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Show THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1907. 8 OLD YUKON MINER KNOWS REAL COLD DAYS Ss H if alf | } Freezes at tow. = ICICLES Frozen and Limbs by in Winnipeg, Parsons, an Man., old time here tells of when the Fee Bee : - in ; i‘ either ould me , fran f° will man is a an With mene centuries recent statement drops many oe zero mai there HI ippear will 1} repeat | The real a only " itse chance professor blondes the be likeane , fs are trouble chunk ofl aecertainty wonde is to tell. we 40: or more atmosphere degrees fog C.) memory that the tell right fewer, which the real of bel6w it Zero 2¢t"ess. jg} herself didn't have : thie might jlitthe things in the : chorus perfect the ai had Nor) has that May mn queen have for realiv : t the that In. vy Paula Viat on of sub-/ kissed. crit Irwin the dared to) rolicksong,) in her ture while going few yards unless} 2nd as Jt drops through "Prospectors dish of rice or unprotected fire thé of the exposed to will dish the frosty air in attempting to boil a] beans upon a camp fire from. side the that the the hiss whistling peculiar a emits air, the boil Weathér, which dish while the the part mass of hair just who Marie stage. The less off the boards., of| _Mme. of blonde is This she en Baker prima fame iio) fooUuU punch ma ho her. case: tothe ile if Gadski to the Blondes Mi nb in Kelsie the D' Aci In. either would. Ase holds up atiractu venue ss at the the a blonde, Hghter than blondes, Perkins, > ' Miss Bacon, standard) jje Metro-| low zero tion, the with icicles having outrushing hanging formed icicles steam, from not but to condens melting with the| on the fect boards, a blonde the |} with remaining Fitz there} many days, through blow-offs | vegetables, SS s,.fruit, eggs. |} ete., can be allowed to freeze until they} become like bullets To make ready! for use place them in cold water for half a day before using, and the frost} will slowly withdraw without injury to the article. To attempt to th: LW | r > oc as but she in is just the Williams old in Society. not possible unconnected 5 found that) LSSt inn b lone: to tl tte something j n it son ill about Bradley, beauty is i sister| she sistel but of Katherine San ce MANY More ¢ by a Miss Alice but Put the} See >, the not gut EG aged SE Parsons tella So remarkable eter oe with a safety : Soy razor i 5 shave was| ' member often for "This one is in coal several oil absolutely thus for hours. a eseapes the some safe "says surgeon's and | knife,| only talking time-j|it e reme dy had the drifted, "that unfortunate have the June ripe instantaneous much to in obliteration the person tell case of about the of vision would not sf fa blond Russell This this sense blonde nearly Phe white, gradually every hair of the cA ant ER heory7 1 a 5 thre ul "n oe change has en shape,|a@ vise to | the} i jae awns eeks libel. An fhe Bic age wit 1 experi-{®'¢°" grass wheat was straw of and to alter as of her surely the It is as |-dow natural color markvof as the veaette thouga on of! Scotland, than the her|see the the flower beds pate of pray 1es and odd, re Doés color (po Oey and unnatural of all 4] Crt ine-7a advanced van the as dark into s¢ ° north, the shade is Spain:vandthe of Russi: that altered Profe sSor ne Pro ie 5 of tf ‘ a 0 the | <entire | te BBE Jt pe a joke ‘i |), ing ath me that ‘ aid 12 oan and|/ white and mate the tints | ample reddish impossible ages fter of fire tion a 3 oh = 3 for shades raising my me of Tor hat estiex- as my boxes of ee Bt this time Bae a oP the THE nea ie nat my me eeve k ee eee temporary communica=- OM ‘ y ss rat is impossible P. er oe sas ra | "If the te It here I | at the By of probably etic astron about Influence it will all to say. Serviss, téday storm magnetic solemn-looking negroes riding in celal "At one period flame, unless quite peer with spokeless wheels drawn] dense, was invisible to me, and many »Y Jegless horses. The bodies of the} times I held a match to a gas jet un-| horses looked queer enough, moving! til my fingers were burned because] along at the right distanee from the} y could see neither the faint flame| sunspot take the of an storm I | phe andj upon the ice crystals, This remedy is often ee to by these who live in cold| %_ ~ The ang eater Va Bhoutld ; e | Rae of the ia oil Pama ae ee s oe ame 5g as that SH weather one will of the ee or be e e emely not to freeze the s quickly do if he eee . at the ordinary pace. ) 0 Geant has been liv- - cok ic east ana soon became a dot in the] distant sky,' or something ke that.| ti an fell the Ing ce. a. grez westwa pow ties eee a mall it beneath She Tie Quick and fatal- | poised motionless, ow ca Mice! i the glassy sort eyés of | 1ZZ) eyebrows that they Her complexion is glue/and olive| the ie eee away everybody beneath us|and therebut {Is there plenty wasof color in slipped rapidly in a downward|cheeks, no color ‘= . reas 7 . ‘ at : towar the + west, Lower and that of dull brass in the face of with 6 say a Aue tee an lost in this way up of-dull brass, with low teeth and. the But that is not the way it looked | arches for from the basket of the balivon. <As|on masks a us, looked riov-| a RodW aA. itekoemed. to ts, | -s . , al stationary objecis "Some years ago when : in I the was unibe apes into whieh she iad her| Chinese but tne| Here shave heen |} right transformed. : against > ‘ addressed ag_friends, hy} t 2Se a contour of features and I of : rooms electric gas lighted, lights were as walked out in the streets looked as if some dk celebration the man seratehed hand and :his left, were going while|a@s a on." turbanee face ably in to- whieh that he aand! held a | ose jeqased ce , > Serviss's Solution of Spot sunspot is a sign of some "A with the safety razor] ¥ a match with his brought rule, blue or upheaval upon These force their y where } the ld colder or ‘envelope' of the sun, a mass of heated gases interior. surf: surface, the them only. in general ' Be! | ClO p: the dangerous to take hold of a door-|stationary and all other things wart been aware of knob when it 60 below, or there-| moving. In a word, the fault geenteslil- 3them ‘remarked abouts, with the unprotected hands,|to be with the objects looftcd at and Oby: it unless pee you 1 are Pr, careful 2 to release 2 your | not with , the eyes rae that were 7 looking. ‘a eee hy, ' your 2 hand instantly, for if you do will freeze your inner palm ge conds,s and the not ie be 2 very result is a touching The it flve "My sightshad always ‘been remark: |ably good. I have seen with the naked Ee shes w hat u 2 hg ae painful thereafter, | evs comparatively few human the same as from beings have seen without tclescop aid-satellites of Jupiter, two of hath stove redhot almost in SO en showing as a Pr, sy =: single point of ligh "Japs" in Korea. or many years ie work was Khan, fought their ‘Yet I could see the sung TI (dis-| way through the country, but were| covered by accident, by glancing® at driven out, When the Manchus con-|/it in a sidewise eee, or out of | quered China and bade the countless|the corners of the eyes. felt not | millions of that country adopt thej|the slightest pain or ee able sen- | queue which they wear today, as a|sation in the eyes from glancing tow-| sign of Manchu servitude. they came|ard the sun ead perhaps, the ab-} also to Korea with the same design,|sence of pain or ,unnaturai feeling| but were glad finally to retire, satis-|there was what made it seem to me fled with the vague and shadowy|]as if the fault was with the an Sele infirmity in answer. to es eyes"= look he : tO one one my . ie 4 flame and used to get apol-|cigar ' into position sense of feeling," he notics da a smil e - perfectly C Z of them; look or than they see a ‘Hel ughed and said: of ina oe sense 1 ue ened by your partial loss o of| ‘ they) oa arp-| But you after all," a the mateh and|carth partly by the} explained, as he M : ra didn't lose your listener remarked. sight} are Prob-| are = way i air; ‘uy not "There magn ne A t voleaniec is an connecti oO ce c on while others undoubted b 2 ih ee an and our atmosphere; always manifest itself PROVO, UTAH. TOWN. Real Estate Values near Garfield must double within the next two years. tunity for profitable real es- tate investment been so in- $250 each----easy terms. EAST GARFIELD LAND CO., 407 Herald Building are electric} oth :sul ty but it does at ‘th time NEW nat} the) C. N. Strevell, Pres. J. G. Jacobs, Vice Pres. J. H. Patterson, Secy and Treas. "Oh, no, said the man; "it has|sunspots appear. That we shall re7 i : c been coming back very slowly for a|ceive any noticeable effects from the doubt-| me to seems sunspot present I can see to shave| now long ime, and myself.""--New York Fue é ex- The Japanese propaganda, which|eceedingly trying to the eyes. One the Western world has accepted with|day I noticed that the light. although infantile credulity, contains numerous|about the same as that in whicn allusions to the wonderful latent re-|had worked for years, seemed ‘nsufsources of Korea, which are to be de-j ficient, and upon making the light veloped by the enterprise of the Jap-|stronger it seemed as If the fault must anese for the good of mankind in genbe with the objects looked at. This eral and of the Koreans in particular was the beginning of the illusions of for is not ac "door" to be "open' to a swiftly fafling vision. all nations, and do not the Koreans "TL went to a specialist and he Joo0kdwell under ihe beneficent protector-jed into my eyes with his instrument, ate of Japan, which shields them from ""You drink whisky?' he asked. those terrible Russians, and gives them SAMUEL all the benefits of modern Derree. * Smoke?" Thus the propaganda. Let.us ex: 2A ots' ine the facts. Korea is inhabited by "-Well, Sean. them both,' said the 12,000,000 Koreans, an nelent race] oculist, grave ‘Don't work with with a history as old as China's, or|yvour eyes and ba very careful of them, Japan's, and whose ethnological originjand you will be less Mkely to lose is velled by the mists of remotest an-| your vision entirely. That's all I can tiquity. They resemble the Japanese|do for you at present.' or Chinese only slightly. They have "In the next two weeks I experia language and customs all their own.| enced the various stages of coming They are naturally a quiet, peaceable blindness up to the stage at hich race, and have always suffer ed from|I could stand by my south window | a corrupt government, but they love|at noon on a clear day and bare their country, have ele it} find the sun. Not that was quite | against all invaders throughout the]or nearly stone blind, but the noonday centuries, although until ten yearsago| brightness blinded me, and when I the king of Korea was nominally a|/turned my eyes to where JI knew} vassal of the emperor of China. The|the sun must be I saw only a black Mongols came long centuries ago in| sky. the days of Kublal wed ' my a: sur-| Yukon. coming blind the illusions of that 2€-|to go about without assistance, and "That's an 6dd habit I got when I "Certain parts of the sun's surface! "One has to be careful about touch- perience reminded me of t eee? when T made mistakes as to the iden-| first began to allow myself a cigar|are less liable than others to these ing iitee alti uhprotected hands, It|nautic illusion that the balloon was|tlY Of acquaintances who had not}once in a while. I couldn't see the| eruptions, Just as some parts of the is ae dis-| -strangers| ©'s acigar ae were rotg brought Ene near ay together, one por > ‘ and loud ler of partly ee cooled vapor settled be lay ee failed to|/4md with his hands in taat position) pack upon the :sun's surface, y a éabsorbing recognize old friends until I heard| he raised the cigar to his lps and/the light that passes through it and their volces. All this time I was able | began puffing vigorously forming what is known as a ‘sunspot.' ee full. references viting as at the presenttime East Garfield presents the opportunities----buy lots now--=-prices $40.00 to ot shining Its first effects are observed | on telegraph and telephone instrument eausing alternate surge tne *®bbing of the electrical current In ether words, there Is a series of elec- evening sort of giving: and i form aurora even losing a finger tip hen I was a young man I once} sround, with only a glimmer beneath] from the parUly opened: jet nor the| trie waves, with a slackening of powe "The doctors were amazed, as they|Went up in a balloon. A reporter | tem | thin blaze of the match. At another|in the intervals. These greatly inte thought amputation would have to be|Who saw the ascension wrote that ‘the "I saw my wife as I_had never see n| period all the street lamps that burn-j| "ere with the telephone and telegraph resorted to. His hands were as white}sreat yellow bag ascended rapidly|her before, and as hope no one|ed gas were to me saffron colored,| Services. At times these waves are acand as hard as marble and when] With a majestic ‘sweep baward the] else ever sz her-an image's >] .§ vere the lights shining through|companied by thunderstorms, but not placed in the oil they snapped eracked as the ofl began to act book Never before has the oppor- imical | the this and our spots fet a or co for testimonials arficld years iese ‘ ae legraphn 4 quite Send treatment, Di ee Oo come displays of northern} lights and of the aurora borealis may be seen. Electrical distur bances usujally occur early as result of sun-| | Spots. } "As compared to, the earth the spot| | 4s four times the diameter of the earthy end is the "Jets ie of its Kind. seen. in} im: ny years it ap pears just at I] hair to cea . " pe and spat by» Past odes Se ee Bede RBA alarm Garrett person ; aie ae reasonable be- The e-tenth to Fat are Ceo ne-eizhth of the sur 's dia abe | - is i 2 re 4 aa rt rs 7 wh 7 } ree )} Pie q } t % . eee liege A : Rea ee 7 os eh a i ‘i sth oe a . Haka He e Y earn gay tig he ce unawares the it his t Sen DEIIGHYED observed through equatorial described) vibe ne NOT TO) huge va 7 ; |, 1 COULD sured eur have Sl ars WE & uld head of Co-| istronomy, ,& | and Bae ieo oO pee eT ry oe z - ti upon Tear He | t} Baie nec uv Ms an PUPILS We cure you or proposition. Sern ro ABLE FRIENDS AND WITHOUT A MOMENTS HES! WM. E. BASSETT, Director. as no bad pes will follow. This is| cence of becoming blind [ sat by the driveways and saw| wife nodded to a passing feminine fig-] infer that there will be thunder and he oc oe say, for a man from our "He might attempt to portray the| the afternoon drivers go past, and} ure I] uld ask who was that white-| lightning or any other visible or aud was Sound. several years ago| frightful realization of his calamity,|SUCh & procession I had never seen} haired woman, an would be told} ible manifestations It is quite comaftr he had been out all night with|though it is not probable. that any! before. It was all in silhouette. | that it was the school girl daughter] mon for Iagnetic storm t the thermometer 450 degrees below/|person of those struck blind fully comAll the persons out driving were] of a neignbor nae ew hile the "ales is blue and the sun zero and both his hands were frozen| prehended at once what had happened, to the wrists. taken into| Anyway, he would have none of th« camp and his hands soaked in coal} queer experiences that attend the| oil for five hours and all the frost| gradual yet swift loss of vision. re-| came out of his hands without him|sulting from certain eye diseases prices } atape n { Abeba Na ‘ a C ah i s rkBo reer Bs me ximum 6 is p ago ear twa ) delet rec |. cae a0 yig-a come . , bt fr tht = Woodruff eleven 4) netS ai 47 : ee 1 i Mass riod the hot sun that pours Italy: bhen, made _Splashed | made blue by temporarily, about OUR f offer THE BASSETT SCHOOL FOR STAMMERER -de- reported ot ae Ett spot was university telescope, mounted e'|: "The inability to see the fine lines] expert, said ie ‘ae in ‘faces and to distinguish between | nomenon impressionis st! of ‘yellow flame ¢ appeared answering | rounds of the tropics burns the hair into the blackness andthe skin to thr olive shade In the north the.sun. bunns_ Jess flereely nd we hi 1a ene MiDhds of Germany, of Denmark, of Ireland, of kept alikewise straw-colored., looked like Pee ned grain small ng OF formation as to cost to our reliability Siafanrant atemen } of the Co- Fait ; oman | | "The large sun he inf sit this morning at the towhead aarieens contemplate just sign Miss| type has SOME RELATIVES ENTLY AND istronomical ‘tee i this making In the world ta ie and know we can the above e tr aordinary chool ae make SOUND BUT WERE RETURNED Our hu \ al to Telephones Rel 1 eb ' member corroborate ron hess ede . A man of university liseovery fe Lien cor a (Dy some (Yor! OrKk, today by lumbin chore fromitis thethatblondes 10} kne why women demand on tives to a their aa SOM AS. to wat the never she tier and hades. light Beatrice ephemeral Miss & usually it Cornelia | something darker Amory Blond hairjs the Sohler, The every ca not afford Sounded Order. and Out» Be eo Now: aVeN made ‘ r. EXPECTED May Chie a ReExpense Boarding turned to You if We Fail to Cure. And very disrespectful Saee that when] Brashear of Allegheny It js unusuthé mind is infantile he hair ally large, but no lurger than is freblonde, but with developing intellect] quently the case with sun spots at comes the darker shade Those ladies} period of greater solar activit who 9 neve merge from. the blond é state are supposed by this line « rea Will Cause Disturbances, soning to remain children in point « ret f ; ‘ , brair 1" are oO As ) ty S ra ( E j Cr yenenoratory ne ‘ oF le o pee fee the thought! | the aa. ie ¥ eee oa Raat 4 sheri thousand blondes who have becn!] ce tt : { ¥e 4 , av "iH B. Mi Az viene beauties rise to contradict} hell eet NS Hoes) : ‘ si fa Constance | Les-| MISS Liss ‘ j f; 4 at v= Signals Currents blond Popular for oem Alarm Ser Stik 1 the FREAKS 3 after|Fire partment 5 aay In born is) Coolidge Miss 1 Sears, nies It, more brunette stories of thawing ouf'a frozen foot "I should think," he said, continuing ear or hand by immersing the frozen|the talk along the lines into which For Phenomenon Present Time. to with disfigurement Women Wilt spok-|is because frequency Bacon, ie lees Undoubtedly w Ihe N| juvenile) j Dru ble Be. POAULE. 1B" dae: ee wn eo 7 ae (rs ferent stronomers. through | aEthe ane country 4 mass of mag nine ent black hair) are watching. the pot with interest, has a beauty not be denied, aljinasmuch = as. it {+ appeared unexythat has its effect : ; : and ;at a time : such ocbenut no matter) pectedly hen ‘ is usually her the Miss Emily Miss Katherine per-| days the be fs Dark freeze Edged tools sul to this} politan Opera hous Het care er has} Sturgis and Miss Dx rothy Fay temperature become a a not had half the le sngth ot that of} Even those who hold that Professor! brittle as glass and will break a Miss ee i out she 1s a fine speci-| Woodruff is miste iken in predicting the} readily under strain: men of the best type ot German) finish of the nde must admit that "I have seen a safety valve blow ae blonde , some of the tnines he says are borne} off steam with the temperature 60 Effie Shannon is not.a newcomer! out by the fact | valve, < hair I are Dpesss Miss Ruth Lawrence Miss Thayer, Miss Mary Josephine ey yoman o will blond dare French handsome Phillip a ydig, as much HW. the; short brunette; done the blonde h and yellow th in her zenith she} things. os tnd as type seeming one gets north Among to theinerease better as known are Countess De Susini, Mrs. Oscar Insigi,| James} Mrs. Bremmer, L. John Mrs. donna} 7) 2 argument against pene be oe f it own|.'There whee i an ! Yr) excellent examples of th will see its finish 600 years) w of many first) not all 0} just as naw is liv in comparison } ki pule hirltude will/ as perfectly) ago picture the , !Sis @ ‘perfect ee, that find} is in weather her golden is when long appeare don the stage And. Lillian's beauty stare. and coon herself erage the nn OR NO PAY AND YOUR RAILROAD FARE ¢ p : it] that she t { mistsires ae ‘ mn remaining beautiful and most exhaustive study of he STAMMERING CURED as she|AStronomers Cannot Tell Rea- | nust dé ‘Take: : a : rs oa rad matt . , hue rie nettle in ie ordinary wal} of life no make no pecial effort to. pi rVedthel ero hearin into! "The white. gray fog Is not. a fog] ibove . 50 Busan couldn't be dragge matter of ict 1@ can hardly be| as you know it, but a frozen mist,|*? the theatre : es type ind every man, woman, child, ani-| "/* hundred years: f que mal and even thé firé hat burn is] Time Seems Much Too Short. the beautiful Mrs Mdward Moore| throwing out moisture into the al | Robinson of Philadelphia, undoubted-| which is immediately roe into a ee nate ain hort to Oaca ly owes her reputation f beauty to) cloud of frozen vapor, which floats} oUt 1@ blonde rusting to unaided) 4 wonderful head of blend hair, which} away. and remains visibly ¢ suspende Cire memory, it would seem that Lillian)r jg always faultlessly marcelled Bve-)| 1 : in the afr. Russell ‘had been with us that Jong.) jyn Howell is another noted quake "Exposed hands , ears and nose," M1 j Oo pretty nearly, and she is still with! ejty blonde Parsons says "freeze in this tempera-| US, sUH young, her beauty undimmed | ristocratic Boston - society numbers they The while breath! roars are like well a mildprotected jet of steam, a] dipper of boiling water thrown out inta | the superd| the Sr of z . ranked a8] among those sun a the This marvelously. anddecades looks asago, wellbu nowit two Society has its share as well a: ne The history of the orld'. shay eount for the appearance ue though it must be admitted; that dark women have iad a greater|Spot this time hi it the number Is growing less permanent attraction for t) old | Professor } Jacoby, In New York one of the most boast-)/and have figured more largely in tno e} lumbia's department of ed blondes is Mrs. Alfred Vanderbilt events that influenced history } said today ; | of Mrs a been exploit Noted ce sh existed EXPERT appearanc remembered the art of has made. a Be clence be blonde. a ha ilwa beauties national hand nor imita- goidens to Harned Tri hair of oparce eee ! Hina ae ie the ‘ cute ‘an j ' chee other do type that tant nent ith ence bottle doubt Vireinia: not Wit those a blor de, put, tae SAYS ingenne/ ELECTRICAL STORMS DUE 10 SUN SPOT natural loc} ‘ } Tae . ype that demands a perfect skin os erhay it ple have been a dan-/| an iccompaniment Unless the gerous proceeding to AMmpuEH May chee ire rosy 1 the eyes exquisits ' a frizz Phe big lady who eee "Hlot| blue ind the whole complexion that Tin mn sthe Old Pov " ieht LE OTTRAT ye Hh: Cen Brea, Pe that) but} iltfulean from talented em Sothern, the prime rolde jnsinuate jing bu did ong tion Sere ie Ee ' } 3 If you look a the « der ie tne burl lesque Sie light operas ae a e diction of the «professor appt i 2 Bea orous for every woman on ae Bee the] whenever are such of Ef. of whose 2m type perhaps becoming No IS. one rated) Professor er the intenderc Greature blonde City 100 feet, mingling with the other|/> * Blomous blonde . Pu gray. mist. or haze that. remains they have a P. peter the ject Dawson E Ll miner, Jike dense Re the frozen! remarkable} 14 Yukon lature educratec and of town in : ween bi EOre s Little Def) ‘ Fox ‘ got the eredit of} being . blonde but suspicions have; ily existed that perhaps her Jocks|) i Lol aes a ‘ ee hade which he knowledge of antiquity) l WoSoe res . nat passer out oO 50 or white a beauty : to the} and Woodruff of Ne York, an erudite; Hiden ah ef necessity to sadden cai) : rr as wit : 2 public avowal Cr © A W : sna cork ¢} h blondes at e bebecoming extinct rhe ; In 600 years, he said, thi Ja t where the heat went At 60 be low ; ever stovepipe throw out a gre: hite cloud. of. smok¢ and waver A | resembling a steamboat in its white-| ness. and this cloud streams away fot ; permanent i Wwe he of Danielthentre Frohman's magnificent Ly-| didtue, ceum company mz unUusSUuaATILY a roles reeall the something existence the ; gon year, es extreme cold ne f art burns in a stove ftts omc nis meu like rreat forge Th educ ted peroxl le ee 5 is beautifying work wom: so stove seems to disno one but a jealous oa 18 Wood ° : From | Them manifestation the 1@ . the with the dodo, auk or other animal This prognostication of a J itheuic. jcondition of tne future | based On) at the in | Is. from some a& result of the fs the way a fire roars and eracki : ae and wood in. the ; VALVE Saved thermometer below Strange lives _ Fel happenings sald: who Ou. Coal has arrives north, and rv man 7 His knowledge of feminine | will be confined" exclusi ! | brunette | ik to him of "blonde" Be- Soaking aaa tories 60 ON _SAFETY Hands Ainputation ce the of Kettle Boils While Other | 2507 or tnereatter ~ Half ; Pity OF BEAUTIFUL BLONDES SOON ee objects| "yvassalage'' of the Korean king. The|seen and not with my sight Koreans still adhered to the colffure "T will tell you some of the queer | and costumes of the overthrown Ming/things I saw at various stages dynasty of China, which coiffure and} failing vision, without attanipling: ‘to| costume they retain to this day prac-| put them in the order in whieh they} tically unchanged. The Manchus conld} came These frenks of vision were impress their emblem of servitude on} the results of slowness of Meeunne or the Chinese, but never on the Ko-jreceiving the bree and a sort! reans,-From "‘Menace of the Yellow} of colgy blindness | mpire,"'. by. Hallett. R. Robbins,. in $f , from my ‘window one of the] National Magazine for February most eaanral views in a large park,|! THESE ARE DAYS WHEN WE LOSE MONEY WISELY. WE LET PROFIT AND SOME OF THE COST GO THAT WE MAY CLEAN OUT ALL OUR WINTER STOCKS. Never before have we experienced such furious Clothing selling in February. The magnificent bargains we are sowing broadcast are FILLING THE BUYING PUBLIC WITH SATISFACTION and GRATITUDE. $7. 7 5 This good business, and explains why: our HighClass is$18.00 , $20.00 and $25.00 Suits ape Overcoats ‘are going @ sees war: FOR YOU at $7.75,-- CAN'T GET HERE TOO 7 eae HATS AND FURNISHINGS, ALL MUST GO AT CUT PRICES. BARTON &CO.. CLOTHIERS TO MEN AND BOYS | 1 © oem ey 45-47 MAIN STREET |