhaps i Theodore Roosevelt Huos does 1005 not tot recognize e it it but hul 1 as a public lc man the very lies beginning he has not iut concerned Ii himself with theories of looking to tat the increase e o of I the he p. of wealth 11 he left school a free face trader tl and nn mod ind the laws that have lIa amassed oui national wealth hive have ell appealed to hits him himas I as something to tn be bc 1 let alone for OJ 11 the I present At base his concern n has hns been aril and Is time the equitable distribution of o our national wealth The term the square deal heal translated into ImpIe Mm Jm- pie l language n lIage means that thal this government gov gov- eminent shall to I C every m mho i 11 every C y dollar that he honestly earns carns and amt he rna stay may be le j sure of getting It only when no ion other man nina shall tall ha have han a n dollar dollar dol dol- lar lal that ho he does tIc not mint actually earn caln 0 Of or cou course course that is Ix not ant socialism it Is merely Ju- Ju Justice JuLice Lice It II is neither fantastic Utopian nol our nor socialistic och I- I to 10 insist in t i-t for fUI instance that tho rho people of I this coun country COUII- COUII t try Jy y shall cease paying transportation m rates rah made high enough to u pay fixed charges upon uon stocks stock and bo bonds II I II so o highly hf hl watered that 10 JO per por JOI cent of time the value talus JS k stolen value It I Is not Iut time the willi dream l' l am o of an I Ith l- l tl al ll l to tu demand be lie basted d that hat transportation charges riot not on Uti time the hI need of the service cc b to tJI the U user tJ hereby on capitalizing ug users user's I but 10 to J t that trails trails- t i mom ti t fun Charges s tier 16 based hastI upon tho s n mist t l of f 11 he the x service rI irr u. the e com coin i stop OU t l i I III or nc rh tU r t HI s f r mitts rixto law a. 1 rS tripped p d of ut Its HM it t meanie that very lor loI In to tall fall odd mail a tutu ml bonds bands Is entitled to lu toils his ils interest upon I the he actual property o of t time the h railroad oat that every I shipper shall shuH pay hits his part pait of that thai Interest plus pith the en cos cost l of transporting h ur the shippers shipper's gOOI goods no more and no 1 less lev There I Is ill vl visionary lonar y In this nothing that hint common honesty do does nut not see plainly yet It th the m nio d int interests of this country will light tills proposition Ii through all the late courts and amI only tho earnest determination d of the people tp 19 see pee Ju justice done e will wUl bring brim about bollt jus jus- justice tier tice in ill this matter The two important in iii a adr Tr to tn the Olf rate rale bill which eri HIJO Roosevelt C pushed through Cu congress ross h bj lh the force of If hl his righteousness were the m m. m metal at inspection law and time the pure foot food law Hold of If these hills bills at attacked attacked at- at i J tacked tJ the sacred 11 rights tM of If someone private at property both of lit them af- af Mime lime innocent purchasers o of stocks that were WI earning what whal twp two years year ago aJo were regarded as ar 1 legitimate dividends But Hut neither affected a n dol dot dollar dollar lar lam earning dividends that were WI morally moral ly Iy honest t neither of them destroyed a a dollars dollar's wort worth h of property that wa waft vats based on free competition in III honest hones roods And this year car Pc President has laos planted his guns upon the tilt vantage vantage- ground gained in hm last lalit years year's conical r nd now now V Is I asking for fOI a law Ina requiring a fedora federal I license for fur lug lu to federal Ial supervision lon of the a aC 1 of corporal corporations ions doing an interstate tutor inter t state tule business lIe He Is 18 seeking to give giyu back tack lu to the people who are arc partners In to Inthe the making l of oC the vast fortunes In lu the unearned Increment h which years add to 10 every very great fortune aura and ana through sonic Smite forms of an Income lax tuc he hopes to make the living owners of lar large fortunes pa pay to the country which furnished the opportunities for fOl accumulating those fortunes fortun an adequate ado ade quate portion of or the cost of or this nation nallon In a WOI word President Roosevelt In these measures Is UI look look- lug rig toward an nil equitable distribution of the he property of or this country among the he people whoso whose laws Jaws Insuring Ing peace caco and amI prosperity ma made c tho the accumulation of U I this property possible 1101 For FUI in a lL nation nallon whom where universal ed education ed- ed prevails where whre tho the laws are ure made nade by hy time the people awl and enforced by bythe bythe the he righteousness of or the time people there thor is hi H not such a difference In the lh intellectual Intel Intel- capacity of oC the till people as aN that thul Hd b by the fortunes o of ho very rich Ilch and amI thin the means of the to lo And IH Ih the difference In III th the value anti and ch character of If I the he service rendered by Y mOil men like E E. II and J J. J P P. Morgan Horgan and that rendered IJ by men inert like lila Governor Go l Folk olk of Missouri 11 u 11 and President J Eliot lIot of or Ual yard for fOl ht- ht In Instance stance cc is hi not t so O wide as the lIw difference difference- In theta their fortunes fortunee would woul Indicate t Ati- Ati As At Assuming suming that Governor l' l Folk oll and President Pres Pres- ident Eliot are aro paid laId for or thou their services Cervices it IL follows that Mr MI and anti Mr h Morgan with wIlh their aC acquisitive faculties tlc ties h ve vo 1 reached too loo deeply Into the theban ban |