Show Lord Ker Innes-Ker Makes Impassioned Declaration Regarding Regard Regard- ing American HEIRESS HEIRESS' MOTHER OBJECTS Explains Ii E lital She I h By By Special CabIc London Feb 1 If If she will hav me I mart marr her In spite of althe al nil the ho Smiths In the tue swear swe-ai- Lord Robert Ker broth cr r anti and heir presumptive of time Duk of Roxburghe who made the hap hap- choice of an American bride Sc So If Anita Stewart that lint pretty am and winsome girl is equally determined to marry marry- Alstair she sho can comFort corn com Fort herself during her hei- from him hi lid Her mother Mrs s. Henry Smith nipped in the iud Miss Anitas Anita's first st love romance whose new stepfather Silent Smith is so Inv hiu wealthy met mel In lit Scotland Lord 26 years old a lieutenant lb the Royal Horse guards who served in the tho foci Boer war The young persons wore were immediately immediate Immediate- ly attached toward each other ftc hc- cording to two members of the Innes- Innes Cor ICer family faintly TIme The ardent Englishman proposed marriage and would have been accepted had not Miss Anita Anita's s immediately taken her away in a yachting tripI tripI trip I myself have the best reason lo to toI I isa of early ly marriages even evenT T f the suitor belonga lo to a tiucal house if f England was the only explanation Mr Smith vouchsafes Lord opportunity to furher fur fur- her hem his suit will come this thu-i season rhen Miss Anita will be presented at and appear In society under the tho of or M Manchester's chit petI The Tho Duchess of who vas ms Miss May of Now York Is pending In anticipation ot otho otho ho visit of the prince and princess if Pr Wales Tales to Flores Florea castle castlo next sum sum- ner nd The rime duchess Is determined that ier royal i visitOrs shall shall- enjoy the of luxurious comfort She Shet t Is laving the whole enormous mansion turned inside out out made new She he ailed to 0 her from Paris lie famous i decorator and after ig mg every detail of the castie casie with her bet here beta a e drew a color scheme for the fresh in which ho he largely fol- fol iwed the duchess duchess' own ideas I from Paris The bc which the prince and i and their suite sullo will occupy ill Ihl have hangings of chintz copies copic f r those of 12 years ago wall wail paper j i match Is being made the are arc cIng manufactured in Paris The and drawing rooms are beig be- be ig ig stripped of if their wall wail coverings brocades are being woven to toH H ii time the panels n now are arc iu put at the Iho main entrance to 0 tho ho ark k S' S Tho rho long arc azo boig bo- bo ig 1 I n I- I of if dollars dollars' worth of and plants being imported om em the south south south-of of Europe Los L I the Iho duchess seem prodigal it itlay lay be Ud that thai many of these Im- Im lo to the Iho castle will pet per nl and certainly they wilt will re- re until sue she tiros of them The rue duchess has ordered a quaint d Id Scottish goblet or to be of pure gold for the christen christen- ig g cup for her brothers brother's child born bornI I New Nc York last week On the tho cup III be Inscribed in old Celtic the the- mollo For Christ antI and danger Is sweet The cup hick Is being made mado here heme Is ion teim Inch Inch- 3 i high und has three handles Time Tho iby boys boy's name will be engraved on onic ic c cup but probably hO fond parents pai i-c i c still pondering over a name They rhey five ave not nol cabled It yet After the christening Mrs ic mc duchess duchess' mother is coming lo o loves lores castle anti and Mr unit and Mrs Hob Hob- rl rt Goelet are expected for thc tho royal isit There will be a number of to to- meet the prince anti and Miss Ella Havemeyer and ando 10 o iwo Misses Gerry have been in- in to Flores castle castlo for the month f July Nail Nati is coming coining ere eLc anti anil to Pails to buy her trous- trous enu for foi her marriage lo to young Mr borden of New York Yori- and will bo ho u a oust of the th duchess for foi a while Gold on Her Ilci- Lady vho was the lovely Jennie 1 K will entertain a week at in JU Wales Vales A gold mine has bos been ei while viiI making ex- ex on her lipi- property properly there rumor hits il It SIrs Mrs Harman 1 will tube lake a house for her In May She She- will willbe be chaperoned tie the coming season by Lady Ludy 1 formerly Jane Frost of St. St Louis Lotus Mrs Stone who has ha popular in ill time the Arn American ip iti for foL- ai yours hyt IU come e to I jive She Su a ChI Scientist rc- rc She is dL lo to art t. Two iV of it Orleans OrIe aro making first to Ireland They are having a a. glorious time lime vat the tue guests of Mr and Mrs s. Collier of New at h hOuse use Navah one fit of tho tim places in the heart of the hunting country Many dinners anti and dances have boon been given For rbt- lie tho young French aristocrat and they hurt been nut with the i every y day Mr Collier providing pi them mounts ti his stint oj of the befit boitt hunters It eland can Al At a dinner given give a by time Collier Collier- Tuesday night the quests guests included the the- anti and of the of and Mr Mv Watson alson master pf the Meath hounds Mrs Collier attended a bull ball on January Janu ary 2 given by 13 Lady Jn in Dublin where i her husband had liati taken takena a suite at thc hotel for the tho whole Lice regal season Mrs will be prevented presented al at Dublin room drawing and her husband will appear at time Iho viceroys viceroy's levee AI At Easter they will come lo to London fot six weeks of the season |