Show RICH STAKE STARE EVENT EVENTT T AliEN BY Follows Rapid Water to Three- Three Quarters and Then Koerner Rides to Victory Samm Feb Ich lG fhe The Family club handicap th the richest helmet stake of time the season eason next to tJ tie the Burns was wa won tola tolay to- to lay liy la by imy Cabins Cabin's five old of or VI 11 ii 11 nt son Kon Iara Faraday ny Carey winner Important of-Important or of stakes at nt Los Angeles An An- Angelos los geles Ics was vms a l good oo second and D Dr Leggo Ico third le Despite time the fact that was lame un and Wll was not ilot decided upon as its a sure suro starter until an hour before the lh she Kite ime and Rapid Water coupled were Vero made maC favorite at nt r 5 to 0 2 with Cure Carey I mt 8 second choice at 4 1 to 1 I. Dr 11 Leg Leggo was wasP 4 4 anti and day Yol live To fo a perfect start tart Rapid Water Vater took tool the time l lead lI with In him close pursuit allowed Rapid Water Yaler to 0 make mak time the pace to lo the three e quarter whore shot him to the front an and from rom that time ott time the lace nace Was lil not noi n l In although r Carey finished l with a n great rush Dr Leggo ran his race and amid wasa walSa was walS a a god Jod third TIme Tho tako taka 0 event event the tue Gunst Quasi mt H I C for on tv Ia t o o year old was wn wor won rAn Griffin stable She by Uy AbU Abo m r Tn the fi tIme the ull t tI l In eau b ff n to to 2 I Six loni fm-loni MYRtYs MYRtY's won w Van An atm N NoS 8 second E. E SI r. third Time Than 1 U Ono mile and twenty yards yards Salable Salable 2 to I 1 won on Jt second third 1123 11 3 Four furlongs 0 I to tn 2 won Martha Jane second third Time rime 1 W 15 1 r One and n am quarter ter n-i n miles Cur Curcy second Dr to lo 2 worm won W W. J II I third Time 20 2051 1 1 s l 1 iad t 0 9 to tn 2 2 won Titus II U second Captain third Time 12 Six furlongs Ocean hore TJ J i to 2 u won second J t third Time Chue 1 I 13 2 Z |