Show JAMES J MES LARKIN GONE I IN MYSTERIOUS V WAY YA A Y County Commissioner of Davis Was Looking in a Window BOY BOYS S MOTHER WAS ALONE Many Timings Things Hinted but Details AreS Are re S Hidden In Uncertain Terms S Bountiful Feb Jan mes ames James Larkin L te Pt il In Id Idaho ho There Is nothing Particularly particularly par par- interesting about that but hut James Larkin's Larkins home Is in Jim Ka and nl James Larkin is one o of the time commissioners com corn missioners of Davis count county Therefore There fore fure his constituents think h ho ought to be he home homE as the board of or commissioners commis meets next ext Monday There Is If Important business to be transacted Time The commissioners hear nil all al the com corn complaints complaints plaints of troubled people and tho the trouble people would like to speak to Mr Il Larkin but but he will wi not ho bo there because he has offered his hits Lion tion ton Ibis His ni letter In substance says Owing to the time fact that mat I have found better employment I I wish to torr resign rr as county commissioner The salary alary is Imi not riot sufficient mt to tn warrant my coming down to ton ever every ever Monday 1 Mr further remarks remark th that t he hopes tho the honorable members member of the hoard will wi timid find some man who will wiil wil be lie ablo to act as his successor to tu the sat satisfaction of oC his constituent So Caras far Car faras as the time count county is concerned tho the action acton tf of Cr Mr lr Larkin Is Id to be satisfactory ory ry so o also his imis record During the tho term cnn of the last commissioners commissioner it wax was wn heckled decided to Increase e the tha the salary of or meers oihi- oihi ems cers from rom 20 20 to 30 30 a month but hut hut tho thO count county attorney decided that hint inasmuch as La tho thu lie man who is IR in Idaho was a member of the tho old commission It would not riot be he legal legal for him Ic to 10 receive imp 10 f extra This Is the reason for tor formis hi liis mis leaguing Still p people ople who know w Mr dr Larkin are satisfied that ho would not mt quibble over a 3 matter mat r of or 10 1 0 a month le II lie has alwa always s 's been just anti and straight Ibis His work has ha been ratifying gratifying to his constituents In so w much nuch so that hint he was re-ele re re elected ted As Asa a L commissioner his labors have been unceasing In keeping down the exP ex- ex ponso- ponso P Io accounts without being too niggardly So there Is n nothing against him It nt at tho tie county court house Was Lus u a Satisfactory I In Mr Ir Larkins Larkin's home town things look just juH as ns promising He Tie le Is IN n n. self self- made male man From hl his boyhood he lie has tolled toiled in Iii getting around himself lifes life's luxuries and ant he has succeeded beIng being be be- ing lug the time owner of or one of or tho the finest t homes humeR In Ills Ilia raTI family i J Is Isone s sono one ono of th the tho most most prominent and anti one of ut tho tIme most ui-most highly respected r Ills Ill IH l reproach UH UK a 0 wife viCe wll und and andt n t mother r.- r. anti and yet et Mr LArkin left lef h her hr hrand l and her hur about two aco ao And In with Ills mi nd I the for time 11 Ills J letter lottor of or Ig- Ig back u as i a thunder shock ck to who are arc not acquainted with wih nil all th s. Mr 11 Larkin 1 Is bl a n maui man and when ov events caIne caino I Ina 00 too rpt fast for fOI him luau to io k ku fc i pace paco with them ho he ht Into clu lon This i is how It Il came about Woman lolu In lii House 0 On One night several weeks ago ugo 10 two young men were we're were returning from coma the tho In Ono One of them was wa theatre the th yon son on of or the night watchman The Banking company compan of nf the Ha names S 'S two Iwo young oung nun men were nearing Hearing the tho home hem of the former ormer when they hey th y saw sawa sW sWa a man nian looking into the window of or the time said Huld hl hou house e. e Tho The r night watchman a wife was in iii the time hou linus u alone Theman The rime man ran ian and amid tn they gave cha chase The Theman fhe man maim was older than luau the they timey and amid was soon overtaken taken en That man was James Jame statement of o Larkin according to time the men He lie made his captors th the young oung le butone limit hut the lie matter quiet keep kep quiet promise e to mater and that's the time I IrEa couldn't one one- of them Is in 1 Idaho aho Mr Larkin rEa reason O Owhy why 11 S S |