Show RICHFIELD AFTER STATES STATE'S CAPITAl Surprise Sprung on Legislators Legislators Legislators Legisla Legisla- tors and Officials by byS S Mayor J SAMPLES OF HOSPITALITY I a makers Informally Vote Yote That flint Se- Se S fer Count County Iu May Muy have o Hn Anything It t Cures Cure to A Ak k For POl Richfield Fob Fh 1 Invited G. Invited to Richfield Rich Rich- field ostensibly on a pleasure trip thu seventh legislature was astonished upon Its Is rival here lucre tills hits afternoon to tc learn lear that Richfield really did want wani something despite the he invitation to tho thc contrary Mayor Maor Heber en from flom from the lime steps stells of the Sevier S stake declared Ic to the hue legislators stale Itale and others other from Salt Lle Lake that lint was as after aCer the state capital and ald wanted It i removed to o this comfortable city of the lie Sever Se er vale valley alley From the tho manner in Iii II which the they hey were entertained it i Is safe Ce toay to toy say ay y that the legislators will wi vote to toive give ive Richfield anything It I wants state 1 anti and all capita anc al I 1 B s 11 Spinning alon along alongo hmo o ho Jib Rio Granule Grande flown own through th the Sanpete vale valley the legislative special which left lett Salt Lake ake at 8 o'clock this huts morning found foundS a x S gay reception town tOWI along lon time the theline Ino line lime turned out to greet gret the lawmakers upon pon the 1 first visit ever made mado h by time the Utah legislature Into this section of lie he state tate fh Tle train trin was made m ce up of i baggage hagga e car a n lay day lay coach three Pullmans and a private car ear Tho Time car was wa for or President Love J and Speaker Jf Joseph Ih E cl Every cr car was com com- l well wehl filled and the tho aliens were ivere perfect All Al the time way clown lown civil the time hin line lne there was jO joy At Provo a small mal delegation clambered board the tho special At Thistle more mi-more on Oh anti and at every eon station there was tvis a crowd extending it a greeting to tho time crowl specialists At Al Mt t. t Pleasant a n band played anti and time the crowds played and constituents con con- cheered for Senator Seel Seely At At Ephraim o Representative Dorius Dorlus was as singled out for especial honors honor a band hand and over o two hundred persons making a big demonstration At Manti a n band han hanant and ant a large laige crowd rowl of of enthusiastic citizens citi citi- citizens ct- ct zens greeted Representative DIen Dyreng TIme The The Temple Ci City band at Mantl Manti Jant boarded he the train and aimel came on to toI Richfield I Interest Never J. J ll There ThO was waR no tie lagging of Interest on onlie the lie ti trip Ip and acid when I time the S 'S county count line Inc waR wis crosse crossed Judge and anti I. I IS N. N r. r Hayes of if the executive commit commit- teI ee tue came caine lushing through h the train trin We Se 0 ar are ant arenow now no In S Sevier ft it I l Is nil all yours your OUI t At ni LI L ah n OR nR f rt w cities In In U O la ave ever prepared wa was wart COt 18 lio Tito Ci rh cH cRy Ua l i ut on Its St ru uiL ur l 10 foe toi tin the gala K clay nU rei L was wan lit 11 tho cut Bout or of r tit tho i It wu tho limo nr l u a l legislature lund ox over or swooped down on In lii a n body bo The train arrived ni i at al 3 30 o'clock to find scores of fr con conveyances bedecked In for service flashing bunting waiting The whole populace had hn turned tinned out omit All An along the principal streets were to tobe tobe tobe be found a line lne of or hun hundreds reds of per per- pr sons son The rhe Richfield band led le a grand proc procession and carriages took th the gu guests through the principal streets Dainty Girs In View The day was wa like summer People were svere sprinkling spi inkling their lawns lawn hous houses s were decorated with nags Hags the whole city city- cl had done its Is he best t to make maI a great showing g. g The Tho visitors tors were se Le driven la past t time the th new ew school hool house hoU and saw scores of daintily school girls gins Time The Th pleasure pleas pleas- bareheaded and expectant ure ule of visiting the Interior of o time the school was wan delayed for another of or a streets different sort sorL The principal were travel traversed traEr sed and then time the tl party p rt re returned ret returned re- re t turned to the 01 el new school chool hou house wh which leh with time the th taber taber- stands on th the hue square and Richfield bands nacle The rime Mantl anc alternated In playing music President si dent Ha Hayes es o of the tIme executive committee Introduced Mayor Mayot en It I was then thou that the time mayor maor after t extending the city's clYs clY's welcome said that Richfield wanted th the state capital He lie made a aVEI avei avery very vei humorous i-i i U in orous comparison between VEI Richfield amid and all Salt Sal Lake Back Bach of that invitation then than was vas a moU motive moUThe The legislature was aroused but hut actually felt I ft-I S so n good gool about time the lw trip and time the re reception reception re- re 1 that an Informal caucus ruled re resulted re- re suited In time the granting of re request re- re lu quest t for 0 the time state capital I g Orator eu on humid Hand Jurl Colonel George Georg C. C Squires vcr very eloquently rc responded In Iii the name nanie oeal of oe all visitors and he lie was followed by y al Representative Jensen on whose name excess baggage had been paid President la Hayes eM then invited In the gue guests t to the banquet which was spread at the tho new school hou house e. e No ono could begin e ln to remember all al of ot time good timings things that constituted the banquet t. t The whole Sevier ale valley had hal halI be been n scoured the hue markets of ur tw time the north and amid east had been heen Invaded Invaded- and anti there lucre was uns spread a l feast enst fri far tal tnt tnt-i too rich for r- r public servants rant al President Hayes who was waN likewise the toa toastmaster concluded con con- eluded the banquet with an Invitation to time the visitors to go to the skating I rink until time for tor the th dance lance Nothing about the ti-me wa way certain members of or time the le legislature acted on roller roler skates kats will wi appear in the tho minutes In either r branch hrancho o of that body bOcy President Stephen Love e was wa the only one cue who acquitted him him- to be called gracefully enough nough Le adept Speaker Svea r Joseph had two or three spills and his hits example was followed fol fol- fol- fol 10 towed lowed d by l members of or the u houpo and senate alike alnio For Fo two t o hours there was wasa as asu a u merry round of or pleasure at the rink and ant this its was followed l by hy a cm C dance af nf Anona hall bali hal Those In II tho lite Pmt Parly Those Tho making up imp 11 tho the party were Senators Senator John Y V. Smith f T. C C- Callister Cal- Cal lister A. A II I. I Seely and wife Willis Fn Frederick and wife Representative Davis DaviN and wl wife J. J R. R Edgheill Representatives anti and wl wife ufe amid and Croft Crof anti and wife wire antI and Mr and Mrs 11 Samuel Oldham Miss ls Parry Pary John Holo Rollo Hyde Ile TInge and wife wU Mrs MI Mark Mark- lalI hubert Martin Marth Jensen Jenson Jenson 13 1 l M. M Allison sr I Mr Mm- h Miles Mile Representative Peterson Mrs D D. C C. i Miss IS Phyllis Lynch Dullen Dulen William Ashier Ashor A her and wife Colonel George C C. find and Ul wife Representatives oriu Bowers Dowers nn ant and Maughan Mr Ir Moffatt Miss I Wright J J. J J. J Senator Albert E g Miller Leo Snow and Miss 15 Snow Miss MIs Haight might Senator Ge George L Lawrence tarence Tero Representative c Heber J. J Meer Me Meeks Rep Representative Rel- Rel r Dyreng wife and daughter laughter J 1 J J. wife and laughter daughter Rep Representative Representative Tep- Tep r Seth Seh Taft J J. J A. A Fuller Representative J. J W. W Henrie Representative GI Giles Cues Mr and amid Mrs HInkler o Mr lr Larson on and ant son semi sn Mr Ir and Mrs W William m li I Ingen backer H Representative UV Jen Jensen Jenen en and wife lye U J. J J. J Jacl Jackson on and wife Mrs Airs ls Ed Et- Et wards 1 Mr and 11 Mrs Ir David ne Hess Mr and Mrs Day Da Chief Justice Ju tlc William Wil VJ ant liam lam McCarty Miss June nu J Pack Pak JO John 1 Parry Parn Representatives e Prest Preston on J E. E Richards R. R P. P and X J p. p Miller Mil Iler I- I ler her A. A I I. I I. I Toone Alex Buchanan Ju Justice tc D. D N. N n Representatives s Daniel Danie McRae Colbun W. W D. D Sutton Suto wife wie and daughter J. J pv p P. P I Long ong Hu Rudolph olph Kuchler Kuchl l' l antI and wife wire Dr W. W F. F 1 Beer leer Miss Ethel Ethmel Orth F. F G. G Whitney B. B 1 M. M Holert Roberts anti and wife Professor roe W. W S. S Langton W. W I D. D Livingston and rl Misu I Mr 11 and Mrs Irs Albert Albrt Glazier John Van Van- wagoner and wife Dr I IX D. H. H I. I Caldor George Romney Stephen H. H Love Lovo and amI wife Harry S. S Joseph J. J J U. U I. I Eldredge J anti and wife John Q and anc wie wife Den Ben Bachman and alI wi wife 0 and several newspaper men and their ladies The lime following telegram of or egret egrel was waR by Ly Judge Hon lun John S. S Chairman Richfield ll Utah Regret that hunt circumstances prevent I u us from torn enjoying the tle 11 of your yom enterprising city cUy May Iny Richfield's Rich- Rich II fields field's II shadow halow never grow les' les less S WILLIAM t SPRY E g H. H CAI CALLISTER Irrigation hut R on Hand Frank Frnk traveling pa pas passenger pai agent was jn in charge of the time train 1 F. F H. H Cr Crager I was the Pullman conductor and amid Bob 1101 Houston was wi superintendent of or the tho irrigation de department de- de in the tH lie baggage o car cai J J. M. M ii on J. J F. F H. H N. N Hayes J Ed Fd c n Mrs C C. P P. Nel Nelson on Miss Dot Wright and amid Miss Se all mit ni of Richfield JI accompanied the train from Salt SaI Lake There wre were plen plenty ty of refresh refreshments dl Im I'm on tIme the train J. J R. R who iho eally Ialy conducted the excursion Is entitled en en- titled to a i great d deal al of cn credit EvOly Ev- Ev Every Ever body hody Oly was waR pleased Horns Boxes OZ of ot candy I sandwiches mineral water vater and other othern n Cn wc were re distributed during the lie th long hong trip to Richfield The Tue train trall will wi heart leav Richfield ll in hi the morning at and nl will 1 probably arrive In Salt Sal Lake ake about 3 ocr ck |