Show I I S JUMP IX IN MINING STOCKS COI Consolidation of Mines Hm Raises Raise Bids nils on Rapidly Eureka Feb Feu 16 The The news WS o of the consolidation of tho the Star Consolidated and amid Black Jack Juck mines mimics ha has had lund a wonderful won won- effect upon tho the stock o of the former which previous lo to this an- an announcement announcement an an- Comer 30 was vas selling at agent This stock tock jumped to cents a share hare cEnt 0 the tho brokers when 10 40 cents on Friday 1 realize that Salt Sait Lake began to In iii there was Lle something doing although learn just JURt what unable to thc they lucy were morning after The rhe Republican Re Re- This It was sas of ot the tho the tho story published sto publican consolidation in lii full Cul there proposed hustling for Cor tIme the stock tock was some onH lively hustin and aM 1 m before the flu morning u call was over n mark It had hind passed the tho cent CO-cent marle S Will 1 Go Higher TIntic mining men who aro are on the Inside with rd reference rence to tho the deal tel wih the which I is flO now pending between between Black Jack Juck have no mm hesitancy hesitancy hesi hesi- Star and thu tho Back that the tho Star will pa pass tancy in Iii saying no i vt vt wi i o or the tho SI l 1 murK marK a u time Ug three months at al least They argue that it if the tho Black Jack Is worth the time Buck theal the that it is quoted at on ott price that fiat If It th the Salt Lake exchange and two al mines are to be le taken takemi into Inlo the 1 0 new new combine combine upon an equal footing money the time Star stock is worth more time the th market mar mar- bringing upon Is it now than the time Star stock all of or Nearly ket that has changed al hands upon the Salt bait Sal within the past few fei fe Lake change Lle days has haH chanco bo boon been n purchased to full fill fl orders the time of or TIntIc and amI sent in from camps local investing this hits means that the 11 In the time successful sue suc ucc uc- uc faith alth public has aI absolute deal now termination o of the c ul pending pending- Peli 11 I t g. g I |