Show NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ThAI THATa ThAIa TIA I a special I meeting of or the Ule stockholder of or t lIo 0 Galena mine a Utah corporation will wIl be Iw held nt at the time office of IC said company com corn pany room U block Sal SalIalee Lake Jake City Utah Ulah on tho the tim da day 01 ol February T 1007 1907 nt ot four OUI o'clock i p. p in Said Id meeting IH called for or the purpose of considering amid nd passing upon the tIme question of oC ratifying and approving a 0 certain Queston contract made mate by the boar board of 01 directors of oC this c cOrporation rp rallon on Oi its Is behalf behalf be be- half with wih time the Utah mine on time the day ha of or September 1005 1905 whereby the time Galena Io mine granted to the time said alt Utah Claim mine th the privilege o of purchasing time the Ruby Huby and ammO ane Galena lode mining claims situated in Fish lish Springs district Juab county Utah Ulah an and tho timo machinery tools tool a und 1 buildings o on owned n d. d b by said Galena mine maine mile at nt Fish IliUm Springs Juab county count und mind Oa Oasis I county Utah Ulah which have heretofore heretofore been used In conn connet- connet fa fallen I Ion llen with wih tho the mining mIning- operations of oC said Galena mine at said mining property proper y t to time the terms and amid conditions set sul suli ol i forth fortim in s saId il l contract and to authorize the sole sole- and anil conveyance of or said alt prop prop- erly rl by said alt Galena mine upon the terms and conditions set et forth Corth in said contract and to transact tt such uch other anti and further business as may properly property nc come comae before tho the meeting it H. S. S S JOSEPH I President cf cr Galena Oala Mine Une II I. I W. W PRAM RAM n. l. Acting Secretary of f Galena |