Show THAWS THAW'S ATTORNEYS IN BITTER STRIFE Concerted Attempt Is Being I Made to Win Family to toMake toMake toS S Make Delmas LeaveNe Leave New Ne' York J. J Feb cb Thi The l lOgal forces hired to 0 save Harr Harry K Thaw from ram the time electric chair got lido Into the I kindor kind of or a light among themselves today and anda a concerted effort was made by four our of ot the lawyers to drive Dolphin Michael Dehmas the thue chief of or staff start and amid his part part- ncr ner H Henry nr Clay I P from the case a. a Whether S will appear ar 6 Monday In the supreme court wh when n the trial of or orTha Tha Thaw Is resumed rt upon the outcome out out- conic como of a family faintly counsel loun 1 of or tIme tho Thaws to b be luCid held tomorrow The split among arnon time the lawyers I In is most serious and It Is a question whether the four tour who are an opposed to Mr 11 Df Ciifford Clifford Clif ford V. V W. W John A A. Gleason A. A HUI 8 Peabody and Daniel OReilly continue continue con con- In the case caso If It the die family decide In I favor of Mr Delmas John Johll U. U Gleason held hell a confor conference nce to today to I day Ilay with Mrs n Nc Nesbit Thaw Clifford W W. c at the tho same Kime time limp had a a. conference with Mm William Thaw mother r of or the prisoner S At AI the family counsel thieve will be tJ bellIttI besides be be- sides ldes the tho wife wie anti and mother r of or the th prisoner r JosIah Thaw Edward Thaw th time the Count Countess Coun Coun- t tess 8 of Yarmouth und and Mrs Geor Georga o 1 Lander Lao Lan der r Carnegie |