Show IS FOMENT IN VENEZUELA Many ln imy of ci s Conie Friends le as us PI Pre lre Recovers ors r Caracas Feb flY B By way of or I Curcon Feb 10 1 The statement that thaI President Cas Castro Castlo tro had been successfully operated on 01 for fOI an nfl Infected gland In the tho groin Arola was conveyed eel con to lo the people of oC Caracas yesterday while the tIme et city was In the midst of oC the first clay day o othe of ot the carnival This news was spread broadcast in an official bulletin Dr DI neven n who performed formed the tho opera- opera Lion tion ton was assisted b by five other Venezuelan doctors Dr Revenga In Informed informed In- In formed the thc Associated Press Pless toda today that lint his patient patent was out of danger It I Is also announced that thai General duet chief of staff sture to Par Paredes the revolutionary leader Iealer who lan landed ed at the mouth of or tho the Orinoco river and two other In Insurgent Insurgent insurgent In- In officers had hat been captured at Uracoa The government Jo govern went predicts that the time force under tinder soon will willbo wi I Ibo bo be tl taken takemi n prisoners The government was so 80 much In team fear of or plots In Iii carnival week that the masses which have ha been universal at this his season were prohibited Wholesale hole ale arrests of revolutionary suspects have hn marked thc tho returning health of or PIel President enl Castro In Iii Caracas Carcas alone It Is said gald that fC fifty ar arrests l.- l. tr- tr rests have been made within tu the week The prisoners apparently have ha nothIng nothing noth noth- ing lug n against them except that the they arc friends of oC Vice Ice President Gomez The Thit vice It Is said ald may ma- mabe be arrested arrested ar ar- rested at any time |