Show HOW HOY HOYTO TO BE A CENTENARIAN Sir lauder k c to iv Century Mark Though years timId mid ten Is generally regarded ded us its the normal span of life there lucre lire arc no insuperable rca rea sons In the opinion of Sir Laudor lon Why Jt it shoUld tibt be lie rule rather huts tl exception for men u r and women to ti retain their activity until DO DOand I arid and even euen The he number of men living to Its yours pet per tile lile population from 1101 lo to is only seven and ot bf women twenty four ut as compared With men and thirty y In 19 ISIS to isI 1 ho lit says S Dust Sit Sir regards da nie of Illy it old iC bine u It is' is and f found very frequently that mit If It I nail tiati oc occasion oc- oc casion lo to consult a a- book front from one ne of tIme the top lop shelves I was apt to et a cold eold In lii iii my head bead Tills This occurred with such regularity that limit at last 1 I took lo Es s the top of the book with a solution of t acid before using il it Chills and especially local dulls chills are areto areto to be guarded against Wind which comes In IL ones one's face iLce Is little to be but Jf wind win catches one at the oC tile the neck heck behind tie oa cap or even aj at the side of tIme the head It Is much dangerous Largely open windows arc comparatively lively safe a chink which time the air blows blots's with force is to 0 be cure fully avoided One reason oC of lila Ibis probably Is bitt clunk chink a amore wind blowing through a it pauses more rapid current of air and amid thus chills the pact oC of tho hO body against which I II I Impinges much more quickly than tilt slowly and still more moret t than ii mu air I. I which Is not not not-nipA-ing jum ving at ut al all I. I Improper mastication of f I is also a causo of disease In middle age rv I Tile The practice of gobbling Sir r says nay to tt a v tale extent at least bo be responsible for this tho larger proportion pi of of the stomach which occurs hit In- men more than in Jim women mv atu llie ug tg f of years time the numbers being and while tit at K G- years tie the aro nearly equal icing 2085 5 anil 2017 higher high high- er cr ages they are arc |