Show I Japanese D Do Their Own Exporting L Vice TIce Consul General K E G G. Babbitt if f Yokohama reports m that according o 0 time the private reports made by bv the thc Yokohama foreign board d of trade and amid ither Interested led parties the time direct ct ox- ox ort rt trade of raw silk sik the lie mos most inmost t important im im- export commodity of oC Japan s both rapidly increasing and amid chan chang chang- ng rig from foreign firms ms In Jim that country o di Japanese firms Time Tho total export of or silk for rOl the ten from January Januar to October 1906 amounted to 2 2 1 bales ho he proportion of oC the shipments made madey y y foreign firms to tho those e made mado b by Japanese being to Regarding the tho quantity dealt deal in U by and Japanese firms this or order er mas now been reversed Until a few cars cams ago out of oC twenty five twenty twenty-lve foreign Inns dealing In silk a Swiss firm oc- oc nr first t rank manic on omi the time list of ship ship- Now however howe a Japanese Inn occupies first rank and another tim linn the second rank the wiss wil firm Irm falling to third thIrl position The rhe Japanese raw silk exporting irma are ale only four in number and I yet the time shipments made malc U by these four tour firms arc are only a little less than thamm tho those o oma ma made c h by twenty five foreign n firms Inns Only five years ago the tho Japanese shipped 1 2 1 bales baJes against 89 39 ill b by foreign firms hrs the time proportion being 3 to lo From Flom this It I ma may be seen that the time shipments b by foreigners for for- eigners fell Cel ofT oT or by 81 0 2 1 bales in iii il live c 1 yo years while tho those c of the Japanese Japa Japu- nc nese e increased b by 30 7 1 2 1 hales bales The rhe proportion of or the time shipments l by lii Japanese thus rose from 23 2 to Hr while the time figures for foreign n firms flUn fell CI from to tn Since 1 1902 O Ono no distinction has been la made o in Jim time tho statistics of nt the lie finance department between the time amount of trade done by Japanese an and amid for foreigners lAners und and consequently con con- nt th the tho latest lateNt statistics sta sta- available are for fOI om 1902 The TIme total value of or exports In tho limo ten tel cit I I years CU to 1902 1912 rose mose from flom to arid and the tho value of cit r di direct di- di 11 meet exports through the time hands u of Japanese firms rote rose from JOI 1 1271 j 67 lo to a phenomenal iri- iri crease |