Show iu KELSEY KESEY DELIVERS DELVERS S ANNUAL ANNEAL REPORT J c I City Engineer Illustrates Document Doc Doc- With Wih Series of S l Photographs t- t S L Li j i 5 SUMMARY IMPROVEMENTS I r S. S S S S h Conduit Sidewalks Sou er or and alI Water i S n Nearly arly 4 S of If 1 J f S i J Louts Louis C. C Kelsey ct city engineer S subI subS sub sub- S I annual r report port y nf aft aft- V. V t IQ Mayor Matr g Ezra m Thompson I It ItS J S Is lu Illustrated wl with wiIt li fort forty pictures taken Vf r the lne work orl tho the conro comsa of or ConS coni con con- i S Thorp There ore o O fifty fity maps a ant antI f i 5 1 I plats lat anti and aid diagrams showing showinG th the a va- va vaI I S 5 rions a flud d ai alo allo those contemplated con con- Oh- Oh 5 5 during the thc ensuing year S The rhe r or o bout l pages ant anti 5 contains comparative r reports ports for 01 sev sev-i sev oral orai years past the amount of or f work worl was as completed last la t year nr by hy tho the er jn ln U 1 w ut In in ti public S i. i of of fr Iho ho work however r r rS S was Wa on on th the Iho contracts which S were un t vo Y years tu's asp ago Tho lin- lin 9 ire ic irethe S. S S included in th the report rt I S the the- Uig flig nl Wood conduit the payS pay'S pay pay- S 'S rH of if Wet West e t irU ht South street S miles mies n. n of sidewalks ten n mJ miles of sewS sew sew- S miles of or water mains antI and antIS S S the beginnIng GT of or the street parking S S system a as shown hown on Sixth Fa East t street streetS S where macadam is Ip being placed Man Ian Many S improvements are ae now ea conS con con- S fO no o o O nf of which au are arc the Improving Im Im- im- im T proving and beautifying Main street S S the tiie UI removal al aeo of poles lOieS' from flom noel the tue til mf middle lc S of f th tho the construction of the S Intercepting sewer miles of sideS side side- sie- sie S S walks walk 40 miles mies of or sew sewer laterals 12 S S miles miles' mies ot of distributing mains and add tutI ev- ev p al miles mies of ah and ami maca macadam al S pavement pa Tin The waters of the Utah 5 5 lake are also to be he brought through h Ow tu East Jordan Canal company U In ir- ir rS r- r S tIer to exchange for Big Dig Cottonwood 5 water wafer 5 S SS S S 5 f. f TI The c t total tal amount expended c on Imp Im- Im S. S p during year yent was wa as 7 9 h ear pr olIS previous I amount amount- r I I cd Ct to or a little more than lhnn 5 l half The fhe the department e amounted to 89 8 as S 5 il 71 for fo the y year ar I before v S Vf S 5 ft I Hie Minify Went Vent WentA ent I 1 5 5 A A comparative statement of or the ex- ex lX- lX I V s 1 and summary follows S S H. H V 5 5 Receipts 3 w 5 1 Total expenditures of or th the engineering dept w 3 1 T 7 JARM Less receipts exclusive of material sold and J 5 5 5 5 special work 1 S Da Balance In n e 3 rI G k j Total expenditure n for qa S t v i I. I t lH work vork 71 1311 S S S. S Total expenditure e. e for forTi Ti J.- J. the tite lt regular gular work ISmOn 3 V- V r of If Public 1 Vater Water Vater mn extensions S 1 extensions a v 3 I Ii i S Sidewalk extensions lons 11 rS 1 10 I Street pavement JJ att Big COllon nJ SS S r r 1 I r l n S 'S M t ln i J 5 55 fa Highway bridge 3 OJ S S and Half alf If S ell City it canal canol conduit 31 Curb CurL and KUlt gutter RUtter r 8 t. t Miscellaneous I Gj f Ii j S Total Total- amount expended cx- cx r. on 01 above c S improvements dur- dur r S. S i. i In ing the year IC S C n work t It IS S Labor and vouchers N S u J Engineering ng I rac r J nl t J. J 2 0 t W Inspection In G. G oJ 11 7 1 t. t S Advertising All S I i Miscellaneous 9 S S S 5 if Totals A 9 I H fc S Th The contemplated t en improvements for forthe tJ the th ensuing year t tr r amounts to 2281 2381 y r. r S 5 ono A statement of th the distributions 5 of oC l improvements ement ts follows 0 01 1 I Asphalt pU C pavement 40 macadam maca- maca maca dam ulain pavement t curb and S 1 gutter 2 sidewalks 1 G 4 t wa water ter maln mains 4 70 no i sewer Hewer 2 new supply mains liiS In- In S t 4 sewer f tl bandstand band 4 1 stand total 3 1000 f Cost Cot t of If Sen SC CI Tho The total cost of or Salt Lake sewers SC s tt- tt I 11 up until January 1 1907 Is placed at a f r. r r 3 The rhe table tahle shows 8 the theS S o l of or the construction work 1 j H Gra outlet sever cr sewer 3 it 9 Pumping lant I and outlet 4 r S 'S u Mains 5 S Materials 4 15 i J Total tal n i rl Cle Is ls a i total o of miles o or of 1 fewers In the city an and the Improve C s contemplated will run mu It up to fl nearly nealI mites mIles i. i f i ti Jv of und anti I. I Ia i 1 Ij Tho length tit of oC street pavements In Inthe I 5 the Cit miles The rho foll following S figures 1 r 8 show the tilO kind of or paving la am and the tota o oC curbing 11 Asphalt pa pavement miles s stone 1 block look ement 23 1 miles i asphalt antI and stone stone block pavement pa r S 4 H miles macadam pavement 21 17 S S curbing s. s I v S City's Supply S j Thc Tho capacity of 0 r the city's 1 reservoirs B 5 5 5 5 Is gallons gallon The Tho capacity o othe ci it the tho ell city's supply mains maln into the tho dis ulis system Is from fron City creel creek and gallons P pe per I day ay from Parleys Parley's creek fh The rhe water pumped from Utah lake e Is placed i at acre acae feet Ct I Fi I 1 Twenty I 1 City Erl I Kelse made matTe tw twenty nt- nt recommendations to the city cn which he IU suites states ought to be he c a carried out will willin withIn with with- in no next t two years Tho The r com com- nl are aro as follows First First That the tho It city nil Jill water rights In ill Big Cottonwood flUh Cotton Cotton- wood anti and Mill 1111 Creek which can lie hf ac le- ac- ac iuli tr a 1 nt t I a price I and that t tn n negotiations to this end be he l rl without Interruption S I Second That Second That the city acquire the tUo rl right ht I and II use P. P the East BaHt Jordan cuna to 10 convey th the Its city's portion of oC water wale from Crom the JI I lake Third Third That That a nitration filtration plant nt ll be lie coi Con in connection with the tnt water St supply sYl system t m. m S SS S Y Fourth That t Ct a. a distribution 41 lr of or a n of or ten million gallons b Ij be constructed above raLo Mt ft Olivet II III I cemetery t to tob toh h b be u ll In III connection with tIle the Big lUg Cot Cot- Wa 3 water ter That Fifth That a n reservoir oll of at least five million I capacity be constructed construct neat noar the high line p intake In City Chy Crek canyon on Ii H Uy constructing g It lt at ut this tI and antI connecting the high line with th Ward and ami Brick T Tunics Tanks it afford af of ford fOil protection for or the city cily in ease case of fa lire fire Ie Sixth Sixth Th Sixth l the lh propose fd storage lor JC reser rf IH be lie J peal near l' l the forks orl 1 In Parleys Parley's Canyon on Sov Seventh nth That tho the city construct a 1 over I lh thi i m Big Cottonwood con con- from Crom lug Big canyon on to 10 l Parleys Parley's s cnn cnn on on 5 S Eighth That Eighth That the tim sidewalks sl on Main street treet from coin South Temple Templo street t to Fourth South street be he ll from rom 20 to feet on and lIl that t the stone block pave Ilav- pavement ment h be removed and ami replaced with as as- 5 l r That a a. a system 1 of incandescent street lighting be Ill tl on Main Maina a street S Tenth That Tenth That provision ro h be made at nt once onre for the Iho r repair I and antI maintenance of th th macadam pavements which are nrc being berng constructed If it they thy are ore not continuous continuously kept In repair It will wilt be he more costly to the city In the the end end and unsatisfactory lOthe to lO the p people who whiTe were ivere 1 assessed se for the c i 1 5 S improvements Eleventh That nth That all stone stano block pave nave ment on street S bo lie replaced with asphaltum Twelfth Twelfth That That an nn electric power 1 plant plante lie he e constructed by 1 the tho canal companies for or the Ih operation of or the Utah I r Lake pumping p plant S S S Thirteenth Thirteenth That In the no interest or ot ceo ceo- nom nomy as well weli as ns good service ser that th the city purchase e the tho necessary horses s and wa wagons wagons' ons' ons ion for Co I this tl department t and provision provi provi- sion slon lon be he ma made c f fOr r r their care Fo Fourteenth That That the dead ends in tilt the present waterworks system m be connected a as fl fast t a as possible and that certain mount 1 bo be appropriated t towards wor s this work ork each year ear S Fifteenth That Fifteenth That nth That graduated r motor rates be lit adopted il increasing the lie rates rales during summer months I anti and nil il ill decreasing l' l gln them Miring the balance of the season Sixteenth That Sixteenth That automatic Hush t tanks be constructed nt at all 11 dead cn ends s In Hit Hit- present sewer sewer system S SS S Se Seventeenth That Seventeenth That That a 0 bulk h head be 10 constructed con con- across City Cr Creek ek just below the screens at the Brick Urick Tank lank to prevent e the p percolating through this point JoInt as os asit ast It t goes os o's to t waste That Eighteenth That a 3 con conduit 1 be he con- con ll from the screens to the Brick ranks Tanks In t the he Cit City Creek canyon canon to take he tue place Ilace of the thc present wooden flume nume Nineteenth That Nineteenth That be ex- ex x- x tended ended through the blocks In the business district and hydrants placed tl for lire fire pro pro- 1 clon Twentieth That the tho city en engineer be lie authorised to make mak n ii complete lc re survey and map of the present pr waterworks sy s- s tem cm Twenty first Twenty That f rRt That an nn ordinance n b hI bia Il iia ia tl u t ti tiO M th tires tiros s to ti li nn In conclusion n I t desire to to your honor lionor S and antI the tue city council my in thanks thank for 01 or your o lr support in m my orl official lal capacity and anI to acknowledge e the capable ie antI and effi I dent clent services SN of oC Principal Assistant Engineer En n- n i Gloa George e O. O Chane Chaney haney Assistant Engineer En En- ln of Water ater Rights Right A. A F P. Dorem 11 1 Assistant En Engineer r of Streets John Du- Du der Assistant Engineer o of Sewers L. L II 11 Krebs s. s and other of be this lIe de IC- IC par I m en t. t |