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Show VOR WW two FP Py errr FPLa. ~~ PPO OTS CEST IV IV TTT VHT opportunit y rane EER _ the present this che : wav genase map Lig A I ET I come. have Seat oe hee 4 2? Bs at || D Tyle n thdramnatic C: Bree 0 ng geof the Geor executive e de- ic onginni SS wift and . know cuted perse af. pan |j head of the well in own firm of Liebcee : celtfu SA l.fate Nita abana.beautiful da put: oree | acae and |ler: s & ‘Co., mother, a and ne E prinof are. the. Se nad Aawel eat r." \ WHE 2 village D ae in na i MASS . LEA j ays T "Th e@ Ragged Messenge el] | Jear ran ore new Roi ; J ers? Russel, May BO to attemake osf up Series: of toberts eg a) a J es e "The!G Lewis.) some en at the Libe ziberty theal's tecomed ( Bywo Alfred reston M Clark Henry e Acne + Mian dur rat Newel pai Sntis arke a will présent Yor) ne y give t New. Wishi ng ae aren nf AreeCOA to in Ragged‘d A ork. |tre vibe othe pias ylay canof Tre Messe ree! heh wAepen 5 he of ‘ais Salt c FE |‘ " |" ers PUES ss, Ev is every whe Lake fo succe r, y r »>\her Salt Kidde -the at the a ae , b tunit rom ; ' er theyppor Gnas me ss for - engaged es Sy theatre Betaksar ay, Tuesday pa a nsible- for. Is responsi! < tendeir, touch <a , Wediies-| yore erest PAF keew oa in e av art money ht4 N heart-iInt there Kew at tic, g 14-W that tt thus' wise he-Lyr lo \aper at at-ja Feb. ing ane eded nédws Till "atom iteres pathe aide 1 the proce York, ak lay next with Wedn esday ~~ matinee,! New we nk was| jay New ree roy ; ayric, i d] ‘ ¢ a ae signe ednesday a roor > ‘ gee bthes author oe ae to eee?" hired the ut prae a : é t fore ret ous Waln at It the wher 5 . era Will a for the new ‘ ion day. Th | dara r - t ré 2 hie "his Spicat exper ; Snip has!$ 1: hew 8S m@ qnest starting . "-p its modern emoi ional drama Ran h playe fe i of ‘ en exceed to rath n and up the é Lyric! vis |e y" mote perso ee se ' given a Valle sald. | p e defén ful rical he were e entir e night murd ' the took Peace S theat charg w and. et the ire. . sane | Sunday pars der. then, ve Poor Re he "The teenie "experts" ingly \ ugog Rus- Rekau . aes, and fift asCa st world when thee it ifih ago, y theréof.|0 Pelee insanitys-ha repe ated the the Ocibrdééne) 2U testimony . most. bes feetee Ts the agit be ' is easily. a he ready, l famou a md.i d mises w far expert was toy mi lene vehicicle is tives , He succeags one a omilionaire ) e& ; note sists ote a big eds(roe | : ° comatiil: ia |. WRK, aer Sean e tk | Twoe detecthe reporter Tite ren ae 2a effort: made Tk belts Dun- | discovered new: r is Thi by Skane ik*kiMo to enst inclu'des § Missi. Elino of justice. is Wher for an e stag ore. aN BeBe. Vihiataes Jast ft.) litt! eae this the cause provision for wish NE tio. his will bar,Phe Miss Plt: t there ) reasons of| gere ndan Ella J i eee poor 1 be sure icae libra is Miss ers th 1 patro t the pate t ns othe r,. ; | : the! memb Be ry? the Taylo of -or to please defe t | Mort tle. to aeth the imlnister, the Rev.Ca . ® Pate Spat up John = Hizab ba ' a on's Onder kaise Ae eo ; g Robs takin on, who , 2 This.) ~~ : "| Miss reporter, eRRAUEIN EW tha -ah i: ng .' were Sie forplayers aD ainedhis themouth se on in- |} latter gentleman was in ar Jaw: beque ‘Aho foror thisi, | none of this trouble. the ratur : oD Experts well act is been eS an-immen to enll) tinde ch d be tn ructe ite come with foster J t became to ine, doctor Wisntocex al pay| Sanity us plans. ay season, © to high; they may mari. bas | in any to two i 4 nicl a thet the icheme them: is full Py pert by fated' this is nat oor their | plain vee "e te s. and them cup Tis: ehtnhrene tat nary | not aie we hire confidence é . | fr half dozen. ite a book to} a write OMe eritye 10 would sala ove seb i. want to da way, ad "un s ums Re « the iach inestari are s happsani n the ordi they | perts" ‘ica there and spasm x as well] a : cr Insane (he ertain , authoT ritie rv ination, were a Nanni fae layman or,intonot ought ie » cons PE ain Work affidayi avits, be- | libr which ho; affid B, HAY. required. m. HOUSES Of HetugKe 4 played. se ; eet.|Allasfor those "ate | wise y at Kew be in 1 hihis intell belovnes i lite rr ay> of the. slums asylu Mr. | months his withi r are ore he could. ee ding cracks Be: SOe an here ; ‘ mibeicsd dilemma the! a Or A acourse of ac ‘om | defense if ries "experts" that sé bethought You who read two That) t Irya way out ‘ he Tyler when. the the RS SF, rey its) until Wgaghens te se sy a Miss" state : eng: : op was. a}su ed 55) the lishinent, had a nated trap ngag for (ol w He st rts," ! diy -twol Wiha "expe rving wreby cor eee et..s Phose rs they were t in acd7 ra » "ex with Vallavedt from "hik-sdiesalate speci called this cost The| ot all aeab; OW ances. were h - series ofHC to experts' lleved miltlio notary | suy necessity. Co get G ee the at the care-)anlt eng ecg swe ; iurry he ranlated. old- spd a and opr oroby reason Miss Js. ce on any, of} trial for that ait] : reporter pee 2 lie cand «ar - onducted ®) , concelve | ful Jaw ie wig recise id ar that the fi bet ' dance SS the cheer had placing | lines | . fa of eived and jus heir, dant. 1 edat a er! -dises defen allen. traps of had o Hy uncov the p head. ind aimeLy word: } w ak the . at wate wink ite " every, less as her yard turned penni true yet over, free ea was) -Moré And Jury set, i t Cr m. them. thé an as the dor on a: 7 may wholly g whiteto} | told bound tobson's e be worth composed the required "exper " S$ . poor," youn to ae 3 made ® two : or. it- fracceases ihien: Atoeth. xperts But whe compar > ing the! decid be sureébuld _| Wie rat on's time i speé alty ates 2 unavailable an ee itself send . of finds intolaffiday a the‘ él a mi erOrin wa!1s ‘ spect ding matician the h Situa regar A : greatr. wealt a, his consweerated . itive a ; 7 ween ae tok. mutie newWY orgunization (onitt: te indieGtéd: ere youel: sseniedh mules ution Also one ‘for A} work : third | [eo the 5 repor awe ating five r. of them the made x orel nes ne ; in' had mie matic tobson | Miss Tob altered. c-Carnt s ged hich comes ce pr odigiously y ss wron y? gated in a succe thitt 1 |) 2 pa play ete , detect) such "you ae aa appesared : with| the1 of "eexperts,' lan that le may. ‘ scout suitable The man," Scuror eloud appe her tive «a 1o that lelec rts." hake of ains : "expe m His = Es o fe : ss } these promieet | pair..of the DThdila! tooth \ Pi eEloee the and. ieee Bis he eps ration roseentl on does lve same, it jsaid going 8 4 p ng : the <Grka»)ke ue ma: : : thus retained hae big oon, Ye. re of findi PE aie i e at : einid 6" learn flown lous a "e being vidlent d- help turned} & B: 1 neveon Cail se yee in | gd, he. ie he rshad he cone ‘{ enlis Pp vers is her Py fo -as. high} 4 take disco experts whenhi he cen were hin The r - docto sted: ; horro j BOOK ve ile to n,"* so . .person.of. a ihe side ee the middick\ }\ is ide ye \defendanant De- | ohe rh 6 renoy, to -Pulto bb was]on Istous fi tl 16 S d win -of, town ore et the vits t kill s ar in affida the Serre any erasy of Tr the hea on 1 time r, locke this while] d en ing, ee at the took chair Bc xDe See horte zy was' ledge . Mult | know ten upon hile! 2 They cing ip in the A amed " thre > ie her, a eamed to upon. -fens those « who fo rematy equala ly sure * ti ths pnee . tHe rushes s e 7 reporter, Ler ‘ ae defense,< the gh. there. 2eMmL tt H el| aap lun 1. . ldia ji ied syV2S, S¢ spposed are + on name throu .of : ao clear mind one dad, and cs s mola of rona Gale ade Ni go0d is bein wt Flope. ope aa me pti for hale i umiable ale's: gar. | weeks s were ; myse pened: letterwith brilliantly pa hvedrt a lad J As ntl t is talks erdat hs ; 2 bebeg Evide ws theti 2 nid ' i I hacad daily p 1 firmly y failed to under exXx 2 ™ de 5 alot Be yself, ae s ? grea open ; : the y force tryi r } from 4 denbl pert are net ther th rat these serery ja e waa Mand "of BaVeS radation, ! ea "experts Lone "Experts" Corne ed aR 2 ‘ r the Reporter. . nstitution: to do j lieve ces of her | tinea rying when ‘ 3 ¢ ane ntly denounce Tee < 7 "Rom viole experté jeach re in those beliefs, er witl The |! ‘SURtas yvel, nove talked Tslanda," her alone ae adsae e. 1 and all since : perts in are h the ‘reporter wise J they . is ome 3 urmcertainls y ofof the}j.¢, It scené| : s Co., India-oe | bane to for the z hour the trouz= bles ttuion: in tit rereachnes this . whichie Bobb Merrill & They e for an. « his. sin of theie insti Sadat howev sh ed | whole on Clark arke discover show napol -mental); business, n s Cees is plainly apey le +e that Crest tie | p:of { hem wever, ; "so as belore ‘4 nadeFrivin whit ' Not have‘ printed. pl ease never cys much yy him) )1'3 stor polis,appre ee } ceen heights tained of the tests impressed : it | parer but ciation acto ry, bunehe Ss as of Te: ae this periadaps, What ertcan | Ameri l wie or &ny other ahiboth that most conthe incod ht ! em pon EHabo cee won , t | versati are eae\* not ask ; icar : was his : if -T! r upo of cours ‘ . reporter swe porter: They asasked: the repor atill of both. . canno Deo mm eS nes aha : tage 7 today \ vould. ation: Cae f course, ends ah An a the unti Thaw bi isines HeMhey 3 n cases right abut w not1e play, etr for be the nesty he. Aobeie est ; hea that. a ; as inter ed Was e? |s nce ine happliy,: repli { Angan audie thi I that. mind err disho 1 ' the in yan t ian itjt is is-err r are rather intilY newsp:paper sort, man g deepe . : whole | 1 nace oOo thin ce or the " | "Not this Sank ti some been justi un ‘ hs nie Is- | that says: as oUt fear g gs ‘Re She arie! ask to disch ‘Romance has n‘ writin n of hu o . : then, don't g ot) DYS gauntlet , do you work?" ex wherewlt a ho emotior ease \sane? I-vventured readyy man g Why, 1 might e t. one Che land' Ree that experts" | 4) Where OF hope = "exper "v endi ao the ijnng r lite be ted uh ae light ne: CI a vietl m certain n lig cand fall things Kan here In Sce phe on insanity Mana such. oh to a y a tes "Oat FECA © intervals pepert!. »hase such sould:of teach ' time von "What my \ chara' Offer athats. cter of i ers, r eum lueld chara less fart | one =e . 1 e y value the Orph question | 2 who on : tjmon to. °bi the one ‘ i the tempe ! atth n si ‘ . What since Vere ly, happe | y, me. ta s grave .now er, 1 eatae oO ' } report 2 t right ne. in The try sane likelymost to plac rise well is bly jon the n vA ie in 1 rises rmattl ee When y Hiala aaa n istr mathe s in 1e¢ curta eY no oneas else idin chem : or Cee 4 _ or cand r he ) would. be' tr gave > t will aa) i ave ji-will|\ pilf- atthe » one's self suita assuming you sis answers, Orpheum. later Ssper there of , morrow that then, 2s booktime, h Fro no chance, a 2 S name t re3 Ay lone: o f th the Hk ow. the one " that OS) mn my a 1c]| ‘ pro- } bhi disclose expe ce hte ‘experta . rece SnYOU <6persisted ‘ really ‘paper. glance Av‘ that ee dstained «© must o be this oie pleasing the ome roca ception { the p of: : nged. ie of pperter, ° excha instead of doing full had grams seen in perfer AG L bsby[3.@) some glances: -me s, oneHi: of Re eae ine here ction | met nt to or ever How us attra é€ mome mea side sane re " in ning ae : ry prospero ily. featu ¢ a featur a I © - ientifie~ 2 ts . ae ti ipal will -Ar-| emenone e hy a eickeroees w net staton ovieaeta princ ions of che i Aiin you ; ips company the Heaua |. punter and sefore ym ; theBe other. stone This So oe were the delus one » Insana e? Jlere et a 4 le =o t angib pees but one's gravest . sand ee ic senic:is Mere pons in. -supposed| in Mm vee y ofgratifying wt artist ae and most wits c wholl bee peo sound?" - tually mania to est t and a hopes as passed are heavivie at nk ne ets apparent bility @ writer ec 19 wo four peasc playl suita great d on. the i himself. of I oaks make the sceni impor a ‘ nonths,"' Fatt mptecia portbecome returned Z W eo to are not edpihie 5 : is n-one of ihe : A. a ixnths taught xdert! Saudevile ataee" TP ttane has Also ofthose ig of d ce tow es age ant erlen daili the ble : v tori pal oosis safer : y: vehever that ne ly howe -you| wever ' Neo began may ) rian ; zed "ill as would Phen it is considerab ‘Ve & ; capsi"expe intervals . vn | rts rock 1a a alfer1 ing " Cth eiliier y may ee most? ter thelrheart do mentl | in ban opposinga is to xperts stle of of real told ; a like is {rin 4d iingi Story k c est one : i h w not Inter ashen boat did art the | oe it . prais say an ; 10 e e for4 what tthe co-| ter e aker y Fran ; drear repor ‘Trav essm atel 4 involying r, | the a-dr as stin Ye of po d Weto you ow = he ard aa 4 sanity,j as mean,n ee to ask ee thatLe serve be Achy a oe hati ‘where around a mission, ask what "Pe ely, Insanity5 motor Siso Prussian ison had nt bryec beso, : Vdike:. lf | | easily At candi himsehas t art she Ke /to.iz0 to?" the lilion ide Iis, Is King aes : h vi «) eran enoug tl Enel: abilit ou of Bes ys enou ts ga Kew. "ngeland permiae actor ce ays aun hime oy which tages the | Shasped. sciennee = ce me, ftna was alwa eee AS er that 4 scien surrounde a | tr ne - rock cl | Anoth as docto At Sele ntifie to di scove' r exee N asa J ne eg rs 2 so ni¢ shoululd tw ‘ vith ing of | twe la curte. with a s1GeRy Noth ack-l ir oge ites!andac gethernas ce rs, ee including capzlable inivibee |, ts £ zx I'm craay. Be. at the Aexper 12 compels douk ess _|alt bel n i Be & reedi ngly ieee d i liso ourti ceedi d woul and Gemc se passe ‘e i y a fs is Ww IEFEEto ing t ully nlled el: mean Avs Flor-} painftween a_le ading: Harry to Ppput i n alx 2 s was bad. cane" you, Mabel ,' vy be Semisconstru ut observed, hd" 3s:sue CXROiss to expert n i have herei «? se ag "thes is ia ceess you . who to : say3 diffi enuit Spe-|v WT hat in. findi sa : ber eae enee, je-reason -b I'm sane.": 80: y-not t 8 }imonths In the trial the nents. zo desire to xo} known here, idings out ee. fun io present rat is well y-disagr ial | scene IS carrie oe tea not(hg « ace yn plisa cial IRVING "lex = dietdid MISS this - sry mt '« dere nse called ; 2 SABEL eves ded : has - oS carried for = ie are sighs a .W experts" inten g y ria| pn lens . tion. to do. there. are ae what d 4h ue ¢ and Wéyar : get standd and Wag mC th: wak the to are agner a Iue b ere we Lezevy, ye Salt Lake gets a Wl eT of eav i at agai sake ch up. end cvans In Bert. As Sear t ex in ; aking exper yet. a the n ne . not Susa liner a young is In saintsit Wood OL rape second Asya ‘Ge "Tin. 7a "expe ! sti Scarecrow' ween the ye oe of state : y and f Le o trl anx Messr The Wi perts™ x esda tint Sat-| phal . their a Lyric Wilson, . this Miss Vera usual Wedn ia an- rearoe says: sday and York captured éra con S, ph | waiti eag Peor New nelic rlum n nse an GE epg ye th = (LeJin Page, ng ; t that ; imme ' OR tt y MCESI chan the wer, Kk mat GE Emme PYP e . s actTosto His we | lt mean the ce on Budd D. whomLevy' Charl weé i urduy icles' . gi se all: nF as Levy's & an it "Bert ates . j ng. St nith, "ex ive. eager eo : | negat Jim H f clever sta inees will beor given C. Fz oer } as the. . te {is Arthur thersrie upon: ye ane che stage age. ow Ths ) Washington's; in n asa awaid Intro | oe n nm ED. 1S ER ere waki ; : feds: matinee n :8 CEN El in : due Y special eal. possibilities .are es an immibor s Th the as New MANAGE R ene There Te faes~ | bir thde Ly in aee pecialties‘ sduced théin practical j age when weekly. page voach 9 dae New ng . s Yorkmore to le weil Not hw ontab fe Fa I s Senes a the unpr ie leave icl act ree aps 1 teaa nothi ong ‘ s h-wh perh rs disag each wile grap atyas | docto Centr et uone d said." a be pring vittieisms ‘ ‘The Sorceress." > hans: chia ; in anal abetvood aa O'Neill in theaa Bllz thé O'Nei He E thre - 1as peaasee ania: in cane Ss may rebe h. ;Nance comedy br laugh The Y miles, make LE ae 76 cause will e Flood d a nt ers PA will : ‘adoa and yiCY sbroth If "ex "ha Nant piers 4 :+h hatil climaxes, that ar 19 2 20 on Insanity are f..Miss ge .the.. ‘Tin. Wood dman'|seid: }/ter, and-s w ha e bid for . the 7 big laugh < and ' B y ired to « aCe Fons ts" NanceapectO'Ne . sou | thrfill all paareCro ' e unreal 9 b a 18 sit- were only2 alau a -Sard u's great M living tien Sardo startling: ee and the"A Jolly In Vigté Wednesday ts Amer and Is.: neéperc Renate eae dstont ood" iar'. aeeecany Tuesday then nations coniair ied in 2 this onday, "Th not ae y Ameri-| trayw aid, build about} cases, -T Inquisition, AT o3 poe pats ce. t ag justi of the DAY p. tl retainoside,.. robus biltor NES ‘Pram a 3. hey bn lde MINE WED U : S R l and 4a | sttain nat . cal MATINE ot:.do und : bocintetestcall< a artis Teo - | J fai) Porceress geil did mete the non-p raiser to be afy like Sierees a were with d ay s snn the nt They ast sheul parti, and - lover é Oo ch. Miss] true ere conte : ae al. rag of mn 4 a every that] re ms at ; : ante ut e a "Vv "Vass Is ie teh ee has ease tueth by y their O'Neil eee dy eewitho popularity gooo S a. rowing ‘ in m | tere Amit of the ynusical e cOine kled s the to De |e Seastig, on vy tetarn . winu inate aw n. Me name, plenga2t e- oswith? i drier etie 1 Star Who Twin Benuc "" htly¥ Last ; nus the |eyerywason Satee , a se?" thicomedhlin, ‘ 1 role so Brig kh S seer enue: ed aire. of . : caire vided with Nett tn that i or sisieur possiblities x is he : hoe diy | Th kine' as "STon ine not ‘ ma i ardly ; , gosng t i seagate M should ae tin the hands ers a (hem , Boreeas porn lonair | foe the- lbeautiful blunderi ish oe on willl Moor woman beor: . eaans hos every chaui oy this tl r* tU) < cli ‘ z in by &)ot i ae ; At Satay an has 1, thenm= 2 eWent ; created Wot re ab With fram Ix ,esiouin wi "ltz oo nrs pe how e s e o babyati and Tnd aArar As eimain ts ana ; frolte aides 1¥ve figh oth ns as feutiiant as wre weete if nies 4 iy ne LOY : tho er ibe. cn sieely Neary all Tent: egdat Aisgighee : wus, id,T as , they : are. to the \ : indee od re raerian drag e heautMin\ ted . . xperts" the CeC a, gand, the toy of-} i aT e | ween Be be strid : Thet es at can soar ‘ ts th aren story Hine iS result l riot "the memer tank which entér -Ump Mt a) bickering | rat T NERS é The NEN in re nothing |pctet 1 t by. 1S "The i ont rer a ot | when the oii ye th rei 7 to eee en in thi neeid . Te setae Wane! in oe na Nak Me Latir n a terms of et inp isthe is" elyt rhiaNe Info ‘better than fox -Cinpire no The $ e i ntedeal thernwae getting af rate contere by eee rare. : And if wew are wise | ¢ contradietiion, | a: u continult ry ; elabo the 1D rum: followed ' php t that inere wit! ar signs j tna, i Comedy y _ » utilizing resounding idict 7 profou ndly fintes aa Modern day as ; wi un pire , andja we will i any ature | dedueti ll tions In the liter hail iseba eure Jin step. aeUntil Ne ¢ 1 in udilo . f o at ywond now | er a : ad witeherat inste ratl 5 2 Only 2 day aul ? =of A f Saiieny an; * : e v it . la spellbound Calib " drums Wie with e erat. th ‘ en-ja and many ne value. Sard z so the as Heht devils of 1 on Ove <t o tes:l wdow s eh: o ectspee n ohh= ind}and en ‘ Vhims imax will : be ye i an As lov wx teil t httu \ ry me: lelig Jet i nie tit "experts "Th 7 thal) bid inkanity, inaf ugie on fully built te roo if posal wid \ i By whith ' the ira iin j ~ A | MA It f (i s patrons Sead ee P, ue four of a 2cts acts,. ir the detectty please should. wens A eg ac likes Ure ae tate and ‘ i crory vEe soon ue Stu-] :: me : sclen of tists i psychical 1 ope getti2 n sil | we which In comic tong t a os ited a pera & |dents have r ue i provides umthat fo } tlq a 16Ha ee and ata Adums ave 1M law ‘the |" ' the « ' ition asyl to call {issourl wh an re to J e * wont trent miny sc a be Wwe ie aes the nalfleldstykof Vik 1 wings land not of' for Rena " Ore Intoperso aie fairy doc h ings bread two for Josep it of ore word distinet Ree the We ria op "Ht These ev aplot. oo while writer hiteh eee wed techy crazy ae ia ! Is tS eveni the ‘ : P A he ap the of | A ren i ° into swear I subject wl who woven rec are vith has ie. of I unrealiiies the one must c voice out It. is. be-fraug! actual dc rk} S eae se own plece Cae He acting, her Which Ber en a the ; |Esrpiers of thus e ANGLES } order be Uke heaven: yur may in D noblest, Sie i } MEDIE the Che ae the ; yOof. examination, ieul wems Ae md o been | well am Hl as and displaying aes Kling sécre hdig } nr sas by tts bau ae of grasping wey.ee s And condf ucted ; i 7 the ‘ ing's é Kkipl from ce oo de < are Mr. offer far. th inquiry fot characteristics the } ture ies carry of ett ; t not tunit Mc oppor | CEE Pred : ill nNOtiC cuaren =e ou 1 ind ier ory tol welCCAe al seems ‘ Yt plion LO. ‘ in poe a Rae statute ae ar nd certain 1 The a aecess stu' lat ‘ sey |. wictinis of protestations by through. (Hemera Ve wheis feelings iteved i. {eome author as ives the is achi approval, but the eved of ee : aE ful with con poe iy there 4 was..chosen £ ef COMLLC that) me seriously , no: means itgknown an. unmistal ‘a Pitt : bet want with egura one taking the not hist ol junction make : 13 any to ° ugh,' some say | ™4Y wh eciationame gt : appr comedian il InQst: and ‘ grave pein nae so at é at the se am aoe in o AF for ic 1 story lunat of ‘the. realm such|* part somewhat the fs and the graduates In of the) token ty it art alues her composed f 18 SDE ae the ofsame O'N liber big y chorus, the Miss ‘| things ee: of absort nollegroiat1| nS bape careless the what capacity "ani ; oeaaty of, of gre eenve aie "broiler means ae F | ler ARGUE no ; i , ‘Now, famous. 1 the unlimited oh S if é f first news finds" is in lutely ss : himaelt| Chicaga, 8 7 Ae e e mentallt theatre, ' whos he. a . Salle Iv a wae n physique, ita wie adds p that sue es ETREa es ' ded irriv haracter, af aAnad rsug "Th Par . ale ee de real bars gh with throu has > "9 ill asylum's be, , Iam Unypire ‘ e oan combined do never es a? ‘ in the e ana ares ht h to il‘ whie ‘ e: on ‘ rh fae: Leaves hard ee : no ; Smallthe measur proficienwas | wo show U tes do Kipling inremitting natiin. iment : as htrib town ¢ a oot tle ver, veal f enioy ¢ 1 } stor made | Tlowe oy: ‘ an a Hae oe thheri iy, od! Ee reserve Cl force - Ne rk is yanot vee Mi in Kansas power, anwelon~ farce, | that: oh ae ewspaper : prese aT Anan the )lees SSE V ail oO 4 ee 4) ae eee eh 1 2 ast \ STAR ‘ After awells a Tusl eR of charnt fy) the} aT eae i in Search s‘nnobling Susan cal aR d." \ ae tuated he by wrote isusban ada; less. or, "7 ! in Beep eee ae More. when he oa ser2ine tismet sh , i wes aes presented aere S be ‘hark shis Rende ary A stances | Bente orf w cl theat suspi ein foe Lake be l Cash; es ) el Salt x ard: ‘T may that news soon at1 th any the 2y : i ad ewspaper a ee to ighbor, wi as the: ve ceress" door belie that brings: ican | te y Amer don't ing statu [ u open the t re one ee decla must] as \Lis one and mouse Irvin ' It. would. : rs g,t | comedienne ‘AbY D ny the Asan here up playe 7 : ie of cruelty. | tl 10use of ‘Pram Hee ymmpa x sels o F th yi fashions - them American i all selves, have been quite @her. ; and ays Thursday, ude. Jolly ot A pron, next find tre-F rl to | injustice men. theatre might ay, ko to‘ o our-t } a | ai il int en play g 1 ay | Sem had new sdia lls that} d ‘Thur eS Howe Sotii ded i two : A next: of ant if Mr. " . x her da mouse." ignorance the the . Grand the 1 Lo r a3 dno luni missionary through " appea come s come as. a 3 u for Als and locked ae is rda in io-S il ch of a Hus-| lunatics. nights ii ay, suddenly p as three a for ig alewac | i mati cei rte it newspaper"expe ‘ one day ' the that rts ! 4 Satur tol oO ay tb : of tthe particularly exper L oe .eat‘ 2e6 ind nnt ah tness 2 iii maaeu T. as . ay good the IMIS PESS melodram WAIL 1. OF th THE ijeved in to jlows nobody re ‘ comedy i . as lit e loroo ah theatre-goers and the docto2 rs knew ; taste of the reuit this Stout euse Gi 1 i held - that 4; to t aT and. Have ly HL‘ ¢ ghost it come U iey Stl) his" | written. > when with h thi with bolt was is vat ill wind, for); the Winter rei as laymen, olts the tle rif en.in. espe testing ec uchs, and mowed toven‘ terta wheels rivet }had it not been . malicious thedea s of that said ping he play, thepeES my or- the fingers at g ee : tryin ee His hing and 1 h clutc { ngers eae ean in-my me intelligence before human stands the He that | ble kT engine, ‘ ' | show deto path, and : y this theor | To test ¢ ‘J . feats wore aaite ~ | stands no ; and x were ween ES ed ET purposes my ects law Pe interpolat 4 1 Me Whee the ‘| of wae me man sane lays ! He UP Biaat 4 looking S sepa against : to euard | of arms his with inter ------------ snow Srey 4 and rain ee of a ee 1] g, her rule | fair . cess ,to 1 " Cup on vive NE l it O'Nei | the Mix drat maa i oe OO : KING HARRISON , <ING seit sO? Bi re at Foe," tterest Orpheum. oe ome eS aks Salaed 0 PTE ----- sie the "Our In' ie J ar They time. the goods every h-house ty}\ © * who ats : of the roug 1erob t aa killing rails wo k and rely on rapid scream. senhouse y greatest make the : Surope's 2 Yuma wis¢ the e puzzl to d . boun Is act n* sevel Is. e t o heigh is s weight s Rrce in YumaYuma one .in-a is this all And Bo z nche fourteer wo ind twenty-C high easun en ine. inches sixte it soi ‘a yAo ibe full srietl brim ‘ rtionist V act ‘ with s1ties rix nae : irix ott, Presc > and ).e BIN tO Cue are. era dexof pedi "i netaee rythm tion inute ae xhibi with grace trp and aay ifteen-m . ee aati Lerity ; Mrs to se rt sid Mi1 ; banjo,"" will the of s exponent duet and. greatest solo: of number a render In trument hern popular sout on me also kinodrome popular. . ever its list for the on ones good has some pie : tion m otio ‘ stellar the week, TR: coming en ess Carel the being cure "A z For. ‘ the | i to treated } | \ o> jjTT MiA | cay a eo ay 0 ses sal _ 6 : Che play e Rang Texas vunBs makeup A its " in ‘ melodramatic eel though * iohes the } f lass among a le acapab ranks acpe ne > fs , will jn the ind company this comprise us busitors tremendous a do dly undoubte b | of o play is country are attention : on,, frandCharles Rivers, Charlesoe King, ; dave Gillard, Dale, Victor of T and strife into not like Drama, In ‘ "The NN CRESTO 2 Rag rod gged Messenger," Messenger," at the ' CLARKE ARKE, : Salt Lake eras Theat atre 1 orrow ‘Tom Ni Night. MATI a|g B8 10, 20 , 20, NEE 30c. WE ae Matinee oe oe AY e BRRRESeee 10, AND suteend §@ 8 & Wooden and 25 25¢ to " $1.60. Y M ie ay e NIGE Saal Picturesque | St yor I Jane ing The Three Eve ry Gant 50, 25 (except the A 5 pecial andle. & Panhandle, Production. Sund: Ly ), ; | the Ey ening . Scenery. sanablo.¢ CART: jo i ; - MA' ); MATINEE News Comenedy \ 4 Telo-Drama, ( = BIRTED WAS HINGTON'S ; AN i TRAM "Pe seeful Valley," I of "A Author ion," Poor RelaRelation alley A ‘ ~ s na_ ing ‘ ombi sple eness, Hey ypy and tnitit comedy, alluniqu in ot the. A merican platy th iat is P goodapene f o tion a 1 ~ : « sy ; rs Pathos, 1 Perfect Ri ce Box seats, cents. Except 5 unday and }}) Ms ‘tinees Daily Box : ) 26 ana 10 cents, Monday, y, 50,50, 26 cents.a Th seats, , 75 76, of The KIVODROME "ps Motio noe. ce ' 1T; uary 21st sday,ay, Febr Februar StartingSVPCURThur P. M. Nights 2:30 MATINES CRDAY;,. : AY SPECIAL { Bolols Tale ‘ | <= ‘FEBRUARY 1 -ONIGHT, ae ae 3 P.M AY WEDNESD Melo-Drama, Western sation Sensa STARTING : 7 ‘ MATINEE : PRESCOTT en ‘ANAGEE | See airs aT --_-- Tuesday a) begins Sale eS | ( a Sens poe aar EY eerCKL MAR FRANKHanio | 20c. 5 Matinees - A HEDRIX iy 5 aero a = $1.50 to ns ER a ae Sore o || ensational 25e |< YUM G Greatest pm Soft -#BR TONS IGHT Pive-Act a= ‘To e | WEEK THIS Burope's 6 | ‘Theatre eee Seas n Seaso York York Neww --_-_--_-- E® : a Manwaring, Li P | | EATR PR re nt i & CO. KING HARRISON ‘oe ae an Bittere "Our Fi s Sars ee issian of the incident Wut i ner, mnensseae ar Lake's Onl pSnit YRIC The lite Cur ae eran nwrig Fe) Wali careMarie rnest , PRICES fens at a ~ VAUDEVILLE BERT pols- her with nature ‘ ¢ mbodied cular cters makpiece, and lo parti chara the and heen. given jas time' the or typical them ie plac of members nt ing prom the W Among sranor a ay ot y she come a E.ar : eres. Autumn not 8. Wes! raitreada. angAl | avent-of.the pepe scene tradi freee| tions 14! | eragit . ot theOn U ve .pure fascinating xut laws the c of all-star an A PresbreySa witl lete W bn. reta Tase Hlazzard AATAMOU dA Standing Andrews orbe rt G. A. and ng " e ¢ ) Manag ‘& te Soe ule ; inclu + ii a. an ' LEVY Y ork . Artistic, . De' New opular =~ New Faand pat Men ray picting Events mous BNE Se --_-_-___-_ BROS.-3 OD FLO - 3 r > Maknukecers Merry c 4 Acrobatle se tae | Broa -- ia C1 ious the ( for have "lef "b And a ithe 7 stirs ts She meta pene tL than Oe less see! at to Autumn vymbol = ] ; | Presenting jade. |{JA fickle-hearted ! ‘ Deata th | of returning S may| Summer what pesesnume in ock no sion tre-B diver #0 tthe and.thea ing emen amus more the of t entertainmen is in of actior scene The yearly year He ers | nesr. u p-lohealt of. ‘ hy,Y, ining The . comb c elements otf eh with the tragi pleashae prepor exact 1@ ALL f S ae not arms like her In Be. ie : destroy to Bader a The curse of jen Bids en PArinPca ae fever of flames. perate wears , te d | ticksis ever her rife. | s y t trail illnes ; her And n lo oa y Jts. ryevery ind to! beant foe. ea tA Gaceine Sa Nar and Summer not ps3 ie the of patrons 17, uary MODERN WN ALL | iT | | Ranger." gs commencing days s . Texa » four Febr re willaoa be d theat Granthe greatest Sunday, | Hit ? ulary A »T> | } ~ } SATURDAY Febr : : American 1 Cé ymedienne 5 . ming Char Comedy , the In | wooa- | | and: soft Nights TThe ¥ from mutters : ing alGud Her ae: scold I loath eye. of her angry cl whis thelr | rhe flashing 1istles erous loudwinds, ' boistand The | ; shrill ts endher sing her love at ri 2 ho ‘be se \ aS all her romping IT Vidce With g e HO} Sprin j "it 10?.°F 4s . What. wide. s inche is a conto t) yund- Thursday nning Only-Begi MATINER Sprin theuM pe é 2 hree more ; Daily ATTRACTION NEXT T - Se lik Eng t l! ale. wa Yale manage in "At re same (Und the nder as Paul Gilmo agement : l no and stronger No day; seen here i been eee has Tex ey play fs a e's acti Clark Mr. (Tex.), l polished thin Beve -Dallas < acting New pea Prices: 25, .50, 50 75 cents. Matinees 15 & 25c |