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Show THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1907. 10 bond- in represented capital its of cent » MAR 5 2 secured ¢lreulation. It Is also provided that a further Issue of eredit notes equal to 121-2 per cent of the banks' capital ean be made, subject to actax of 5 per cent, Jt is further ‘stated that the total of credit notes and bohd-seeured notes 4 Charles aT Saini H. H Huti In is ‘ Mission. INTEREST he in of Tax ' the of the subject, nature I fulfillment. set to tnke' by is me ant is, What : . "olasiic curren : a is "it reply: "Phe. to be answered | 2° money : inereas of an permit will Which oj requirements the as volume its business and the demands for money grow, and when sueéh demands lessen, there should be corresponding | deof circulation; nmMount the fi crease thet] that follows naturally it then disappear and be; would question iext Your to desirable and it necessary. is 3 bravely) ee aney thal a in The young attached apainst) banks sane cael: Ve-| pe the aay the: war. Boer c ao eave ; Fra, like | ep POW Geetiak . ee "a Stl of Bank cent, 6 per at government the and is rate es eo its us fixes Germany of foreing thus cent, the of "One quote to like should befor testimony my committee: of benefits hey present bank | n be would and Canada a operation of wxhat on the per} our] stable, more Scotland, they as where who) Roxburehe,: York, New iicipation She us| mansion, heightcof luxurious comfort,' having the whole enormous: are the| ‘urned called than es further ) . « eupply cy Sun money ercait. wtelerwi He pissue- of. credit An }ength. of time... radical-ait-| "have this cDprengy in would such qualiti¢s, its Joaning hie xs + daarce Adah arehadleniaiys ik erence secking be? YY Ons Z it reason for--that and edemption,. would operaic. very. Much: Jike. a- de| placea be would | nand dépesit, which to-add to-our present oi issue an through banks by, caer Ses] volume" a mv farm- Ieor the siness= a demands « seen ‘comm AG As a haie suduiremonts diminfunds. combatted eouUnEty the leading the by. oi | 29@Y bankers first it was when "2use | suggested 3 per of such on cent uncertainiy the a deposit, of lion arrival a Cal passmeim- ee famil the among Presidential to mice ~The ofan opposum, receoon, or even ordeg, fails to, create more than spe-| and) de]. re. after tape af eee eae gave he Paris PE in Road arris ing ad nd: fe ; oa Ns oat ix a lethié Soon the of ress en. | marl "This city tat i -cousel mannered Lapoke "daily rary ei the vi ae lave } Dees feud. as. sot ee after, the matriage o- Representative shen flapped cries, He life, in, did nor his wings, aring, ; Jarough: many. wats It, oe. to seemed interest se longer a "I ¥ parrot : ho "Those that said is. ioe uth : to Advice Brunton's, Lander irans-|S!t the TS of at CENTENARIAN A BE House especially was and yeas eral she while .Mrs..dzorgworth, shouting lis Velce; there. 8 Birk |cx fre "Alice,'.could Alice "Arie. the through ringing heard: be nity BRU f ha eee + apne ee TO H ihe \of names the famthe White the, bech.at [t_ Nas bby. ther citizens loyal: : her Se OW -wo- only lifes events seen ‘a -buteof Seldiery, large," aye | soclate him with: the thrilling battles; which hay encounters }and. desperate: the had siececded "in making himself Alaiic-as auxiliary pointed distinctly of rine mbers BORON ESS ana tho. aiftey ont 4) adverse civiliza-] point: one than the: a ctat with aid bring now of politien! "more: At pion. he and. "danger personal "of face Uiee. A. pairot' a-pet of whieh eS iis head yellow, ul the. Roosevelt children are fond. on R ; ; ; bird, intelligent Ib vig-an' exe eptionalty increasing. tendencies -Burope: in "oam= | Coliict new know of Amerlein. prlocinles to the ob) in Arkansas" min: Miss Alice. Mexican doubis ae ofthe VParret telicetual assimilation cxtend at ane tomoraband political character of Humber large2 and : ‘A immigrants the scenes the from' upon the mest comme e!Stan is\ihes thew wWiitensHous She ts different Slippers. Probably }aninkal:. tty |heuse: cat, questionable sourees. (eel. undble<to: eliat great cithas will soon from vou. Your aid-that he wassborinoat.St.And this incidents | bas been. disturbance arising trom, that thé a vo. of. a dozen been as te] realname to be-desired thy Corsieas | His ts' surely |"Cotoney it Jourses~ ao house-| name. his .made ‘have, [which been hax rcole.obut.che: Wiendant for calling moment: al Sayer ab the. state. cienaa niin rd hold Count as the times various at known' opublie of defense in acta military he hits his veputation, to belie Asif St MarquissDe the, feel.safe-unDe Coureelles and: should. republic: the order manbashful quiet, and almost yin | sus ha 1962 > necarvrived Andres: » Tin July. real of) only: nt) protection "the der to asimpossible. it is dlmoest poet that he where: in Italy, sLauria; from Parts and the castle certainly be will Will ee "the he before days. - : Since then the financial men o1 time. the United States have not only madc¢ a study of it, but the fact has beer it i forced on their attention toe Im thi hecessary to take some action large. ‘It is probable be undwy | "ould the. maximum ‘rate of interest | hat. | Yould be 6 per cent because the de| Mand for money and. credit would be | ‘UPplled automatically by: an: increase sai elasticity te |u thefi supply of currency. vate Series SEMELaae?Te oil : $150,000,000 Temporarily Added. clouded by= The subjecth eather 1 shall endenvor to iWlastrat mnaze of theories ERAS impracticable ration of the plan by Bree a fe the pp. and. economically unsound. At the last meetingoat the Americar } + Dillion dolars is in Chive Pelrculntion held in St. Louis} association Bankers' atetretiGors a -reasiatiot the middle passed aan currency a selected be body important anecal cette and that great Ste poniaud of commission by the tc fifteen: commit executive the whole] of the tee with toCrHeiG THEHER, Over and wan association, STICee 3 insiruetions a.plan tovevolve and. of beaten brother's her for ing cup last week. York in New the re-| born} child, the cup On cole, vear onild; | ana ce1s ei madé pe Van Mlle in victim another re Gelder Armadine sub- thepockets the "people and: yj Americans princess. of cat vearies i heap to ghee wht ch naturally follomn. sreascd, ev ome (228 crops have. been faite clreanew credit amounting is to. five} to of gatherine Soulal in-a and (heir, own, and+ prince the to-'meet lia Miss WEsses Flores ‘cireula- and "Use SUV. eR i two the sites i laine So pila dis ice eae a ae of Chile. The Women a beauty possess women is coming to|*°'" mother, duchess' the Flores castle, and Mr. and. Mrs, Robext Goelet are expected for the royal ‘The of] will he a number There Visit. hoe crop mG current use; that during rene period a8 additional $159,000,000 1s be a total of would ‘then re quired;: there eateneed He Se eni : etic pr pba cy¥ Pdi a .Goelet, Mrs. see as will capital, eae Chilean at the and Havemeyer as well dresswomen, 10-|many charming been have Gerry recrect roe hing nbeseieing . my morith gastle for the dléo 3 o city any t i f as. manners, is, coming | tives Na Se arog As sai ‘bly, World. trous- | (he her buy Paris to to ri that. of: the or her -marriage to young Mr.|their attractiveness and eon Borden of:-New:)York,~and will be a| children, js.that they-see mto be. phys!best here a neo -atten| gue: it $150,000. the... of in rejoice strong;: and cally? while. a. for duchess his Rae AA Ur: was decided not to attempt to take nile 4s te bank up tor consider: Beftn the various plansfitit..to.1 tiiatet paneh utid schemes offered by uae Stn: eae riaatont not only mem-| butiby bankers be @haweroned. "the fon 5 Hate Lady -of Makesworth, Louis Sty Sight ash bond-ae5/-Frost -ont, bated .to, take passing cured circulation, atavipalnt Seams the f-er on at. Mrs. bea thes the matingreased who Stone, Kinecigat coming seas (formerly) hi eRe seve but fnsteac | supply of money, "and itvis: ihustrated) ram_all over the country,, way-the bank desiring wtrated several yeurs, Hus come lo set forth and agree Qa certain: fun. ||, ub this bond-secured circulation just! pur- She became a Christian, hc i camentat Riciel ples involved. dévoted Int ANCL tases. wath" oashy Sys $190,090 oof gov | COREY. |. She. is princes olveds< , ‘ & "subject. of Two ‘young bonds Cor: $104,000) it then is- by | sibl) litie Ps ‘Jane|go,,.New that ; ' : " ; . = in in a Chica " American jz other and unheard-of: streets In. Chile, Santiage the ar little to one at, back,9 the - ; at captured was rabbdifs the of 12th. and M strects Northeast, a ie tance of more than two miles "Th the White refuge ‘in Hern took ieee pther ch farHouse att grounds an) Seer at AAIntne PaoL aBporunle An eWardine ae wind neck, if but dreaded, be lone ‘thelr RASA OY BIE out they on xpeditions . the atches oes : de oft part of the Ro Rasvelt tio Pate te ii te midin mare dj 4% minute later' the BiguGy fiite_rabl O cagrimeanier cant acingwhite windows ake eompai Newton were UMLarsely open 22d_begun. Dearing andwent He ut a ee ae is th: its: < if nent a ani ‘through which to the as-/tiy aly "Sa SEL ET oat ae Le near at hand and they : blows with force is to be'careleast At te airavoided: Tucker.the men so sistancewereof fired, standingforty|the shots reason Qf° this probably is that " close to each other that their clothing] wind blowing through a chink causes a was burned -by the powder. thus rapid: current -of -alr and. more The first: bullet that struck Tucke the. body: aguinst et Lying. ee a his. enattercd arm, the part of Mext{ehills ae which af Linpin ges the on oe eae! more ie whieh ta Pee Vpn ae a aa aa ground, he rested his revolver. upon Improper mastication of food is aleo a his shattered arm and fired the recause of organte, disease in maining shots in his pistol with as/fruittul stvady an aim as {if he had been at ae age. Sir Praceice: Militia eet Keeps eps hes smoke the When them hdd . iinvers Walter Parnell and.C on. away lyit ieee -were > found" Dearing cleared stable' Wag the dead body, of Tom of gobbling.' Par-}|er ars Go of Ao are es beluse ‘22M ee os eer. eu are nearly years the numbers being 2,985. ant 2.917, andsat high- at 6 equal, their bodies itera: ‘few feet from] A across each other, ly shot to pleces. practice he to a. cer "may. says, Brunton ¢vadee for} be responsible extent at least tain oor ee ding aah Oe el : Orde rder. battle of ages they are reversed." / ++ -+-__- the N Career ip s Navy) n the Caro froma unconscious lying, was Tucker Cll body. his wounds in Witt six bullet "who| man only the was Newton Will and. Matt Par- a Meuhcod Matt Parnell were indicted for murder] by effected -was' but a compromise : ed prosecution the which® ee a in abeyance hold. the cage z of 3 cruiting the best$ blood ‘today. navy the. into |ca on saflors of the ser eent present re Of at sea re ee ee July, 6, 1908, W. H. Lee, a -close friend of Tucker; was assassinated at} his:home near Eldorado. The mystery surrounding this crime has never been | cleaved up, A month later Tucker met | res| eortain and comparatively Hberal perthe ward from: Uncle' Sart a . After over, Is |iGd) of active, work of faithful. se srtick: a penthirtyy = sio7 is assured, avere ging about $909 To uninjured, escaped my mina, there is'no- calling, no] it i 1sis nd sn 106 eeeue ane ae aE and at é 1 mre Pine tena a Pare tL in ey : ena Aaeds we! ae a the Pre ident, bento bia rere eee "y fn 4 eaten eer a Poe tumrnekis also lestMr.(hen Schinid for responsible Wie nd eae reene | pe viite Cowes aug ae Ponte oe Deng = Ee eae ce ae TRG ee ine Drea ec te ae Llp Park, just: opposite the Ex- Lafayctte mostly were they grounds. ecutive but species, pine red of the gray und squirflying some were them ee ee ae bEy ae have become cat fromthe play ao White ae ground: House wil dis sv tame that they hands. of those who interest cnough to stop pe and On days when the sun. shine them. in evidence brightly they are much in the tyes, in the shrubbery and or the iawn, J for the the and younger. Rugsevelu and more) often stop to play with them more honorable bell arrived on the scene during the} vocation, it Sauirecls affray and. one of them: was slightly] likely to develop the real' earnestness Squirrels Like the Poltceman: ee nue Rieter The town was thrown into} of manhood ip ee ok frien ‘They have found an especiab If youns) nays. the In carecr a tragedy and/than bythe Slit tement big hearte: jc to prevent men would only - read carefully, and!in Policeman Curtis, the iad ae called a ; e mi tis d ytime? jus stationed. in the © daytime: Meant) biuecoat haval caroey whata inspire. the mili-| } week: For'anadee. an, Interest] trouble. it would cerfainiy: the| Understand where. the Gog eiaceed: tiaurther tik to entrance main. the cast-of reincreasethe eyen would ; whichC kept. surviving Parnells Alls were w pt. Jim anand| we White House, He always-carries nut ‘om mas f A of Amert = 70 Nearly our BS vard pr thie they little < "Is squirrels how know animals also jn hisS.poc ketsts. an ("he them: get to to know' th appear ( : but passing from popukipity in Perm -Yet, on |it) still; holds: sway,in Chile. and ;C)rilean amaids oceasions, themselves attwactive matrons. make |festive |with. ihe. best Pavisian. styles, which }they Knadw how to wear in a modest }and' ‘Womamny oun al Rashid Broad, [Sandy for, February. : De mianner.-TFyom "Har- in South ‘America,"'. by Magazine in Natlonial Deena eee eg much in vestibule of the a on os rovelver he when development |&0% cats. These were : : ar President's. otfices; means this and, in, Bldo- | per meta street ‘, Pas rnell on-the have "gone in farther had~ ne a ‘shot Parnell, killing him encouraging: and concentrating alten- would uc rado . of the}? Screen prevented. Parnell did. not fire.a shot) | tion: ‘toward the tmpravement deserysateently Recent aditions tothe familyc service. by the. promotion of ut. Tucker claimed that: Parnell was] ate two. soe are House White pets at the m feta san ; vt ae ; Me executive up into the face: aid look if ti of those who pas. The other day "one: of the squirrel }™Made so bold as to walle right into th le 4 soa : i stupendous the inwas Tuckey him. ‘c on ' o " ; ree on ape aries the interdsts be the | deat Roosevelt by thRecwitl" of m stud io his. from em,mounts e motive ins imintd. hond-secured Bear laking: Digveyninedion Agaiist "Boys in Blue." | dicted for murder, but was acquitted, of the manufacturing aut spiease, that ctrovlation |bost Hunters Ireland' can boa = ‘wisitc| SOrk: wo man, whovalso made hi Ne ‘or vy without naval vessels' x .was|country;, Parnell killing of. Jonn The ‘visit a vars 1els in his ehayacter= the "Coli ere (> Bob" See fat given. by s t . dinner "-Atya the} and profit net thise on. the high' seas, a}. ecutor of her estate. The obtmin i port to s = .the}ing every provided for be t the notes a simp! last. fatality resulting from 1 ; ee th | he , thinks the Pr egies: transuction ident: to. the: and, "just | what' by) whole over manner turned: [istic relatives, the tolcthe woman's' included his available. is the-cuests night education liberal Trayel.will-broaden y¥|Tudsday Jeft| wrt sallor,.. id have * }youns fete little. of ; Mostand ofthe spends. Ie of inaneras ont feud. state. ogeeParnells Sole] ine diserimination the sailors, through the establishment gfure= functions = about seclai-avainst: at Headfoot, of and' marchioness diers and Mr. and. marauls | pi "Conygham aireeNia: of Sof Wemahd marquis. the. in increased some of the in eountry, not Milita SoCoheeeded agencies purpose 2 demption srimaty eae Rhee 9 in the principal oe ic ; idéas-and: develop, that acute, business| "CC care for the inveertain cities, in the February: Na- ae time at Bidora ee Were given a place ofin Ma he Sonmen that is inherent inthe Itnature] on. a/#bility: the supply-although that?8 hor effect, Watson, master of the Meath on hounds, Serengeti ee So eeeLiicn after his trial Tucker} yer ‘ : fe Ale has} Of the first. family Janu- pipenr attended 2, ball. Of very average rabies ee ancexpanalonyofthe yourrency;| aryMES. Collier "That a gusranitee fund ot-Bine)-\-Phiss ia?would aA gies One thing that ‘Makes the blood |.charg9-of killing John theParnell, The Roosevelt hit by Lady. Grenfell. jn given. 29. a career of even| wothat std truly corresponding no bem be near| couniry there | lodgétd through be riding ‘should Ti fons and) ee ri Coe rie Eee talker | olin. my -voins with: indignationwhich Hidovade when he. was shot from am-|* Tew. years in the: Navy often ‘fAts a} pets several gui at lest Dublin': Where: her Wusband had. ; | ‘ive to contract, the volume, Sones pigs, but itdathe . some words ; government coneurrenthotel for (empts' me to use: | dogs and Youngs. man for some other + life-work, _p(} which is]a suite at the Shelbourne. The.shot took. .effeet no other purpose than that featare et i in his left be proper on a auarter-desk, but bush. tea \ cw ie the issue of the notes, See 4 scason. vice, regal 7 of} the--whole Mrs: "them "the s by the investment Hees te American } Most plea oe that, givedogs,"Skip,' y understand: me, i‘ ko for, Fi ; fs, tho dis-)arm. and {twas found Réceasdry: function, at a Social YY boys are imbued with: the Amer-| Was pheaititen One-of the at ‘Dublin No clew, was| Collier: will be and"presented a bh while elfies 2nd pub:|2mpuiate. that momber. certain Archibald in to b erbitation hunting Pee AL nen ee PRap idRea tneiin ehh will Was: Amer-| husband Credit Pe the com-|or the her why is that Commtittee out Fixes drawing-room ican -spirit,.and. ‘3 gam of these ideas against. the ‘boys--in. blue. | ever found to the identity of the per- ican guns In:the- Spanish' ,war seldom {in the Dakot ear and other big "Growing lic) resorts At ke "levee. for} viceroy's the | come "at. will ' ni do all ‘American naval commanders, | #9n- Wao fired this. last. shot: in. the eee of the-bondoperation to London in theeete time Seal is wwhy,. int Rolla, a bie St: ane ae Buster: they datlowet appear" kines ‘ mark-that SPM biel. cerntat i ee ire ee mended: by a unanimous yote recom-|ent c - mittee lcledeine ie «wre lite AL : rnard, and "Sails By rasa i of the (!x weeks of "the seavon. Soy." ar any national bank having hanes of New York arksmanship aad officio: ae time ago: Tucker's ‘bravshort "whieh rk ain oe CMTC 80" s Fe Oi td aap reaso Nas: nation nan ane ie of "he and. hours five they are within and} ery was given «nother test, for aah ror noteat ton. our people" little" "understand, oe oar ey; : ; russe ; been aue Aas ‘place! for only. oe is Hints "whieh, cent the "Suns." per the {n= 20 of. behind "Years" men a " t h e ie of -seven year, "Forty. coe vind PT) man his} emerged from .Sgamest™. with the experienee as ~ the Sometimes of vital) treated as andthey aes dr aeis and thé ‘toboys.appreciate, to see fail an thisae proposed i fine| Want aid by. a further) aed COP 3 : eee oreaenote-redemptiols, Hated ry aK eben a meusure.credlt t ae "sate 25 ‘"<D¥ OF its capitel, p h - Neon a careeh baink notes rkansas still furth per cent at amount. equal, to all the} deserve an (and indirectly eom erests as. Barane shaving:¥ sel. ottle-of i vet = le maval ‘Robles (a'v curren¢y, notes-c Apply vaseline Gh. re op wet ennenced.;; | for February, Magazine : ‘ U of the: country). as lezal reserve against | people); ot a at marina wD ea Of he held at bay an. armed} !" Natloral' ee et Ce hy een ot Its cenitnligation.: aeainet which alot: be held the -tacé. before exter . Veale subjeet re cae hard to. ex ite inst Ba i national: York New the endeavorposits. was' ae Which: mast mens waleb of-100:; t levied, of 3 per cent is ie oe Bptisin B up ot : meranant marine a aati diffieult to undersiand Rae and and plain dather, v a..nice Sot, Washington to tre requir a. busy: sending Atowill very are: ¥ you constantly. in, If are | Even | rubbing United (no negro,| a the raeof Hooker, ing tohad.seizeHoustom beme paid to the treasurer to:-follow is certain:Root's shot and. killedow conductor (ion of your unused. leisn visit} | who, of Sceretary i wake: which: he notes of pther|Sequently it is weil nigh. Paeeaiie mE Rtas the sen be especial.‘ will' "ight" {for redemption to find ou how. pre: Invested | /iv'hand)pleased: States to cover,.thecost o ‘printing in Republican classified anks, ofgetting In exchange} get he anterest ofsaie7 reat number ot |! 1 South your in. con.| national Iron Mountain train Oo) and other incidental ¢exes is. America; T feel that nothing} onan: to. (ad reading led aa -ofi-|¥il ‘add $. $$." money. Owing Pitts al An attempt: was'made by ‘the caction "with. e Seas 0of. these notes, | therefor legsal reserve © you: amore "important to the. industrial LT a sslohal|{S. congr ent pee forecast to exes tate airticult to ets. cts, ABLIONEY cts. York mit: your bank ac $ and: S*lto these facts, the New 2 els when you have ogecttle er, F oe ot interests of the na-}-cers to spirit Hooker out of the oY ay ind commercial : however, confide or sooft at ‘this nioment than-an aggres- tentiars in-the city and ‘place hi cao a small per-;action." law. |tloh the bea become emit4 that out but takencapital ultiniately: wu this pit Ta 16 tast being cone {n bond-secured of thelr nd "tor the: frro; ee entige have o Brey ioney o ane ue Sialiers t ghouls. ar cae a zeny g people decent. York is tuce "order the over arose altercation on One soaciniens, cee" eon spread thought : | deer clerkse 1: o > ‘of-| Heut tle-t born: Ive born; were native reane . the uate. They 4 ledve nells Hy Uecnitteni wormed Wits WORE whiedtoe Bee wit ee ee and while-the, service of-| warar anen departments go to'-thei eeemee:ee alfers "navy and ee ee eee » Spanish. wrap: no sinteure, but means py' great "here to dive! |manta,'" allthe the in the Iven permission to 4 turn except the "person" Scientist re-|econceals deal of earnest:aid hard work, it does)" kand when they leaye again "This. picturesque. garment 'ig/7ar Until their business affairs in this| face. to' art. ateaen wtewie Rie exes e th gfter- for faithful service. 9 Sure ane grounds at those timés Orleans are| Ou ie of these deliberations the fol' rnment 0h of bondesccured:.cireulation | Making : "their, first visit to Jreland, ~ | dues Soc f prineip! time as | declaration Jowin a glorious are' having, suppiy of.it4|They Mys.. Géllicr.of inéreasing of Mr: and by me guests ples wal it is. thedecreased ce on of hand, eat 2|-cjnstead eyo ae few York: af- Ablunny house, Navan, infeathat tieuybiume i in credjt currency Confidence one of the tines places inthe heart of but cee th enue chiar Ie Saunt the n revision.and RODEa TRUDE a ae Many country. ‘hunting Meath neh aor toite is only Rrbrasnter in tals the | and a striction; that a bank note are ot =thate the Danke finds it profitdble dinners and atices have beer given the demand deporit aa a bank and |>o take out ‘bond-secured) circulation, for the' young French aristocrats same in principle,: and. for that© with tie hounds | ~110oper | they, have heen out Collier. herotbeiig <i: het return sof 1innvorvedt reserve cash same the providing reason Mr. day rd ot money a Siae 2 ; of cities,are en oar a baci re epoumat t the Yo sponging 1 took they as ing many limbs get a cold) ey Se apt to cB Re Ear Ape that-at last go through] |IVes: The immediate causeby of he was obliged to es tes Rooke awrithrs solut Hes of Sets as Tuc ail order given tle Was Oforr eiiih under ‘ie acid before using it The marriage took place, but a city marshal, in regard to a buikiing erecting. | Chills, and especially Jocal chills, are] were ithe: | Parnes den his wite ava later he deserted "against: guarded tobe | Parnell Waiter: Tom and: one's in. met leaving fairly him,|/Ucker comes with Gar which her ofmoney "Wind alltitle taking »the was he as panies ael rie is ten ©inch-|-pye being hasmade : leant e 1e has viCUM-) which mu: A be The | jzeq number threehere,handles, high is and es bef has be ae ited: t > ipprea ye baby boy's name, will be engraved on} eure ne OYE} the cup, but probably the fond parents | ine eigt tl uo beet tie ‘al ai mut 25) a ek Vik nat js he | They name, a over are still pondering ty fe it yet. cabledchristening, haveAfternot the. L wis shelves ner de Mage ft ae ae roi ity Was oi aerials Both thy tha tie Yh: i ocof from-gne a book. very BN to consult Pann casion ceremony radiant' good health, and| of. blessings, Pinds Gold on Mer Land Tt would ssraduall ly. be-redeained. legislative | for. e to congress. while the Chilean is of Latin stock,-the| os fi vould: have performed it6 piission, and 4f the frivolity ‘ p have nothing womenheartlessness Speier the | and, was Will] who Nallor-Leyland, 4ady Jennie ‘Socir-|.,‘iovely InJactive of tHe Parisian: required La lonizer deine :--C hafiberlaini first: meet: had retire. into. forced: be‘ The commission Would. svintion hotel; its Washington ths Willara iieate lower and entertain. o house' party next. weelk at, ciety,. both in' the upper ! permeated by a genuine re, November 10, every member be- |) The present bond-ser 1s |ranks; mine gold "A. Wales, in romation|Nantelyyd> i" imitien, deychivt for woman- which mukes itself Ing present and In attendance at every | of national ex-|spect. making While discovered been _ ee Wnaies conerdaslOnal. the which cov. | Xt session ef the pS: On the street, at the| there, |feli everywhere: property' her on auions ered a period of four days. Each mem, | on Was "asked ‘ me why WA out, "bond=sethertré--In. public places: the spectacld mor hes it. j aie n Nae AHL was "intensely: Auterested Rie Nirting young wofor lof ; the loud-voiced, Will in'lake Berman rly irks She will Maye.a houve appreciatec her daughter and thoroughly dibject such' as 3 shock theC senand: girls, ecent 3 eason Ss.men ities i - cr" mathe ane Bol n 5 cas they separated, ea Sir Layder Brunton regards a3 other. a Dust, and. the both West: and busy through o Pree teae enemies Of old age}? - o fig, crowded therough fires, cold a frequent. ony «of cr i er ob aes ary Newsboys 2 he. ae Other peaieator yn dise ‘ 46 be "tie Wie ch the exciting LBS Gons, ie ie, tine WAG ts Aer ot tn et § & a Se nd ale "fT ys. ea se Ssultme room As i DE aria at ie at a and therefore per-| ie tires of them. main eee The duchess has ordere a a quaint} to be| ‘goblet orfor quaigh alg Scottish. the christengold pure marquis met], the will be inscribed in old Ceitic the|~'subscquently the false «New Orleans over four years ago, or | 2¢¢hanism and machinery toI meet is Opera| allet. dancer of the Pa and] can not Roxburghe motto, "For Christ business. ir | "@dvivements of profits eee ic Lata 1 ear whom - the subject, and notwithone himbanker: The cup, nae under this plan country danger is sweet."" velieve that the at tha. fifty was in accord he has wens . of " oo "Rock. to Little Man Steadiest: wid ant er ED hisevisitsGamest ReaD Hxquisite brocades are being woven to/a married. woman, who had tent him|of Mullins ~ also Dearing among as a murderer, that slayer "was so indignant She complaint $26,000." strong Even' new gates'to arc] many. rad vollce the panels HH to the mé@de she the| Ticker favahal:.friends; Tere A aon being put at the main : entrance cea BO | phe a park. and fneker 1a ft WY fear of publicity prevented tel but heb Re oe facBoth uw merchant. Newton, Frank : exposed. being marquis be-| are neglected, long The purdéns; bitte; feelMeiuwhile the rharqdis had foe t {tions went armed and "the ing converted into'a sem*troplcal plaibecame. more men ing -between tine ely she met Mile Dureanpf, *2nce. thousands of dollars' worth of | Brussels, \ aneni .nterest of ihe The Banice jUubli¢sand not: the banks. ‘the with be furnished. would<simply the house in banking meeting of the anan nual at: tives BBlGPL eis iene ciation Mir erinerRamn a. animals small .A_ received. been: also. bear.» cub) cinnamon has' interest are veediv-|ing You necessity. of allen hnmigration, | bers ‘ofo the inflow to} permanent his}ing a vast some of it st At is] Aviatently Shae wales. then hame: known throughout Lucker.as her res [electron (to tnis.t : i sett wuthorities legal discoveries: -: They made and Guy) Tuckersis, was ‘that the self-styled) marquis and: steadiest choemaker|est thre son ofa-Corsican }able Boulanger, Paris, from, tojher DEORE Dame be- length the - available for ould like to emprimarily "that I remember listening |. f time that ot oon some years ago. caning purp to a speech delivered by Congressmar ght, or | hasize this thoug Fowler, chairman of the ofcommittee his legislation is in the representa: ' calh-tosarme,| n our case -there iSirio Such: than arn Polals call) butethere is a general attached made whieh). ‘Lucker? notoriety of vexploits natlonal » produced that. bitter eaeh da ONRea eae $20,000 -save hed who imported) being ‘plants and 9, 1902,) shrubs Oct. withdrawn and day dispute waiata chad one The a Wank vith he was that an told vs her marriage the south: of Iuranpe. from he next, or the day éollowing, then rewhien in baith street bloody a in Pest De Ditke of the iNegcithnate son it} pr: ieee seem duchess the Lest their lost. participants the 'eposited'and a few days later checked af im-|hievre, a Previch reyal prince, and Hache ofthese that many said be A bank could not affordi tole". ‘ut aga ain shrink will of money: the volume ish correspondingly. -‘and © reforms.;| lifke all innovations stoutly.} was currency credit of fdea the AS shot andr eimperor}a. French of the. attitude Ssiustel thefrosh | mimiselt- Ane "tle. of He Sardis, a baenges ©) hes, he drew. a@color scheme hens ACCUALGIIAY Mark. successful for man) Century been Reneh has Would Who he. i when ais wrought that formation, resources and Ingenuity to finance our{od, of bethaess ‘ex-attache Andre, fol=|)St! Jacle hee largely he eres whieh. ates Fee a ne ~ | déeecorations.in. is ten id years three-;score Though agricul- | sears. death and with face industrial to commercial, ac-|brought.face, insdeathe. i thts eapaelty In ! he eas own, ideas, ri evit the duchess' lowed is interestit conthe of span | House members normal the of One y regan led us the Bie ra Battle, prosperity. tural to Street Leads lady witowed Sete hcl eae . = quaint vee of a wenlthy f Grdered. Paris rea-}phrought. from Reds ‘insuperable the] « no are raised who there lite. ot committee ce eS System. Change to: Intent No 23s s40,000 By him ee i ae who. advanecd POs Rouen of Sr baer of Sir Lauder Brunthe-Opinion, In sons, the the ..on, effect Dearing possible met. the to Mullins: as ‘Later: estion ives Het . > uninow mother, andanimal..dealer jady's ia This oR parewet fthoe street rule the prince and] the. which be: not bedrooms The One day, while beWhy-it théshould tom currency the this on shipped ON and Aart taxation of for men Eldorado ate in street. exception ane than marquis that the monetary rither nonle the lent See It is well known 5 daughter. oceups will suite their er 4 am a7 = princess : B ; , vould have on the interest rate on deIn| constable. in: the free: Dt aring: pulled} svonyeit to: rotain«their activity until @ ne ted- they escaned: from their.'"to cage, is unscientific theanoney country spent the He of system Will have hangings of ‘chintz, (copies) other $50,000. cap made was can be answered in this way:| Wilds scrainblesosits A ' 100, and-even. | "dead. Mullins ait and revolver his on house tine a but the confidence of the people in] 2% taking fashion. royal Wallpaper] 120 years ago; ft those of but their by the attendants, ture them toi) Mying men "of «number "the directly} The usual rate paid on time deposits Were events, subsequently aj The engaging and d'Bylau Avenue the stability of the: government anc are}]the 5 lnins the on pe from twelve t 0 match is being made; the beds hel to six per 100,00 .of the population of yeurs wvering a period to this killing. ‘The members| its traccable for| Unfortunately and prosperity ofservants... of staf! Phan the soundness pa a Paris, in nanufactured : ate stood Nees being ower knows of women is 8. per cent; the bank .nonths Was seven ant it unmade 1 to 1900 there Institutions have banking of whom family, Parne!l of the that. he discovered himse!f, the widow be-]| are rooms drawing and ie bedrooms ly ) neti pursuers the tett ea t.can safely loan out such deposits at with npared : twenty-fo necessary. to reform the system. friends} warm were men, dozen a Were | friends. was intriguing with ene of her coverings.| wall their of Reaching G street, at Sreeuttihe Ing - stripped. for the same his men and thirty women in 1838 to 1854,"| post. tchigher: rate of interne denounced. and they: to make any changnot now proposed A oy. ™. itinics liredeat hime trom, arabush. less year ago carrisdcaway, Nis lett The be.was onvex-emiissy bestaterms | these on thea wis ing French She] new out'-made inside. decorator, and after studyfamous Wer) with every detail of the castie the ing somesystem, currency proposone order of the separate hep battle nya no. (ct ucker ovas acpersonal cakll Samal that-he Would of| Davis: ase we ll asea number ernor Noxtoday. thé: marquis! digaye other stite- officials cwhomihe,mek.dur= Hees netbeen: Heardsot| Tur oto opportunity seéneon this. come work. "abp presented be the | found under society really éhaperonages| nk ae 6 uchess meas- this the | tuctuate under this plan of elastic curThe ] ency as they have done in the past; 7 at rate rely;on to accuss| to the] Was\shot-six (on one: be seen now they where These can twe ostriches. -park, Zoological |atothei she has six Your » public | from: ordinary eats ips oe ~-American. hardly 1S : permanent a that oi ne | fact 4s Slips re toes, no doubt.) wonders) done | cchools have "ine Avkansas- question fo-arspeniaportant not Preside fit' s household. thoughtoitawiser in the: magistente lixture thetr| bat: of assimilation, ay the i hisycanvass.; materiallys.ing aided ¥e-} : the eoowith let him him-oand rest friend of Goy-| capacity must be limited: nor will ins te compelled are we us, on comes tc [ countries other from cash import we have Up to this time help us out. not can we but sa, do to able been foreign allies | new turn to our natural for the reason and Germany, England are practically In position we are. Wihrait! | part: it .case Inout Blene King from zebra and Arabian ived sh President ik of Abyssinia an attention wide attracted ea ceértis | have Amerie are uvariety.of The the univers and rats avhite |ranges-from the was: a could intloft who ediut the re His to stu from ficnte ; Corps. sity, ae . co Svat "3 oF me u sty meason best, the have. myself "pT vinnrringes,.eveng carly of lisapprove- Interest. Reguiate Would feud: Curing nw ‘the i « Wen t thev'Tucker-Parnell © has} vebeen"yennear. Tucker. result the last deatho-as: himevelf iwite ; whielr|, Tesperate-encuunterstin/ if. (hes Heohasetaken. .* from of «animals : ava sits =ceitts s sve ee Say countries are e:not at in foreign friends the recently Only infrequent. fall WITS, mid) ede puuie om ‘ nei ‘ ol. always advo-) conimonwealth. : the af defense the. with ye for well a Tass} Wash- live pres- in telling of the Post, fash=|ington Aséa taining "Musetlar House White there, the his- resemble would grounds drill}rorie military , The 5 4 " |e | L stocked (park 1a Yzoological Gorael,' magistrate that attache, thatle is of, Goclet ‘Miss May. was be} a law. would it become ire. Should ‘ol in §3500,000spending of In-| an equalization end t lowering princess and. ethe-prince .visit-/of of the}the 1 the discussion rates. erest sum-| next. ‘"asila makes to Wales Important|of very this far, thus ubjfect thal) determined' duchessas The mer. overlooked.) but all been has ‘eature the | enjoy shall visitors royal her not rates would opinion interest nmy that they. too same financial : i ane world, the the reach to remain that all if you-my | were allowed that} ‘Oxford and Wished Lente ttt confined privileres shouldbe j ithletic }or R tnnesof the rdilge to two members engtishman avdent) The family. ker |auest' toa ducal house lig the suitov belongs }iy¢ Englaid:' was the only explanation | week I fes unprofitable to Keep Oars He the when notes in circulation OC** nterest rete fell below 5 per cent t& referred above cee str Pe was) marquis The I here Right of a copy rom he congressional ‘demand VrNaoe Witt cleasty Se as -tanent have a that fining i aie ; et abolished@al all-over tram in ehildren. his ind hon s|y Cor-fpour the lo expressing help. On ure not-to*he \akicon i e z Ueath:of ~ at the Tor, ; whe, men Hives Brus ‘ A BE et ‘ lay hy 4 With Viaying Fan Have Children au Pets in White House Grounds; sc v, rahi trains miliary oBut: thes : hit af lion * J indis-| be to loke is likelxe is hod lic c at iat a ave-echarged who ~ pen apie agriculture. mines.and. F hisananibut not only. killed Heohns . ob) indirectly-redirects, been: Uns. Vn sponsivle, : Gelde tea He "ithe immediate: | Hera man of Utle sti " .ac= cdofawindling, He bee eat oil Other. were tach> persons toward. of political| Uf the atoremost have | With". mati would smartige sand Miss their 1e- |e apused ine h ha 4 tion 3 lan Anita's | men of the day, 2nd he pulled "out aw], exNad ov accepted: of | > en Beas he eld against deposits. con; toe the notes' pocketbook containing': taken. her away mother immediately Perl ey The pounds. i Ken et oe of' several thousand value Dp? noK Sea tl aero r ‘irculs so Ba v tg at -bra Hell "cannot iit pubiistied be! Will jetter of Www Sai ¥ ee 19. reed al Sn Deauts aria} the plainnt had fled sels; tcharging SHC : a.com rte with lgnarguls F400) Of clr he SAB e t articles of jewelry. taVarious e Sa and) served who guards, Horse ‘Reval: the = ;Go ratipe kdy}a ue : li Ar Mile. Oe Soe Belgian, SARL Henry Tirasistrale 1 Struction 47, Abett Thies: is- university. in-the interest deep a COMMMUSSIDY {SUAS 1) gs TAvET aS et B CU STOA RATS WHITE ia Fcheon ig eed: abandnow with the proposal, -_-- I : ins nililary jnstruction to elimnit jate myjlitayy oned, ; from Mr.Smith wniveraity. Cornell known well Itoosevelt's President professor honota ry was tos1 87d TS6R has result and nature history | jaye of .animals constitutional' <7} and: Biglish of LN : in EN ] i Vue eae monagerie a-perfeect in od oka Sten has +l and at : ornell a Zz 1e the eo Mee Be + Ose ago he received Aweeks |ijorning @ few a = ae a -presence dis requesting note -polite et IN| Tere en hy we a ‘eren om Le+ ® Mu Drapl Hee Miss bud' new whoseAnita's Anti, s6.imj is ; Smith, Lord met in Scotland m lieutenant) old.ay wealthy, vears 260 mensely Vistaim Pes ater: Vice BOsenyces hen legal ae hot ae 1 ot 2 Es fpped@t I ‘ at 1 Vina Smitl Mrs ma Beso the a Tvomance. loveean first their : mn Rare (Ue e-) ieee sped im. nether, . : » es trom Hot: eredis of regemption ve eT Soave PN )_ : haven a ny ae ite oe ea: 5 ) ‘ 4 - ‘os eee ee Species. Different. »i on A Oe eas ON Bare oe antoA s teh oeis the advice oman Splralnad States, the United ito the a the ven-| ates, is Smith; ni af ‘Goldwin dgeak orn é . Notoricty-Three | sich c be 7 i Z ae Ca ts Ha) Shot Six Times his home nv-'Toronte,: Canuda, fessor Smith has written' a- letter + Ene : Yurins - supposec w Ta Oe ee disappeared. has marquis some : : the only means ef the notes seeking eal Ge at DRONE broth: ol perlods gon scasons. at other nic @h are we as such prosperity, great hy is money our of all now, joying sum- | and spring the during use full the when consequently months, mer extra ; } P! a needer of money vear, the amount in active circulation is ordinarily from | more $200,000,000 to $150,000,000 2 urreney was ne it elasti¢, Highly CeCe + On ‘ vod Limsely any for the » y Ww ii stair hely pretty and that Stewart, if Miss: Anita + te , a . s ¥ » « ad} er wel dete at Ble ee ae Ree coma (can, Nlstair aeshe Madetation cae 0 sees hove ee Paes 1arTy ws explanation DUA } He aANCe, MUP » £ eK Sears Pee? Itobert-lones-Kery. GAMEST Sa eemre Parla. OVS had Away cst "de Marquis The. aS kd Rue. the: atl = mansion sumpitious Mfn teh j 4 t and horses: his: and Valentine, mond. state officials of Arthe view Among in smartest the among were turnouts ia dastceleetion atthe chosen of | Kansas tall, was He Freaeh.capital tihe, wir Ades eF v < votes. F done wheseonly élaim-.to fame previous ‘0 cdisung ands {very pik ae : a. ies "Unive Lhe in Alstair : rebel- or disorder with cone to (tted FRIENDS SAY the most) of one "ine -feurte central invite a be to inG@igued "and broth: | cenemed in| lones-Ker, known Ttobert, ‘ever feuds familis.. bloody. gave, soireer he Duke | to the delightful of ther presumptive This official; asap pdnsas-or 5 in the ;South. othe to warning, r i ithout ‘ Now, <chapthe made, vatghoucornanisaipyier| ah ins Gaba et,dae who oh: patel) sacloty Rbxburghe, of LheYe hand sim to of Paris' is' society, tonishment So bride. American of an jest-choice LAinoed,. Ob © and Tre aria Marl 7 gon Pe chen t MAN, e +. a Tae Responsible of American colleges should and ,be Instruction c military: ; ary tudents given peo giv nen ie denly from the ‘seenes: of -gay. fer1 in of This i Sot hand Paris...) oO omar aris, : , ‘ andsome SR ee ee BRAT SAC oekl TLIO cect LCRR ICRC, os c ae Dead in hisecirele as the Marquis de known ee Ok Ub b: S Is She That ae ‘ arte :, ceed will have If she - I Keb. : 1 5 all ./of spite ain her mare? Smits. ers cr and: a) 5 1 nh Mexibility-thaty. desired daliy active hat ' the crop-mov During The answer: the is meant this by and period, ing of the half last the of part greater wee leg a ateproposed eurre the » curret mn ate ' Why have "ee ee Kite : London ‘ 1 will mo thes it} cand money credit that] charge. the by 4 from] will which the volume system a monetary contract and pand the ecre See of com janis needed not was which use fp money would be retived cirewlalion e a € mote » Our*®answer of amount whole the of portion > ' Marly riages. = ela mores Pts ney * Agninst' involved.tne the first: queries rea With F bs . Explains | r COn i TS ane Assertion the /sud- ared apes at Just has character OBJECTS MOTHER to equal Ind tawallon ae. ete? were conmember by every : er i December 10, tix signed ty give - - ees . Ve HEIRESS to retended offered plan the unless rane 5 i‘ Saeaa rs : ay . its when of currency the. a volume luce aA eS ay ee result "ements ay a, > toe re ae lessene Clee As S- - b i seh, ) L+-That ONLY Téhaca, Special-Fob;2Cable. By. Paris} -11.-Aiextraomlinary ln < 7 ': te In- Military Smith Advises struction in Colleges. froldwin ' na ; Roosevelt's Love for Animals SEES Rather Arkansas Lengthy. in Gun Accordiigly. Declaration American.Regard- : ing sioned ng the of this ‘lasticity pate a i ee underthe In expression . may nm of moob angry the off held a hundred men arti the none was the prison waIN A ALIENS safe within A MENACE IN A With Record Has aT ; : United the of trensurer ‘ One of of hard one wontd we nu e the ° fund ee Tucker Guy B. Acted and Pear E . 7 ' beginning, any notes must de- guaranty a and ss possible } ossib question first The Pas however, sha'l, facts: the forth mannerP z plainest ps a : a , eréd Shoemaker Corsican as Posecl he volver otis A . a of Son impas- Makes Innes-Kei Lord ‘ ih meeting anothe had ommission memthe time Washington, ' at which hers appeared before the banking compresented . thelr house. of the mitte quesnumerous ce red ae anid ee 3 or rn. "OF i of ° the} mbers) saan ee ; a bricf article Your request to curproposed the of explanation in the use. to avoid and reney7 legislation, ane . s ee ie en Peeies ee ' guaranty the credit th } ee iad commissio: later, month 9f the ne ; write : the to as in surred __ : ack back Ss soon Advance. : the with wa i Payment that this is secured through yn the Cnccirculation Hintion, ; coe whe byy Issue ssuc Can ‘ Bank < ' the f these amount fund dsto to6 This equal States the anissue. per centin of.gold he -_- Needed, . Cash - order posit REGULATE eee eae Its against tT held he ample from: bank taking out --- WILL in eet an Law Ex Mains mere | deposit: dust be Banker, Huttig, -_- oe ee oe ne i VICTIMS MANY VING a Aan slarted across an open field with his ‘They» were "ditcoveréd ate prisoner. watt beerelyimg which had the the man Trback,' "Take the prison. near mob, ‘Tueker toldthey officer who was with "EU pold, off the, mob-untilyou .[im. req reach' thes gutex." / With drawn C bank'. the than greater rethe same. cash nat. be not shall or capital; =o pn , i ; red iat maintaine@ be cane daily against redemption ins. - pravinion jeto mad as Gitonat bar must nore = have at least a aut birewlacton, SETIECL 621-2 perjhas Rie been given to DeMeee RISTIN the Ampértance 3 henge Ot the eouinery ind By oF paseage. 2 eG . ae : me Sive aes as Te n care its| u policy. In. Nayat, the * . department, | the~ s which should be Kept fully abreast ithe armaments of the world," ek i of] county sere jail. at' Benton: € pyle mcken p>. voluntecred . to assist the officers, an with an. officer of the penitentiary he : Yr Dliear rhe Tirespete oven © Ss! pene sec if being converted to} ing, ee t ilome sont kinds, md anid other t ina Depart ae ° Sunuary: 3G A s! Na' tional 3Magavine onal for yee Brent z 4 Febraur : |