Show TI TILE THE OTHER SIDE OF OP TIlE THE TIE APPLE Ben Den Franklin you will wl remember Impressed one of his lessons with wih the story ot or the apple ho he hI bought because the side of or It presented to his boyish eyes was ver very fair tall But he ho found foun after ho ha had made his Investment that the theother theother theother other side was rotten roten and wholly bad ba La Ladies an and gentlemen of or the American party hav now a good opportunity to look Jook at the other sl side e of or their apple Of course coure they have havo pal for It It an and the they can cannot cannot cannot not get their money back But they can throw throwaway away that part which In all aU reason Is of no account which will wi only soil soli sol them If it they keep It I. I and which the they should not tot In fairness even think of giving to any ono one else They have been following in the wake of ot the thin Kearns Reams army of or hunters have been giving strength and countenance to that pestilent crow crowd have lent Jent color to the tIme defamation of the state which tho the Kearns Reams bureau has hns engaged engaged en en- gge In an and have found at the en end of ot the Investigation that they ha had no goo good reason for the activity act If I the they based their action acton on the belief belef that the Kearns party part would win control of the state they arc are arenow now un undeceived That party lost Jost tho the county election It I did ld not elect even one member of oC the school boar board It Itcan Itcan I Ican can not hope to carry carr the tho next city election electon Tho The Republican lican Ican party part to which most of of them belonged has recon recon- quere the position to which it I is and there Is If no reason wh why those who were Republicans In former years should not now aban abandon on the tho cause which never de deserved deserved de- de e- e served serve their adhesion and come into the fold Col where the they have havo always really belonged S If I the they based base their hope on tho the expulsion of Senator Smoot from the senate the they should now be able to sec see that nothing of ot the kind will wi happen If I they based base It on the hatred of or polygamists they must now Jiow realize that there Is no ground for remaining on premises so false All Al about them are arc Gentile men men men- members of or the tho American party who Party who have havo have married daughters of oC polygamy an and mighty good wives wins these daughters make All Al about them are aro Gentile Gente women omen who ha havo married sons of or polygamy an and mighty good husbands husban s the these o men make make The Time day ay for Cor unreasoning hatred for Senator Smoot has gone gon by It I could not live lve without the tho fun fundamental of reason The day ay of hoping for tor a n Tom Kearns Reams victory victor has gone b by It I can not live In the tho light of or the logic which Hopkins and an Sutherland and Knox have turned turne upon It it f There Thero Is nothing further In the American party There Is no further reason for remaining in that organization which was as planned in revenge and fed on hate There Is no warrant for Cor further further fighting your our friends s. s There Thero Is S 1 L L.S. 5 5 S v I i m 5 5 S S r. r no good In defaming your our state There is Ia no imo 10 profit In opposing opposing- your our party part One side of the American party apple was fair enough for enough for last years year's ers side It I Is rotten now Throw It I awa away There Is nothing more moro In it it for you and If you keep It you will wi simply get all al mU muss mussy without I finding a single plea pleasant ant taste |