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Show LIN THE WORLD OF SPORTS | WHILE THEY LAST ALLSPORTS ACTIVE ‘GUN CLUB MEMBERS (FAST BIKE RIDERS ONTHEEASTBENGH . !AVING NEW PLANS' [FAVE SALT LAKE Interest in Trap Shooting In- es ing to Maddock. Floyd M'Farlandj| |!verandLawson, Hardy Downing May Bt ae -- A large ' contingent of the trap ee Ca Shirts ° '° 520 values, 75¢ ~ John"Bumper" creasing; son Laughs at Experts. Men Re-| Track PleasBre spond and in Numbers Not Appear. shoot- BASEBALL LEAGUE PLANNED |). (000 Sie Sheet 8s the wane ©8") MUINROE OFF TO GOLDFIELD food scores made The weather condl- p> tions were favorable to shooting, with Institu- | the exception of the bright glare of the! sun, which, when a ‘right quarter bluctlons In-P. ) ne n-Palm to Be Depended os k was thrown, made the target look] On to Do" e £ ike' a blank space to the hooter Two | = ‘ Twirling. officers of Fort Douglas took a try at ; i the dises, one of them never having shot tincar tivi at the traps befo areat activity is being manifested in The feature of the day, however, was a University : Coach Wants Al seat activly tx hetig -manitested in] S iversity. a ‘ a : > number § 2 a ; an baseba of men j sane r for eam last week appeared to sign Benny to Join f Gold Old Racing Partner : as Bumper Bill Parker, * Piclds-General the ri Johnson, who, Oe. a larger} up than] d eg the aif' best duck shots im. the Tuesday Parker, in a : old is timer tone. af. community triumvirate the 7 Last) shoot, j re Welton, Best $3.00 Hais in| News of I Speedsters. } y "The feature of ihe day. however, was] Bennie M le Munroe, nr Is-gty-goIng to, match hi || : for j ortune in years ago he +i nnn rn Jed Newkirk sult being shah i Goldfield | teamed with} in the six-day race, third place. Newkirk the} For i in if to Ing clean for the‘ cago Chieag .record when he held this |} trokers, kers, of at 6 : more Aa of price thePoniltcd for [=ina is woes! which c Be-} was captain and organizer. he team sides Palm, there are a number of fresh-] nien who played on the local High school] at shot. aeh 46 Johnson. made a-run of 3% breaking t® ith. The others made Johnson 0 from' bis 14th the following nine last raat Burgess Wane on season Logs ! self Maddock this spring has invented ena: ‘his try for posi- he nom In baseball} AY After ‘alli Will he At 10 Do ‘7 Hyde 4; this {4 I C aptain or shoot a : those look number of bi Ad te ce at welcom are very t offe (ler ris in ee thelr es ! pene Go, Too. wo ems a he a over pit sa l Beat es a " oF in anything = which rules do they sO the not who will of tne cling not-be should he thiectics~ ' Games year age ollowing toa at Lehi. . + ae, Es Exciting 1 of Ogden Russell Cuddy jeer ey vaulter UnivErekiy, >Re eel Heapeeman-like 0° Gi at! BY. he it o7 of Score by Ogden | on. li ct ae to 1] | -- 7 We ast Aall Us I'eb. Ogden, sketball | averwheimins ) acudemy an down'.t0, and minute wa cork an ‘ rats J 1 7) Phe to ¢ in never i , ees fte cn- locals|. the disad-| t« ia ‘ were| Lent they "even TS c-eourse, that butolt nth eecizhed, outwels szonsiderable al this, they showed de a jodwosini every e dedi oe 5a they - Ty ea yvialtors itthe with pled ‘poor a1 ak " we locals, game 4earn 10s Was at) game ve, ta a that five py bs out only scored Bingham, of SSEOEDNVOW Ww. 5. A- eenwell Ningham Gr The t ; s ho <r et" -ss0Budge: , ' Ensign a «-.-fiancock Unrpire: Milne a , . +--+---"*" R. + up - F. 7 Lan B vas ‘ ' B sw Jensen fol-| M. - ; field bask ; work Sao j ‘ i eat : , he b os \ ( which ast ' \ Way 2 tod who \ Mi up ; ( a1 nyon ' aren i il ie league ' ai to th Inner 1 \ ; ba | A a { I irickso tenda A Pimes <0.) Use the| publican [t Moichange . 1 | iusertion. ' Sall osts ad in 7. The to 5 ae}mm) wot : Water took 5 . to Water quattera: oa make where Rapid un £ OWil . Tired, system drink Then energy? sy day up your supply and new with build A eal ne day by physically out and arorn ane pursuit close _ = was and race his ran -+->+ \ MENT Inter, th , SR eee dl t aha - 7 gi Time, en. reo ie tl won; 1 » Fork iis | V at| basketball a 57 feat with \ : For! American af Me ee that team: tonight the A) } Among wt oO ompete ( sden den s Re-|S ‘ Px-|Salt It-or It-Rent each | P for 10 ets. but i ax} principal the the v prize ) Phillips t I Lake; La Lake: Scotiedd , ‘ ' ! racers are KA eden Bi \ who will the follow Suowden, OfgHamet 7alkinson Ais Lt} Wi Mont La : aaa ui, cham Bowm Juned Hofmann ws e boy playe 'A : eo ps A pol! Hofmann M. Dik Shie a Of Leck C de Lake Salt ee orat ever ef An wi t} j grounds | BOYS and Williamson, H. J WAN « A ; ; five met) DayLVi G 2COre aca eex | mM former Chipman Ingersoll) ‘} )..short rroele ime tin lil saloon Thev ey in Main. ya). Mr. ) yon aLtieid - Al «Xt Hart (dedicated "to, fart, "Herceuse" 7 (tHubay), Hart SUGAR HOUSE f al . BOYS PCT | TERM iN ENT LEAGUE ¥ Al Hope 1 | uc ar ere) 15 } . also street = n ane hos 4yh . . Another nou ew boys rom ho > Gag : Betterment Suge we Hours added Home ward. to when per: It is expected organizatior an rected hut ++} willi! inclub o nth 1 t the: a ithin that folThe bY 1ip to meml its crease elsle wel» officer lowing presicet Woolf, Herbe ident Bail | > d Russel dé defraud-| for ing me Saturday -osted me) field tinge mea ' of out restauran various cafe ma Vv o the went bho. T) _ sik ‘ ' i 2 J ae { mt Sa oul, them took and meals jordered 8 ; % tray; the delive ould thes that "ling rc me uy boys The the money with return ‘ ni a "rratt, warking only were t however, Apollo av > a arrested were and is charged. Barratt), lar teen 1 Dinkles G R. Gunn Campbell G, L. Butler tM x ‘ 4; 2 Wright, ls, Field Summat Bat Gur 1 Hofmann, nell : 5 x Connei Barra hrow frre Chipman. 6; itt, Refecve:) f ou Ciunn manual Attendance teel Umpire i Ata rlaAco H Mr pil eo ivi acd wa ygodile, night ce? ainchi cue ‘ Ae rel ; ated i , (TschalOneg: bngen hrase niBorschk Adolph wsky-Pabst) -HMartto. ited ( < ‘Berce | J Saturday re} ey cae t mn ano; L N oi 10 ria . lke =: r +4 1 1 ne. nherec enjoy d 1 ' oO th -Salt ge-Preston, G = hi demo yeyl a program he ‘ eee Rn be hye f ; DRINKS AND Mt mh. 1 Val fA : A a aApr , determine represent _-_ eu } ly to }ebruary| } "I will Vv m ¢ locall ora ri ‘ he I i : hil -_--| ted ae : ing eS ee ed LAND | the I plant 1 tour Bro Coach asket acc ' 1 so ve } ] \ ‘ ry . -™ eee Apollos ee tn {ee : io nS va oie Ene coachinglack race lO} put mile a be there evening ULKES | follows which final, he for yualify Positior CoA ve prizes The evening 1 1 2 lac ; ar I rR. Wright a and medal t gold a diamond are I | ne 0 ‘onnell i | I Per SS ‘VICTUALS wecd y¥ . Phe 16 of team ‘Jl . | 18; Star. Feb, g 4 ! The reasure, groat season nie Si - || of i ' eri At Eo Hofmann othe for il 1 : loc ay |} doing ae t be numbers OTE mb high my \ os I ‘ val Feasan ne forward W | Le vil in | | i=-%> Six-Day he { a the to strengthen ak it ™ Fs the whieh 180 la team been fas i i cland on ' coenrwho enn W oet tn ont RETIGANG men Be Defeats eG the iur rm ame | ENTRIES forom vO . ; . : | different entirely } n d rend hl which tha ron ram , week few ere ‘ a = two or eat e excention * a a est. re‘divided y peated vhict nke vere ¢ . accempanist, the CaP 10 : yeu 1i ‘ Fin he at his ived created hi wo ! i 1 a; rave eran made be rtewill left, outside ike the in tt BRUBBING | - a Va pee witn hit. great lover : the of dene e] h z 5 able same S the n ; ¢ listtou ich) my| z | i pwhich cago. aE th ‘ Liungarian cond hi cored ‘music ike t -vio- 1 like Th Dg sit at church Congregational Cnet} greeces audience snlendid \ S ‘pproval. 1 ok the A aa ' Balt lo the time aiteriton . } B ¢ ; U be will the eve mi | 7 Sf k ‘ 4 lit nLSnalt I Tow ge Cm mii ' calnur ble Avssociatio 5 ir wo! | - shor : ne-up a : a ent p ‘ GIVEN | the within 1 , Lake on) - En gagement. he Sal . in . Gains Return by Favor | ire} Day! e defend to t earicl « i aso { them (aber a ee inj tir som for to Iureka looking and eGbe rank football ciation ' 4h le a PR ae l-} = ne CONCERT . = Violinist Hungarian | j l mund a grou i » YorOrrie polo eNeW \ » the tl on third. an ‘ squad nd s Ce e 265: . HARTMANN Tower ; a i Fi by - Up. Wake of "fe ollere a ale al Che the end with vo. cafes, and caso: NO. PHONE EB and rene oh ft. BREWING FISHER i A . the by. furnished py: bars ding sale Eureka Want Grounds ‘ Litt Ve of a spirits. depressed | | Foothall will > oot fre eer beer will give you Our "ary Vigor! epee ver ed _- J Ost ere alcoho! animate OUT on eee to St oe ss 4t In --- LAYERS vv with ny A ; Bt cs 2 mile ae quarter 2 is, its Beek has in re hops abe a eto Be eee aye cally pny "eg anaatnere 100d. So eee ee |, rise leave will expedition | - Ba tet < Gare IES Phes i mae Claes2:03 12 won, 2 f°; third. We Time, Leggo, (2, to 9 Tad: furlbnes-Shady pe Burnett, second; Captain ‘ : Gi 2, won, §,to ; Shore, e K ean = Ingham, , third..-.Lime, rf odond: Bae 11 Time, omething be will. +48 4-5. «a and Time, One does] the : Lae ng < Giants the is eatin barn-storming result fart 9 tile. © are ape‘ yal, a op glass a tcaulariy ‘it Use few glasses daily and you will be surprised: to note how mush t eRe ae) eel SO eta a ele a rae Be , co ae BCE tia [cya 3-5. ae ev, 9.to. ‘Pimeteee wa third. 2° wont fuxlon Tour third Martha Jane, second, "Bravoure, See games ies anes 1 ¥ oe 23 r ae ‘Gr ae eee wae crieng) the left never @atoand (Ne dount. Six \ Sina Siaeets inl exhibition, "AWFUL Sadie . hired rasta Glo Kereh e-La k J Skaters Aud il -<--$-_--- classi ‘ and , 5 to Muskoday, eee There» leat BANS ET 8 i iphrey Ibex cond: co eront o-2 ml sore third : é G n, Spot, third -Balbu second; ! he I da Iovent, + { Ss thieti hiladelphia Fe ill n t the mot a) () Ne from oing move i tl 1 f Louisvill Nashvillt a \ t then and Ohio, Columbus 7 practice the whet Vase Ws ing oO won hie 1 v4 Tide, Warly ee rhe d. 4 tick furlong | 4 1. matters pestninbee eondiic ted bein 5 at office business the serappy iit- NM hen tion tl : wae Ae tO j weeks' | in 1 oe Coit ( of his. tew ar we : a direct take wehis-men Graw:will nel a Nav hey Avwhere so le ; ja Ndriv =| Se yriicn ' " aye third Gold all: tea m eae Rae mass LAOS ae the 1d | ' L hed - oe & shes la hee pes 1 | t f \ ee the re hour vr, | coupled, f withae Carey ye ag Rapid three: s upon decided not Y olada?y Lat . allowed ‘the te. ded right basebedi himeetr | Reat giving to is ment he Atte | OF nished TOURNA : ' Mc- Mr. ' | | $-line ie endl} ( Refer | > } Oy t v2 ag a asre' (3); istensen, rows, Fre § As. 41 ' was Longistilla that was c arey | although at a Leggo Dr. rush. Cali- southern of interview, aoe ugnt, he 1d, fact of | fornia | cvorile nt r two:two yearroleolds for I : | }oller , ) vind aye ak to - LosPores Angeles a fos ttogether, nee ine trainirt Bea ae in here ~ Sai Nlaren day,-o first the a\ oS After th i iLocals ip. anne = day few a An40 he meet will men I2astern acuc f , | Hill naj te oe ins league ne oast Pacific beel : Pa ‘ ; ARC Peers ( 4 Kit by the world winte ring is) big the have to hard trying is isco at that three games to I play NMearcu jicagu Ss yet) I arrangements no but pel trip | | heenAe: - comeI hud edE aefort rh Northe¢ ne ree wa j . Lede rut Mader iit x fact and a has been Ibert of Jast year's Giants of remainder The old o1 ased the Chicago at meet will team i | series ‘ ! Orlins i i < an ei Finish Boone ‘oniad to} tl Line LF rich Summary ha .())>° Chamberlam, with| (2); Evar (3): healk ¢ , . Total OL' mut } ne 1 t-); zat Ke \.] Besides |} . plan-|. with \ ne ¥ itsidet { i Laus < ae ind) di 1 > the Jame five. Voladay start perfect and. o a | 4% York he he says expect. until i by Chree s Kare 7 larve Mm Moss m Y + i : vacant | 16 \ yungster | ketball Willcox! {ndulg Hilt} the ‘ ve m ne we aa eres. Alred} ning Wauneganrd | ote . \ \¢ I cl x pees j 1 ¢ | wll I . wih \ sid ulld mvartality ! Sa .: NA By | I } of a oe ms ' ae } 7 "i ability P I ys " re econd 5 Despite ing BF Gf pat m \ 1 iam. . " ) Family of the was won toot , i five stCahill's Carey 5 A nLos ataKkes Important Leggo 2. co00od) sécond; and. Dr, known | | nee legit team, Burns, until an las a Sure starter Rapid and an race, at L.5 favorite 4 to at choice second made | were Mc= J. New the. the VF Olac i ay, som of Fari | reported 1.| | Marely ‘on iy reles A ae he Phat rumor t ‘team this them With: again ‘WN take rey. PACK] to _. the y P jarvela. | me Di 1 ; tive: Bt ohe Was isite sights ae in Reox euch ee Ascot ‘ pha 1 On t Ct ‘a 3i a EA } We \ 1 1 wah made ») the to ine. | Drivine 5 th Hh Ve I fos four 2 SOP ADR G with "ul ist ) h their: Bose th of winner ecles, was thind | Brom 15.--John: one : Pow glk Keel W tL he Afte >i amberltain , k 0 locn ' ‘ = > y old + - of for Metle | Ww. rack pF Izu wa WOT compare ood. : A. C. : : i and M Positions 0| Out ie(i Y. : : at iter { , , j\ " | i] | yenr Angeles Los oY. men, new of already 1g underthe conplayers ease @ ofsigni I9eahh. Mutes = I ge 20W ne Fara = % ire eat ee Sol i ; 4m Phe { acy row ini (is le 9 AT Fee The hasket line 1‘ ‘ : t the that ‘ interesting Serr? in three and lows: » aX ae ost Is . t - ACTIVITY six#£cor{re succeeded ‘ I) enarih@ ae ee After >} urda 8 also the latter forming for and this cot « throws , | his s team for ‘ { , yeh ene . 0 church the iMethodist for game star Sngte Ta ser etituted « of the ¢o, points), the of 1 9% : play Jensen j the mi}, of ‘all. "and pero and visitors 4 : ; oe ae ieht Sanded 7. a his to credited ut ‘ 1 « elcets . all ea 1 Lig aul W surce. he basket field were uskets |. t ne sam levm field three polyints from the "tting locals t i "Plea League. ' BOYS TIDE Feat ins H ; yt i 1 ‘ OF PARLY \ ( eT ‘ || 16.-The Feb Vrancisco, handleap, the richest stake rec reatia ee Wi Bh t bia the) tne Yaol of \ & Ke the rein wrean ‘ ield( 5 f verville int 4 ne St Pikra | Pay hi ATHLETIC || ha Was Marg a of one 14 one work plat tea mo over-abundance an but aliff. a up put not did eir 2 Their their py score or) ofl By 7 pi woeful partment : Vo s Mg ‘ Will insertion. | pede haat \ ‘ J in I ; of Standing ited | unacqua | Lehi gam x tP of are t } ; | to ' se 4 f tl j Uinpire it} } but lot, & willing are they at : ud: ea 1 . * ‘ | Officials-Referee Nuttall Banteof Provo | : ( LF, VOLADY Sen | club CLIME | seaeat baseball league jand secing ‘fornia 2ressed | his ubl-| up TSG oP a ad ad classified 3-line. 4 _It-Ment will Sell blic publican 10 ets. bat It-costs change ‘ ( SS -_-_ Comes Feb. captain 2 the his! Nauonal against : G R. I. G Telkxa i ‘ : i ' tele D ; rat A i zany aiea I 4 : monitionk pe ¥ © 21) . : ol "a 16.-In eb.) Provo | i . oe Porwara Right eae Z Finn lox | eine it bua cr | fe Guard Loafing RENEE ORE | Graw, at o>. wrangling ine from follows: boys ‘of The theline-up PEaGOY Walton faylor Umpire J Peer j orl a BY i Rapid Water to Threeig Koerner Then and Quarters { ij Victory. to Rides xGd z the, mutes vee as advantage any WL to eT Sa ee Poe ' toa Team His Anecles, Los: between. . Tracey alteam his. tor not ne, could even to Geol icez mceeyp Caubes } 4] @had wd dol na} ° . by \ Remain in , Will 2. "at for 24 points landed Low work team iastiiution. , Basketball neg | | California SOUTHERN Umtil ‘vid OP eee ‘ t th Fo bamie setae = av ane seldom ually game a atrong Played . Provo] to: Stat Team . Us Loses {A.C 44 i Vie ‘ ak a ha LIKES -"*freshies'" free from: almoas entirely en fouling 2nd displayed; by team- work The inl Me , ne Se de i Raed Gunst event, ' the ihe er \ stake Senate =| Sa anaegid there was Uile he could | 7 ae Nelmoee ee AD DenaeT . Pree othe' itt ruard 595 two year . old "fillies, «was» won ne was ‘ties staken ce ig ties Toor min rata ‘tp: as ae a: 9 > coon sais " ata sd , . aT Ld She Griffin ‘stable: the' Ie ABOY, by 1 ' ! | 137 ; Bs . ee cs It must be said that| quietly' in Los Angeles, dividing his} Kone nek ehat hin! to: the Gent ea Seda six free throws. was not in danger the game was a rather clean coatest snd 'time between the ponies at Ascot park | that time 6n the race ‘e at a with finished: t 447 -= >) 762 a eement 7 | of anager Giants 1 York | | ! echt RXsasmargin ; hi und Co., Follows aptain- ae ew ; in ee fe q -M C the sporting field,| throughout the from were all of which team, I . "Mugegsy,". of possiblé| sobriquet a of out, four securing besidey eles, tie ey; Ss Str aight ‘Beats aa ivi RAY et ‘unive an : basketball. , ¢ An- alone: ‘v or. | ty 159° 5S Springvill pinay : = 7 L | of the game the mutes' slever forof Low, ' 2 os the : ; boys for too maicl as stage work vard ee _| s Hat $5.00 3 In tan) gamye : hirthada Rit a Lett csrove joys \ n ao pat : Washineto ie MM Phas oe Oy McCo 1} the fro LOU gam : the throwing even ven at Lehi play t did and ame one 1, il helpless "yy icudu eemed basket ut al a ee senso, : 7 : Si of were by the score school local a pe B. to the It was time of Team outplaying = the and. 21, }.to. though, t ee . rotal ' 1 Stake b2S5OMMUCI pame 5 - Lehi eee the . | is 0 |a had oO wiroity' from: fa olx? Lehi nt of eyery The the eee coy his igo.' i met ateth af pun me und Leht Anderso but | wo trong dik toe he whom of ance. Ye } jut Amerie: in. Fork, ual ( Defeated Easily EY stars The stars. time | old n ace r | Eleventh i ln Lel le . whit : a years, {i ten cooat Reis 2 F vk former a | ar. ahs ea = ey Basketball pivergity: TOUS pround metal c oming this ; also , American but heavier, In the the were at ba om by | Pork a - arhe sports a in st det ) a ae manne I were both but win. to ed ser the with "'l only the is who Laubly i A. hw wiheathiea?s has, : 2 | Service Special. Republican, Orden Feb. 16.-Th victeriou Rel busin the red consecufourth its won school ae a a the defeating by night last game : Malstofts. won Whole : Series Apollo the in team Fork 7 an re né and Coach M an 6 - The to "oIetaffs re whe 20 : : , aay Pic arrangé nd rf Fal \ 1 Feb. Ogden, rh 2 to 22 of score a with h : ‘a Fnoear RESTGe PD: 1 uh sere cntire revelation; a was ame the of CCOl ve} | peed eae ae { a: erie os schedu Me Lae 5ev ening this Ror Pearce tae et one about present fan { wi ani ‘d 3 / atl oat Ree ' c re ry "ALSTAI enthusiasts}*9"%°™ i loyal Vi being cing crowd 1¢ the ) | mntog bal ! c e t At . Sener4 BEM (1D. ard. Lot.| DIASes ond. a FAI Fame the of honors The Lan front bat Ik a with presented will be team 162] 7 Ni'! 1 camp score} the: divided, evenly pretty were wLatoe yer = ‘122 196; 173. oflGiav tage differen five tied at heing das! 20-yard are arranged events The A 1A 186 Uo Leedom first] the of close the At 149 speaker Bt ‘eet dash seu-yaru dash lie-yard vel AG 1s Watkin in favor} to 11 13 score stood | halt the and=tm one; the" ur rut s0-vard run mile ron Field events s WELL 7 7 hot Lehi At the close of the econd | Gilbert = = ae "| 76L-2 847° OM. Totals the made Leni 20 to was.20 M6 "| 1alf it vault, pole put, shot twelve-pound LITES GATTI : pla) after seconds in ten basket | final van br ae ie ump . ne Rane en 1 diffi little ne a. Tot y 1aT resumedthe yas the or 76] arrd } ; of features noticéable of One a | bo are who men the aber need 7 at riggs nit + is es uy ! it vd ¢ M. 1% 17. 186 be Me -.good..spirit. the game the recent) , : , sf (41M 7 eee was team Bach idk both on Rolie sted ey 1lowever probability .143-° 440 the , e = 1 ue A a iS; Aan uy? mat Victory. will| -years ir sensational|Agraz rode most and thelest. favtest, February On. Friday evening, finished ; . basketball the Stat which meet track ndoor in the .[went Bast and firirst layed y oat | ch ampionships amateur national D 5 as baskets Of W unt} games in part taken ever has University same and Utah county league ‘series, the Lehi}which he deserted the between tht MC i a flin theryy: a ee penpals PB deri ments tle Director Brown week jast met *k 4 : 4 Nexes (ror race carry reste ls His ippear Bfurton. 7 who brother hard- the. of and rabbe -- present] where| the r Nc 5 At City, ould auc 1 most will) one i 16:-In Meb. . FA. | cy the. Downing Hardy year. Mills i: - thas money game ine ¥ the hool ¥ much Hats. estas theah shafts ag clewtiing Beew dceis ‘ "yevdel a nz Netees ictYY Suntan ho and possess, g and eed Proving Close 2 ue Lea Basketball nt Co h Ut Call | for time about was it Paeuiele "that. farni| parents' his to back to go iim that regain iia in wear a spend and par- to pe emitt "1 : | looks.wery _Freneh inte rest 9 is ith at fans He ray' tte inone from graduated Wes if a man reason no he saw fall. in the stitution peu it Paris, to Law- osu ed then ene other Burton have Eds Rican ea ane STenan annie uee on Pot 7 ORI Nes Seen GER aE bemoan Prin d acca aitner ster. \ i why ap n eligibility _ question iL perhe thought $4.00 °o - nn an: { preb-}) ith season this going Son 5 impose i just may others they but football affect one-year.» that sald. invall bE Style $5.00 | eee ee weer Te Pie a proceed two/w i the -and:.then' rives. bile loose all of decks the cle _ to neound -.be-fontlog., may that? a say that they' do not intend to be z fle: to tated to on the terms relative ball. the. . .Qm Maddock men of tracks attendance | the item Another their and rifle the meets: |.race eligibility of way the 22 a representatives | selves with University is growing stand] to willing be will The they Benajon. that say at much any e z be put against Lawson when ketball team av o > ' a nee cleventh its annexed Blind and Deaf sveh fates aa N ao ‘Chapman list this afternoon to its victory iraight clifms to have mee ts last summer, good MeGraw of th team freshman the defeating con-|by a to attached signature ac's" tread see| . ru oe Ur Lake Salt. jn his, appearance for - Me spectators} and shooters the for Inter-col-|shade Utah of the meeting At-the All both. for provided will be seats Ken-|and in the Conference Athletic legiate eke aye SeRe en to are iny eae University will} ee or per this yeu only! c have the fair sex late Of men. Cummings,| can y represente " themenjoying grounds the on seen been Fred| and Scranton Fred Maddock; Geach for in quality. jability rae me pe ‘afford will: bowery' The. made. be. to against ; more many will accommodate befast and is growlnge Each have may arrangements other and Utah}room is formed this members eX-] to see something long fore of amateur] the way etsons t St as c i as 0. a ep hard- ee n ri for thé ‘building of a store-house and one the present adjoining sen ini y he ot howery ; 20-foot more much clubs both give will This baseball. : least the den I If University. the will be able sports in good ceptionally' 5 There's; $3,00 AGENTS : cither a Montana or Idaho tournament No two-men combination tha ‘t pa Last week, inasmuch as the Rifle « lub{ straddled a bieyele Mack + ind is now present} the is at he w har Paris, of new)in a number added elty has of this members, the.Gun club tet a_ contract time riding: a series of match races Salt' Lake High schools: the] teams J from] if possible, and, A the 0 | and! t Y. B. C, and Y¥. B. U., buy more a "phy: hee pal Maddocle is Golltg to put all his or DI into organizing an amateur school formed] if league This league baseball will be between the Y; M. C.°A.; the Og-| and D,. S. A. G tho WAS FE eo that the will event ‘ ot 1 L in is MacFarland big he eat ra May MaeParlond i Whether |} with « onflict. probable a ‘to owing <a ; : qecide after-]| o es Lrom ) sent again. meets yet jis as the deal with connected is now}]way Callison ‘squad the of Captain Whipping his team into shape to atte nd{a@ question. It was with Macliarland ‘ Tin } rhoo hat Iver teamed when he was brought en jt shoot which take annual Utah-Tdaho the cague On. aoe for ae ae Pont in ear ar June in Ma sometime in Ogden place 1 4 ee the tah-Inter-l"phe date ag vet has not deen Y definitely 1 1c .CYCHNE canoe ¥V GF Since this a . SO] ae ce neodle tempt npting - ic oe entric ¢ ras ii like either would who on a people racing Prench jth [thougnt Klimmering, aod. scorecards of Muropean race signified thelr intention of ea with thelr guns at the] all -K but . ‘tm ihe appear L, ake | Today. morning can here. at SALT LAKE CITY Cap-lagain 17; Schefskl, Shooting o'elock and traps to ted} on 28;°° A. C . There ( nt a x fy aiinae fo ( go vill wht ch: ] he will . after = 18/ dia that s in dec Pee association fu Athletic mpegs collegiate 2 7a 42; Shahn, Clement, Brooks, bim- " As 7 Topop a ; it. . Basel Want as a °meeting isthe of reaches tain a bouncing] the boys hav eanalate ~ |) retting busy fjc he ont che ball wide : ciaims calls cine yro1 aes and = f Picknell, out Coach what « dtdrop ableed ie will team was preparing afternoon Saturday for coaching the team on the nrond P and varsity the @oachi nring Rtas are WELTON have Lawson Iver) March of cde t "al Por on|y to allow 76nd es s fo oO bird The go direct : match ; will weeks, feur blue-rocks the thllowac bavier and)or 40 agreed Parker i match, . posi-|.t0 : shoot made} having pitcher, trysout on tion Spring i a you ever before. Besides most of the men| féirly blew the clay birds out of the sk) jnow He Goldtield; and" has written to| ftom-the team: of last ‘year,' thevwhrslt) and made 47 out of a fossible ™. John-|) Bennie telling him of the wealth son i on a previous score had made 42 out] wounding at o ee = i _ ; in the Nevada camp Or 4 with her a number of star men|of 50 and being an amateur thought thatithe first of March jen will : from outside schools this year Principal] the old members of the club should allow jto Jed, where he will work around for the newcomers elther some dead*birds or} t couple of months, then he will retua fe ] right among these is Palm, the husky ' it , Salt , © ore targets to shor rder|to Salt ! Lake] for the} s ‘ : gRuard~of the football team Palm js go Lowe. Ar Bet ‘ hoot at in ordet seuson ; ' Speen ec : cone ut the ! ome hanee to win a C } a 5 17, 1907. CITY, UTAH, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY LAKE SALT REPUBLICAN, THE INTER-MOUNTAIN een ate ert oO d -. nh ‘ ‘ 0 t council, whi Following et na whiskey, of bottl a $1.50 cured first the the club they) had, they meals the with that decided : feasted and ‘ v and Tes square took : to theho P Pioneer"re square gangs of Dt were}Up and drutk became. Ll Thes eo { atl } i Tv A 1 reas sy) Cre Mt wre l yois found lo been} hi he be of fot s« the ‘ up clean j charge me the om ted Vn reets and break to reak t on around : 1 tlouse r. in v Work sidewalks, |