Show limmi io s in lit Bob Evans ti trim In his manner t what ho lit thinks about lie Iho discrimination sold sol sol- d lidS leis and sailors at social functions in n certain cities in iii the February Na Na- He says says- v One thing that the blood joll 1011 in my m with with- indignation and tempts me to use use- use words which may be proper on Oil a 0 c but buthot not hot ut at d ii social function tion Is the the- thed d- d in certain elites cIties and pubic pub pub- lie ic resorts against the boys in blue Like nil all American naval commanders I can cam riot nol help helli the men who servo w efficiently In In a work which our people little understand and fail to tn appreciate and I want vant to t see sec the boys treated as os they the deserve viti the of ot thi the extension ni-id ni nd building up tiji- of if a merchant marine before us which i is certain to follow iii 11 the tho wake Secretary of-Secretary visit to 6 South America America- I feel that Is s intire Important to 10 the industrial t cIal cial Interests of the paId pa- pa m Id jit finn an ive polk in- in department hi lie be kept fully abreast of he off the world |