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Show 6 THE Maecmecmonnanitod fern " , / ¢ - the farmer WY oe ee A servant |}comes, | work!" | |} Ne ud | to CLT ps CORTES Fo in /and lt it is isa now pounds, Saxon Museum Regina.' | New Cites By Profitable. , rs fh Md Highly 2 iy ai, by / A A BL ORO Tul Care is SOE ey itchas colors & a-dulliyvellow. \ not y Balt however, il-gotten™ dig, 8 mene} ‘eptain theyKidd for though Yee fo. understand -If,so, ins departure.' 2 stern, ‘ , mouth his and. thin, hard : : a growing la in-one set same thing ~re- : Ancestry ican | Pennsylvania ‘ = a i Pioneers ark Owners-Al ‘S- ways itt Times of Stress to Pledge Lives, [iit tcSt |. rLoeth ») tell . you, ; i i her eyes next in a hosof aaa weak, one great pain from vital, very and conscious but quite a scare eae was first question Her live, ealy to i ie AEEDECOROLNOoo | A Sa cc e een a for was irseribed "I have obtained | These relics |arms God hath ordained." 1 ts ' fe Oe ae AG de..prerix:.% are ae a3 wee ¥ : He enerever, eds |"earth : Stephen me h, poe , ns O, t the dimong' Oy. it ts , ; "I his Is. also[- os of haise, poor ¢ Ns and nsieur le monsieur angel! poor Chaise, officer and his lady came daily to the fellow ane sufferers. to see , their hospital taal Here ey ae Sect hat cee ie sae , sil child-scanthly my been<shown object of coms thin, pale, half-fed-an its NtAnd men to gods and Passion Mr. NLT. Dantree?" 29 ATES is here bhad aghast. the ove.-Dantree z $y themselves although upon not being ‘ and eallant > , Scotchmen and authorities of order that of Galway." should McCormicks an m ad by ji was a my tell you can ns ay ' Danecciald See the Aaa { pak i like the shocked aback-rather them Katerinl instinet of my Englishman. He looked at me with distrustful eyes, Kath- keep half next aDeEn es way Ie ventto' nethe eave] library, led the fe and eon asked if 1 wereere really really thethe nis fl »nt serchinent Ww lawyer's sallo near-sighted| They met no "ha- in his was "Stil! squire ‘The one. little cases. Matec er iter amiictins or Pennsylvania family in ihe Continentall Snakes.as.a general rule- are|the reins and the up shatched followed, double reptiles.|the repugnant most Lieu-|considered Alexander/and Ensign were army, ny aes Gencral back. generations few encertiela .yvenomous.--ones-are Snoakes--even , make his way through and night of darkness When Hugh of Virginia]. However, when. once. this repugnance | storm. Gaston Dantree sat with folded deau, of Philadelpiila, member of ‘the | tenant Henry. What was he to hear? be|/arms waiting. Continental congress, and signer of the|*e™rned home at the close of the Revo-| has been mastered a snake will was] of Confederation: Governor| tution "he was ia thing of, shreds ‘and; found to: prove a most. interesting pet.|-where' was he going? -whom Articles" this, A strange advehture to see? despite . their he and) the only -article' in, "his|Small" boa-constrictors, Thomas McKean, slener of the.Declar-| ° P2tehes Pea: i , an' f c slv. s 2 sre ne) D4 o me : craned pte on a inag oe Oa ees quite phate ee ee ae eee conch shell-ts still a‘ treasae Stton Oe sa esnen as nee nae sleet, ne po ths arms and nace of. their ee MceCormicks) have their men of eran Bia. Misa pr tread as wen ees tta came the coast 1@ sea°-on Zz 0 ‘in a state apparently mistresses, painters.|t4ir authors, de poets, earning, their iectianien tions ' chy eaotAat Are See musicians, statesmen, well is their | @f perfect contentment, making no ef-| them above the shrieks of the wind. . E . , be." is to that mind: how- belongs: t to me . Never never ea her. i. except aeabout fit ie)mind vs aanything . her if you Iike-on pat ye p SHA Pa If you don't like them, no ete crm of the Two will. else one larm: done-some good English down, pounds hundred: Ao . ay ays ake ‘ y sOurs OF Ny away ieuae het arr a dead _ storm-inside ‘more any you trouble Pilnever. i < : to. ceiling from floor, busts, the ' the ' 5 lived to gratify only Englishman my and one, ittle "| every fancy of his . wife. was What Vary that?" stern| mustache. black hjs under inearnate}set if But too Harman Harriet ‘There was neither pity nor |and grim. ferocious nad Nae ner iB eaaene meant wholthey girl the for heart his in Alpine|mercy an ro little here aticr artery petter spared| been not had He him... we|loved ami, an like is he Dieu! "Mon and eloud-black eer or pirate, Levantine a mon up, Cheer Bane 9 year, lover would go makes # more as to you with or less, you? ‘We receipt; the was It out- this signed the as my price. laughed my of installment first What is the second. mother say, I thought, If Informed been have only could en-|/she he before known not had he If ro- thought rather I devotion. the T got bargain the hundre a pounds andI it yet. I have and got sold the child And then the door open- cneee ward quiet, lke myself, absolutely young Vora. again to see such gushing and beauti-}ed, and Sir John Dangerfield came in./would her ful inabaned: foe sine, ui closed two all/{ fury, from dangerous more |}the the of woman hardene) he sullen silent, of knew--full It} beggary. this never in her gone nev-|cherub had He long waited-how he So she hated ner-he loved few]er to such | hour And. he spare? should you-|-why a are what and fortune, her devoted from bride your take won't thousands a was There i. Bs ers . ‘ rn ca say that y < Tcliated . it I. couldn't. but mother-and its hated He ehtld-t some of that hatred looked out of my - recoil. him. ‘oll. made : and me him; at ' aves Here >... *{ tell 1- said: utd child," ict thike ; as he's not mine, but she truth e therecwas Outside seen... be could rain .inelined:| I'm not | the uproar, of the with me. : I'm not to blame, | stillness: reigned. least not you, and yes, sake Wve o say, dare CG; wm . sweep. slanting elilld ehild's Dabs acter: ase) NDUIO have, bee tides ‘ the trees, blown) Dan-| Mr. half are. you as-T-see only aii oe eed irs-Peter of the|reins, and sped away like thie wind, inhabitants owadays common conservatories ot the ‘well-to-do, It Peter, was aDangerfield dead, silentcould driv do eyIt hold was| where they are kept in special. glass|all times! at" wait ragged He took the rich Parisian wra 1 bronzes, the pictures, ar » ne . paporce the two pay would They oe, ane yee hee cana ; folded, it gallantly around her pend .slim}carved old furniture, One day all this} gown, and would take the child. . ! - his- > wo s}ahaulders uae. to I were she and What India again. cared! ait the Cue meio up one Gaston. Dantrée still stood utterly my name was never meet .tais Into fire: before drawn f yage:| "eel Ponto nteteor nla " ‘Harriet Harman.' a. eC. € Uy WH rage, §& of etn = sank, throwing back her} ~ "phat was the name I gave. WhethVavasor Mr. pas- | Mrs. wrap. eae havethe said.jwet and despair ‘fury, words 2nd is nobody's no it) were mine; Dantree stood: ree eroy he would stonate ' « ym is ‘ here business mant othe elbow his laughed lim, at looked She ° ‘ ©and wae what Ghee BUIn cum aed. angry eyes fixed on the fire, his mouth again. taut i aaah ta I ie vareoar rus Neaeeabaralin iin abn, oer cet do particularly | eyes, all unusual there. ome | by Acarswood au Dhen there was Captain George, also] Jand, with such well-known ee clee in| American history as General. Daniel). Vir 8inla, to' who callwas to:atms. among. theOf ‘first Utechedi wan ichon ite eeieer when to "respond the| other Don't Pe ter bound] 1 . > sATSW= busy.| servants were trideed to. reeomme nd. such a bird as| partment," the small cage.|The gig lamps of Mr.. Dangerficld's| ina kept: an owl' when in the} flery eyes lile twoDantreo loomed oe baby owls can ye readily) "Winoonad yet. ih, leaped blackness.' ory ) ae, each, nameless, lithe he [arguments My answer was ready. If if impos- am t ig Lr tke Fe on a Ont tt ot "Phare . nature, interestin tbe a wrk ‘oak K t to waaes te wea to. all this-too I listened say much, and when next the Engsoa ; : 1e same repea lem hear i osp iis pet et ee eae SALE Bae to: join uncle the for way the of out if And there? a|erine of face you brary-will- handsome,;|-us into a passion, ily to gat do-at afraid. of i t T eels : it feil I my stood + ee Dantree CVvercary Pee LEsGs his hat arate Sane , pe coat and |e si BS cunie be shall n moment a For Then resolute: Cee ee Guo cla ; c is It oe fo. tell sult-|. to spans Heacendnntenreniitariktne Robert the Bruce and James 1..of Soak of. lady young English {22 Don't row?) jis the deuce the What ie "say and-I I hope Oy!behind £o ld boy! n oman, time, nothing know.ays you're' you. A treé, Ne ris ts-necessnty. Come aINE t oath foe ute Pe ihe} on pea ae eaple aolected by. Ps ciate fyst sight seem is be ‘ ¢ ® when shim spying officer, British ae rane et i ne neie with Bie ve tee Laas ‘tt and patriot i "was, Pilgrime are eed the | Robert, in:peril.. ae Tole pit to owners seit aie > me for aible IS . ost numbered be any attempt repulse pees when pledge to. ‘first Tllustrious. ncestors| Off duty called: out/"Shoot: that Northumberland. bel' ilumine this page of the petly Li not words represents' 40°, (6r-48hprint=so Warren, a). able tory. ‘There is Lady Ada de men can rude s curiaus "Lyri s ~ must ete of Part have The at Guilford CourtHouse. Nanded) down) in: his) family; ts| a that the the been Virginia of Earl most pets of to ready their country fam- Waltheof, of daughter ithe * spiteful their} and fortunes livés,their (Honors, always streets the Among ng it Dantree, a| dcoaping: > such: Grae +A QU. /i reppeteB ae, BOUCUA BOG Wile and a dangerous even AS spiteful yisited| he when Lafayette, : : + rery ; s vacmet = : : oy aes SEN the youwould conversation recent a During explain. VH go with you ppoprietor of a vivarium. in Coyent Garden, London, said that the demand to Castleford-it will ‘itt the interven.else- ror curious S, «and ‘out-of-the-way : ay - pets ing ume' : as well. as anything of all. sorts is Jargely-on the «increase, | but, Pd rather not £0:in-the dark." ‘Take my word for it, "You must. Strange as it may scem, many people x prize, the |*2¢red back to royalty-to St, Da-|Served of Scotland, and his queen |*toT%. iy tracés. vid, king Matilda, Mac Chelr an issued 1518, McCormick the of branch One né through swagger ne strutte in O the off Well, Americans. Galway, "written ns ‘ " anvelegant make deep, a seat took Dangerfield Peter -see 1 me-but believe don't you If Ea iy th: Fs L YE 7 will ever. T shut else. then no, one. And and" like Soy doher, you do-eome ; with me to Scarswood]|in the shadow of the vast Maltese win- Now Cee as you looked at him, stagGaston assDantree ire red a Httle he marriage was t -Mr. Dangerficld and -bound | dow, the lofty and my"Gr lips ntza 1d m peptone ey 5, bet nd nit 13 ce seat y Wms Ivoked| never had as hearound room.looked | noble and ‘convinced beI are ‘"|for the wedding-and» aj Ses a ; ; ac-)5"° get I expected- The answer was what 5 ‘ snawl, | before My lips. own Sir John's from a long drew He bs sled d, eae to appreciate]! to the a faney taken had mother ie books with lined walls dark The Dangerfleld-Sir Mr. please, you rw ish shane reile bre a 1 owners. | (ens fair r . ready find a which alligators, baby a] with: presented was 1824, America, impossible to nevt It seems market. took] he This by Mr. McCormick. plow they and creatures, these tame entered|to and him to' France-with back and watch the on it. carried | S¢¢™ invariably where mateh, in a plowing is to none, second ranks Irishman An present the ef eilimation. humble the vother «her wall Writerchutsaloneside splendid people of the world) including . revo this of the soil. aithee, Rehy. knows nobody aj; make: to work) to, sct. implement, en and Irishnien- pia thelr love, with do J could yA ELD recoiled Talbot as it up bring ft, adopt would brother-and "her the ir name, their it BIVs «Plungers . stood | OW)» Kbdith hands, "the of him at ras Sl a ares their desolate that to straight went patient suffering, pathetic, wan, lew fee In his wed-|SPet on a scowl so} wore down, Adam: gloomy and night! clasped captain bride-| never. Surely happened? a wealthy baronet, whom he Is go-|two companions after him-Mr, ‘ tte hi ee Lass tt *° } vr urs Fi hence, ee She igs sire > £ same the in speedily and harmless seem to and customed their. by fondled being ine succeded in doing,| tich ‘he he suceeded which vettera one, knawn') prided i lutionized the cultivation nobody" Re anerne-Pkxothene per:o why, the people of Galway, who oe tw n He Vp= JO} - 1 sy 1 Ww : 1 ; eB a He y ey ai W a 0"! aie es Ps r eg |-Y aoe exception- are a ae 4: How- sensation mild lovable a little ttycrea-|) ‘ Pos ns and: of)" js.a great probability us t.,,|feetly ae elie 2ay ‘Y fs s ye ‘a yas his father gave Dim a tine| YOUTH V25.% young "horse, and one day he was rac-) Wis father, angry at this phil-| ing him. istine proceeding, ordered him to "hiteh)n the horse to a plow, and go to work." | Stephen, disgusted at the clumsy weod-| 2 te me . fold, of an ancient-dame, of) A) storyfis the Gaclic race, that she peeled boast, Argus-like, of a "hundred Oy While the Macs abound in Serta ae there, are only three indigenious sur-| names. in. O...Once upon' a time, for| oe wife, oe oa oa sr ot _ } pear of Nl Ster a ore an. an . l gencral, Scoteh officer English stepped on one side, and Gaston Dan-| revealed,| stood. Vavasor Mrs. ‘Tee and: bridegroom's the at glance. One What| Halk Wlamise ‘sitlen ce: a ace, Mr. at dance to. or Dantree fashionable) extremely becoming their future. pets In the a are Vzards: a near : caer eee vNeas G . Sodil ae t Rie county Tauq iler rnin as and aC the Sgson of John 47 was 17§1, EMzabeth Morgan, who was plow the iin Anglo- (qi in however Virginia, or-vescendant, Rneeon, a sense this in used Highlanders-O and ee ce we I: Ree of 2 "fitz? and Welsh, patna in Irish. "O" and Norman, means erandson rd : a An - - traveling i h¢ grief,; f. but rememberediI. ait i with S Fen ta g wild Were it a through sufferers fellow their la Pere buriedin>' .bubvowaSs The tgaildyigrap Sipe Cr coe |jf xeck thete reputed eck Ee ee ond: heires ane | MO daug hter a Nt ms 3 ee "ule of 1 bis life to keep that nets that' they may the ' animals these illy. © gentle; SUFES, there of] a) created) as the|ever, all i inventor the McCormick, of way the gone since long | have and yeas , ae - is th ‘a hettpr=t? way a) Jady, his and had had train, express unfortunate by instantly killed-killed child their an The officer and -\that- terrible collision. unhurt-they escaped "had indy } ia ye Bb HC sak e eld, nce r i ;ing, to°marry,. as SPORE. a pauper as| tree stalking along like a specter library: E was spacious and: "Yrhe ‘vast . she lacks for | indeed, rf riceShy } nimself-greater, Ss UK - MLSE TOROS= ‘ BSi |? PSO a BVO: Es? Generosity, of "wax: a°‘cluster by lit brilliantly make| yet may that' looks good ates | the. eee tod en "Your pe Y RLEAN TIN OMAK "0 Sr smy for so tr ramatic ane don't care for' mMelo-) van fortune MM) 5 cine aa? Hts an SR Li el ste » ayn, fire} dying: eorn-|) ot 3 in-the os saint nek ano crouched darkly ue zs sere x Dan tree; truc. Sir | Shadows 4 as it-is j nut cS lenis perfeetly to}* leasan I ore -amboards... the of arene: shat Why 24 us a : Adria ‘ ‘ to, ‘Cumtletord Ae id DLdrama itae 5 Is- nat Beept chain. Oy)which; all: ir an-unwsus at one of linen, lades shape in the a old countryeee find scouane we history of rages the Upon:stncortiaadpumi yvividsnone hand bloody the and upon|ers, imposed. has. Dang rileld | Jonn» randat ie 1 Wittin . oe a country, this In Burepe. in renee Two heir-]| they sold and purchased land. of s I mantel:|4 the over in the eseutcheon. Mr-|ly here, heir hissrigntful |} you-upon. ‘ s eae take a rule not'ns do ladies however, were a yellow] in the Hall family its varia-|1ooms and thie'iime:-6f. McCormick, I Dangértield, sociely-passing The1é¢ lone: silke "arts . ae ie heir pets aboutowith: them, in. public. : and how have s weeall been deceived oe oe a ‘ ktupon. ‘ gx off long silken curtains. were untions; Mac. Cormick, M''Cormic; . Mae! satin wedding gown, with white bro-|t ; aoutside. by -a-faint lighting N=!In , ( ‘onse girl Y of whose parentage , (he-is in} drawn, to.nsinuate: anything), wish. PDG-youw RLiSs ady aoninet™ . : ied oe 7 . ring of s a Dansexntela ‘Dy onsequentl)ilv the appearance ring betrothal, 9a and stripes, caded5 Witter a Core M'Cormazc. and Carmack. 'recently the tossing, windoe absolute ignorance, as his daugh-| the. northern sky, Shee etis Bia) De fn ios ; es het im.) Jemun a live with. which mick: may. be 2 great and hi a i t °F man, 2) nom McCormick aos parniy , mens asked T asked. bridal our Dangerfield,| our| at life the with Adonis, dark-eyed of wine pleasant isn't It feet. ~) that spilk hand . woe BOO l, 5 H ut Hi: snatched from alte' tere him.wae, sf harks to wetbe Was von Wer Lng, 5 ares* with about them taking of)--a \sight" door Tfhe chameieon brilliant. a" "p> Wrist: bya fine. gold be seen fien out-of them» earrving lady te ; ir fa How?7?' this ‘Tn. us vee 4s nitted it or to dispose willing for its fortune to make : were way, : L if and, ne eet ¢ ‘lin i a antheir rT: i i alt collision. a Some went! vent! Some- little woman, trav on the head, and hit the poor class, third a ; for the ‘child-dead or alive! the gentle-faced sister of ‘Alive, charity said, ‘and well, and uninjured; Hts ot plentant for Av ave: [serlous ts the matter, You know tleve ite i ; pa very dANtLES:. raneStOOt Yi apid and gf were.a ents sen 8 ap ey tetees he : Ph me pre es ‘ters +a IACIER Cz. a Eng- 7 lon' F mes "You -be s2) want: don't. n aloud, to hed 8 5 ‘ matter, wp is the. serious -hundrec Something. two me of be give. don't h, -would they adventurer ful titan i serious': ds "Sometl OV. x ' Oo ~ advent cessful ve Bere sep ish eda Cee grayeanswer made Peter Dangerfield common-| name <the: it's. only fended; for infant the take might 1ey ate 3 : 7 a, z oy rive acer , > Or ea re |, Pole, and only dio Ror with, her "and gentleman. the blackly: for more addressed little' a clever-;ly, cowled not -pleasent.| otherI's people give themselves 44 thanpeopie place with ith | come on ne The to sail W a very few See she up - the sprang halt ht: s Lit > bet> ‘ eC Lockinvar?. looking at slowly.| said he also aged eabou ts. going was in family titeee stag hing a ae e ing under the long front wholebrilliant with was lust. "managed reply. | captain up,-you "at Know. awrully. to cut'stammer Jook ‘You ‘too unable) absolutely." ans ror is ‘Mr. : speaker, the of face smiling evil, f the T) ae rae eng "anc great-coat, ant iat to. Castleford " ab Ran \walt-)and. "at.once-my tJ ‘The my. isway. I made trap' now -unannOenwes . ee ntee Ro nuar once." Pt ve at oe ty Castlefurd mie >of -othe while Jattacnea totheir and here Outside Pe ad Gastol 1 tening harangue, of - society, living oehs vetisof Some curlosities ten t P t< lie ing Fates ar Pets. Keeping: \ at waiting ea : is patois "at- intebn train traveled English officer, daughter, th : what| but quie éily very spoke He jin: his: small gleamed delight. hidden Cee Ping svaet He _ We knew! only ANettarciy they If eyes! pale here' ding with the stood| looking stunned moment oa me} for: told who person The ittke ei ander marehing aa and vt Lav "yen Sees | true, ae popular, my. business Feady acduiseence, going to. the. lic|, MY, : Miss wishTalbot, they. wou to seca. 7 gy ter As" at ourthe lips and|tune to' seewe SirareJohn immediately.) had fought of for-] we chalice ruthless{ golden: | T say ‘ixwhen glittering tnemscices upon] prize for which 1e Jast he hnour-the way of putting things, rather took aie 0 Sen ship woria.of anmiat JuneRUG ; Fortitude Military Ancestry, wish ee young black Nill. seh} Story. Mrs, Vavasor's Dantree out; and Gaston Was It hHa- groom,.from ticle Sts CHAPTER t!/numbers Iinefact-yerea { Family Has Its ; Inventors, Authors, qrysPoets-Heraldic Sym' ; 7 bols, Druide Crusader tree.| fashionable. lee, abe increasingly CHING ROL Were Ready4 TATA - . " nn and Om 2s ate pe Cae Aion: Strange Sacicty's the. year ‘trange recent In Honot- Fortunes' and oe i navy ee - i ry Revolutiona and Virel inla and Land and : Large ‘£ Men of Affairs ir ‘ 7 . "iI (1Q j Signe! a Includes Early <a Sires ir v4 ' r 0 sf Back to King David of Scotland-Amer- a Traces " 5: One Branch ean at ~ rises trad ee Bens. 5. Weofeet, Oto Wf fron fol the tox) to tell. ~ am!" -thanst in} deceived-we | a lady, me was »-there eaewe Oe and crash!-away Crash!wors thehe frownblack.| under i up arch-up The trees. mansion old times! | (war, three' were was line-the Sir,| circumstances, grossly. it is impossliall) been, and-but have hangs} "Thereby to explain. ble for me I don't that-which' all and tale, wo Gain e WA dlnaieber Sate , It.oe Is-noted s dense its: dark, »for feet. to for masts used is: much follage und e V aml magnificent is a pine kauri The Lt = > ormic C had) up has) this «and paints, enamel the demand bringing of effect the supply above point MeCormich y his ue lish Ofticer itl . 5 i nil hi we aa ao with Ut UM), SOE ‘to forward AL? Ree ATE VEE inxious ye in peace, or come come Oh, "Dantree "Mr. o'clock} Ten we'll ‘believe after all' eves Dantree's, Gaston a] are you while on those een likewise, sight. huge gate el eerni. fe eat ir va nana aie 7 as ead relieve Dange riield, and Mr of it "heard having " my take to hurry; ino\a be. nt ~~ oceasion no" "there's don't I but come, will. tonight a wedding have that said have ‘You me-exactly-quite| go i t i it foundothat ey mP ee : whirled 2 r {stone follow, *'ety Peter. We,Dangerfield to-listen|3 "B a bore. too often becomes all that.| peated and, should you that q | natural ify h, pki e have ¢c 5 cli ; scat Loe ante theo Pea anything,:to InP ou Weyyou.mean SnQuey mind me . oo a Danger-)'tell BS SAC ; UCU explain ible, pL to light UY Se Le, what . Digging John Sirs concerning *manufae-| the promt: In gumLOK da. used. the for. lure of varnish, and "apparently: jt is} meld and-well-and. the .yvoung~ lady ‘T willt 1 mean this, my nena some is} bride-eleet) your. to. marry..As,a-ftriend) Louisianian-that you are going whose} of nature me of those products no'| Cina itis r= baronet's ia more tino» 1 consider Dantree, Mr, yr yours, else} filled by anything not be place can thelrues Dinee elds Tah Bice to let | ORE deception: beta sh imeful SInsfact, | yeould which has yet been discoy ered: Ont until] In he h cae were VeTY The Hae le eh third same is ; an might the ssaa = | nine} - after. for me send you % homily? a to' at Iam I. confess Dange riield, to- loss Did outehis,< igi? me are all dressed «1 see you "and whith | Wateh, ‘substance &. resinous im, Kaur an gives'us, That ceremony., the for -tree.| pine kauri of the product phe is of} three-quarters-plenty) and. hour. Al from secured" be can gum. Phe you to, do, lL want what: time for alive,| are they while trees of trunks - you-want-me-to-do! What) itis bute AUN I) protrud it) for a5? thes "for Tt tn after}, to, dig prontable) especially remaining tiinps the Hleabout spoken came on poor--very DOF class. By ‘the | oe Pore The, .ereat.« Squire saw they wide; trance » oc Vere > ‘ %e ‘ ie Ve ne COME and Captain De Talbot \ ; : Se ; Z RCC ; } Seen? Se) BOO "an- that's «well! both . penniless-oh, matter other (*itois)., *Vavasor, ‘Mrs. you,' >to . drew: ve eightY7he (past Ms | vimportant| } o'clock. business portant. business-im is | ADe quarter Jt on rain, the in cocteford, was Scarswood Ue nigat's illumination. stood you [ wonder; born, you lady you are this: young love don't | ; love Js an explode al but |ing to marry; of poéts and) In trade stock }idea-the 4 Uve-given| -over-trom nowhere {vdrove, from ties up Phat) gold vil'-did Dantree rt ‘the Mr ingrily "I sprang eymnas / ein ; Ne ant word of dark thou=| Palbot» in her white. festal robes float with. elght i novelist', ~ People OGRE Payot RENE past you.spring|.sand\a "year (can dispense: with slove, | Pt alice a a x5 2 ital ee 2)", patos demanded,| but. where the bride and. groom are). at. wondered be PWrhere ma Indastry an. It Find Zeslanders ' to were Planets Dantreée,''| Mr pardon, ge your "1 in; and} end: elibtv. coming ah ea the look don't: . "You door. the shutting it not that sce: me,7but pleased*to best GUM KAURI FOR this ze eeoe and have been his ele! rallproposes-French man ete "T thought. "he lu he SUrse very undispose, and ways sometimes old blasted that known have mught ii cattle train came along faaeantly: oes have could Fortune, barridan, somewhere, mistake a was like|tLor aes in store for step-son good 0 Ing ‘swung round? with| eight thousand: a: year) is waiting: at} iB Gaston" Dantree | POA i marry. you ‘tonight of roth here; in. the doorway, , stood |/Scarswood oooh. sDateerfleld the} fortunate combination der what Kats Oe a pA DIGGING this bar-|™© anda adventurer, ankee t aie daughte Oli of|. ey They.‘ heiress the and aughter,. s mien one lights Peter words; 1 -sothelswy th ‘the: injcenamel., les orate the re | passionate bitterness, as the yarns OVE AR eae a so ae possess; what you and ling agi voice unhappily--| "beauty, "with take)‘dom>goes, is your oyster, and| world The brains... you} you are a pénniYou open: it cleverly; two} escape yin 4 you may geen all after time, noose hours to the ' i matrimonial Seas Britis) having the ring, FLEM AGNES a business," is) a nérvous" ‘responded::"but® theduorway. in. "Tt aoslip,. many. There's' courage but wants: it: though ‘and know, ring the .950 the sold afte Lay ard he and BV e time next he pounds 20° for fetched chandsoit' (chanred ie "Not ithe all dl a ae eelshe wee Be rathe said he but ssented, gee on sab a aa Ae Cee ae 2 agreed readfly jewelér the The e AS at I'll peel G A MAY BY al Bes aerate take it into oes ___- : little mine;-2 and': revolves: wheel the when re SRE Gc a vig tee eee MeO OU enoffered pepe) gold, and he F. Sy 17, 1907. ring, which) the wh a si anne as ke explained SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY ac-| to sporting friend to the dog's col- lar was apparently a brass } REPUBLICAN, unkenneled was dog company them... The noticed that attached . z INTER-MOUNTAIN pointer Mance had gone out of fashion in this|tered, he knew, the moment his eyes|of this transaction. I want‘They took the child away. %£2" of grace, and tnat it was only at|rested upon them, all that had hap-] but me, me, with to shake If hands ed her souls} pened. we heard of ‘two hearts Coventbut garden believe you'll wouldn't. woman!she told-this was secret His a single thought-two with that old years two Danger-lat Peter false. him played had found have I But one." as beat And she»wouldn't, She clung out my mistake, and think better of | field knew he was helr-at-law--Gas-/] hadn't treated her badly... the worldMr. since IT have known you. Now My| ton Dantres knew eee hid hag er wouldn't to Mrs. so Dangerfleld's - skirts,' . and bonnet, Dangerfleld-thanks. his daughter. . Pe ee ant much as look at me, then, messieurs-forward I am entirely wt yaur service. march! ' . He drew a ong an Ee Boas ee nabl e oi aa : a4 he "lechoud tina ct ee ee arm, orc tae Tobe an cue ae Sad brit éry for the iret ae FF "all ) the bikie ae "ble. fi A ae z d : to ato ee ngure o a0, marble the 2 a need. ee ae ' =] like the smiling vixen she De é en. >The E « a ras. she|He could breathe freely and face his] brave," mon Gaston, "Come, WitMe dave oiava Ria ann eee at wou tpae mG eo said: 2 \ L > " ena She Among stopped short at the shadows and the rose lower up. end of the room a darker shadow flickered A door had softly opened, a curhidden the unseen" listener binantil had now. A white hand pushed back the drapow ta white face emerged into the oa minutes late after all. Come- ee Eh ae pase repenaely ix i the nee herself, in her shina et. Para eae oe under the burden of the]sil miserable stairs,| the htly down i BAY be-).S'en € a t they : had In five minutes aigns| |fore-an no. .and showing. to-escape writ- fort tearsor tho! Rich-2f | PTAve genitor Of Ong branch of the American s Grslot) soldiers.) the: family. Chietamong, may. bo hamed: disposition to attack... Lady Innj--the two driven'up mien sprang 1 e 3s ee ave silvery vail. standing there and hearan-/ing every word. -__ But tell. not dared he secret de malicious of face a with humming, conthe of charge took hostler a ut, | Strokeshire, of Richardson Constance saan in lek Mice Parl ck: neeof|S'0ard.C. omer signers other had told it in spite of him- pee ‘‘Haste to the wedding,"' Engand, is well known ase tancler of perance, and Peter Denserieid, with | light. inh, 1866 Pappoiiced ae of the found as-one"er name is nets an address sto, WiNiam-1llnd Mary, |S0vernory of) Arizona and. commander) i, partled\at class ‘of. snakes. Gady| a briet-"'This--way,;,‘Danivee,' sprang The hour for whieh-she had hun-|he was free! He flung back his head CHAPTER XIV. Day of Grief! Day of Wrath! upon See up. the saike. ato rapped ata gered and thirsted for years and years| proudly, and walked into their midst Allington's famous white farm, dated July 29,1689. -His.two sons, Hugh, |°! tbe Legion of Honor, born 1695, and Thomas, born seven years Ch: aractetistics of the family are: fine}...vite Hon ry Tur and feather is all pure| door on the first landing. had come-the hour of her vengeance. | with his firm, soldierly step and stateThere we > eae All eyes ‘ ae dead silence. is»sweet-particularly to a]ly bearing, and stood directly oppo-| ¢,)) ie Gdston we lt was opene#Mstantly, and and "pioncers. | Sif'8.0f mind and heart... The men have) yite has been much discussed: Pennsylvattla" later, were all rose as she Een See went heir to. Virginia, way West: Before to 1750, and ‘Bast families : and of the| Be eel pace i ahann RAR teria the The and j< que 9 are] eee ae which BeitTi is He also frontier. tal, La ne ‘curious' England. Some most the collection little pletures- of She was which|night. A magnificently: rich robe of dieerearto-.he purple "silk, en| Angeletta and for ex-| Of] Duleicbella? picture not you Gan Dulclebella blue-heaven's own blue. Was squirre! she nestled roses perflmy white the} in hit? eh aS he Sati A Spares hte Beeugmny-a give a man seventy one woman will "well. as man spare some of the i troduced parks d spectes-have into. great with one of recently the been| blacker : London|smile on her so never was success. may than ever, and that squirrel-shaped. radiant peculiar] rage, mouth|dusky face savage his e and and fury, set. his| All his/ fulfilled-more were gloomy two eyes, men ping her. vey greatly there will tonight. Certainly, there gerfield-if on her Sir John, either bY] bride bridal whether] or before Miss any such be the ‘You compliment waiting doubt, be gaze stern, briefly. and poor bride a your pay pa the Dantree,"' Mr. coldly said, Southerner and met-steady, unflinchingly, "You are late, another-never! | baronet disappointment, prresentiments before. You did not expect to see me, Mr.| Dantree, did you? . You. didn't know| Castleford' a whole pedn Pa ee ee 0 The Dantree, Gaston and|site poetry sometimes] woman will fortimes seven, but His lips} Gaston Dantree followed. oftheir glossy masses of satin black halr. The} .-Moreover, in<spite~ family. bloomed its brightest, the} Were set in an expression no one who nervousness at first, these charming] 'OUsge little creatures ./soon...become .em-| enamel glittered with alabaster dazzle, beheld him this night had ever seen boldened by kind treatment. Tn faet,|the almond eyes were longer, brighter, | before; his dark eyes were lurid with pet s ong rarevy and most costly. be mentined Australlan kang-| not .ac"be readily "can." which and|@roos,, course her hair was Tlaxen and her eyes in the the of had W Byron, singethamy Lord Woman," Vayasor Daritreé sa w-Mrs, pets in| creatures members are formances ample. pdhachs served . and of one probably' unassuming, women accomplished, them." avoided does not reves John McCormick, born in Treland, 17% died at Lock Haven. Pa. His descenda y ‘clat {filiation ith t ed witiy Of eno-of the fumily-it.has been 541d.) are in favor as pets on account of thet: rs aine, swept behind | her-dia monds| and _. fingers-and on neck flashed difficulties . ngc}ectivity end amusihg gymnastic per-| sought Me neither "the| include connections. Matriage., nearly related or, not, research |.fumilles: of Armstrong, Carter and] Nightingale. ‘Christian names, in the} early. days; were "Somewhat \sentimen- whether Seeren manners. benutiful, but Pennsylvania, In "but bearing, dignified later. founa|Teserved. South, several living were name the descend-|® thelr state, Quaker the From ants - bridal Dan-! came" immephiene she pee oe -wh a Passionate, mpulsive, .what' would :ward, In th Shin? td ad - Would comes-forshe Oat silence ane, "she, than h © wore-white,.cold, 1 Ip aim ai never er nour Piel capa ned one pe, ae supreme though sye per-|ong rea came logkad hi vislon-whiter idal ie ei st life i this girl had single emotion- hour of her life ie ,Pmotloniaes raight cn Sir to a John tim full in the face with >y* serck At the worst he had|son-becomes Mrs. Dantree, you will than fulfilled, not dreamed of anything half so bad}/clear up a little statement of Mrs. ae large, ‘solemn eyes ; lave been there "sinee you ecsame She tells us the young}; n"-she Vavasors, Tle believed what he had as this. pointed to the eurtained reheard-there was that in' Mrs. Vava-|lady you have palmed upon us cess, and' her voice h when (she, married, ‘sixteen eS about. aeane ery ee wtapknniec called cree her gown. spriggedrmuslin, with a saah climated and kept in the open air durwee} a ne ve penis for eae wedCormick. also blue?) She dled, of course, before| ing the summer, months..) Kangaroos! ©" F ed tha. at re rom aris, Ij sor's face and. volce, with all their} your daughter and heiress is-who is} not ‘tremor "Ay ce had neither falter nd T have heard every Iai word. she spoke the|she, Sir John Dangerfield?' of| malice, that showed the. ehannys - a the risk. are extrembiy| SLossed: this way Such by hand, ?eared; and we, don't} | docile. for andvapec. twenty-two. slic "was a MoCor The Virginia pioncer was Robert,: who | *Bae eee eee het say, id cape affectionate, creatures, | expiring in the agonies of sea sickness,|truth. For the second time he had} The baronet turned his eyes for the] pyre { Ss it-all true? urned away from her and ove 5d 13 gil ak irdald "co claldau of sowie however, obviously require more space}! braved your beastly British climate,| been foiled-in the very hour of his| first time upon the little figure in tne Kaas left his home in Pennsylvania in 1779. ered ort his face with his hands with a ered filled| armchair rage A demoniacal a. whole|triumph. ape te myself : alive buried have here, to|t week ito devote ee convenient often‘town,. -her| thands During. ‘Ould. pennsylvania different shat differen ena eethe ee Old Dominion, Omcounty, Fae mould. uring hem: in‘ but -aspets.about without a soul to speak to] him-against this woman, against the "You have broken faith with rae; he Par. rt of dry sobbing" sound hara to Rundwnyelrsedns PGrent: and what bridge You took my inoney Warriet Harman: against] Katherine, tas OIE Shue: bullt a large house. log Ne re = Grove Walnut Sea a : he built about ten years later, is still Mer RCDEOM: ustrate The coat-of-arms said to be standing, ag well as one put| up in 182. The western branch of the|oned by Burke, Gules,on' a and his wife, Martha Sanderson. dirks, three between Robert, back-to directly trace family houses: couftry: on aioe . The house, which |#%¢ escaped with her child by fleeing on) come-extremely, he called the pace. argent, ra 4Z-| i chevron.) Bi ee they to: <bid:sfalr' popular, be-.| many. rare reobtained been specimens having cently and now take a prominent place} vat Rothschild's zoo. famous inthe they wijere England, in Tring, are The queen is a well nse. lover. of Crest, on a rock proper, a martlet, ert was a man of rigid and uncompro#9 WOR 1856 | animals, and numbers. of a S¢ble. mising ‘piety, and the story Is told that) ee one: Keak: ON em Ug, ner JOT perscnal pets. - he) he nae tee Dube nN OHUcHAE elven Psalm, Gehan Hadi for Baroness Burdett-Coults has oe he took|f¢@tlessness is our watchword. of theavee‘usual ‘$nstead Both tre torteau, or wafer bread of| many years a well-known breeder and up his hat, his stick, which being ingoats, ner euiniale of Re the Holy Communion, and the erescent emit tended for defense, was about six fee The chev-|having secured numerous, prizes. Ana denote crusader ancestry. long, and stalked solemnly down aisle, and out of ‘the building. Others | Ton, | dirk and rock symbolize protec-| other class of pet that has again come the denotes/into fayor in certain quarters is ules tion, safety, refuge. ; vali left with him, and they organized a new military stneerity,|falcon. These birds were at one time] fortitude; argent, ; { { church. or, generosity and magnanimity; sabte,| to be f found da-in-tl in the possession of f.eevery) , e agra pa ll addy ee Pilg: Carruth. ms ent noha cir son, mapuaneds ee obe jr., ‘ eaten We born owner Ae, BpONtiitie ‘ of a country was for a house who though a against atherine | baronet, wed-| if-that himself. : be ee - accomplished on a aee abel ; fact in] I shall be? ey 1 Heaven help me! Yes, Kath- "I took your money and meant to TI would not lave Yes! betray you! my revenge for three times forfeited money!" pring, it is all true-all-ayt' "ve nd I am not your daughter?" darlinae my you Bre Me IT eaRs Ou me, had loved formive dnd ‘meant to"Wetey, wie' But. ace ro 4) to lose a fortune, by heaven! Katherine if Ia the "I might have known it. Danger- Ther you} ¢; meshes have had courake to tell you ‘rer 8 oeface had never changed from hea One| DAP -601is Shese, wm Taare alk?" eet ors fac lan't t Cee er Fatt until at . a oe "I have told: them nothing as yet, | its thing to risk Newgate for an heiress,|. ote ey rc het com s heen ee remem-|put I'll see all the portionless, adopted|save teh bare fact that Katherine Is|,.yo. ))),c2lm her dark, dilated eyes had you Your eedait? re lone Mr. Da ptrer did ea rales daughters this side of the infernal re-}not your daughter. le a. loeb Dungeiteid the soete o ae a this has | -It disbelieve t honor the of|me one for it risk I'll before gions ee tek aiid Voart: oon oe , e seee the woman long: this overts you bane is} 7c he see, you Interest, his for isn't : oe Ala Mick them! aatiod: s Sha hie cae a you eae te you to tell, eged then Mr. Dantree folded his|for your nephew's, to believe it; so I And ic é fates Holy rete" be child?' not-that Tam not your arms in sullen silence, and let things|brought them here to relate the story er ve im iotpive at ? Oncemore They can't very K i the;in your presence. knew He course, take their nll go to her wad Nevertheless, e; z atherine!" ding. I told her so once, and I mean| worst-he had' put his fate to the test,| well refuse to credit {t then, And, to to | Keep my word, , i She li if-as I sald before and lost it all. Nothing remained but/as I still trust, the wedding w © lifted his worn, had|-that wedding ever takes place. te sée the-play played out, to pack his}on," with her. most. satrical all a both her own and kissedBa handin have beenauewe .ssly Mr. I Dantree 2d," ‘That decely- the art of ‘Will you be kind enough to. ex-|trunk, and at once seek fresh fields "andas EF don't wisht 0 keep poor litere can be no such w time neglected} plain?" and pasturea new. tle ; Kathie 3 waiting a ty 1BAeee. than {s ixee' tweenha you ae me, papa. [ Bel ne : F he is realw He was quite white, uch I LOW of being entirely| z The night was black as Erebus; the;absolutely necessary, I but braced to inae Teed you Anitely an ae If my apmene aan set in; and much| meet the worst... He looked her steadi-| cold, cutting sleet still beat, the wind|once.evinced in these|ly. between the eyes, She stood and|siill blew, ‘The street lamps flared| minor particular,: Sir You have been to me, returned that nen smiling, silent, and| and flickered in the soughs of wind-|of my statements ae cee ain father ever aera a Tne ety with a devil in. either glittering eye.| the shops of. the town were shut-|/will be good enough to set me dont and: I-how have I re ee agit N thi For Peter Dangerfield, he stood aloof|lights twinkled ~ pleasantly - behind Messleurs Dantree and Dangerfield, { nown. wish I Mr.had know- Peet 4 re ah .In. her => wraps-a de-| listen him. muffled and listened. Wotning rou ost | ame eee turned to first the for tim a lool hands; her folded She headlong} her piteh to "What a fortunate fellow you are,| moniacal desire your eyes will. examine We free. If your sight is defective| Gaston Dantree,") Mrs. Vayvasor 2aid,| out of the trap was strong upon Mr. the ruddy coals, and be, tone ? ked into]time the brave volece falt rede ae WHat lave ‘You to say to all thine falconry proclivities, be: |. presen Dengerfield) 8 wedding, "What a dolt-what an ass I have] ace eee takes place. Jooked at his watch, | been!" he muttered inaudibly, grind-| oor Mr, ing his teeth; "what a laughing ston cool. outwardly, at least, perfectly ca ah. much admired. Rob-|# torteau, inter two crescents dey - o's -00." long even in danger Those who desire to procure family)ayq 1780, became a large land owner, and! "Cen: ; A revival has pedigrees} ost. information, ig knowh ns an inventor, and the fath-|genealogical er of Cyrus Hall MeCormick, who,!or lineages, should correspond with] interest is now being with his own hands, built the first) the _enealogteal See pea ae clever birds, practical reaping machine ever made.|Anth ae =ehh yee ee ay It was this invention which mace the| torfan's office, 5a e® ¥, it Will C t Y line of civilization ; miles each year." of, the Legion of sponding ee member demy of Science. conferred, because a ee i -~ for the cause of move westward He was an Honor, and of the French These honors "he has done agriculture Aca-| were! more than oo An Plowed Up Old Saxon Ring. entertaining letter in Chambers' Journal is packed curiosity, hunting. Some years them: a man ‘The Halls, fore-, shooting other living man," bears of en also Virginia ee oe ve ee ne % offlase corre-) e we went to a with of aueeeer Here is on of ago ‘in Yorkshire farm for with the farmer. as they were about a day's will we WL. glasses KNICKERB . the to start, New Location. a fit. at lowest] 2fter that short pause. "You are the} "It's Dantree. prices. for first class materia) | Very handsomest man, I think, I ever "Little devil!" saw; you are the best singer off. the|at her savagely. and scientific workmanship. J. _ 143 Malin Street.} : y Joperatie stage 1 ever heard; your man-| ners are perfeet in their insolent .ease:| you are seven-and-twenty-a_charm-| : e : darkness. "She he thought, under cover knew it all looking;-it of the|look along long so makes back. and/hearers, since ago-so one's It's the hair gra veces aoe to] fifteen ex press trai Fenn waited for this melodramatic climax,| Rouen to Paris bore amon ee fron It's your turn now, Mrs. Vavasor;!sengers one day a woman and io child » A " his et oomy eyes | ee ceived with fro wered, lftting sullen' a nger; Eu ontinuég ot by tome. 7, ; Aree at jacty least8 morro morning, f a ; ud |