Show PEAT SELLS SEES OFF ON BIG Bili RECEIPTS Longs Dispose of Holdings and Cereals Suffer Relapse Corn Drops Down Chicago Feb Losses Losses of ot Ut Qc c In other markets markels were wore th the the and wheat the board of trade today actions on entire were ivel a time the sellers of ot tho time Longs and ond short lines JInes were put out In list Hat amounts It will wUl take lako good stiff goodly buying to ku-jp ku the price up around the present presen t love level for the day dayl Primary receipts of oC wheat hn h- h u. u 0 1 r r won m 84 a W l b use use- l wt rin and v corn U were vere bushels compared with and els cIs Clearances Clearances Clearances Clear Clear- bushels respectively a year car ago aho ances were bushels wheat bushels corn but no oats oats- Cash sales of or grain strain at nt Chicago o bushels wheat bushels corn and The rhe seaboard re reported reported re- re of oats loads ported ten loads wheat thirty bushels of oats corn and opened f. f fairly fairly fair fair- lr wheat market The he but bul steady on covering by shorts ly within a short time lime eased cased ort oft on soiling selling commission houses hO by pit traders and und lower prices at al based on which was walS estimate of liberal and an Liverpool worlds world's shipments next week May opened unchanged to lo c I wheat to c C. C an and void sold at at ut 78 t c Duluth and Chicago Chicago Chi Chi- Minneapolis e. e cago reported receipts of or cars Corn Trailing In tn small mall was corn pit In the time Trading but sentiment was bearish because be bo- volume of QC tb the weakness as of oC wheat Mal Maj cause shade higher at t tc it J corn opened a u and sold at am ant The rhe oats market mar pt was higher prices rites steady The early t. t trading I n A was of ot features May ala oats o opened p e ne A unchanged at a a an and told old at ul 4 c. c provisions market markl l opened steady stead because The Tho tl of oC a a. advance In n live hogs prices weakened on mt realizing Later sales sale 4 Ma May pork opened 5 higher 1745 and sold old at 1786 Lard Lard Larl wan walt at unchanged to 2 c higher at ut and sold down to S were unchanged unchanged un un- changed at In and sold at nt fj Mi image of Prices The Tho range o of prices was as aa follows Open High Low Close WHEAT WHEAT- MaY 7 7 7 ii i m July July 4 77 CORNlIa CORN CORN- May l Ia U 17 47 11 4 1571 tr July 4 f 4 y 16 f OATS OATS- Y O i 1011 RI May lay 1115 1713 1745 14 17 1730 July 1100 1750 1733 1711 t 1740 LARD LARD- t. t I May Ja 91 06 7 O. O 1 I |