Show HEROIC CAPTAIN V BRINGS SHIP HOME HOMEN N New w York Feb Feh Behind f the time bare fact act that a donkey e boiler exploded ex ox- at sea el on time the old Atlas liner Jo killing seven of or her crow cro and wounding ee th f others other t lere Is isa 1811 a remarkable story of or courage and and heroism heroIsm hero hero- hero hero- ism and staunch seamanship Nursed NUrs along along- by b flues of or canvas arid and guided l by y an amazing of or together patched H steering cl g g gear n the e I damaged ship crawled into 1010 tho lie narrows nor nar rows 8 today In Iii three days s he she hall hail come a veritable tinkers linkers s pot of ot makeshifts make rualee- shifts from the thO point where the lie Ills dis disaster aster astel occurred one on hundred ml mUM miles las south of or The llie list of M this the dead is as ns follows C. C Hoboken N. N J J. J fourth engineer V V. y Hannu Hann S V V T T. V VV V J P. P 1 V 5 V 7 r W W. y Dietrich S V These e four tour men were coal William Slut Simpson on colored steward te colored V The Tho dead men wore were burled buried at jf n. n Tho Thu only passenger aboard was wall J. J J.E. K R Royce lloyce formerly of ot Columbus Columbua O O. an nn naval ex-naval officer oCle r now employed bY bi UI tho United Fruit company the Valdivia with the te bulk buhk of or Mr no Royce ce her he cargoes To 10 a It reporter made malle this statement I 1 want to sa say that I never saw bet bet- ter seamanship than Captain Krieger r and anti his men inca displayed Not Not a a. single man weakened The Thu conduct of time the crew cre Just after the explosion eXI wile YI heI he he- role I consider that Captain r showed showell wonderful ability In Iii bringing the HIe ship to port at nt all S 4 l |