Show liN THE WORLD OF SPORTS ALL AIL SPORTS ACTIVE I ON THE EAST Baseball and Track Men R Re Respond Respond Re- Re spond in Numbers Pleasing Pleas- Pleas r 1 ing to Maddock BASEBALL B LEAGUE f s h Conch Wants All In Palm n-Palm to Ho Bo Depended 1 j On to Do 10 1 0 TwirlIng I 1 r I T Great Greal activity Ily i Is being 1 I In l' l all t Crunches of or spring athletics at the thc Un Ui r I I I t At the first st fi t call candidate for can for or or the tle baseball team last w week weck k a largo I number of men appeared 1 to 81 sign 1 up tit than thai ever eve before Besides moul moL o of the tho men Inc 1 I If from the tile team of ot last year the thc V Iia hall bas with her a number of or star t from outside schools this year cur J among amonS' these is Is Palm the thc husky rIght j 1 y of guard oC 1 the football team cam Palm Is go go- l big E to trY out for or IHl having math a clean cleall record when he lie held 1 this 1 OI o l- l I U tI Ho n on all the Ie Chicago Brokers of ot v team he was wa captain c p oln and an 1 organizer BeI lie Be- I sl bides Palm there here arc are a u. number of or fresh fresh- v men who played 1 on the local High school L la last t season nn and will try for t lions on the tho varsity team t Coach Maddock Jall cl oms was vas out In baseball T I togs Saturday afternoon on preparing lill self elt for tor coaching the iho team on omi the dl dl dia- I I this spring Coach claims that tha t J h hr r h has lias 9 Invented WI what ll he calls culls a bouncing drop This ThiN new fandangle con consists of ot tl t combined drop dro and out which Is Js to U slide the time ball lalI ort oil the bat at Just as It f r reaches aches It I f U lla After Iho meeting meeting- of oC the Utah Inter collegiate Athletic this aftem- aftem noon Maddock ock Is going going- to put all hili hi eI- eI of forts Into organizing organizing- an on amateur s bool baseball league league league- If Ie formed forme will be between n the Y y M. M C. C A. A the thic Ogden Ogden Og OS- den and Salt SaIL Lake hake I High lI h schools in the L. L D. D D S. S and If Ir possible the the- teams from tho A. A C. C U. U B. B Y C C. and B. B Y Y U. U andI and I the tho University If Ie this Is Utah sports will be al aide aNc lc to 10 sec ec something ex- ex good In the wa way of amateur baseball ball At the meeting of or the lime Utah col later Ic-glate Ic Athletic Conf Conference In the time Kenyon Ken Ken- you yon on this afternoon the thc University will willbe willbe willbe be represented entell by p Dean Coach h Maddock Fred Scranton ton antI and Tho University lt representatives J SHY say that fIt the they will iii bo be willing to stand I for tor anything anything- In the way woy of or eligibility rules 1 which tho the others mo may Impose Ju Jut just t hO bO b they thc do not lot affect football but they the hut but tl thic tb do not riot Intend to be dh- dh le- le ball t f t to on 1119 terms relative to toot toot- 0 11 1 Q l 10 year one mc- mc car eligibility qu question r O a lie t thought th It h. t r r. K r f lly lr to P-to to nil all cot concerned t l. IL cd l J- J to temen quitting Unc ono school and antl to 0 another during n the school chool semester 8 I If It a a- aman man as graduated front from one in institution 1 In n the fall faU h he ho saw law no wb whyS why ho h should not nol be permitted to par t In athletics In hi an any school the following year ar cm On Friday evening e February 21 th h the first st Indoor h track meet which the time Slate State has ever lakon part In wilt will willbe be In tho theY theY- Y M C. C A. A between lh the University U team and the Y M M. C. C C A A. A. A Athletic i Director Brown And nd Coach Mad Mad- dock I met et last i- i week weck and arranged a atch of or events e A ribbon will willa be a given ln 1 to lb winners inners of or 1 st lb-st t and mid second places In all events and anel the Iho winning team lcm will be tic presented with a silk I. I ban ban- ann an- an n r. r to arranged are yard 20 dash yard IJar 1 dash yard aJ ar dash yard yar artl and tw two twomile and the one ard run Tun run I will be bc tbt tb th Field cv events mile mn run runs 1 twelve pound shot put hut pole vault high t jump J und and broad d Jump to toI arisen as Some tittle difficulty difficult has t men who ar are arc both oth members of or the thc they t.- t. I I y q 1 c. c A. A and the thc University rs ly In alt all It however how cr they will wm represent r tho the U with the time exception of Vester Laubly Lau lr who Is tins Lbs only vaulter the Y V has J has hns while the University M. M C. C A. A CUddy Hus nu |