Show The gaps Japs in Tf Korea orea The Japanese propaganda which tho the Western world has accepted with lr infantile credulity contains numerous allusions to the wonderful latent re resources resources re- re sources of or Korea which are to be developed ties de tie- s by the enterprise of or tho the Jap Jap- Jap-I Jap V. V for the good of ot mankind In general gen gen- en- en 1 oral eral and of the Koreans In particular for Is not tho the door to be open t tall to toss ss r all nations and do not the Koreans Korean dwell well under the beneficent protectorate protector protector- ate of Japan which shields them from those terrible Russians and antI gives them all the tho benefits of modern progress Thus the propaganda Let us exam exam- me the facts acts Korea is inhabited b by Koreans an ancient race rac with a n. history as old as Chinas China's o or orr orI r I Japans Japan's and ancI whose ethnological origin origl Is Is veiled by tho the mists o ot of remotest an an- 1 They resemble the Japanese or Chinese only slightly They 1 h e have havea haa ha t a language and customs all their own They rhey are arc naturally a quiet peaceable r race e and have always suffered from froma a corrupt government but the they love o their country and have held it against all Invaders throughout tho the c centuries although until ten years ago tho king ling of oC Korea was nominally a aa a vassal mJ of tho the emperor of China The Tho 1 Mongols lon came long ng centuries ago In Inthe Inthe inthe the Ila days s 's of Kublal Khan fought their wa way through h tho the country countr but were were driven out When th the conquered conquered con con- China an and bade the countless millions of or that country adopt the thc queue which tho they wear toda today as a sign of Manchu servitude the they came also alo to Korea Koren with the same design but were glad finally to r retire Ure satisfied satisfied satis saUs- fied with the vague and shadowy vassalage alae of or the Korean king Icing The Koreans still sUIl adhered to the coiffure and costumes of or the overthrown Ming Ung dynasty of China which COIr coiffure UlO and costume the they retain to this thus day practically practically unchanged ed The could impress their emblem of or servitude on tho the Chinese e but never er on the Ko Ko- reans From reans-From From reans From Menace of tho the Yellow Empire by Hallett R. R Robbins in In National Magazine for February f i 1 f r I t fl- fl J r f Lo I 10 L. L j A r w I r II iIi 1 ll |