Show A A WONDERFUL WOMAN BY MAY AGNES FLEMING It I is a nervous business V a voice j jIn t tIn In the tue responded but take tale oUng courage Theres There's many a slip Ilp you but two know and though It I wants I bouts houis to the time you ou may escape escale the tile matrimonial noose after all al Gaston swung round with an oath There in the thc doorway stood Peter Mr I t t beg your pardon parlon 11 th the lawyer said glibly coming in In and shutting the door You dont don't look 1001 best pleased to see sec me hie me but that it I not notto notto notto to be bo wondered at Where Whore th the devil did you yu spring from Mr demanded doma angrily I sprang pran from nowhere nowhere nowhere-i've nowhere nowhere-Ive Ive I've given up gymnastics 1 I drove Over from C Castleford in the rain on important i business important business to you A quarter Quartel past eight ho he drew out his watch and anti I see you aro are all al dressed for the ceremony That gives us an hour and three quarters three quarterS plenty of or time for what 1 want you yon to do do What you you want you to want me to tl to do o Mr 11 Dang nold I cou I am om at a alo lo loss hoss loo to toTo to- to quite exactly exactly quite To o understand me uHe me natural that you should and nil all that Ill I'll explain Circumstances have come cometo IU to light concerning Sir John Danger Danger- field and well and and wel well and the young oung lady Indy you feld arc going to marry As a n friend of ci t yours Air I dr I consider It i would be a shameful deception to let tot the tho morria marriage e go 0 on while you ou are In Ignorance 0 of o those circumstances Sir you have been grossly deceived deceived we we have hn c all al been and but and but It is IN impossible ImposIble to lain Thereby hangs hanss ble for tOl me mo explain a tale tule and anc all al that which that which I dont don't wish to tell TIe The person who told tol meIs me meIs Is IN waiting wailing at Castleford to tell tel you I drove here at once once once-my my trap Is waitIng walt wait Ing outside now I made male my way to your you room unannounced I l know no the house and amI I want you rou to put on your hat and great coat and come with wih me to Castleford at once Gaston on stood tool very pale pal 1 listening to this I lengthy and rapid harangue His Hla pre presentments presentiments were wore all ahl ni true true then something hen something was going to lo occur At the last the thc glittering prize to for foi l' l which he had fou fought ht and won was to be snatched from him Ills Ils lips wore were set hard hartl and anti there ther was a adul lull dull dul red glow not g good d to see in his black eye cye eyes But nut ho hd kept his temper tem tern per under all al circumstances It I was the rule rulo of his life to keep that that Mr 11 ho he said will wl yoube you b be bl so 80 good as aR tp open the t e mysteries a little IUle Your YOu speech sounds melodramatic melo melo- for melodrama mob melo dramatic and and and I dont don't care drama dramn off of the boards boardE Why am I to togo togo togo go to lo Castleford What aro ato O the circumstances circumstances' cir clr- cir cir- am I to meet and and how hew have ha e we wc all ni boon deceived Do you wish to In Insinuate anything against t Miss Not a word word not not a syllable She Sho Is 18 blameless and I 1 dont don't wish 16 tO stop your our marriage marriage Heaven forbid No Noone one uno will I wish you OU joy two hours hence when the thc ceremony Is over more sin- sin cob l than hn n I I. I Gaston fool looked at him stag slag gerel gErel a little The flue marriage was Hut 84 to II bo be stopped to then Ho lie Io drew rew a long tons tens breath of relief reHer Til This I In all al v very ry strange I wish explain Ill I'll Il go with wih you yot o olo to lo it I It will wi kill huh Idl the tho Intervening lug ing time line as well n anything else else else- ilg wel rp nI thank dark but hut Id I'd Id rather inthe mu must t. t Take k m my word worl for foi It It It i lY It I Is 11 1 Impossible sible for foi mo inc t to t tell teU you you you-I I am fill bound b by by o oath t fth nl i rie me to e co 1 I swear you ou shall b be at l by t ten n o'clock For a moment stood Ir IrI Ir- Ir I resol resolute u te Then curiosity ty overcame every vcr other feeling He lie seized his hat h Ii and coat coal with a slight laugh Be ne it so 80 then Lead on on as ns they say MY In novels I follow nl follow anti and m my S good goodfellow goodfellow ot fellow drive like th the tho Ve very deuce douce I II ran mu rn lightly downstairs Peter downstairs Peter followed There was a a. hush flush fush on th the lawyers lawyer's sallow slow parchment cheeks eks u a 1 fire In ill hl his dim near sl near sighted eyes yc all al unusual there They met mot nOone no nfl ono one The squire was vas still tl In hl his ha the servants ants wr were bu busy The gig glE lamps of or Mr Danser trap loomed loome like le two fiery flery fery eyes oyos in the stormy blackness leaped In followed snatched up the tho ther r reins and 11 sped awu away like Jw the wind ind It I was a dead lead silent drive It I was all al Peter Dangerfield could do 0 to tu hold the reins and make male his way vay through the tho double darkness of night and storm Ga Gallon lon sat at with lh folded arms walling waiting waling What hat was he hc to hear heat where was he going gains whom was as ashe ho Iw to see ce A strange ad re this surely on a mans man's mals mal's wedding night The flue lights of oC Castleford gleamed through the tho sleet Icet the tile dull dol cannonading ing trig of tho the sea pea ea on tile the tle coast came to them above aboe tile the shrieks of the wind In live five minutes the they had driven up UI before be be- fore 01 an fn Inn Inn the tho two men sprang out a hostler hoster took charge O of the conveyance con con- and amI Peter wl with witha vitha h hn a n brief This fills way sprang swiftly up UI the stairs rm rapped n at-n door on the 7 It was and G Gaston ston X a 1 1 w w- w M r. r She was magnificently to ThEr md to- to to night night A rich robe of oC purple silk en traira swept behind her her diamonds s sfa fla fa on Oil neck and ln fingers lingers ala ers and roses In the nest L glo s mass masses of or satin black hair The ho rouge e bloomed H Its brightest the canine enamel glittered with alabaster dazzle the tho almond eyes eos were longer brighter blacker bluck I than CV ever l' l anti and that peculiar smile on her squirrel shaped mouth was ns never nevel so radiant before You did lc not expect to see me mo Mr Ir did you You didn't know I J ha have been heon in itt Castleford a whole week weck Anti And Ive I've Ive como come for the wedding wedding wed wed- ding lUng all al the tile way from Paris Ianis I cro crowed ed tho the channel at the risk of expiring In iii the n agonies onles of sea s-ea sickness I braved d brav your beb beastly t British climate I have burled buried myself alive a n whole week here without a n soul to speak to all to to al all to be bo present at Katherine wedding weddinG If that ir-that that wed wed- ding ever takes place S Mr looked fooled at his watch outwardly at least perfectly cool cool It I will trill wi be an accomplished fact In one hour madame And AmI there Is a good old adage adase about Its is being well veIl wel lowal to lo wait wal until youre you're asked asked wouldn't askel wouldn't it I have havo been better Detter If IC you vou had remembered romer- romer It Your affection for 01 Miss tan does credit credi to your head and heart heal but r I fear cur it t Is caled She Sho loves you ou as Old Oll Nick loves holy water Nevertheless s I shall go to her wed wed- ding dinE I tol told her so once cud and m I mean to keep m my word If as I If as I said ll before bore that that wedding ever tales takes place Will 1 you bo Do kind enough to explain explain ex ex- S Slie plain 7 Ho lie lo was quito quite white but braced to meet the worst Hu lie Il looked her lt steadily allI all all- I ly 13 between the eyes ees She stood an and returned that gaze saze smiling silent and with a n devil devi in either cither glittering eye For Peter Dangerfield he stood stool aloof an anti and listened What a fortunate fellow How you ou are arc Gaston lon Mrs Mr Va said all after that short pause You are arc the Iho V very I handsomest t man I think I ever evor saw you ou are aro tho best besl finger off tho the ul operatic rate stagy stage 1 I evet el heard your yoni manner man inca ner ners are DIC In their insolent ease 80 you are and a a charm- charm tc h 4 r S S 5 I S ing age oC-an oC and age and you PO possess IRS what so seldom sel set dora dom goes with beauty unhappily unhappily- brains The world Is your our o oyster Her and you open on It cleverly you al' al are a penniless penniless penni penni- less les Yankee adventurer and a baronets baronet's baronets baronet's baronets baronet's bar bar- onet's daughter and tile thc heiress of or eight thousand a n year ear is waiting at to marry marlY you tonight Under Un Un- den del what fortunate combination of the planets were you ou born I wonder you dont don't love this young oung lad lady you are arC goIng go- go IO- IO Ing Ins to marry but love is an exploded Idea the Idea the the stock in III trade of poets and nov novelists People with eight thousand thousand thou thou- sand a y year r can dispense with wih love but where the bride brile and groom are arc both penniless pennIless oh well weil well that's another an an- other matter J Mrs It I is after nine nino o'clock Did D you send for tor me mc to listen Usten to a homily homly If It I so 80 having heard It H. allow alow me to take tak my departure Dont be in Ill a hurry hurr lI Mr there there's theres no no occasion Tea o'clock will wi come but I dont don't believe well we'll wel have haTe a I wedding tonight after aner all al You have hav eaid said that three times Gaston GaRton eyes were growing stern n and his hb mouth was tvan set In 11 one ono thin hard line the line the same thing thine re repeated no- no r- r I too often oton becomes a n bOC bore Be Ue Bekind Bekind kind enough If you mean anything to tell tel me what t you ou moan mean I I 1 will wi I mean this my handsome that r your lii elect bride d elect c-elect is no more a baronets baronet's daughter no laughter no nomore more Sir John heiress than than than I 1 am I XIII ilis Tr Story SIO It I was out and Gaston stood tood for tor a I moment stunned looking hooking at atthe atthe atthe the evil evi smiling face of or the speaker I and absolutely unable to reply Then Then Then- I dont don't believe it I he said nh slowly Mrs laughed l alo aloud You mean you dont don't want to believe believe be be- lieve it f. f Its It's Is not hot pleasant for tor u a n successful suc sue adventurer Oh dont don't be offended offended of ot- fended Its It's only the name commonplace commonplace common common- place I opie people give other people cleverer clever clever- er r 1 than thoro l t eln elves Its It's Is not I say AY when the golden chalice of oC fortune fortune for for- 01 tune tunc is at our nut lips Ups to see see a n ruthless hand spill that wine of or life at our oui feet It I Isn't pleasant for tor a handsome eyed dark Adonis with the the face fae of a agod agod Eol god and the purse of a pauper it-pauper pauper to fluid find the reputed laughter daughter f ond oath heiress heires 8 of a wealthy baronet whom he hc Is IR going going go go- EO- EO ing Ine to marry mallY as great a 3 pauper as a greater greater Indeed for Cor she site lacks tho the good looks that ma may yet et make your yom fortune Mr 11 It I Isn't pleasant but It I h Is perfectly true truc Sir Ir John has imposed upon you you upon upon his rightful heir here her 11 Mr upon society assing passing off offa of a girl of whose parentage he lie Is in inmost inmost inmost most absolute c ignorance as Ms laugh daugh ten leI Dont Don't lly liy ly Into a Mr Mi 11 Dan- Dan tree as I 1 see you ou are Ue half haIr inclined to do do-at do doat at least not with me mE Im I'm Im not afraid of you and Im I'm Im not to blame If I you dont don't believe bellove me but rile but I see sec you do do conIC come with mo me to l. Mr Dangerfield nail and r I nr are bound for fOl tho the wedding and wedding and bo he convinced from Sir Ir Johns John's own lips l My shawl If it you Please leR Mr Sir Sir Sir Peter that Is to lie bo He nt took the tho rich Parisian wrap and shoulders folded It I gallantly around mound her slim still tl stood utterly tL a feeling of rage fury an and desp lr choking the pa pas pail words he he would have haye said She looked at nt him and laughed again Mon llon DIou DIeu h he Is IB like an Incarnate thunder cloud cout cloud black black and ferocious a as a Levantine pirate phate or an Alpine brigand Cheer up mon inon ami we ue wont won't take your bride from lom you you you- only her fortune and what are mc a few ew thousands a year more or 01 less to such sucha sucha a a devoted lover lovel as aa you ou A And she would go with you ou to beggary It I mal makes s n a 1 1 woman of or the world like myself absolutely young again to see c such uch gushing and beautiful beautiful beaul- beaul ful tul devotion oun I rather thought ro romance romance romance ro- ro mance had gone gouie out of fashion In this year ear of oC grace and that it Il was only at al Covent garden we wo heard of oC two souls Wit with hut but a single thou thought two thought two hl-two two hearts that beat heat ns as one cue But nut I 1 have havo found out m my mf mistake tak one and think better betel of or ortho tho the world since I r have known you My 11 bonnet Mr 11 thanks thanks Now Nowthen ow then Iii messieurs rs forward march I am entirely at al your service She took Peter arm looking ri over 1 0 her shoulder at tho the black marble f figure of or the like the tile vixen she bridegroom smiling was as Come Gaston mon men brave she said ald you though oU lo lose e an heiress you OU need not lose loso lose a a bride We e will wi be but buta a few Cow minutes late after acer all al Come Conic Conic- away S SS S She hio ran t lightly down clown lown the stairs stirs humming with a face Cace of malicious tie de- lIght licht Haste to the tho we wedding Sq The lilO hour for slIe i le had hungered hun hun- gored and thirsted for years an and years had COll conic tile ColUe-tile the the hour of of- her hel vengeance eng n Revenge is particularly to a at woman t nian Byron Byro a an and he had lad aswell well as el as poetry Uc SoW It A man sometimes spares spareR h a IH-a IH a woman will wi forgive forgive for for- give a a man maui t Seventy V y times seven evell but butone butone butone one woman will wIIl sparer another another novel never Gaston Col followed owed His I-his lips hips were set se In an expression no one who beheld him this night hud hail over evet seen scon before his IllS dark ark eyes were lurid with wih fUI his rage lage disappointment and fury dusky face Care savage sa ore s' and antI set All Al hl his presentiments presentments more fulfilled more fulfilled more than fulfilled At Al the worst vorst ho had hadnot hadnot hadnot not dreamed of anything half so 10 bad badas badas badas as thi this Ho lie believed d what he had heard heart heard there was that In Mrs Yava- Yava Vava Vava- sor's sors Oll face ace and ane voice with wih all al their malice malce that thal showed she fhe spoke o tile the truth For tho second time he lie had been foiled foiled lu In tho very vely hour of his triumph A demoniacal rage rago filled him n him against against this woman oman against the bar barOnet net against Katherine himself What hat hiat a dolt what dolt what ol-what what an nn a ass R I 1 have been 1 he muttered grindIng grind grind- Ing his teeth what a laughing stock 1 I shall be But nut by heaven If IC I am to lose a fortune Katherine field feld shall lose a husband Its |