Show I DID MA BY fr TO MURDER If ti It- It i TI Thaw V So Claimed to Expert I r Evans After Shooting z I Ii i Architect J b Ct 4 1 r rj j CALL CALL ANTHONY COMSTOCK y c CI nr to 0 o Submit HI His Testimony i Showing fin rowan Man lie Ho Shot Down In Y F f i j je J t I rUy William Holler New ew York Iou Fob r I I believed all nil thi that White ought ol t lo tn tJ be behind 5 f tho bars ban But nut suddenly providence f S the tine plan to mo no or of killing him l-im th the tho roof lOOr on ga garden Harry Thaw shortly after the the tho f J S shooting ot of St Stanford nord White this I statement to to Dr Evans Evana the Insanity I S expert It will be lie repeated to the ther f f r jun by lIy Dr I an when the trial tria of or S J tho case Is Ls resumed on lon l Monday n 5 This rids Is tho the testimony that D Delmas r Jias fought to to get got before the jury from the beginning of or the trial Ulal and amI I r which Jerome with sl skill shill and doter doter- Oler- Oler 5 equal to lo that of the Cantor Cantor- j- j nia lawyer has fought ag against ln t. t Delmas victory In getting the teas tesT tea les- T S s before tho the Jury jur Is la rather In th the 1 nature aturo of a a. compromise Ho lIo was by lIy Jerome to lo concede that tile the time Dr Dl p Thaw haw was Insane Insano at S 1 Evans had ht l this conversation with wIlli him and aid the concession leaves aves Harry lInn J K J. i Thaw Thaw In a an Insane con condition for Cor a n r t- t period of three months after th the kill hill that period t. ing ng rig or of White Following i Dr Evans testified the condition of ot orf S j f the defendant Cren ant began to show 1011 Improvement Improve 10 mont ment an and th mt had conI continued con- con I- I 5 tinned up to the tho time o of the exports export's last visit to the he defendant ant which was as asin in tn September i iL 0 to S i The advantage c which will vIll a accrue cruc to tIlt tho defendant on the compromise admission of his conversations con with Dr Drans E ans ans ore are very ver great In the defense It as sas opening outline of the I explained that the defense would UIn show V that thaL Thaw was vas insane at It tim tho time of S- S White Vho and that tho the the slaying of I for form forn n of f If mental menal disorder from which 7 I p hi- hi was wa suffering took tool the s II of 1 n belief helle that he lie was 5 the instrument 5 t ment nent of Plo in III destroying White This ThiM testimony of Dr DI Evans E i vill Will lit fit in p pat t with this contention al alt all along Dr DI Evans I believed cd 5 will v swear ewes Thaw said sahl to tu him that thal While ought to be bt behind the Iho bar lar That's wh why I wrote to Anthony Anthon Com Com- he JIl to tolf tos stock and that's why came eaton see s ep lf me mc I Mr Comstock ha had his a agents watching the Madison Square Gar Car Ill den I i also atRo had hal my rily rn private tto detectives detectIves detect detect- ives hc following following- him and I expected elected n that in h ht- ht would be luu caught ht and aid his diml c mes punished 4 b nut But suddenly Providence submit submit- A tc c l th th ma killing himon Jn on u I plit 1 he hers Providence to l K o him him altot alto- alto t r from fi ozi the co community So Ho I r 5 followed 1 thu plan Providence submitted submit t ted d to 11 me inc j I In 11 1 line with this t testimony the tho defense de de- tense will vill c l Anthony Comstock fOwl and two of or his hiN agents as well as the su superintendent of the 1111 Society for Cor the thc S Pr Protection o of Children from Cruelty Cruelly the efforts that Thaw made mad madeA to show A A to have White brought to justice how White thwarted all the these the c efforts through his hits II e and in ing ingenuity ll ity i J Stirred Thaw to Ac Act ct 1 Tho rho defense c will claim laim that this this this' failure seemed to a add to the thc burden which was ws w 5 s weighing down Thaws Thaw's c. c mind to lh the breaking point will vIli provo o through the further further fur fur- ther thier testimony of if Mrs J Evelyn g N Nesbit hit Thaw fila how the cumulative offenses of White White his his other victims and the memory of what she had suffered at tho an hands hands drove drove him to tod d distraction With Ith the a admission of this testimony lesli- lesli mon mony Delmas feels that he lie will viIi bo ho 4 ably compensated for foJ the tIme concession he has ma made e that Thaw was In insane an 1 months more moret fr up to lo three or OJ four tour a ago o. o t J especially since ince thore is li nothing in inconsistent inconsistent inconsistent in- in consistent with alth the tho history that Ink in insanity in- in k NUt sanity it produced by ls' certain t C causes usef beginning t two t wo years before I t f- f fth rOm th shooting lasted late until White having hayS hav- hav S ing log been removed remo and the cause for the Iho great mental stress which Thaw S labor abor under dispelled It gradually S' S 4 gave ac way to a return of ur reason c That defense will wilt lc regard the time testimony of J Evelyn vl lyn N Thaw as the keynote of UK its case cas In lit lith r h Importance n c tin lIH Im literal cv evidence l of or tile defendants defendant's In Insanity the to tosti- tosti tJ- tJ v t s. mony of or th the lie experts of Whites Whiles threat f 10 to kill kiH fIla Thaw w i and m nd all else is shown 11 by hy their concern that thal her story told toldon g 5 I on nn direct examination hall h be broken Jl J t I in no detail dining Jerome's vigorous tl croas croM 4 If to 0 I IO o l. l An Inci Incident il illustrating this titis wh when Mrs lIs Thaw arrived 7 7 tota today n young ounG M-at M the Tombs before 10 o'clock f Tto to spend the visiting period of or 10 to 1 o'clock with her A clerk J from rom lh the o of Delmas Delmag met her hii a atho at tho door X Mr wants want to s see seo o you ou a ahl at 7 hl hl his ax as soon as possible Mrs hl ThaW v Ha said the clerk cierI He Ftc Is waiting 11 at his now for you ou But Iut I 1 want to 10 spend all the time that I 1 can with Mr 11 Thaw cried the ther S i r young wife petulantly I 1 can see Mr l i Delmas after the visiting hours hour c M Mrs 1 a- a Thaw looked at al the tho clerk t IF i anti and observing that he lie wa watS I V VeL l' l much In earnest said I t r V perhaps Id I'd better go o. o t J r 0 t 7 entering Re-entering her wr electric t. t Delimas office at No Nu l 12 O It Broadway where she remained I Irl iii r 4 cl close Me con conference en with whit thu the attorney fo for i i half an hour I At the end of the thc conference sh she S VJ s. s Delmas returned In Lit the lie Tombs to to- to f Aether I Both were smiling mulling and nelt Wf f would tell what the time j Conference e wa was c n about out Fro From an another 1 source It wu was t v J. J j. j learned later atm however hyver that Delmar Delma r r.- r. nel about t the lite rumors h hv he wa rl s 5 v t heat ti n t to the tho contents of or a stat stat- t 4 t A ment meet given to Lo Jerome b by Abe Abc HUn Hummi 5 I and also alMo as aH to details of other things thing 1 1 I. I which It is sold Jerome Jeronie will ihl tone touch JI In his cross of or Mr Mrs 5 5 Thaw 1 1 of s The California advocate was vas wati j liarS par liar ar- ar S S r solicitous about a divorce i. f t Suit gun brought against l George V. Led Led- I the th theatrical manager r sometime f a In lit which J Evelyn Nc Nesbit wai Wat named aa Wi one nc of the 5 Is' Is h t- t S 5 6 S r v J. 5 |