Show I L DRAMATIC The Thc Hag C 1 II C eston Clarke Clarite will present Th Messenger r at the tile Salt Lake I theatre Monday Ion ay Tu Tuesday da nn and day next nex with Wednesday matinee maUnee 1 nw modern c emotional drama hug has f set set the entire fl q the c theatrical world agnIt agog agn It l I K easily th the most pia play ilay y of t the season It tolls U th the story tory r a n. ar r the Rev fey John Jn Morton who wio t Ihns has ha len been b en h bequeathed an nse e fortune for tot tune tunc with Which h he lie plans tt to fo foster J I hI Jils II pat Ct scheme ine of if charity nl Ills cut cup of ol happing st n ovet V Mowing I Schools SChool 1 houses e of ll fug tor r his poor 1001 or of the alums nil all are Within his bin q lJ of nc accomplishment oln- oln I 1 Iti loon U until ft I II ono day U lt he learns Itans i ii how l his lih fU dissolute cousin who tit vi Ill I in 1 which h kh ho lt has Jiu fallen 1st had tnt ll u a in after after- turned tnt into inlo the the- streets tret a. a flO woman on John Morion's Mor Mur- ions ion's time i iF ic divided ll between he be tween his i M consecrated work and a n. t. t search ctt for fUl itt this wronged vi WilI Wil- Wil I man Titan l 11 lit lit- may lJ make alf hit lur suitable 1 JUs JIM jO joy at al the prospect PIo of or t rinding till the one on I Is turned j to horror when J he Jw discovers lIR her hel In lii InY Y the tue person on of or his Ills idolized wi 1 De- De this heart breaking knowledge 1 he rUsho to her tl defense tot for hr her good goll name Is being questioned and arid b by a brilliantly conceived concI subterfuge ug ho saves es her from flom open th degradation only to denounce her violently wh when n j 4 y are arr alone It 11 is In this scene T that Cre Creston ton Clarke reaches dramatic V p height ne er before attained h by hy him or any tn other actor upon the American C tag Stag toJa today The rhe play pia o of course COUrSO ends happy but tut not until the audience ha has n been madl to run the he whole gauntlet g of Jf human emotion 1 UH the OW orrt Offers When ben h n the contain rises on un the n new w at the tomorrow it IL will wilt disclose H los one HH of the th most pleasing programs pro grams seen in this Cil CiLy For FOl ol one on of or th the principal feature attractions Harrison Har- Har liar Har rison King iCing an and company will pre en enone one of the heaviest hN and most ai ni sc scenic ever e all attempted on th the vaudeville IlIe stage Our OUI Bitterest Fo I Is th the title of or their offering ottering A A. thrillIng thrilling thrilling thrill thrill- ing stor story of or rr real al halt t Interest is lold told Involving an incident of the Fianco Flanco Prussian Pr l lan star a 1 Harriton Hari on King himself an actor of or splendid ability has ha Surrounded himself lf with some ex exceedingly ex- ex capable players including Harl Harry WiKon an and Miss II Mabel fabel Floronce Flor Flor- once elice who Is well known here heie SI C- C dat scenery is carried for Cor T lIOi i In c Salt lIt Lake gets set as os the ther r ri j i second liner I a n young youn newspaper p pcr urL artist arlis 7 p.- p. 1 of whom the says sa Bert Kert Le is net act immense Immens-e. e. e His work i s j upon the stage I Is a as clever as hiA hi his A- A weekly page pago page In the New York ork Telo- Telo i k gra graph which h which leaves cs nothing nore to 1 r c be s said f 1 T- T Th The three Flood brothers s rs make maie a n abid abid bid for tho the big laughs and get set away c 1 I r V i VS tilt the lie In Our t Foe at ut WV- WV time tinie They are with the goods gOOlS every who ot of the rough-house rough type acrobats and killing Us t tv tz rapid work J rely h on fl make the house hoube scream r son son- Yuma greatest ff the wise to puzzle Is boun bound feet oneR height Is eien V Yuma's weight is 22 mob ono one And all aJi this Is I In a hex hox jound J two twenty Inches Jon ong V mea and anden high inches Inches whIp wido Is It t Briefly It ItIs itIs brim tull nil or of soy soy- Is elti 8 sort soft mel and w v od- od JI 11 and Prescott cott due uc to give he n a ar are dancers Is r. r slice shoe S e en ill i'll d dex dOX- dexterity x- x exhibition o of pedal Ie minute n combined ined with grace and com Mr MI and lintl Mrs Fre Frederick J J. J Bacon will of or the tho banjo bunjo al st usi greatest gt of solos and aUll duet render a u number instrument Instrument I on the popular also ever popular ItS Ils list for tOI the has ab omu poo od 1 ones on 00 V week the stellar motion coin ng lute tue h being ng the tile C Careless Chauffeur A Texas niu lr commencing four foul days day l the For of tin till Fc February 1 17 j. j patrons treated to on on Ont lJ be will V Orand theatre of or the da day dayS successes se of f the greatest fhe IlIa IlaY at- at unger I A 14 In its meJo r of Its class ranks among the highest tic tic- capable such hands or of the in company will this to tot tot-s as comprise tremendous busi- busi undoubtedly du 10 a nets ne R up up-to- of healthY rite fhe elements o of the tragic with date tuft r F In exact is Ii thin tho play V who seek eck Irl to the and amI goel h lon io 10 It than thun or Of the thc noFO moC V S is hI In the V We VC e- e action iio scene of or railroads AI V o of the the hc the fI CLe ii a tiC or Of the tho t lii 11 I 1 nrc re cUU att particular the piece mak- mak the tO lo h to 11 tile time lime ran and or 01 log typical c V t members o oI of If the mong J 1 Ray uy the are 1 laV Ch Charles U g. Laie a. a f I L lIVe eo Victor Victo RI Charles I Jeanne Russet Husset lay ru and Olga Gray Omy ithe nt f whom are familiar to u n theatre goers of or t Salt Lake I Nets Xe fill nt ilie I V The fhe tie new bill 1111 lil at at B starting Sunday night will l bf It the th O tor fn with hh special Set scenery II c r arid nr a ilK ilg t t I headed by Uy Frederick I Tills This will be tie sure to to e Ow lit patrons of or the Lyric The Tue usual Wednesday and Saturday Satur Sat Sat- ur uy matinees will be given as HS well as t a special matinee on onn n Washington's hin lons lon's birthday Nance ONell in iii The file So O i The advent ad of or Miss Nanee l' ONel 1 In Victor ien n great Ilat tar la- ar di-ania di V oV o. of the tile The ThC 1 c cannot innot fail to tn interest l alt all rue trU lovers of if theatric Hrie art mOrt MiAs Mlis II n tI 1110 ONell has bus Jr r HH e d. d with a a. nI t It ln A. wih l ur matte po as as' as J 1 1 that of OL It hi DC- DC l Il Ih rpt tUbO whom l iV tm V mighty flIghty V Jf V VV 1 The Thit love story Mary or l ol oen 1 U i 1 i ful CuI Moorish gh the Oil l l- l tutu tain In The c Soi-ceress Soi is tutu lold with wilh u ti a 1 ion of IVE NI and anda a continuity of Or plot thai t ases c's cs interest ste ste. step by hy step tint until II lie Ull auditor I is spellbound Ing what the thit float will be lit Har Sardon hob has t und It full oily Ily hn built HI Tin This bids fair futi to tu bo lie one 1110 lie of or hi his g att t MICI hueI hue MIC- I S ISI IS V I MIl ONell brings title Into the Ow h fold field of QC 1 hi drama daman a n distinct personal sty style It of I acting which must be recognized I a ax quite quilt her hel own It I is with Of the noblest order Il i I manner l of If grasping gra arid and di displaying the intellectual of ench Portrayal is achieved tl through with the tue authors author's text In Jo Cult con conjunction junction Jun jUlic with an unmistakable Ohle lal ud reg regard tot for ot art arl an and of artistic tk values In the the- n lm of or her art lie opacity of Miss ONell seems absolutely unlimited Her Het great at gifts gifts girts- mentality und nUll gO- gO b- b I niu combined with real leal fondues IHS Cor or urn emitting hard berth work n I cl force and f fer fec- anti and power n reserve tn of or development tle envelop In he heith with ith an ennobling charm clint Mi Miss ON ONel ONeIl I w will ill be he presented here hiete In The SOl Sor Sorceress or- or l ceress ress soon at nt the Salt Lal Lake e theatre V A Tolly American Tramp Jr A new IlIa play Ii to tu our om theatre goer r conies comes to 10 the Grand Orand next 1 for three thre nights and mill Saturday lay mallnee mall mali nee flee It II is said lal to be lC one 1110 of if thos SC comedy melo melodramas rama suited to tu- th the eli cult am and taste of or the priced popular was as written especially with this view iov to to c entertain the masses The play I Ithe 1 is b In four acts ct should please c the patrons pa of of- the Grand A genuine gen geJl- tramp trampS a detective a a. life Insurance Insurance ance ance agent a. a f wealthy rogue and de deceitful deceitful de- de e. e husband a 3 persecuted wife and 1 mother a tt beautiful daughter and anda a- a 1 village neer ne'er JI are the principal prin prin- cipal l characters which go o to tomal make maIe up l Manager tr Xe comedy R sensation A It Jolly American Tramp The play 1 l Is from the pen of or 13 E. B. B I who lio Is ls responsible for tor more t tender touchIng touch- touch Ing pathetic Interesting heart lIng plays than any nay other tiler author now nov before torl th the public Ills HIM Peaceful Vall Valley Valhi and amid A Poor Relation Sol cil Smith n J sell wll famous BIlIOUS and a millionaire e. The east cast III Includes M Ml lIss i-cs i w Hun Hun- n- n ba bat bar Mh I II Elizabeth Taylor laylor lIss Ella Ella I fi 4 1 4 VV- VV V t 1 i 4 44 4 I V y IF It 4 V L V 4 S 1 V I I I 4 VV V V VV V V V V V jV 5 i i V MISS IS ISABEL IRVING III In Lilt Su in lit Seat Search of a 8 Husband I Le Page Miss lIsl Vera VCra Wilson l I Jim Smith Charles Charlls Emmett Budd Fagg agg Arthur thur C. C Howard ul and others are ale sp specialties Introduced In I each act S S. that will wilt reach leach the V heart icart witticisms that will In ing hn-ing hie miles comedy that will cause laugh laush tem ter er and amI s sensational n climaxes that will tl hi III all who WIll witness the stai sit sit- contained In A Jolly Ameil- Ameil Cn an II JI Tramp p. p tin till I Ie I V illusion I c comedy without a Is ibm ibm- ev name minus llio he tl tie J I Isle isic I shy Rt u Iu hi high h hu u tn rin h lv Uh t ilio Wi- Wi Wil l i H HIl Il m l unit unitie t tIe ie e e I 1 r l' l T touted Ini li N t tIu no h i-h 11 lr t of- of t rt-i-t II y The l which isto is if to If O be e seen uti in ill this thi By The flie ft authors l oC of The I ru hive hav coni COt Ill l them them- Ih olves Vt-S Vt t-it t 1111 Ii I t I I ill ill- hi humorous II tf of if 1 tho 1 lif Hf f. f of fir r a l hI hali I and mil nin Ung It Il whIt ti i It al and en- en n. n Irely delight rut hit lUll little Li Mory elf Of f love nc anti ami u in off ofT l In lit gelling away avay rota I the 10 stilted stilled eOmie r sit H- H rr Mc Hough Chill ami t I have l Id ti It el cr plot lOt while U III J Joseph josepn 11 l Vl js 1 r is as u U- writer I tur of whist h JS woven WO Into Il the J. o of the pl piece sey- sey V trILL enil gems m The rhe tiLle role rol offers oan exceptional opp opportunities foia furU fur foi l Fred Mace Mc a U new style of or comedy arid who il tremendous success li ill 11 Piff Puff rr 10 was cios h as 8 t h.- h. Ideal conw comedian lan to make th tile the most of th the lie part lart A big bl bi chorus composed of or graduates graduate of or the famous broiler university o othe or of orUl Ul tin the I I-i Salle theatre l Is s In evl I dent denee all ihl through The ili Umpire 31 am and III contributes tt's In Iii ilO no t small m measure to ti-I I he hI enjoyment o of or tin till show n In IlL search of or f a n I lIu Husband I Ihl It Ii Is a n curious joI set t of stance that l brings ll that charming American America come comedienne lInC Miss tJ 1 Isabel Irving Ir am and h her 1 select ct company of or Ila players rs to the lie Salt Rolt Lake theatre next Thursday day Fri Friday Friday Fri Fri- day ny and Saturday to th appeal In bc In Search of a n Hits Hu new play Susan band It is IR an Cit ol old saying thill itis 1 It Itan Is an nit ill III wind that lint 1 blows lows nobody y good and in ill this U case caPe local go gor T Twill will have to titanic thank that flint ill lit wind fo for 01 ha had It not been for fOI the said malicious ft Vui I V t Yo J j V V 1 1 l i v V r S kM i IJ i f fA A I i J 4 V I IV ifA t 1 A t 6 V V 4 A V V kt k- k V l t f V V i i V Pw V-V V V V V V f I IF It c t F f fI I r 4 i 5 V ft lh I CUiSTON CHESTO IliE CI E In JI Tho ll Messenger ut at the Suit Salt Luke Lake Theatre 10 m zephyr the present nt opportunity might aught ties ties-er have hn cote conic this way At th the beginning of or the tho pIe present nt nl dramatic season season season sea sea- son George Ceorge C. C Tyler the executive e head of the tho well known firm of or Liebler Lieb- Lieb ler her Co hut ut In force the plan of or pre presenting Iss l- l Robson on In a a. series cI of or new nOw plays play to rut run through the tho entire s p pon A Aon on on at nt the tho Il Liberty erty theare theatre thea thea- tre re In New Wishing to lo give gl her every cr opportunity for success he engaged the be best t company for tor her hel that money could coul procure and signed Igne each ench player for pr the entire season Four plays were wro given up tip to a n. few weeks ks ago Ill and then when th the th firth fifth vehicle was being made ready rady It was wag discovered that this hii new Hew effort made madeno no rill provision lon for Cor or seven ii members pf It Miss H hwn's company AS s these players were under contract for tor his this season It became necessary to 10 pay them Item their fu full which ies which lJ by bythe the he way vay would frighten the or ordinary Hnnry layman lute Into a 1 spasm whether spasm whether they played 01 oi not In itt this Air Mr Tyler h bethought him bbs of cit a way out He lie hind hall engaged a tl Miss In 1 living for a aSPI lea sd-lea SPI s of special performances R with Misi II Clr's company nut 31 and III h he h. at once conceived the thu of If placing hf her r at al the head of lC t au an organization composed wholly of 01 Miss Hobson's Hobsons on unavailable t company and anti sending the new v organization org forth in 10 the ht third fila play daY in v Al Miss l has ll had made II such a success s I I I. 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